Harvest Moon/Rune Factory RP: Brightwood

((dance lessons are quite amusing. Sadly, I am pretty sure we don't live near enough to travel to the same dancing school.

Teleport. I'll meet you there :) ))
Rya put his head in his black bag, as he took out some money, as he put it on the desk, as he nodded to the boy. "Yes" Rya said as he put his hand on the meat, claws slowly ripping into the meat.
Honovi nodded, seeing this boy knew his fish pretty well. "Very well." he picked the three the boy had pointed out out of the paper and set them on the counter, wrapping the other two up again. He was about to ask about how much they were worth, when he remembered there was another person there to do business with the boy as well. He stepped aside, the fish hugged to his chest. He glanced around trying to figure out where his sister had gotten to.

Adele paced around a section of the store where colder goods were stored, trying to figure out where to find ice cream. since it was a cold food, she deduced it could be found somewhere cold. Bau where...?


"Oh, okay." Ashton nodded, patting her pocket where she had the letter, just so se knew it would not fall out.
Valerie saw Mashik walk out from the trees. "You're the guy from yesterday afternoon. You were fighting with your brother when he took the elf girl hostage and you saved her." She wondered why he was there. Had he followed them? Or was he simply there by chance?

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Aiden finished his sale with Rya, giving him back a few coins. He then turned to Honovi. He gave him coins and took the fish to the freezer.
((ish okay))

Mashik chuckled and nodded towards the girl "why yes that is me, and i was watching, and you need more practice" he said partially sarcastically knowing that's what she had been doing
Valerie looked down at the ground. She had tried teach herself magic after her mother had lost hers. She had saved the magic books her mother had thrown away in her depression and hid them in her room. She had studied in secret and had only studied the spells to get the basics of them down then she moved to another one to pratice. "I'm trying...." she said, her voice quieter than normal. ------------------------------------ Lily wrapped up a teapot and several teacups. A traveller had stopped by and purchased a few of her pieces. "Thank you so much for your business Miss!" Lily smiled, handing the traveller her purchase. "Have a good day." The woman smiled at Lily and left. Lily looked at the coins in her hands. She had slightly over 7000G just from that sale. The woman had bought a lot, but Lily was surprised she had been able to get that much money for her work.
Ashton followed after Zane, as yesterday. However, instead of looking around constantly, as she had yesterday, she kept a careful eye on the man. She was in no hurry to get lost again, even if she did vaguely know a couple of the inhabitants now.


"Thank you, sir." Honovi said, placing the coins in a pocket of his pants. He turned to take his sister's arm, so they could move on to their next errand, when he saw she wasn't there. "Adele!" he called, looking around. "<Adele, where are you? We have to go other places!>" He wandered the shelves, before locating her. She sat, seemingly transfixed, before some food. Taking in the areas around them, he easily figure out what she was searching for. "<Adele, we have to go. I will buy you some at dinner. I believe it is abou time we eat out, instead of relying to my recipes.>"

Adele looked at him, and frowned. "<Fine...>" she said, following him out of the store. "<But you better not be lying!>"

Honovi smiled. "<Here. A little something to hold you off.>" He held out one of the leftover fish, figuring they should eat them before they went bad. Adele snatched it awa from him, as they continued walking, and ate the raw fish.
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Wisteria replaced the last book she had to read. Her voice was a bit hoarse, and the twins were incredibly bored, but they had finished. "YAY WE'RE FINALLY DONE!" Wisteria yelled. She giggled a little and fell on the ground. Melody stood up and collected all her papers. Who knew there would be so many books in such a small library? She walked over to the librarian's desk and arranged the papers in order, putting A-I, J-R, and S-Z in stacks together, to make the list easier to look through. Wisteria stood up and stood on her tiptoes, trying to see her sister behind the desk. "So, um...now what?" Wisteria asked. "We find a book to read until the library closes," Melody said. "When does it close?" "Um...five, I think..." After Melody's comment, Wisteria sighed and began to look through the shelves. Melody grabbed a children's fairytale book off the shelf and curled up in the librarian's chair to read. Wisteria was still looking.

