Harvest Moon/Rune Factory RP: Brightwood

((Yes rhi it is time))

Nick smiled "i'm memorizing your face" Nick chuckled realizing how ridiculous it sounded

Raiden started to laugh maniacally letting his energy form around him in a ring of fire
Cecilia laughed. "That's so cheesy Nick." It was kinda cute though.

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((im assuming you and rhia pmed someothing cuz im confused))
((Yes, yes we do ^_^ I'd tell you to read over my character's profiles to figure it out...but I'm posting it now, so don't bother ^_~ ))

A cold, hard fury formed on the young lamia's face as she heard the words spoken by Raiden. He would destroy a town, that had already just nearly been destroyed? Amariana wouldn't stand for this. She was mainly here to help rebuild the town. Didn't the man know of the hardships the citizens faced? Did he care ((well, he probably doesn't, but....y'know...))?

She picked up her harp without entirely realizing what she was doing, feeling the river of her only magic consume her. Her fingers strummed the familiar chords of an ancient song, played by the lamia for many generations. The magical song that allowed lamia to control others. From her lips burst words of a language unknown to many, her thoughts solely directed on bending the two dissenters to her will. Her magic was focused, bridled ((as opposed to unbridled xD )), and not directed at the others that were near her, but sometimes people became enchanted listening to her play this song, even if it was not directed at them. She didn't have the state of mind to hope that, for their sake, they were not listening. Her tail pushed her gently forward without her noticing, closer to Raiden, but she had only a single thought in her mind. Don't even think of burning this town.

((Tee-hee, left room for fun at the end ^_^ enjoy the singing, Raiden, and just hope she doesn't throw a poisoned knife at you ^_^ ))

Melody led Adele and Wisteria away from the fight.

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((Guys, I was working on creating a 2nd HMRP {there is distinct lack of them on the site...} but I think I'll wait a bit to make it. I just wanted to let you guys know I'm working on one...

Not to mention I've got another idea I'm working on...))
Ashton turned around when Zane said he was leaving. "Wait!" she said. "I'm noit sure if you heard, but Aleah says your welcome to come over when you're done with this! I'll see you later!" She paused for a second, feeling like this was an awkward way to end when she was saying, but not sure what else to say. She turned back to her family. "Come on. I'm pretty sure he already knows where we live. Let's go, before we have to see what he was so worried about." She started walking home, trying not to look back. Obviously, she was worried about what Zane was so worried about, but she didn't want to give her family the satisfaction that she actually found a friend who had managed to help her feel less angry and crack her shell. They probably already knew, but it annoyed her, the way they seemed to be tiptoing about her feelings. She just wanted to go home.

"Ashton, is there something you wasnt to talk to us about?" Aleah asked her, pushing their father's wheel chair up beside her. She spoke low enough that Jon wouldn't hear them.

"No. Just make sure Jonathan leaves me alone." she said, keeping her eyes on the area in front of her.

"Just remember, dad and I are here for you. We know you have a lot of pent up feelings, and are trying not to pry, but we hope you can release those feelings to us."

"I'm fine. I've just been thinking about a lot since mom died..." she replied.

Aleah nodded, and left her sister to her own devices. She supposed the fact she could refere to their mother's passing without visibly getting more upset was a bit of an inprovement.

Adele followed behind Melody. She looked around for her brother. Did he know what was going on? She hoped he wasn't anywhere near the fighting.
Raiden felt the magic of the lamia tug at him, he turned to face her "what do you think you will acomplish, half-breed?!" Raiden said putting all his focus on her stupid little harp "you will pay for thinking you could controll me!" Raiden said raising his hand fireball still in it towards the lamia

Mashik saw an opportunity and rushed up behind raiden and grabbed him so he couldn't do anything "Hurry and finish what you are doing!" Mashik yelled to the lamia

Zane appeared behind the two fighting and saw that the one who had been getting his ass kicked now had an upper hand only to see him shot off and to realize as he looked down at his stomachj that his own knife was in him, he looked back up at the man with what appeared to be a ring of fire around him smiling

Raiden chuckled "Lucky me, i get to kill two halve-breeds at once"He said as he looked over his shoulder at Zane and flicking his wrist sending the neko's knife back into him, then turning back to the lamia "Now your turn to die little witch" He said raising his hand yet again forming a concentrated ball of pure energy in his hand

Mashik landed on a roof on the opposite side of town slowly standing up "Hope i didn't ruin a house trying to save them
((i think theres no other hm or rf rps because no one really knows what they are here. but ill post when im not depressed....))
((boyfriends mother....my birthday is in 2 days and she seems 2 b hunting shes going 2 force him 2 dump me....))
(Oh...her... Yeah, I can see why she would make ypu depressed. She needs to shut of and let him make his own decisions, instead of trying to control his life... >_<)
((Hey, no being depressed. Even if life does suck.

Vincent enters stage left))

Amariana might have bared her teeth and hissed if she had more of the instincts of a snake. For now, she was empowered by her need to stop Raiden. This town will not be burned. Every part of her went to the song. A thing she had been trying to avoid was the lamia's urges to control, and she was fueled by years of not having controlled a soul. Bow down, little human. You need to learn who the hunter is here.

