Harvest Moon/Rune Factory RP: Brightwood

Valerie followed Melody to check out her book. "Thanks." she said, smiling at the girl. She looked at the book cover while she waited.
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Wisteria continued to wander through the aisles of books, still searching for the perfect book. Melody climbed up into the chair, which gave her enough height to see what is on the desk. She traced a finger down the page until she found the book. She took a pencil and lightly wrote out next to it so it would be easy to erase. "Um...c-can I get your name, please?" Melody asked, not raising her head to look at the woman before her. Rather, she raised her eyes. As she studied the woman, she noticed something a bit off about her. Not her person, per se, but Melody was noticing a difference in race. Not that she understood that. Her parents had had no time to teach her these things. She waited for a reply.
"Valerie." Valerie replied. "V-a-l-e-r-i-e." She spelled her name out just in case the girl didn't know how to spell her name.
Zane watched her jump and jumped up a little to meet her part way down and caught her and landed back on the ground softly "that wasn't that bad was it?" Zane asked her as he set her down
(True...I think I said something about Honovi experimenting with different fish recipes, though. I'm just going to assume they do, since they have plates, and I think plates usually come in sets with various other kitchenware objects...)

"Yes, we do." he said, although he wondered if maybe he should wash them before he used them. They weren't used much, outside when he was experimenting with new recipes, and he hadn't done that much since his sister began living with him. It probably wouldn't require more than rinsing them He reached into his pocket for his money. "Will it cost the same as yesterday?"

Ash yelped slightly when she was caught, and then they landed. Shehadn't expected him to jump to catch her. "Uh...I guess not..." she replied, looking around the cave. There was definitly no backing out now. Ugh...her family was definitly not finding out about this...
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Wisteria discovered a book about mythical creatures. She wasn't sure how much of it she would understand, but she wanted to know about the different races. She wasn't even sure what it meant to be elf, though she was half-elf. Melody wrote Valerie just as lightly next to it. "Bring it back in...two weeks, please," Melody said.

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"Yes it will, sir," Brendan said. If he ran his own cafe or bar (since the inn wasn't technically his, after all), he might give discounts for these sorts of things. Brendan thought the old owner had died, but he didn't quite remember that fact of the earthquake. Perhaps he would return after the town started to get more people, if he wasn't dead.
"Thank you!" Valerie thanked the young elf. She left the library with the book in tucked safely under her arm. Once outside Valerie sat down on a bench in the townsquare and began reading.
Ashton nodded. Although some part of her mind had been reminding her of it, she had forgotten for a moment why she had come, with all the other thoughts going through her head. "Which way are we gonna go?" she asked, looking around, and then turning back to face him.

Honovi nodded and took out his money. He counted it out before setting it on the counter.
Ashton thought for a moment. What was her fathorite color? That was a question she hadn't thought about for a while. After a moment, she decided.

"Red. " was her reply. She said nothing more, not actually sure herself why she waspartial to that color. It was just pretty, she supposed.
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With the woman called Valerie gone, Melody returned to her book, soaking in tales of foreign lands that she could not be a part of. There, of course, was some truth in fairy tales. And some fairy tales that could be somewhat possible. A king with enough men or a witch or wizard could create a glass hill. A person could have been turned into a talking cat. A cat could be a trapped witch. A girl could have a fairy godmother. A poor little girl with an evil mother could be sent into the woods with a huntsman to be killed. You never knew what was real and what wasn't. Better still is that it is a world still so apart from yours.

Wisteria, instad of finding a chair like her sister, sprawled herself on the floor in a spot near the door, but as out-of-the-walkway as possible. Flipping past the title page and copyright page, she viewed the table of contents. She looked through the odd names of the many creatures, and then turned to the first page to read.

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Brendan thanked the man and slipped the money in the drawer it belonged in. "It'll be done in just a few moments," he said before disappearing into the kitchen.

