Harvest Moon/Rune Factory RP: Brightwood

Nick looked at her "Because one hundred years ago you would have wanted another kiss, and seeing as if you didn't the kiss most likely would have pissed you off i was giving you the two most logical answers" nick said still smiling

Zane shrugged "Not sure,"Zane said as he heard swearing and fighting from somewere else"But i have a feeling we should get you and your family out of here" He said realizing the fighting two were very powerful

Mashik hit the ground and rolled to his feet "I have told you i didn't mean to do it! it was an accident!"Mashik said starting to feel anger at his brother for this and grief of what he lost he clenched his fist

Raiden smiled "I know you didn't mean to, but that still doesn't make up for the PAIN!"Raiden said disappearing and appearing behind mashik and elbowing him in the back of the head sending him flying into the ground
Ashton tilted her head. "Fine. Let's go get them." she said, scowling. She wanted to hang out with Znae some more, but if he thought it was dangerous, she supposed she could listen to him. She wasn't totally sure why he was so worried, since they were nowhere near the people fighting, but she hadn't forgotten what happened when she tried to act tough around him, so she'd listen to him if he was so worried and sure about it.
Zane nodded back and turned and started walking back towards her family "and don't worry if we can't hang out a lot today theres always a lot more days in the year"

Mashik stood up slowly his anger turning into energy "Why couldn't you have just let me disapear in peace!"Mashik yelled before rushing his brother and proceding to throw punches and kicks

Raiden chuckled as he blocked most of the hit's "Because i had nothing left, you killed them all"Raiden said as he punched mashik in the gut and then shot him in the chest with a fireball

Mashik went flying into a house this time "Thank god houses are sturdy" Mashik said cracking his neck and cracking his knuckles
((Speaking of poofing, a friend of mine and I are always playing tricks on another friend, mostly by swapping pencils under the lunch table or moving things when she's not paying attention. Not to mention giving sharpies the wrong colored caps...

ANYWAY...here's a post for everyone but Brendan, mostly because I have no idea how he'd react while attempting to bring his food out in the middle of a fight....

CRAP! I forgot the other cards I was going to use for James's fortune...>.< oh well, there's a fight to pay attention to and possibly subdue {in the case of Vincent or Wesley....and maybe even Amariana, if I'm feeling adventurous!}))

Screams echoed across the plaza. Why was this happening on the flower festival? Melody and Wisteria looked at each other with both surprise and a little bit of fear. "Let's get away from this...." Wisteria said. Wisteria stood in front, while Melody gestured for Adele to follow her and then started power-walking away from the fight. They couldn't do anything to stop it, for sure.

People, in realization, began to flee Amariana's little patch of music, preferring to get away from a place near the fight. With a sigh, Amariana halted her song and gently placed her harp on the ground, keeping a hand on it while she reached under her shirt for her dagger. These men would probably be too strong to fall under her magic, though one could never tell. ((O.M.G. brain wave!))

Running people and a little bit of screaming alerted Vincent to the disaster. He had been quietly ignoring the festival at the edges of the area in which it was held ((not entirely sure if it's the town square or not...)), but that becamse increasingly harder to do as people rushed past him, afraid for their lives, screaming something about magic. With a sigh, Vincent rested his hand on his sword and walked slowly towards the scene of the disaster.

Wesley raised his head to view the fight. "Another tale of deep-seated rivalry...such a shame."
((i love wesley so much right now))

Nick was still smiling at her "so what do you want me to do?" Nick asked her

Raiden chuckled and threw a energy ball at mashik and smiled maniacally

Mashik was hit by the energy ball and he stumbled forward "****"

Raiden rushed forward and picked mashik up by his collar and flung him back over his shoulder into another tree
((haha yeah ill think of something. oh centy! did you still want to have the damsrel in distress? cuz moon and i thought a double kidnapping would be interesting. adele and lily.))
"True..." Ashton said, still annoyed with the turn of events. "But festivals don't come around every day. I was especially looking forward to having someone else to hang with at the festival besides my family..." She followed him, nonetheless, toward where her family was.

