Harvest Moon/Rune Factory RP: Brightwood

((YES! Ghosty from gaia ^_^ We've been chatting about roleplaying and how we usually just go on here since your phone hates gaia, and so he requested a link. ^_^

I know. And I can just see him {and me...and half my friends from school...} doing that. {Though most of them with a bit more swearing...}))
(Yay! ^-^ )

Aleah nodded, and put her arm under his, lifting him to his feet. "Jon, walk beside us to make sure he doesn't need any more help." she instructed, helping him walked to their door and inside. "Now, just relax. We're going to do as much as we can to fix you up. You'll be up and around again in no time, I'm sure." she told him as she lowered him onto the couch. She stood up and looked around for her sister and the bandages.

Jon followed after her, making sure Zane didn't trip, and that Leah didn't need any more help. He sat on the floor below him. "I;m not sure if you heard what I said to Ashton, but if you did, I'm sorry." he said, just looking at him. Even if he didn't get along with Aston, he hoped he could still get along with her friend.

Aston hurried up the stairs to the bathroom where they kept the first aid kit. She just kept repeating, "Oh, God, oh, God, oh, God..." as she grabbed the box and ran back downstairs. As she passed her father in the hallway, he stopped her.

"Calm down, Ashton. He'll be fine." Mr. Janes told his daughter. "He was still able to talk and seemed like he was doing okay when Leah brought him in here. Your sister knows what she's doing. Just trust her, and calm down."

Ashton looked at her dad, trying to calm down, but still feeling close to tears. She just nodded, and went into the living room, handing the stuff to her sister. Then, she just stood over them, watching her sister and wanting to see for herself that Zane was going to be okay.

Aleah nodded in thanks to her sister ss he took the first aid kit, and opened it, taking out some gauze and strip bandages. She surrounded the knife with two rolled rolled up pieces of gauze, and pulled the knife out carefully, making sure to cover wound as soon as the knife was out, to hold back the bleeding. Then, she looked at her sister. "Ash? Do you want to hold the gauze until I get it wrapped?" she asked. Ashton nodded, and sat down beside her sister, placing her hands carefully over the gauze while Aleah started to wrap gauze around him.
The fight was unexpected, but interesting. Sure the brothers had made a mess of the festival. James watched the lamia girl control the one boy with her harp. He never would have guessed she had a darker side to her, by the way she played her harp.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Aiden was just finishing a sale when the fight had started. He quickly fled to avoid getting caught in the middle of it. He wondered what the man was talking about when he yelled to his brother about destroying the old town. Had something bad happened to their hometown? When the fight ended Aiden came out of his hiding spot. He could tell the one brother was furious with his defeat.
Zane gasped when the knife was removed "thank you for this" he said quietly as they started to wrap him up knowing he would make it he reached into his pocket and pulled out a large very fine piece of emerald and put it on the couch next to him drawing the power out of it and healing the internal wounds, he would have done this sooner but he had to be covered first or it would not have saved him

Raiden laughed as he walked down the road then disapeared and appeared behind three little girls and went to grab them but he couldn't grab two of them "must be her little friends" he said as he grabbed adele and disapeared again hoping to find someone who mashik would like to save then he smelled someone he had fed off of and appeared behind lily "so he fed off you, close enough" Raiden said gabbing her with his other arm and disapearing into a cave hidden somewere

((classic cave
:D ))
((lol creepy!)) Lily was hidden behind a tree near the forest watching the fight. She couldn't fight so she couldn't help break it up. She watched in amazement as the snakegirl played a tune on her harp which seemed to control Raiden. When the fight was over and the brothers had left, Lily was about to return to her stall to clean up when she heard someone behind her. The next thing Lily knew she was in a cave. She saw that whoever had kidnapped her had taken someone else too. After examining the other girl, she reconized her. It was the selkie boy's little sister. ((haha i thought of something. Honovi is going to be FREAKING OUT when he finds out his sister is missing.))
((Honovi freaking out will lead to a probable rescue mission, and possibly Amariana being bothered again. Which will lead to some bad **** for Raiden ^_^ ))
((I was thinking more of a poisoned knife in his gut, but we could start with attempted mind control if you'd like ^_^ ))
(Lol. Yes, yes he is. Prepare to see a side of Honovi not even I thought we would ever see. I'm literally laughing right now, imagining how this might pan out. xD )

Aleah stood up. "I'll leave you two to talk, since Ash seemed so worked up about it." she said. Although she still wadn't completely sure about how she felt a about he sister spening so much time with an adult male, he didn't seemed to have pulled anything yet, and doubted he would do anything when he was in their house. "Come on, Jon. Let's go make dinner." The two of them left, leaving Ash still sitting beside him.

