Harvest Moon/Rune Factory RP: Brightwood

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"Hmm..." Melody mumbled. Wisteria giggled. "Sounds like fun!" she said cheerfully. Melody's head shot up as she heard a familiar sound. "Ama started playing!" she said. Wisteria clapped and squealed a little. "She's going to be surrounded by all these silly tourists in no time!" "What will happen when she starts to sing?" Melody asked, looking back at her sister. "Maybe the tourists'll make fools out of themselves?" Wisteria guessed.

((I hate to leave you guys in the dust not knowing anything, so I'll post when I can. It won't be often, but I'll try ;) ))
((looks like a double post, and yeah moon says pedo relationship a go go :pedobear:))

Nick smiled and looked at cecilia "i bought a house a couple days ago and just finished moving in yesterday" Nick looked at the forest and sighed

Zane walked through a crowd of tourists and then walked down the street and around the corner pulling his hand out of his pocket and seeing what he had gotten. A new pocket watch a bracelet and 2 wallets. "not a bad grab" Zane said as he put it all away
"Oh, I want to listen her sing." Honovi said, remembering the snake-woman he saw at the library the first time he visited. He was genuinely interested in hearing her. Perhaps he'd set up his blanket at an area near enough that he could listen to her while he made the fish. It would have to be far enough away that the little fire he'd cook the fish over would not be in people's way, though.
"You live in the woods too then?" Cecilia asked. "I hadn't noticed." She assumed he probally lived a bit away from where she hunted. The woods was huge.
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All lamia were born with singing and musical talent. That was natural, any lamia born otherwise would likely be a freak. Of course, most lamia were also monsters. Willing to eat humans, in some cases, and attacking those not of their kind.

Ama was an exception, to one of those. She did not kill people, humanoids, or even monsters usually.

Melody mused a bit over Honovi's statement. A dreamer girl can dream, no? Perhaps Honovi and Ama would sit down and talk eventually. Melody would like that. Wisteria looked only at the surface. "Yeah, Ama's the best singer I know!" Wisteria giggled.
"Interesting. I will definitly make a note to stop and listen to her sing whenever I get the chance." he said, nodded. He looked down to his sister. "Do you want to listen to Ama sing?" he asked her. He repeated it, to ensure she knew what he was saying. "Hear." He pointed to his ears. "Ama." He made a snake-like motion with his arm, since Adele hadn't had much experience with plain snakes to get confused, and he figured she could tell the difference between the word 'snake' and Ama's name, since snakes don't sing. He just hoped it wasn't rude that he used that motion at a sign. For all he knew, she didn't even remember who he was refering to. "Sing?" He made a motion of his mouth, whispering "la la la" to her, to make sure she knew what he meant. Adele nodded, but did not answer out loud, making him wonder just how much of it she actually processed, and how much she went in and right back out. He strugged it off, and continued walking. If she didn't process every word, there wasn't much he could do about it at that moment.
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Wisteria giggled again. "So, where you gunna set up?" she asked, looking around. Melody peered at the surrounding booths. She liked little things, like a lot of other people, but she wanted something particularly special. She could find something later, though. Wisteria would want something too, but that probably wouldn't be any problem.
Honovi shrugged. "Probably at the edge of the square somewhere. I don't want the smoke getting in other visitor's faces, but I also want it close enough that the smell of the fish will attract customers, and that people can see it." He glanced around, trying to find a vacant spot to lay out the blanket.
"Oh, good find!" he replied, following them over. He used his free hand to help his sister spread out the blanket, and then laid the wrapped fish down on it, and began hunting for sticks to use to start a cooking fire. "Thank you very much. I am very grateful for your help with finding a spot, as well as for the friendship you have giving my sister and I." he said, smiling.

Adele started pointing at the stalls. "Festival!" she said, in a tone that showed she was eager to begin looking around the various stalls.

"<Hold on, Adele. You can go when Melody and Wisteria are ready.>" he barked quietly at her, as he arranged a few smaller sticks in a space behind his blanket, and took out a flint-and-steel he kept in his pocket to make some sparks. Adele scowled at him, but waited somewhat patiently, until her friends were ready.
Honovi chuckled. "Yes, you may. I'm sure she'll be estatic about being able to explore the festival with you now." He smiled at his sister as he worked on getting the fire going, and gave her a motion of 'go on', to tell her they were not ready to go. Adele began jumping up and down. "Festival! Flower festival!" She said, acting much younger than she actually was.
The Flower Festival

"Having fun yet?" Angelo asked warmly, towards his younger brother, Reisuke. Angelo had his hand gently clasped around Reisuke's delicate fingers as they toured the scenes of the famous Flower Festival. They had only been here for a short time, but they had already made themselves quite comfortable and met majority of the residents.

"Yeah! I'm having fun!" Angelo giggled with pleasure as they walked pass a bard cracking jokes with his audience. Angelo couldn't help but chuckle a little as well.

"C'mon, lets go see if we can find anybody we know."

(OOC: I'm hoping that somebody would run into the brothers, since I don't really know anybody or where they're at...)
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"C'mon, Adele!" Wisteria said, skipping towards a stall. She had remembered that Amariana had mentioned they were low on soap, and had discovered a stall selling it. How lucky! she thought, and looked up at the woman running it. Hadn't she checked out a book? No matter. "'Scuse me, can I get some soap?" she asked.

Melody patiently waited for Adele to begin to follow her sister. Wisteria wouldn't go off too far without either of them, she hoped.

(( I now have super-writer's block. After that lovely post in the bounty hunter thread, {which I could have written a lot more details into} I need to regenerate Harvest Moon brainwaves to make me figure out what to do with Brendan and Vincent. Wesley and Amariana are pretty self-explanatory, but I might post a post-to-self for them. ))
((anyone wanna talk to one of my characters?))

--- Merged Double Post ---

((james is walking around town, lily is at her pottery stand, valerie is at a stand selling soap, and aiden is running a stall selling flowers.))

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