Harvest Moon/Rune Factory RP: Brightwood

((haha centy. well he doesnt LOOK like hes 80 at least lol and okay, feel free to make hom however u want. and Rhi'a ok brenden can cook! ))
((Yay! I'll reply somethin 'bout my characters in a bit.

First, let it be noted that I've been accepted into Phillips Exeter's summer program ^_^ In my mind, I'm singing and dancing, but I've resolved to remain composed. Or maybe it just hasn't sunken in yet...

Of course, with my luck {this happened in 8th grade}, since I've been accepted, I'm going to be dragged to Disney instead. Since we went to the Florida one, we must be going to the one in California instead.

I'm not being pessimistic. This is just how obnoxious my family is >.< I also think that I'm being given a mattress for my 16th birthday. Why? Because my grandmother won't shut up about the one I currently have. Who gets a mattress they didn't ask for for their 16th birthday {emphasis on the 16}?

Anyway, I'm gunna stop rambling now ^_^ ))
((aw rhi'a you are so lucky! i wish i could travel! so your turning 16? im turning 18! lol. and i know this sounds weird but i wish someone would get me a matress for my birthday! mines older than me! lol and rhi'a you don't really have to post anything for your characters if you do not feel like it. once centy and moon are done, i was planning on skipping to the festival then we can post what was missed.))
((Yeah, I'm turning 16 and the last time I was behind the wheel of a car was four years ago...

My mattress is perfectly fine {I just need to blow it up every so often. It's like an air mattress, but not} and my grandmother doesn't see why I refuse to get another one. Lol, I don't blame you for wanting another one!

I kinda want to post something...I'm just like that, I guess...))
((i know i am sounding like a broken record but centy and moon can we please skip the date soon?))
(I'm sorry! I realize this is probably my fault, since I've been so busy lately. I'll end it whenever Centy want to, though. As much as I want to see what's at the end of this tunnel, this probably isn't very important, other than a friendship between our characters growing.

And just in case I'm not on before you get off tomorrow, Centy (since my track record for getting on when I plan to hasn't been so good this week...) I'll wish you a happy early birthday now! Hope it's a good one! :D )

"Oh, okay..." Ashton replied, thinking for a moment about whether she should take a turn or not. "By the way, do you know what time it is?" She was enjoying searching for jems, but she also realized she probably shouldn't be here too long.
((Eh, I'm going to be busy until Sunday, so my replies might only be short and in the morning.

So much for that post I was gunna do...oh well.

Don't go too far without me, mm?))
((ok sorry if i sounded impatient. ill let moon and centy wrap things up first. and we wont get too far without you rhi'a! and happy birthday centy!))
(Oh, happy b-day to you, too, Rhi'a! I didn't realize it was your b-day tomorrow when I read your posts. I just understood it was sometime in the near future...sorry... ^^; )

Ashton frown. "Yeah, we should probably head home." she said, pivoting around, until her other hand found the wall. "My family probably wouldn't be very happy about me being out too late with someone they don't know..." Aston cursed in her mind. Exploring caves with Zane was much more fun than hanging out at her house. Hm...maybe, in a few more days, she'll be able to find the cave by herself. She should probably learn how to fight before she tries that, though... Another project for another day, she supposed.
"okay"Zane said making the darkness surround them and a portal open beneath them and they appeared in the shadow behind a house at town "now you should get home" Zane said smirking
Ashton blinked, still processing the portal, rather than what Zane was saying. That was a lot easier than she had expected it to be. "Oh...yeah, I should." she said, still loking at the shadows around them. She forced herself to turn her attention to going home. "I'll see you later..." She walked between the houses, toward her own home.

"Where have you been all day?" Aleah asked when she came inside.

"I was just out with a new friend." she said, walking past her sister towards her room.

"Ashton, stop and talk to me." Aleah told her, walking after her. "I'm not trying to be annoying, I'm just trying to figure out where you've been. You didn't even come home for lunch!"

"I already told you, I was with a friend."

"Which friend?"

"Why do you worry so much? Dad doesn't care."

"He does, Ashton. But he has enough to worry about. We all lost Mom, but he lost his wife and his ability to walk. You know that, and you know I'm taking responsibility for everything, so he doesn't have to worry. I just don't understand why you can't cooperate, just a little bit. I don't care if you go out, but give us a bit more information about what your doing."

"Just leave me alone, Aleah. I'll be fine." Ash closed her door on her older sibling, and leaned against the door, thinking.
((eh I'll skip the date now. ok it is the day of the flowe viewing festival (about 3 weeks later I'll make it) the weather is sunny, it is morning (around 9am) and there are going to be a few tourist in town))

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Lily woke up hearing laughter from the next room over. There had been quiet a few tourists in town lately because of the festival. She was happy there were more people and happy people were buying her work, but she hated how late the tourists stayed up and how loud they could be. Lily sat up and got dressed. She then picked up a heavy box filled with pottery projects before slowly heading downstairs. She smelled a mix of differnet food scents that made her stomach growl with hunger. She didn't want to bother Brenden though. He was cooking for the festival, plus cooking for his costumers. She could wait until the festival to eat. (I'm assuming he's cooking) Outside, Lily set up her pottery mini shop. She had learned her lesson with the earthquake and kept her work in places were if another earthquake happened, none of the pottery would break. It was the Flower Viewing Festival so each of her pieces had flower designs on them. She sat down by her stand, although she wasn't going to sell anything before the festival started, but she just wanted to be near her work in case someone tried to steal anything.

