Harvest Moon/Rune Factory RP: Brightwood

"I'll tell her," Wisteria said, and followed Amariana into the library. Melody sighed a little, and bit the inside of her cheek. Adele would be back, right? It wasn't like mum and dad at all, was it? After a few moments of standing alone, she said, "Bye, Mr. Honovi," and ran into the library, fearing for her friend.

Amariana was sitting upstairs, restringing her harp and tuning it, when Wisteria came shyly up the stairs. "Honovi said he wants you to help, Ama." Amariana said nothing for a moment, but drew out of her bag the knives with which she used to fight. "I thought when I came here that I was going to be a pacifist..." she whispered, staring at the shining surface of the blade. Wisteria had only seen them a few times when Amariana had showed her the basics of the knife, and she stared in awe. "I guess I will be a fighter again."

--- Merged Double Post ---

((I'll post for We the Forgotten and Fighting the Beast Within when I return. I'm being rushed out the door.))
(Hey, my router's messed up [again...] so I'm only going to be able to post while the library's open for at least a few days. :[ )

Adele continued to glare at him. She still had no idea what he was saying, but the tone of his voice didn't sound very nice.

Ashton thought for a second, then said. "Okay...just don't move around in any way that'll mess up your injury." she said, before turning to the kitchen. She really hoped the food was already done, so she could get back to him quicker.
Zane nodded and stood up slowly making sure he didn't open his wound and sighed quietly "last time i was injured this badly at least i got some money out of it" Zane said quietly to himself as he stood next to the couch slightly awkwardly
(( :( That's sad...))

After the dissenters, injured, and onlookers had left, Wesley looked around at the square. There were few people left around. "Well, since you're still here, shall we continue?"
Ashton glanced back once more as she left the room, thinking she heard Zane say something, but not hearing exactly. Then, she ran to the kitchen. "Is dinner ready yet?" she asked, skidding to a stop in front of the table.

"I'm just dishing it out." Aleah told her, holding a plate in her hand as she scooped out some buttered noodles and then places a pork chop on the plate beside it. She then turned around and placed it in front of their father, before turning back to the stove. Jon lurked beside her, waiting for his plate to be made, since Leah still insisted she help him as well.

"Is our guest going to be eating with us, or will he be staying on the couch?" their father asked Ash, smiling slightly.

"Uh...I think he's going to stay in the living room." she said, realizing she could have asked him to eat at the table. Deep down, she kind of guessed she had wanted to eat next to the couch with him, so they could converse without having to worry about her family's side conversations. "I mean, he says he can walk and everything, but I'm kind of trying to keep him there, just in case."

Mr. Janes nodded, before cutting into his food.

"Do you want me to scoop out his food for you, or do you think you can handle it?" Aleah offered, as she placed Jon's food on the table.

"Hm...I'll get it myself." Ash replied, going over to the stove and scooping out the food. None-the-less, her sister still came up behind her and help to put the pork chops on the plates, and then balanced the plates on her sister's hands with the needed silverware, so that she wouldn't spill.

"Just make sure to bring those out when you're done eating." Aleah said, before beginning to make her own plate.

"Whatever." Ash said, though with less anger than usual. She made her way back down the hall, back to Zane.
Zane looked over as ashton came back into the living room with two plates "so i guess that means we will be eating out here"He said sitting back down in the spot he had stood up from and sighed at the slight pain sitting back down had caused him

((moon, msg me))
Ashton heard him sigh,and frowned slightly, before handing the plate to him. "They said you can eat in the kitchen if you want, but it might be better for you to stay put if it hurt to sit back down." she said, sitting beside him. "At least on the couch, you can lay down if sitting up starts to hurt you." She jabbed at her noodles, and began to eat them, glancing between the food and Zane as she did. The day had made her hungry, without realizing, but she really wanted to converse as well.
Zane looked at the food and picked up his fork and deftly stabbed some noodles into submission on his fork and brought it to his mouth and ate it quietly thinking then once he had swallowed the noodles he said "i will be fine with sitting" he took another fork full of noodles and ate them looking at the pork chop on his plate thinking about the best way to eat it and also what this feeling in his chest was
((im stuck with cecilia and lily)) James had been watching the rapidly emptying festival. When Weasley spoke, it startled him. He turned back to face the wizard. "Yeah, sure." He agreed.
((I gotta figure out what the rest of James's fortune was, anyway...

