Harvest Moon/Rune Factory RP: Brightwood

(OCC Honovi: WE'RE NOT HALF-BREEDS, YOU ASS! :mad: Lol. Raiden, you racist. Look what you did to my sweet little selkie man. ;)

On a more serious note, I'm getting off for a bit, as well. I have to print off some essays for scholarship applications, but I shouldn't be gone too long. >_> )

Honovi got a very scared look over his face. Someone kidnapped Adele? A MAN kidnapped his sister? He turned to the strange man that was with them. "Do you know who took my sister?" he asked, trying to remain calm, but his voice quivered. What could a man want with Adele? He better not dare touch her Other Skin, or he would be in trouble. Honovi might be very mind-mannered, but he also knew how to protect himself and his sister if he had to. Fishing poles weren;'t the only thing you could cathc fish with, afterall.

"Cool." she said, looking at it. "So...you're going to be staying here until you're sure you're healed, right?" The idea of having her friend in her house for that time made her happy. It meant she could see him all day, if she wanted to. Although she was still unhappy he was hurt, she was happy it meant she could hang out with him all day long, at least for the next few days.

Adele continued barking at the stranger, still not knowing what he was saying. "<Give my brother back! He'll kill you if you lay a hand on me! He might even kill you just for taking me!>" As she paused to breath, she bared her sharp seal teeth in a silent threat if he tried to come near her.
((sorry i poofed. my bf called. hes finally getting his phone back so now ill have someone to text. like seriously no one texts me))
((i have no phone or i would also moon when you get back message me))

Mashik sighed "yes my brother took her to get me and most likely whoever stopped him to come and get him"

Raiden chuckled as the two huddled together

Zane shrugged "now that choice isn't up to me, i could just stay in the shadows but really the choice of staying her is up to your father and sister" Zane said calmly looking at his bandage up gut "i hate magic users" he said mainly to himself
"I'm sure they'd be fine with you staying." Ashton said, although she didn't know about it herself. "As I said before, my dad's pretty laid back, and Leah wouldn't throw you out after just bandaging you up. She probably thinks you'll take longer to heal than you will, since she doesn't know you had magic rocks." She glanced at the cut, too. She didn't want him to leave until he was healed. She didn't want to have to relive the fear she just felt while helping her sister find the bandages.

Honovi looked at the man, wanting you yell, but took a deep breath to remain calm. "Your brother took her?" he asked. He wanted to say a great many things, but could tell this man was not helping his brother, by the way he was relaxing. "I want to come with you. I want to see this guy who kidnapped Adele."
Mashik looked at the man "that is fine first i must see if he only took your sister" Mashik said walking around the town quietly trying to se if anyone else was freaking out

Zane smiled "yeah, but i also don't feel like intruding" Zane said thinking how he could be seen as an intruder into people's lifes

((sage i replied to cecelia a while back))
((yeah i know. im stuck.))

--- Merged Double Post ---

"Why are you so mad at your brother?" Lily asked. She was trying to talk to him and keep him busy. She hoped to find a way to escape with Adele.
Honovi nodded, and followed the man. He wanted to find Adele as soon as possible, but he figured he should also follow this man, since he would probably never figure out where she was otherwise. He turned back to Wisteria and Melody before he ledt, though. "You two should probably find Amariana, so that she knows you two are okay. Come find me if you find out anyone else is missing, or if you learn anything about the man who took Adele."

"Don't worry. They should be fine with it." Ashton told him, sitting up on her knees. "You're injured, and your my friend! And I want you to stay. I want to be sure you don't get hurt again. Even if they want you to leave, I will convince them to let you stay, so that I know you're safe. But I'm sure I won't have to, because I know they won't mind letting you stay until you know you're fine."

Adele sat back and listened to the human words she didn't understand, still glaring at the man. When he left them alone, maybe he'd tey to see if she could ask Lily what was going on. Using pictures seemed to be an okay way to communicate for her. It usually worked.
Zane nodded "okay" leaning back on the couch being careful of his stomach

Raiden chuckled at the question "because he killed our old home he killed everyone in it and destroyed the enviroment so no one could possibally live there, he drank the life out of everyone of the towns folks" Raiden said disgusted

((I just realized ashton doesn't even know his age O.o ))
Lily's eyes widened. His brother murdered an entire town? Why was Raiden kidnapping her and Adele if Mashik killed people? And why would Raiden want to destroy the whole town?
(...Oh, you're right... Well,that'll make thing just a bit more interesting, when that conversation comes up! :heheh: )

Adele looked at Lily's face, and then drew a questionmark in the dirt one the floor. She really wanted to know what was going on, but had a feeling this wasn't going to be easy to explain. in pictures.

