Harvest Moon/Rune Factory RP: Brightwood

((Well, he will...

Maybe Raiden would like to do some kidnapping of damsels that won't be in distress until after he kidnaps them? :) ))
(('Tis true, 'tis true, for you are indeed their creators.

And who would Raiden like to kidnap in this fine rp?))
((Oh, there's only...three kids? My twins, and then Reisuke, I think...

I could create a damsel for your kidnapping purposes. That would probably make her a Mary Sue, tho...))
(*raises hand* I am up for the possession and kidnapping of which you speak. And, if you wish, I can delve into my list of yet-to-be created characters for a damsel, since I never did get around to creating half the people I wanted to.)

"Yeah, they are." Ashton agreed. "Although, I think Leah was trying not to scare you. I was expecting her to act completely different. My dad's always been kind of easy-going, though, even before the accident, so I kind of expected him to be fine with you." She frowned when she thought of Jon. Ugh...if Zane thought they were wierd, she could only imagine what he'd think of that kid...

Adele nodded and chuckled, poking the stuffed seal slightly. For some reason, the fact the toy looked so much like her brother brought her great amusement.
((Sage, speaking of possession, can it possess people or do we require a ghost or warlock or something to be enlisted in its services so it can have minions?

Not like it is technically evil or anything...))
((Random post for Amariana :D o, and the thing I'm supposed to be posting for the twins.))

Amariana finished her latest song, and finished with resting her vocal cords. She struck up her next song, this time a human ballad about heartbreak. Just, not in their language. That would make it too easy.

Wisteria giggled some more, and looked between the seal and Adele. Melody looked around, trying to find something else to do.
((thank you for making it so i can post again rhi))

Mashik ducked around a building and looked straight at his brother "****" Mashik said simply building his energy up

Raiden smiled evily as mashik came around the building and pulled his arm back and formed a fireball in it "Goodbye brother"

Mashik looked around "run!" Mashik yelled forming energy balls in his hands and throwing them at Raiden

((this will be the begining of a massive horrible battle))
((hey guys sorry i poofed all day. um rhia im not sure maybe pocess monsters but not people))
Cecilia blushed harder. "Why would you even ask that?, She didn't want to know what he was thinking. ----------------------------- James looked at his cards spread out. The first one made sense. He knew he could work hard enough to get better. Suddenly he heard a loud comotion. "What the hell was that?!"
((Sorry guys, but I'm not as nocturnal as the rest of you...I'm off to bed. I'll post in the morning!))
((night night rhia. oh i wont be on much if at all tommorow. neither will moon most likely. shes coming to my birthday party))

--- Merged Double Post ---

Lily just finished selling a vase when she heard someone yelling. She looked up in the direction of the voice. Two men were fighting. One was forming a sort of energy ball and the other was warning the people to leave. A few tourists were running around in panic.
Raiden just lifted his hand and stopped the energy balls thrown at him by his brother "Come on little brother can't you do better than that?" He then threw the fireball at mashik hitting him straight in the chest

Mashik went flying backwards into the ground and then a tree "god dammit" he stood back up "can we just call a truce?" He asked his brother

Raiden smiled "Not after what you did to our old home, everything we spent years making, My happiness is gone now, and you, you will pay" Raiden said as he rushed mashik and hit him in the gut sendimg mashik flying back even farther

((I love one sided fights))
"Mhm..." Ashton thought for a second. "I think my sister was kind of stuck on what to do. I was expecting her to got off on you for being friends with me, since you're so much older than me, but at the same time, I haven't really had any friends for a while..." She took a deep breath and stayed silent for a few moments. She really wanted to get off this conversation.... "So, what d'you wanna do?" she asked, motioning at the various festival stalls.

Adele continued to giggle with her friends, before hearing a fight breaking out a somewhere in the festival. She looked around for a second, before making a wimpering noise and going to cower behind the twins, despite the fact she was taller than they were. Why did scary things happen when she was wirh Melody and Wisteria? She wasn't going to run back to Honovi, though. She may be frightened but she wasn't a pup anymore. Still...she hoped whatever was going on didn't continue too much longer.

(Ne...wasn't sure what else to do for Adele. >_>

And I'll see about smuggling you some [virtual] food from the party, as an apology for my recent absences and random poofing. ;] )

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