Harvest Moon/Rune Factory RP: Brightwood

((ok)) James wondered around the festival looking around. He wasn't big on the festival but it was better than staying in his room all day. He walked by a fortune telling booth and stopped to look at it. 'Eh why not?' He thought to himself shrugging as he aprouched.
(('s up to you on what kind of fortune he asks for, though we both know what he's getting...))

Wesley had a lot of patience with his endless stream of curious tourists, and was surprised when the elven presence that worked within the blacksmith's walk up to his booth. He seemed...like he wasn't the type to buy a fortune. Whatever, a customer was a customer, no?

"Welcome. What is it you seek?" he asked the man.

((I was almost going to post a Brendan thing, but I think I'm gunna wait for this part to end...))
Nick shrugged " one hundred years isn't that long of a time for me at least for you it probaly seems like an eternity" Nick said thinking

((not sure i feel like something should be happening))
"Oh, nothing," Angelo assured the woman, who seemed a bit surprised at their sudden visit. "We were only visiting... y'know, since we're new to town..? We thought... that we should hang around, look for people that we might meet in the future. Judging by the fact that you run a stand, you must be a resident here. Nice to meet you," he said, holding out his hand, discreetly indicating for the woman to shake it. "My name's Angelo. This little brat's called Reisuke." He smiled warmly, and spoke at a slow and steady pace.

"It's a Japanese name!" Reisuke chirped, and didn't bother to shake her hand before running up to her and hugging her. "What's your name, Miss?"
James looked at Weasly and his stand a buit pondering. "What type of fortunes do you do?" He asked.

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"Yeah you have been around longer than me." Cecilia agreed. "One hundred years felt like it dragged by for me." She had made use of her time. She had taught herself quite a few skills she never would have been able to find time to learn in her mortal life.

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((Im curious too. What are you thinking centy?))

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Valerie was about to shake the boy's hand when his little brother hugged her. "Oh!" She said out of surprise. "I'm Valerie." She said after gaing her balance. "It's nice to meet you both."
((oh ok thats what i thought you meant. i dont think cecilia would be the type to make the first move. shes more reserved))
(I'm sorry for not being on last night, and barely tonight. I have a 5-page paper due tomorrow, and despite my efforts to work on it last weekend, I ended up waiting until I got home yesterday to do it, and my revisions took forever today. Also, I'm going on a trip tomorrow, so I probably won't be on, except maybe after I get home at, like, 10. The good news is, I get a whole week off for Easter, so I'll be capable of being on practically all day every day for 7 whole days! *happy dance* )

"Good." the older Janes said together.

"I will look forward to seeing more of you soon." Mr. Janes said, nodding and smiling at the man. Aleah noticed Ashton's half of the eye fight, and anticipating the half going on behind her, reached back and pushed Jon behind her more. No need to make a bad impression.

Her entertainment taken from her, Ashton looked up at Zane. "So, you wanna go do something now?" she asked. "I'm bored."


"Honovi?" Adele said, smiling. She and her brother, along with a majority of their pod, turned into a species of white seal which lived near Scotland*. Although she obviously knew it was only a generic seal plush, she was still amused by how the toy resembled her own kin's seal forms.

(*I looked up the actual species once, so I know it exists, but I can't remember the name. >_>)
((Hooray for pre-planned 2-hour delays!

Problem being, I've got a friend coming over soon. Bye...

I didn't even get to post yet >.<))
Nick looked at Cecelia wondering how much chaos he could cause within her brain with a simple action. "So what would you like to do now?" Nick asked still figuring out how much chaos he could put her in
((thanks)) Cecilia thought for a moment. "Well I'm feeling a bit better and I have this just in case I have a problem." She lifted the bottle she poured some blood in. "So if you want to go back to the festival we could. What do you want?"
(Rin: Okay. I just wanted to make sure you didn't miss it. Hopw your issues get resolved!

Centy: Orly? *goes off to check* Well, gosh dang. For some reason, I only saw what you said to Sage...)

"Have fun with your friend!" Benjamin told his daughter, amused by Zane's behavior.

Aleah blinked, slightly put off by the peculier action. "Yeah...have fun...!" she said, trying to hide the fact her mind was still processing.

Ashton followed Zane without a reply to her family. She was in a hurry to hang out with Zane in a setting where she didn't have to worry as much about what her family thought about him.
Zane continued to do rolls and flips backwards till they were out of sight of her family "there very strange people" Zane said to himself and also kinda to her

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