Ashton sat there for a moment, trying to think of something else to talk about. "So...what exaxtly happened?" she asked, looking down at her hands. "With the fight, I mean." She was figiting a bit as she spoke. While she was trying to avoid thinking about his wound, she was also very curious what had caused it.
Zane sighed "well i disapeared into the shadows from you appeared by the fight and the one causing the fight kinda flicked his wrist and sent my own knife into my gut" Zane said being slightly deprerssed by the fact he hadn't even been there five seconds when it happened
Ashton whinced at the short anecdote, but tried to hide it. "Well...that sucks..." she said, not sure what else could be said. "But, at least you're okay now. And it was brave of you to go to the fight, instead of running away like most people brobably would have." Her thoughts were slightly different, though. Either brave, or unbelievably stupid... But, she did not voice these thoughts, as she did not want to kick him when he was down.
((here instead of editing I'll just post something here for raiden.)) "If your brother did such a horrible thing than why are you threatening to do the same?" Lily asked him. She then noticed Adele draw a question mark. 'I forgot she doesn't know much English.' Lily realized. She thought for a bit on how to explain what was happening to them. She drew two girls with arrows pointing to her and Adele, a man with an arrow pointing to raiden and a second man outside a cave. she drew a line of the Raiden drawing to outside the cave with the other boy and drew an angry face. She didn't know if her point of him being mad at another guy and using them to attract him over was going to be understood from the drawing.

--- Merged Double Post ---

"Do you want to go outside or something?" Cecilia asked. She felt it was a bit strange to have him in her house.
Zane nodded kinda "yeah, brave" Zane scoffed at himself "i knew he was more powerful than me, i don't know why i though i could catch him by surprise" Zane shook his head and saying yet again "Stupid magic users"

Nick nodded and said "sure, outside sounds nice" thinking about how little he actually contributed to anything

Raiden chuckled "i threatened him with that because he seems attached to this town and i want to make him suffer"Raiden saw the drawing and realized the selkie actually knew very little of the common language if any "Sad, a half-breed that doesn't even know common tongue"

--- Merged Double Post ---

Mashik sniffed and realized the one he fed off of was gone "he took one other" Mashik said irritation forming in him
((Sorry guys, I'm having issues with the posting part of my afternoon. I'll try to post after the brainy part of me leaves and the insane part returns, mmk?))
((Back to being vaguely insane. May regress to intelligence and homework for a bit.))

Wisteria bit her lip to keep from sobbing, and Melody reached over and squeezed her hand. They were about to run off when Amariana came up behind the girls, asking what's wrong. After some tears from Wisteria and an explanation from Melody, her face darkened. Perhaps I should've tried to command him to freeze himself...that could've trapped him in a coma...

Either way, there was little she could do now. "Ama, why don't you go help Honovi?" Wisteria asked, wiping tears off of her face messily. Amariana snapped out of her train of thought. "I will help him if he asks," she said, "For now, I have a string to fix." She slithered up the stairs to get her spare strings. Melody and Wisteria looked at each other. "D'ya suppose the festival is over?" Wisteria asked. "I don't think we'd have much fun anymore..."
Ashton shook her head. She was having a hard time thinking of things to say. "I'll be right back. I'm going to see if my sister's done making the food yet." she said, standing up. "Don't try to move too much, I guess? I'll bring your dinner to you when it's done."

Adele looked at the images in the dirt, and tilted her head. She got some basic understanding of what Lily had drawn, but it was mostly guesswork. Given the circumstances, though, she thought she understood it pretty well. There was only one word in the what the man said that she understood, so she decided to at least try to express her displeasure in a way he'd understand. "Adele sad, but you mean." she said, glaring at him again.

Honovi listened to the man, and nodded. He was curious who the other person might be, and how the man could tell, but he didn't ask. He wanted to save his sister, and helping to save another person was an obvious choice, especially since he was alreay a part of it. When he heard what Amariana said, he turned back to the girl, as she seemed to already be leaving. "Tell her that, when she's ready, I would be honored to have more help rescuing my sister and the other captive." He looked up at the man. "As long as you don't mind another person, of course."
Lily watched Adele's face to see if she understood the picture. She seemed to understand it a bit so Lily erased it in the dirt. When Adele spoke, it surprised Lily quite a bit. Her english seemed a bit better than it had the last time she saw the selkie girl. --------------------------------------------- "Okay." Cecilia said relived. She grabbed her 'water' bottle then walked to the door. She opened the door for Nick to walk through first. While she waited, she picked up her umbrella laying by the door.
Nick nodded and walked through the door thinking about what he should do

Raiden chuckled as the two discussed and the selkie spoke "at least your common is better than i thought" Raiden chuckled even more

Zane nodded "No, i can move some, i don't feel as if sitting out here would be the best" Zane said lightly

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