Adele whimpered again, and followed her friends, away from the fighting.

Honovi gathered up his blanket and fish, and put out the fire. He had sold a few flower-shaped fish kabobs, and one or two whole fish, but he still had a few more to sell. After the fight broke out a little further into the festival, though, he decided it might be best to find his sister. He could only imagine how she'd be reacting to it.
"Oh. Hello, Valerie," said Angelo, and Reisuke.

"Since we're here," Angelo continued, "Why don't you show us some nice places that the town has. Or maybe a special place in the festival..?"
Ashton remained silent for a moment as she walked. She didn't want any more deaths, either, but that didn't change the fact she hated the fact this dumb fight had to interrupt the festival. "You're right. That would totally suck." she said, too far into her thoughts to say anything more thought out.
(( [MENTION=1645]Reisuke Houjou[/MENTION] - there is a fight going on between two brothers, raiden and mashik. your characters would probally notice that since they are in the main area of town.))

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((i think cecilia is waiting for nick to reply centy))

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Lily managed to cover her stand with a sturdy tarp before moving out of the way of the fight. She looked up and reconized Raiden, the man who had dangled her off the top of the inn roof a few weeks ago. She shuttered at the memory. She remembered feeling so helpless that day. The other brother had saved her but she didn't remember anything after that.
((oh hey guy rhia had an awesome idea on how to get more people to join the rp. sometime after the flower festival we could creat a new forum.))
((i replied to her with the brothers on the last page sage))

Zane smiled seeing she at least could understand that unlike most he actually cared, at least in some for the well being of others, maybe not there pockets well being but there health he cared for because if people died he would have less people to steal from
Ashton weaved through the crowd to where he family was. "Hey!" she daid, trying to get their attention. "We need to leave!"

"Oh, hi Ashton. Back so soon?" Aleah asked, turning to smile at her younger sister. She looked around. "Where's your friend?"

"We need to leave. Zane says so." she repeated, standing a few feet from her family. "And he might be coming. I don't know."

"Why should we leave the festival?" Jon asked, no longer hiding, since he didn't have to worry about 'making a good impression'. "Is your boyfriend afraid of a little fight?"

Ashton grabbed the boy's shirt. "Because he said we had to. And he sounded serious. He said you guys might die, if you don't." She paused for a second and blushed. "And he's not my boyfriend!" she yelled at him. "We're just friends. Don't be a creep, idiot."

"Ash, please let go of Jon." Aleah said, prying her siblings apart. "If he's worried, we'll leave. Say good bye to him, if we don't see him before. He's welcome to come to the house if he wants."

Their father leaned over and said quietly into his daughter's ear. "Don't let your brother bother you, sweetie. It's perfectly natural to have a little crush on a male friend."

Ashton looked at her feet. This is why she didn't like being around her family. Families got into awkward conversations too easily too often.

(Ne...hope this is okay, Centy. I couldn't think of anything else to do besides just send her to her family and start them talking.)
It had bee a long time since Cecilia had felt as nervous as she was at this moment. In fact the last time she felt this way was when she was still mortal. "I..." She trailed off and softly kissed Nick's cheek.
((That works fine moon))

Zane walks up behind ashton in time to hear her brothers remark and chuckles even with the danger of the fight, he then looks at the group that is a family "well i believe now would be goodbye for now" Zane says pulling his daggers out from there sheaths on his back and stepping backwards and disapearing into a shadow he had spotted on the ground

Nick smiled as she kissed his cheek and he ran one of his fingers down her jawline to her chin

Mashik rolled foreward headfirst into a house "damn"

Raiden chuckled now forming an energy ball in his hand "and since you seem so fond of this town, maybe i should destroy it like you did our old home"

Mashik stood and heard raiden "No..." he had no way of stopping raiden
Cecilia blushed. "What are you doing?" she half whispered. She wasn't feeling as nervous now. A bit more relaxed.--- Merged Double Post ---((ok im going to edit hat post hang on...))

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((fixed it! Its not good but a lot better than before. Now to think of what to post for my other chracters.))

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