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Amariana had been 'sitting' for awhile. At the end of her song, she uncurled her tail and stretched a little. She was used to sitting and playing all day, but usually she moved from place to place. At the present, she didn't feel like it. It was a pleasant enough day, and the area around where she sat had a beauty to it, even if some of it looked like ruins. She wondered if the bar was open, because it was nice to take a break every once in a while.

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Brendan yawned. Perhaps he should have tried to convince those who had left the island that worked at the inn to stay. Then at least he could talk to someone. It was the slow time between breakfast and lunch. He had run a quick check of the rooms earlier, just to make sure the ones still open to guests were clean. He had made breakfast and lunch food for a few stray people that wandered in, and had added money into the money drawer. Replacing the sparkling clean sauce pan back where it belonged, he returned to the front desk, leaned back against the wall and disappeared into his memories.

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Vincent held up the jewelry he had just finished. It was a nice piece, though he felt he could have done better on it. Of course, to do anything to it now would completely ruin it. He placed the necklace back on the table and turned to face his apprentice. "So, what exactly are you doing?"

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Wesley looked between the newcomer and Valerie. He didn't exactly have anything to say. He could say something to counter what the man had said, but that wasn't how he was. He talked more to Valerie because she was a witch. Even still, he only talked about what he felt was necessary. Necessity meant telling others prophecies, visions, and predictions. Nothing more, nothing less. He crossed his arms and watched the encounter. If you didn't look his way, you wouldn't know he was there.

((wow. I can actually think enough to post this much? Surprise! Although, I suppose it's because I'm waiting to figure out what the heck for the math project {which, by the way, does not make sense} that's due tomorrow.

You know what I just realized? thus far, I count one witch and one wizard {correct me if there are more}. They both have grey {white?} hair. My wizard has two different colored eyes, wears a cloak, is shy, and is a fortune teller like Gale from AP {which I didn't plan, by the way}. The witch Vivi of AP also has grey/white hair.))
(Wow, that is an interesting observation.

Meh, I can't remember if the twin mentioned they worked at the library or not. I don't think they did, but correct me if I'm wrong. D: )

Honovi and Adele stood outside the library, finishing their fish, before Honovi opened the door, ushering his sister in. "<You can go find some picture books our something, and entertain yourself for a bit.?" he told her, giving her a sad half-smile. "<I know you don't like coming to libraries with me, but I want to see if this town has any information that I can add to my research, okay?>"


The two wandered in separate directions, each to search for books reguarding their personal interest.
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Wisteria was staring at a few books by some author named Shakespeare with large titles with words she didn't know. It was easy for her to hear the footfalls and be distracted by the barking noises she had just heard the previous day. Running out of the aisle {is that even the right word?} of books she was in, she looked to see a familiar face. "Mister Honovi!" she said excitedly. Melody was in a world all her own, and didn't hear a thing.

This time he found a horse waiting for him that was even more splendid than the last, and armor of gold.

((No worries, I don't think they mentioned it.

In case anyone's curious, Melody is reading The Princess on Glass Hill {or something to that effect}. I did not quote it exactly because I didn't want to run down to my room and skim a fairytale book I own to find the story.))
((i had a better post than this but my phone logged me out.)) --------------------------------------- James was busy at the forge, adding the final touches to his golden hammer. He was just adding the last few rubies when he heard his mentor talking to him. "I'm creating a hammer." he told Vincent, adding the last ruby. He looked at it, imprised by his work. He believed it was his best piece yet.

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((oh and rhi cecilia is a witch too.))
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Obviously. That was Vincent's thought. What he said was, "I suppose somone will want that. May I?" He held out his hand expectantly. (he wants the hammer to look at)

((Ack! sorry.