read your OOC about the job thing in the other thread. Be a-posting soon~!))
((oh i thought i had her outside lol oops and yeah got a job so I wont be on much)) Cecilia followed Nick outside and opened her umbrella. She closed and locked the door behind her. Ever since that other hunter had snuck into her house she was cautious. She didn't hear aything from in town. "It looks like the festival is over. I wonder what happened." She wondered aloud.
((Grats on the job sage, wish i could get one but whatever))

Nick smiled as she opened the umbrella and locked the door then he sighed "was it how you had hoped it would be?" Nick asked looking at the ground now

--- Merged Double Post ---

Raiden chuckled and sat down on a rock and ran his hand through his hair "so, is there anything you want to know?" he said looking at the girl who could speak and thought about how he could get the question across to the selkie
Ashton poked at her pork chop with her fork for a bit, thinking of what else to ask, and then decided to just rip it apart with her fingers. Aleah had seemed to forget to give them knives (at least, she hoped she had only forgotten, and she wasn't that paranoid about him), but she'd make due. She never was the most ladylike of girls. "So, have you found anything interesting lately?" she asked, chewing on the tender chunk of meat.
"besides the bracelet you have now and a few other gems, no i have found very little of actual interest" Zane said scratching his head and reaching behind him and pulling his second knife out, the one not covered in blood and cut his pork chop up and put the knife back into it's sheath he opened his mouth and his cat like teeth tore a piece of meat apart
"Which part?" Cecilia asked blushing. ((ugh just got off work...))

--- Merged Double Post ---

Lily glared at Raiden. He seemed to be enjoying mocking them ((sorry!!!))
"Oh. Okay." She replied continuing to tear about her dinner with her fingers. She turned to say something else to him, but was stopped when she noticed his teeth. "Woah...cool." she said to herself, watching. Although she had been seeing various other races around town for most of her life, she was still interested in some of the more intriguing aspects of some of them, and this was the first time she had seen someone with teeth like Zane's. She smiled slightly, before going back to picking at her food. No need to be rude.
Nick chuckled "what part do you think?" he said as he started walking towards town

Raiden chuckled at lily's reaction "also i wouldn't suggest trying to escape, most likely you will get lost and die of starvation or a monster might find you and rip you apart limb by limb" Raiden said having a malicious smile the whole time

Zane chuckled "what never seen neko teeth before?" Zane asked honestly curious about it knowing his ears were visable so he assumed she had met neko's before since she hadn't asked about them
Adele narrowed her eyes at the mean man even more, and then turned toward Lilly, crossing her arms. His constant laughing and smiling was really getting on her nerves.

Ashton shook her head. "Nope. I've seen a lot of different types of people around town, but I've never seen anyone like you. Your teeth are really cool, though. It'd make eating this thing a lot easier, probably." She indicated her food, as she tore off another piece.
Cecilia blushed but didn't answer Nick. She followed him to the townsquare. The area was almost completly deserted. She saw the blonde haired boy from the supermarket cleaning up his stall. "What happened here?" Cecilia asked Aiden. "Two guys were fighting. It scared away almost everyone." Aiden told Cecilia while putting flower arrangments into a box. He sighed. He hadn't sold many arrangments. "I think the festival is officaly over. No one really seems interested in coming back."

--- Merged Double Post ---

Lily glared at Raiden. "You're craxy, you know that right?" She didn't care if she sounded mean. He was nuts. Sadly, he was right. They were deep in a cave. Odds were they'd end up getting lost or attacked by monsters. If a monster attacked, they'd be defencless.
Raiden chuckled "i know i am insane, i am fine with this" Raiden said chuckling softly "and if i wasn't insane you wouldn't be here to start with" Raiden yawned and covered his mouth

Nick looked around slightly confused and sniffed "Mashik was back" Nick said quietly to himself "Strange"
((im on writers block bad. so anyways just a heads up unless my bf forgets to bring in the money im borrowing from him tommorow im going to be going to the mall and buying a ps3 and skyrim so i may be on even less than now.))

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