Vincent slowly got closer to the fight, which revealed it was becoming a battle of magical strength. However, being a human, he knew little about the strange snake woman's powers. "Hey, lady, what're you doing?" he called, but Amariana didn't turn to face him. Sh*t. What am I supposed to do here?
((yea. i really dnt get why she hates me. she (besides my ex and my bfs ex) is the only person who hates me and she never even got to know me. and moon has off til thursday if i heard her correct. i have off til tommorow))
(Yeah, Sage is right. I don't go back until Thursday. ;) And I hope you feel better, Sagey. You're an awesome person, and their reasons for hating you are stupid. Don't let it bother you. :[ )
((i agree with moon and nice about the school off))

Zane fell to his knees holding the hilt of the knife he was bleeding he fell into his own shadow and reapeared next to ashton's house why did i come here, i said to someplace i could be fixed​ he fell onto his side

Raiden looked at her and felt her magic making him start to lower to the ground then he threw a fireball randomly and it ended up flying towards vincent he focused on the harp and focused his magic into a single string and snapped the string hoping it would destroy the power of her song

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Nick chuckled "so?" Nick smiled not knowing what else to say, if it had been anyone else he would have been a smart ass but he really didn't feel like being one to Cecelia
((Feel better Sage. Soon.

I don't actually know how that would effect the song 0_0 would you like the effects on Raiden that I suggested, or are we going for something less drastic?))

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((Well, I could just make the string insignificant. But I feel that I should ask you about the effects you desire.))
As the Janes neared their home, Ashton noticed someone lying in front of their house. "No...it can't be...it's not him. It can't be him..." she said to herself. She took off running to their door, telling herself she was just paranoid. It was probably just some drunk or something. In fact, it might not even be a person! It might just be a pile of stuff someone dropped, and she was just making it out to be him. As she neared him, however, she saw it was, in fact, her friend. "Zane? Zane, what happened?" she asked him, sitting down beside him.

When her sister ran off, Aleah carefully hurried as well, but couldn't go nearly as fast, since she still had to maneuver her father's wheel chair. "What happened?" she asked when she reached her sister's side, already looking over Zane's injury. It was more directed at the man, trying to find out the details of the injury. It was obvious he had been stabbed in the stomache.

"Zane's hurt! We have to help him, Leah!" Ashton yelled at her sister, sounding more scared and upset than her usual anger.

"I realize that." Aleah replied, kneeling beside her sister and Zane. "Bring dad inside, and then get the first aid kit out of the bathroom closet. Jon and I will try to bribng him inside."

Ashton nodded, and jumped up to push her parent inside. She didn't do it as smoothly as her sister, but she managed it.

Jon stoof back from them as this was all going on. He felt like a total ass. Why did he had to say that to Ashton before? Her boyfriend...er...friend was lying on the ground bleeding, and he had called him a coward before. He had said it out of anger, as part of their stupid little fued, but it was obviously wrong.

"Jon! Get over here." Aleah said, motioning to her little brother. He gurried over, still feeling guilty.

"Mr. Zane, do you mind if we move you inside?" she asked him. Although it would make it a lot easier to take care of his injuries, she still felt she should ask first. "It would probably more comfortable and easier, if we moved you to the couch, but I won't try to move you if you don't feel it would be safe, or that it might be more painful." She was partially also trying to get him talking, so that she could make sure he was consious, and remained consious.
((i was thinking he loses the power to destroy the village but you make it so the two can still fight but a time period must pass first))

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Zane looked up as everything happened around him and he heard the question from Aleah "yeah, that'st fine" He said gasping as he still held the knife "stupid, magic, users" Zane said letting go of his own knife knowing he had stated more or less what happened and tried to push himself up getting to a siting position against the wall, he was still bleeding from the wound but he had left the knife in so he would not bleed as much hoping that he had saved enough energy to fix the internal damage once the knife was removed
((Cool story. Sounds like a plan ^_^ And I know exactly how to make this happen.

Vincent is not awesome enough to completely avoid a fireball. He needs some magic training ^_^

No. Way. This is unprecedented!))

Amariana's song continued with little more than a beat's pause. It's relentless enticement creeped its way through Raiden's mind. You cannot destroy this village. You musn't. You won't destroy this village!

Vincent tried to leap out of the way of the fireball, but he hadn't seen it coming fast enough, and it brushed its way along his arm. He hissed, but watched with some amazement as the snake girl's song brought the magical man to his knees.

Well, my money was always on the lamia. Wesley thought as he awaited James's desire to return to his future.
((Ooh...if Ama was any worse a person, she'd find some way to humiliate the poor sucker...))

As Amariana's control cemented, she whispered, "And yet I am not the one lying in the dirt." The whispers of her commands whispered in his brain: You will never destroy this village. This is not a time for fighting, no matter the sins of your rival.
Raiden hissed at the lamia "Next time i have a chance i will make sure you die, filthy demonic spawn" Raiden said standing again knowing he had to escape and yet not wanting to go alone

((Time for kidnapping?))
((Sure! Why not?


Amariana smiled acidly. "I guess I shall await your half-hearted attempt with songs burning on my tongue and a humming harp." She held up her harp and looked at her broken string with a frown. It wouldn't be difficult to fix, for her, but it took the enjoyment out of the rest of the festival. Without really noticing it, she added a little snippet to her commands. Don't harm the twins. The two little girls' faces appeared in her mind as she sent the command. Her ability to command him upon will would wear off within a few minutes, so she spun on her tail and left him. She didn't even know the guy's name. She paused and looked at him over her shoulder, adding, "Do not call me a demonic spawn again," in a dangerous tone, before returning her progress away from him.

Vincent looked between the fallen man and the retreating snake, and left before he was next on the guy's list to destroy. Besides, he now had a nice burn to treat.

Brendan came running out of the inn holding a bowl. "Hey guys, I've got some-" he halted as he looked at the mostly-empty town square "-curry?" He looked around and sighed. "I hope this doesn't go to waste..." he grumbled.

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