Harvest Moon/Rune Factory RP: Brightwood

"Depends on who you ask.." she mutteree to herself. She wasn't aware of Zane's thoughts, of course, and her sister's lecturing was the worst thing she'd ever experienced (it was even worse than their parents!) then, she noticed someone who she assumed was her sister. "Come on." she said out loud. "I think I see them." She weaved into the crowd, toward her family, glancing back occasionally to make sure they didn't get separated.
"Oh look, a soap stand," pointed out Angelo. "Cute."

"Yeah!" agreed Reisuke. "It's cute!"

The two boys decided to stop by. "Hello?" asked Angelo, towards the smiling lady at the stand.
"What you thinking about?" Nick said interested in what had popped into her head

Nick chuckled as he kept pace with her effortlessly

--- Merged Double Post ---

((not sure how much i will be on seeing as today i was suspended from school and my parents are P.O.ed at me and i will try to post at least once a day))
(O_O What's you do to get suspended, if you don't mind me being nosy?)

Ashton continued to weave, until they were near enough to her family that they could get there attention easily, but they hadn't noticed them yet. "Okay...that's my sister," She pointed to the tall girl pushing the wheel chair. "And the man in the wheelchair is my dad. The boy who'd with them is some kid my sister picked up soon after the quake. I guess he's part of our family, but I don't like him." She paused for a second, looking at her family. Why did they always seem so okay with everything? "If you're really sure you wanna do this, we can just go up and start talking to themm I guess."
((I saw that on your fb centy..... will not mention in here but bad boy centy!))

--- Merged Double Post ---

"I was just thinking about how you seem the same, yet different. Like one hundred years changed you, yet kept you the same." Cecilia realized she was not making any sense.
((I got caught smoking pot on campus))

Nick smiled "well that's what happens when you live as long as we can little things change but somethings never change" Nick said smiling

Zane looked the family over "Let's do this shit" Zane said smiling
(Oh. That's not that bad. I mean, I wasn't expecting too bad, but something worse than that. >_> )

"Okay..." Ashton walked up to her sister and tapped her shoulder.

Aleah turned to see who had tapped her, and smiled when she saw her sister was back. "Oh, hi Ash! What've you been up to?" she asked, turning their father toward her, so that they could all talk.

"This is the guy I've been hanging out with lately." Ashton said, pointing to Zane. "His name's Zane. Don't be too mean to him."
Cecilia stood up unsure how to reply. She paced slightly thinking of a topic. "What have you done the last hundred years?" She asked finally, walking over to the table but not sitting down.
((What were you expecting??? >.> also i won't be on of r like a week or so, at least most likely i won't be)))

Zane did i mini-bow "How are you, my name is Zane" Zane said
(I don't know... For some reason, I guessed you got into a fight or something. Probably since a majority of the suspensions at my school are from fights, while I've never seen one person get suspended for being high. Although, coming to school high and smoking pot while there are not the same thing... *ponders*)

"Oh...well, he's certainly nice." Aleah replied, forcing a smile. She wasn't sure what to say about this. On one hand, she was glad her sister had a friend and was willing to let them meet him, but he was a grown man. He looked older than she was! They were just friends, but she couldn't help but wonder why he would want to be friends with a teenage girl. For her sister's sake, she keep her mouth shut now, since Ash would probably never speak to her again, or worse, if she said anything now, but she'd still keep close watch on them. There might even be a discussion in the works.

"Nice to meet you, Zane." Mr. Janes said, reaching a hand out. His smile was much more natural, relaxed. The same things were running through his mind as his daughter's, but he wasb't as worried. Unlike Aleah, he trusted Ash to make the right choices. Besides, an older person to look up to might be good for her. It might help her to vent a bit to be with an adult outside the family once in a while.

While the older persons in his family spoke to Zane, Jon peeked out between them. He didn't want to insert himself into the conversation, since he didn't want to incur any more of Ashton's wrath than he did on a normal basis, but hestill wanted to see this guy. Geez, Ashton was friends with a grown up? That might not be good. He hoped Ashton didn't get herself into any trouble. Although, it might serve her right, sneaking around with him without letting them meet him until then. No matter how much they didn't get along, though, he didn't want anything bad to happen to her. He didn't like the guy.
Zane shaked the man's hand "glad to meet you as well" Zane said still keeping his kind appearance up knowing he had to be on his own best behavior to these tw.. or three the little boy was hiding behind her sister and father ,interesting he seemed afraid of zane
(( [MENTION=1649]Centurion Tonitrius[/MENTION] Cecilia replied to Nick. sorry its all i could say))
"We'd love for you to eat dinner with us sometime." Leah asked him. "It would be wonderful to get to know Ash's friend, since she seems so eager to hang out with you."

"Yes, don't be a stranger." their father added. "Feel free to stop by any time you want to see little Ashie and can't find her."

"Dad! I haven't like being called Ashie since I was, like, five." Ashton told her dad, frowning. "Now, are you all happy that you met him? Can I hang out with him without you whining?" She looked to her father and sister, then her gaze rested on her brother." She glared at him, hoping it would scare him away. Instead, he just stuck his toungue out at her. She jest rolled her eyes.
Nick looked at her "no you didn't you asked me a question, you didn't tell me what you had been thinking"

Zane chuckled lightly "I won't be a stranger,"He replied to her father turning to Leah "and i might just come over for dinner sometime" Zane said noticing ashton and her brother having there silent war
((A quick blurb I finally figured out >.< what other games are at festivals/fairs? The other games I can think of are the basket ball hoops, the water squirting games, and other little throwing games....))

The vendor awarded Wisteria with five more rings, four of which landed over bottles ((btw, this game is virtually impossible {at least for me}...so I might just end up making her use magic for it or something without realizing it, or something.)). The vendor grabbed a little white seal plush, with a little fake flower around its neck, and handed it to Wisteria. She thanked the vendor.

((Dunno where to go next.

Oh, Sage! Is this a good - erm, stage? - for that thing to happen? If so, I need a catalyst - someone to chat with Wes...))
"No that's what I was thinking about." Cecilia explained. "It's been over one hundred years yet you almost seem the same. I was a bit afraid you would be compltely different and I wouldn't recongize you anymore. I know I have changed quite a bit." When she was human she was more outgoing and friendly. Now, she hid herself away from others and when she talked to other people, she was more distant. ((Centy was there something you wanted her to say? Cuz I am out of ideas. And Rhi'a, sure we could do that. Do you want a character to come by or a npc?))
((I don't mind, really. My thought is that if an NPC comes, though, they wouldn't get the 'fortune' about the town, no? It would work if the NPC actually cared about the town, though.))

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