Harvest Moon/Rune Factory RP: Brightwood

Ashton nodded and went back to her food. She blushed slightly, but tried to hide it behind her bangs. That was so stupid! she thought. You could have easily just said you never saw a neko before, and been done with it. Why's you have to go on about it? She narrowed her eyes, annoyed with herself. Her admiration and slight nervousness around Zane had made her too soft and chatty. As much as she'd hate it, maybe she should take a short break from hanging out with him, once he was done healing. Goddess knows what other stupid things she might say while he'd here. She continued picking at her food without looking up.
"What's wrong?" Cecilia asked. Aiden went back to his work. Nick seemed to have scence something and seemed a bit confused about it. --------------------------------------------- Lily sighed. She couldn't figure out a way to escape. Maybe Raiden had a weapon on him that if Lily and Adele could overtake him, they'd be able to take. But she knew that idea was impossible. She was no fighter.

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((sorry i wasn't on yesterday. i got my ps3 and skyrim and well.... i got distracted.))
((I have a 3DS and Samurai Warriors...trust me when I say I'm beyond distracted xD hence my not posting the fortune. I'll try to get it posted tomorrow, since tonight is my busy night.))
((its fine both of you. everyones lifes have been so busy lately. its totally understandable. hope things get better for you centy.))
Nick looked over to cecelia "Mashik was here recently" Nick said shaking his head slightly confused he followed the scent only a few steps though

Zane sniffed and sat back with the plate still on his lap and waited for a moment "why did you stop talking?" Zane asked as he rubbed his shoulder
'Mashik?' Cecilia wondered to herself. 'Why does that name seem familiar?' After a few moments, Cecilia remebered. "Mashik is a vampire right?" She only met him once and it was breif, but she knew that much about him. What she didn't know was Nick and Mashik's connection. "Nick? Did you turn him too?" It was just a guess.
Ashton shrugged. "I huess I just can't think of anything to say right now." she lied, smiling. "Why do you want me to keep talking? 'Cause I can think of something else to talk about..." She closed her mouth, trying not to make it too obvious. She was rambling again. She'd have to work on that.

(Okay. Hope things get better, Centy. :[ )
((yeah, i actually succeded but i am worried all my happiness will crash down around me))

Nick nodded "yes i turned him, a while back at that" Nick said absent minded thinking of what mashik would be doing here

Zane smiled he kinda liked it when she babbled "yeah, it helps distract me" Zane said and thought to himself also because i like the sound of your voice
Ashton thought for a second, unsure what else to talk about. "So...what's your favorite food?" she asked, picking at what was left of her dinner. "Do you maybe want me to ask Leah to make something for you for dessert? I'm sure she'd be happy to make anything you'd want." She smiled at him, waiting for his answer. She was kind of curious what kind of foods he enjoyed most.
((ohh god do i be a stereotypical neko or be strange))

Zane thought about the question he wasn't very picky but his favorite food was a lot harder question to answer "hmm, that's a tricky one, one of my favorites is rice balls, but i don't want any special treatment" he said so she wouldn't go have her sister make rice balls, seeing as he didn't like being in the spotlight this was his best bet
((maybe we should just drop the rp......))

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((im thinking of maybe just making a new hm/rf rp but without the other people knowing it is a harvest moon or rune factory rp.))
((no one is really posting here anymore. but im not sure if ill even stay on this site. they r updating it to the point where i cannot use it.))
(Sorry... I wasn't home yesterday, and I've been working on projects all day today... :sadface: Unfortunatly, I can't guarentee a whole lot of activity all week, but most of the workload should be gone after Wednesday. )

Ashton tilted her head and frowned. "Are you sure? It's not exactly special treatment." she told him. "Aleah likes making stuff for our guests. She thinks it makes them feel welcome, or something." She figited a bit, and set her food aside, not interested in eating anymore of the picked-apart mess she had. She scooted a bit closer, so she could grab his hand lightly. "Seriously, though, if there's anything you need, feel free to ask. My family might want to do anything they can because you're our guest, but I to help you, want to because you're my friend. I'll seriously do anything you ask me to, or make you more comfortable, or even keep you from getting bored." She pinched her lips between her teeth, thinking. "Don't think about it as special treatment. If it helps, just think about it as doing a favor or something like that. Kind of like how you..." She lowered her voice, remembering she could get in trouble for this. "How you showed me that cool cave, even though I can be kind of annoying, and got lost the first time you tried."
((I'm sorry I haven't been posting T_T My reasons are teerrible, but I had crap to do over the weekend and was a bit caught up in spirit week last week. I'll try to post something today, but I've been given two projects ot do over vacation {bleh, teachers}.

I actually had a plan for an HM/RF rp but I wasn't sure how well this one would work after I posted it...not like my rps actually last past page 20. ))
Zane felt the couch move as she got closer and felt the warm sensation of flesh upon his as her hand gently gripped his and a flash of memory went through his mind of the last time he felt this way and what had happened she wouldn't hurt me like that Zane thought to himself as he smiled and said "you aren't annoying, and i am fine without rice balls and the only thing i could ask you to do is stay close" Zane said and then bit his tongue as he had meant to keep the last part in his head as he did with a lot of things

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((sorry if that isn't much to go off of i was just coming out of writers block))

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