"Did you find that in the cave, too, or did you get it somewhere else?" she asked him, motioning to the rock. She was trying to focus on something besides his injury. He seemed like he was getting better, and she was happy avout that. She didn't want to focus on how upset she had gotten about his injury in the first place, though.

As Adele was grabbed by a strange man, she screamed. She started kicking and yelling in seal, too freaked out to think about what to say in human. "<Let me go! I don't want you taking me! take me back to my friends! Leav me alone!>" Her words just came out as barks, though. As she was set down in a cave, she started crying, scaref and angry. She looked up and saw another female in the cave as well. She looked at her for a while, trying to remember who she was. "L-Lily?" she stammered, sniffling.
The twins had almost directed Adele back into the library when she was suddenly gone. They looked up and saw Adele being kidnapped. "ADELE!" the girls both screamed after her.

((I can't think of anything else to post ^_^ "))
((Good plan. For now? The wrath of Honovi! *giggles* Wesley: I see...much anger. Thus a Sith Lord is created.

Wow, I've gone off the deep end finally...))
Raiden chuckled as he walked a few steps away from them "don't worry i can't afford for either of you to die yet"

Mashik got back to the town square raiden was gone and he heard yelling confused he walked towards it and saw two little girls he asked "what happened?"

Zane chuckled "this one i got in a town a while back" he said as he lifted the emerald
Honovi navigated through the crowd with his leftover fish wrapped in his blanket and carried over his shoulder. He smiled as he noticed the twins, and started towards them. His smile dropped when he saw that his sister wasn't with them. "Uh...Wisteria? Melody? Where's Adele?" he asked, looking around. "Did she get lost in the crowd? I'll help you look if she did." Their frantic expressions worried her. But she was probably just lost, right? What else could have happened?
Ashton looked at it, interested. "So...is it magic? Are you using it to heal you?" She guessed that was the case, since he seemed better.

Adele looked at the man who had taken them, and tilted her head. She hadn't understood a worf that came out of his mouth. "<Who are you? Why did you take us?>" she barked at him, glaring at him.

(She's going to be a very interesting hostage, ne?)
((It's been fun, but I've gotta stop for a bit, do my chemistry homework, and go to dance class. Sorry, all. Might have a few posts here and there.

Next time you have someone who kidnaps damsels, I'm making a damsel. Being kidnapped sounsd like fun in a roleplay...not so much irl.))

"Somebody came and took Adele!" Wisteria whimpered as an answer to the strange man. She turned and saw Honovi. "I didn't see him coming, Honovi, i'm so sorry!" she said, and started to cry. Melody bit her lip and looked up at the stranger. "I...I think he tried to take us, too," she whispered.
Zane smiled "yeah more or less it heals internal wounds" very slowly he added as a thought to himself "but i will be fine, just give me a day or two and i will be all better"

Raiden looked at the girl barking like a seal "hmm seems like i got a selkie, another half-breed"

Mashik looked at the two "bastard, my brother stole her, prolly thinks it will work out like last time" Mashik said shakily

((i'm more or less making raiden into a kkk without caring skin color just race))
Angelo heard the commotion just as the words left his mouth. He turned to see two people fighting each other. Despite Angelo's constant warnings towards Reisuke to never get involved in a fight, Reisuke let curiosity get the better of him as he ran over to see what happened.

"Reisuke, wait!"

Er, I'm not sure who's playing as these two characters. Unless they're NPCs, I can't really get anything out of this...
Lily looked at Adele. "Y-yes." She told her, comfirming th girl's guess. She could hear her crying. She moved a bit closer to Adele and put a hand on her shoulder trying to comfort her.

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