Harvest Moon/Rune Factory RP: Brightwood

"Mhm..." Ashton nodded. "Yeah, doing magic would be cool." She felt like this conversation was going nowhere anymore, and decided there was no use avoiding the original conversation anymore. "So...do you think we should go look for my sis and dad, before they get too far away, so we don't have to search for them?"
((Still on writer's block...

Though this time, it might be because I have elected to get a class ring, and am trying to figure out what stone to put in...

At least I'm down to 2 choices instead of 6...))

Wisteria thanked the woman and took the bag. Melody waved and the two walked away, gesturing to Adele to follow.

((Uh, wow. I usually can do so much better than that...))
((lol its ok rhia, ive been having terrible posts lately))--- Merged Double Post ---"A king huh?" Cecilia asked laughing. She suddenly stopped when a thought entered her head. They had not seen each other in over one hundred years yet they seemed to be getting alon like they used to, well, almost.
((YAY! I managed to decide on the gemstone! The rest of it was completed in under one minute...

That's the trouble with colors. I'm so picky >.< ))
(What did you decided on?)

Adele followed her friends. "Thank you, Wisteria, Melody. Flower?" she asked, smiling. She eyes the bag, wanting to smell the nice-scented flower-shaped cake. She was also eager to show her brother, but that could wait until later.
((I decided on the May birthstone {well, what they called the May birthstone. The May birthstone is emerald, but they had shamrock spinel instead, probably cause its only a semiprecious stone} and a silver-ish metal for the ring. I got my name on it, with my graduation year. It's a small ring, so I can't customize it too much. If I can manage to get a pic on my laptop, I'll show you guys.))

Wisteria looked confused, but said, "Oh, sure Adele," after a minute and took Adele's bar of soap out of the bar and handed it to her. Melody pointed to a game stall. "That's the one you're good at, right Wisty?" Melody asked. It was one of those stands where you try to throw rings onto bottle necks. Wisteria nodded. "Mind if I try my hand at it?" Wisteria asked.

((UGH! Those games are awful >.< I like the fishing games, myself, and the darts ones.))
(I like skeeball. I'm not sure if they have that at most little town carnival things, but there's a lady that sets one up every year in the annual celebration in in the town Karma and I grew up in. And your ring sounds pretty! :33 )

Adele took the soap from her friend and began smelling it. "Flower..." she repeated, smiling to herself. She followed them to the game and looked at it, not knowing what that paeticular game was, but curious. She continued sniffing the soap, while watching to see what Wisteria and Melody were going to do.
((Skeeball is an awesome amount of fun ^_^ I wish I had it at my town fair...

Here it is! I 'snip tool'ed it off the site.))

View attachment 2623

"C'mon, Adele!" Wisteria said and the twins walked towards the bottle game.

Witsteria handed the bag to Melody and asked the game-person how much it was for a game, and paid it. Taking the rings she was given, she started to toss them at the bottles.
(Hahahah, yes... I originally didn't want to use Ciel's father, but the more I tried to find another picture, the more I thought that picture was perfect. ^^;

And your ring's really pretty! I have no idea if I'm getting a class ring. I want one, but neither me nor my mom have heard anything about ordering one from my school yet. :/ )

Adele followed her friends, glancing over their shoulders. It looked like an interesting game. She didn't entirely understand what it was, but it still intrigued her. She tried to watch Wisteria carefully, trying to figured out the point of the game. she knew it had something to do with throwing the rings at the bottles, obviously, but what was the point? Hm...
((It's true...

O, and thanks! I had way too much fun designing it, since they had a designy thingy online...))


Okay, I'm going to post this in all my RPs, but it needs to be said, though I feel a bit odd reiterating it in each rp.

I will not be on a lot this week. My sister is going in for surgery, and I can't stay home, so I'm going to a friend's. I'm going to be at school, plus my iPhone gets crappy service at her house, and I won't have my own computer to use most of the time. I feel really bad about saying this, but I'm not too worried about my sister. She's always going in for surgery...

Anyhow, I won't be on for a day or two, except for perhaps a quick post here and there. If I'm not on, Sage can control my characters for something that needs a response if you guys don't wanna wait for me. I feel really bad about leaving you guys hanging, though. I'll hopefully be on Thursday night, bu if not, I will definitely be on on Friday night. Sorry again :( ))

--- Merged Double Post ---

((Me too...))

Wisteria had five rings to start with, and managed to get three of those over the bottle necks.

((I don't really remember much of these games, sorry 'bout writer's block...))
(Okay. See you Friday, then, Rin. :( )

Adele clapped when Wisteria finished. She kind of figured out that the rings were supposed to go over the bottles. She wasn't sure if Wisteria had done well, but she thought she did. She doubted she'd be able to do as well.
((ok, see you later rhia. ill let ppl in the other rps just converrse amougst themselves til you return. ^^ if anythink important does happen ill let you know.))
(Hey Run! Glad to see you back ahead of schedule. ^-^

Hi Centy! Where've you been[if you don't mind me asking]? :] )

Without responding, Ashton turned on her heels and began walking in the direction she sw her family go. "Come on. Let's go find them before they get too far away." she said, skimming the crowd for her sister's head. "My dad probably won't fuss too much, since he's just glad I'm making friends again, but I should probably warn you that my big sister'll probably give you the third degree." She stopped by a lamp post, and waited for Zane to follow.
Nick chuckled quietly "what cat got your tongue?"

Zane walked behind her "well the third degree can't be that bad" Zane said thinking back to the guards who had caught him stealing once
((I'll think of something today to post for all my chars to keep this going. It'll be a bit, between Chemistry homework and assorted distractions.))

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