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Valerie made herself a small breakfast; two boiled eggs. It was a festival so there would be plenty of food and she wanted to be able to try some of it. After she finished eating she got dressed and braided her long white hair into a side braid. She hurried outside, but not before grabbing quiet a bit of money. Business at the bathhouse had been great lately with all the recent visitors. She wanted to be able to take part in all the fesrtival had to give. Not to mention she was excited to use her magic. She had finally found a spell she excelled in.

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James sat in the diner at the Inn finishing off the last of his breakfast. He had been woken early by all the comotion going on around the town and Inn. He was a light sleeper and even the smallest noise could wake him up. He knew the tourist were good for the town, even if the blacksmith's shop had little business. Not many people needed weapons or armor.

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Aiden pulls several boxes out of the freezer containing flower arrangments. He had been the one to suggest hold the festival. He hoped it would attract more residents. Unfortunary they hadn't moved in but there was more money coming into the town which could help them later on. He carried the boxes of flowers outside to a stand he has set up. He was excited. He loved the flower festival when he was a kid and he hadn't been able to enjoy the festival since before the quake.

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Cecilia finishes drinking her morning cup of animal blood. She heard there was a festival today and she wanted to check it out. She grabbed some money and her umbrella and headed out the door. When she arrived in town, she could see people still setting up for the festival. She walked over to a shady spot and sat down to wait.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Cecilia finishes drinking her morning cup of animal blood. She heard there was a festival today and she wanted to check it out. She grabbed some money and her umbrella and headed out the door. When she arrived in town, she could see people still setting up for the festival. She walked over to a shady spot and sat down to wait.
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Though libraries weren't exactly a way to make money, Wisteria and Melody were pleased about having a few more people coming to read. Amariana, though not in her business for the money, had received some tips from the tourists. Amariana's tips would keep them content for a while. Today was a festival, however. Amariana slipped on a nicer shirt than she usually wore, and the twins put on matching white dresses. They had been told it was the flower festival. A festival of flower viewing.

Wisteria skipped down the stairs after finishing breakfast, with Melody hurrying behind her and Amariana's demure descent. She cradled her harp, perhaps figuring that perhaps she could play for the town. She explained to the twins that they could wander off, but the two of them had to stick together. Amariana knew, though, that the twins almost never were apart. It would take something big to separate them. The two girls nodded their assent and dashed out the door together. Amariana shook her head and followed the two out the door, but slower.

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Sure, the tourists were good for business. Yeah, Brendan liked to cook. Yes, he was making a lot more money. The problem? He was still the only employee. Keeping the rooms in good shape wasn't too hard, since the tourists were too busy looking around the town to take the time to dirty their rooms. Keeping track of money wasn't too hard, since that was what he was supposed to be doing. And cooking for people was a lot of fun.

But taking on all those jobs at once? Yeah, not so much.

At least this morning dealt with mostly cooking. Brendan grinned as he fixed breakfast for those who asked, all while cooking as much food as he could for the festival. Sure, he had the money to do that with all the tourists. He probably had enough space, too. But time was always a limiting factor.

Brendan rushed from dish to dish, tasting or smelling it before adding another ingredient. Sometimes he didn't, since some dishes were meant to be simple. But Brendan was going all out. This was the first festival they were having since the earthquake, and he was going to make it memorable. He hoped the others, like Aiden and Aleah, were going to act the same. ((assuming he knows Aleah, since they were both here before the earthquake))

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Festivals were something Vincent only understood sometimes. Sure, some people would get some satisfaction or joy out of looking at flowers. Vincent just wasn't that kind of person. After doing minor things here and there around the store, and finding himself lacking any other excuse to avoid going, he stepped out of his shop and into the streets.

He wasn't quite sure what he'd be doing yet. He just started walking, deciding that perhaps something would lead him in the right direction. Fate? He wasn't sure. But off he went.

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Wesley was not going to the festival.

Or at least, that had been his plan when they first announced it. Now, Wesley's plan consisted of finding a place to sit and tell fortunes.

Sure, plenty of tourists had been by and he had told their fortunes already. But humans always seemed to want to know every little thing. Other being might get their fortune told once in a while, but there had been a tourist who had come by every day and gotten her fortune told. There wasn't much about her future to guess, as she was a very bland person. Regardless, Wesley wasn't sure how much money he would get in the future and wanted to make sure he would at least have some he could save for later.

On that note, he tucked his tarot cards into one of the large pockets inside his cloak and headed outside, ignoring the bustle in the dining room.

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