I'm roleplaying with four of my characters {not to myself}! This has not happened yet ^_^ ))
(By the way, I just thought I'd give a heads up that this will probably be my last post for the night. Hopefully, I'll have a personal computer by tomorrow. >_> )

Honovi smiled when he saw one of the girls from the day before running towards him. "Oh! Hello, Wisteria! What are you doing here?" he asked, surprised, but glad to see a familiar face.

Adele noticed where her friend from the day before had come, and wandered in that direction. When she came to Melody, she crouched beside her, and looked at what she was reading. It made no sense to her with her current knowledge, she was still curious about what it was about. She remembered Honovi attempting to use books to teach her when she first started living on land, but had never been too keen on the idea. Maybe she'd give them another chance someday, though, if Melody liked them.
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"I live here. And work too, technically," Wisteria said, absently swinging her leg back and forth. She clasped her hands behindd her back and looked up at him curiously. "I don't know if I can help you find what you need, but I can try!"

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Melody had just finished her tale, but before she could start on the next one, she felt like someone was watching her. The momentary gap between stories allowed her to notice this. Looking up, she discovered Adele. "Hi, Adele!" she said cheerfully.
James put the hammer in water to let it cool first. Once it stopped steaming he lifted it out of the water. It was heavy, as all war hammers are. The person who may buy this would have to be strong, probally a strong warrior or soldier. They would also have to be wealthy since the rubies and gold were pricey. James figured the person who bought this weapon would buy it to show off his wealth and strengh. Once he made sure the hammer was completely cooled off, he handed it to his mentor.
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Vincent, with strength built up over the years of training and blacksmithing, took the hammer from his apprentice. It was a relatively nice piece, and he was sure some wealthy soldier would come through town eventually. Nowadays? There weren't many. Vincent was much of a hammer guy, but the weight was good for a person who would use hammers. Hammers were supposed to be heavy and slow, after all. Vincent preferred swords. "Not bad," he said. If he wasn't near the forge, he would have given it an experimental swing. However, forges and weapons practice were not a good mix. He offered the hammer to his apprentice.

((after I get my chores done and have a bit of a school break, I think I'm going to post a Brendan flashback. maybe an Amariana one, too, and heck, let's even add Wesley! all depends on my creative state of mind later today))
Honovi smiled at her. "Well, could you possibly point me toward any books concerning mythological creatures, or perhaps local lore?" he asked. Truthfully, anything about inhuman species intrigued him, but he prefered looking at semi-factual works first, and then works of pure fiction after, since referencial books were more likely to give accurate information about different species than something made to entertain children or for adolescents to use to scare each other.

Adele smiled when Melody looked up from her book. "Hello." she said, remembering enough from yesterday that she understood the short exchange, at least. She sat down next to her, still smiling, unsure of what other words to say. Still, just sitting next to her new friend would probably be more interesting than whatever Honovi was going to do in here.
James took the hammer back from Vincent. "Thanks." he replied. He was still wondering who would buy the hammer. He hoped he'd be there the day it was sold.
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Melody was trying to think of what else she could say to Adele. She wasn't exactly sure what words Adele knew, after all. Perhaps she could explain a few more words, if she couldn't think of what to say. Her eyes fell to the object she still held in her hands. Lifting it up, she said, "Book."

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Wisteria looked up at the ceiling in thought. "Well, I think Ama would know more about mythical creatures than one could find in a library, but..." she muttered to hereslf. Going back through the memories of last night and this morning, she tried to think of books like what he was asking for. "I got it!" she exclaimed, and walked up to the place where the the books with authors A were. "Author unknown, author unknown..." she mumbled to herself. "Here it is!" she said with a grin, removing a book from the shelf called Legends of Brightwood, by an unknown author.

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Vincent, with no further comment, returned to his work. They hadn't had much business, and that only made him wonder. Were there actually monsters, or was it that no one went in the caves anymore?

((well, I think this'll be my last post till Sunday. Sorry all))

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