He was lucky to have the training he had in the kitchen. What good was being the only employee in an inn if you couldn't feed your customers? Brendan removed one of the plastic containers he'd been thinking about from one of the assorted cupboards before beginning on the ice cream.
((this is a terrible thing to ask but by chance does anyone know where I put Cecilia? I lost her! lol))
((eh, I'll just make her walk to town.)) Cecilia made her way to town, with her umbrella up protecting her skin from the sun. She looked around. There was an Inn, a library, a bathhouse, a blacksmith, and a general store within view. She grabbed into her pocket to check if she brought her money with. She had. After wondering where to go for awhile she decided to visit the general store. "Welcome!" Aiden greeted the girl who came in. Her reconized her as thehunter who sold him some meat the other day. Cecilia smiled slightly at the boy and walked to one of the shelves. It was filled with toys. She looked at her stomach and sighed. She had wanted to be a mother someday but when she was turned, she lost that chance of ever having children of her own. Vampires were unable to bear children. She passed by the toy shelves and walked over to the clothing racks. She browsed the clothing until she found a dress she liked. It was black, with long sleeves and dark purple lace running along the bottom of the dress and around the collar. She picked the dress off the rack and walked up to the front counter. "How much is this?" she asked the boy, keeping some distance. She could smell his blood and it was getting to her. "700G." Aiden told her. He noticed she was keeping some distance between them. He wondered if she was uncomfortble around people. He never saw her in town. "O-okay." Cecilia agreed, counting out 700G. She put the money on the table and after Aiden handed her the bag with her dress, she hurried out the door. "I wonder what's wrong with her." Aiden wondered aloud after she left. Outside, Cecilia opened up her umbrella again. She hadn't felt the sun burning her skin because her blood was racing. She hadn't feed for awhile and it had been animal blood. Human blood, or any of the sort, was always so tempting with her.
Honovi nodded, and leaned on the counter as he waited. As long as Adele did not wake up before he returned home, he was sure this would be an excellant idea. And the boy who worked at the inn seemed very nice. Perhaps he'd come here more often than he'd originally planned.

"Okay." Ashton followed behind him obediently, eager and curious to see where he was taking her.
((human blood, eh? how about half-human blood?

How do you suppose snake-blood would taste?))

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Making ice cream was a simple matter. Keeping it cold would be a bit different. Brendan scooped the ice cream into the container. He didn't expect the container to be returned. It was one of those take-home containers like the restaurants used on mainland.

Brendan brought the container out to the man. "I'm sorry that I don't have a way to keep it cold for you, but here it is!" Brendan said cheerfully. Even in his slightly jumbled state of mind, Brendan smiled. Habits were sometimes a bit overwhelming. ((I forgot to make Brendan ask the flavor...sorry...))

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A rushing woman would seem normal to many. But, Amariana noticed a bit more than usual. She was pale and carried an umbrella. It was not raining. A vampire... Thoughts rushed through Amariana's head. However, she had heard tales of vampires who did not drink humanoid blood. Rare, to be certain. Her concern was not for herself, but for the twins within her custody. They were not capable of fending off a vampire, no matter the kind of blood they drank.

Perhaps she would start carrying more means of protection than a harp and her voice. Perhaps not.

Through all of this, Amariana did not break her song.

((sadly, I must depart. I shall return on the morrow {...maybe I should just say tomorrow....I read too much Shakespeare, I suppose}))
Zane smiled as he walked down the tunnel and got to a cave within it were different mineral veins one of which as he thought it would be was ruby. "haha, i was right" Zane said walking over to the vein of ruby and pulling out his knives
Honovi smiled and took the container into his hands. "Thank you." he said. "And it's fine. She will probably not even notice the difference between melted and not melted." He hoped that did not make Adele sound stupid. It was true, however, that her relative infamiliarity with land foods would probably mean she wouldn't realize there was any problem with melted ice cream (not thst he had any problem with it, either, but he understood some might...)

"Woah..." Ashotn said, when she noticed the rubies embeddedn the walls. She walked slowly behind him, taking it all in, before turning her attentionv to watching him pry a piece of red jewel out of the wall.
A ruby fell out where he pried then he moved a little further down the tunnel to a vein of Emerald that stuck out of the ground and wall and swung his daggers and sliced off a chunk the size of a baseball and made it disappear into darkness before it hit the floor "you can have that ruby" Zane said walking back towards her and watching around for monsters or other dangerous things
((hey next time i skip the date and time itll be a few weeks from then. I'm thinking of having some of the residents who were there before the quake set up a festival. any ideas?))
((Sorry, Moon, I'm trying to think of what to type for Brendan...I was in a creative mood this morning, I should be able to come up with something...

Anyway, I've been thinking in terms of Harvest Moon and trying to translate the general schedules to the roleplay {ie, Spring/Summer/Fall/Winter and the festivals and dates}, and was thinking that the flower festival/goddess festival/spring thanksgiving would be the first festival {assuming we started in early Spring}. I enjoy Spring Thanksgiving {though I'm not sure what there would be to give at the moment...} and the Flower Festival, myself.

Despite this, I noticed we are lacking a mayor and {technically}, also the rich family we usually have. Not that there is many people, but I'm just finding the jobs we usually have empty. Not sure what we're doing for gods/goddesses/sprites, if anything, other than what you and I discussed, Sage. I've also got something I'd like to inquire about that...

Anyway...I don't remember if I have any other mentions...sorry for my unnecessary brackets and job discussion paragraph...))

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