Harvest Moon/Rune Factory RP: Brightwood

Aiden nodded, "Yes, I can buy a few off you." he said. ((sorry writers block. its so late))

--- Merged Double Post ---

"Um... I've tried." Cecilia replied. "I killed a deer before. And a bear, but that was selfdefense."
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Wesley finished his coffee and left a little too much money on the table for Brendan. He could sense that Valeria was was waiting for him, so he tucked his book into a pocket in his cloak and walked outside. Brendan came out just as he was leaving, and picked up his dishes and collected the money. He went out back and washed the dishes, his thoughts wandering back to days less than a year ago, before the earthquake but after he came to the island. He smiled, thinking, Those were the days. I felt like I was coming home, and my sister....she felt the same. Would his sister come back? Maybe. That was her choice, Brendan had always thought.
Valerie saw Wesley leave the Inn. "Morning." she says. "I'm sorry about yesterday. Cleaning up the bathhouse took longer than I expected."
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"Most people are busy. I understand that." Wesley said, turning to the witch. Throughout the morning, he had had that feeling that he would having some form or another of premonition. He did not think the time was now. One could never be sure. The island did not feel quite as strange as it had yesterday, though perhaps that was because he had grown used to the differences of the island.

"Perhaps we could start your training today?" Wesley suggested.
Valerie thought for a moment. "Well I'm pretty good at basic wind spells." She paused to t think, "and some healing."
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Wesley thought about that for a moment. Wind and healing...simple spells, though I learned wind spells late. Perhaps... "How are you at controlling your magic?"

((I kinda wrote that weird.

anyway, replying slow, since I'm trying to apply to Philip's Exeter. deadline's in a little over a week))
((oh ok good luck!)) "Hmm.... I think I am so so on that." Valerie replied, "the larger spells I have less control over."
View attachment 2004

Hmm...so-so? Maybe fire isn't the greatest start... Wesley thought, but peered for a moment into the future. Well, I'm not getting any bad vibes from that...and besides, if she can control fire, she can't have too much trouble controlling anything else. "We can start your training today. However...the open street could be a bit dangerous for others and inside is a bit cramped. Is there a more open area in town where I could train you?"

((I'm probably not going to get in. that isn't even me being pessimistic, it's me being a procrastinator and not even working on applying until now. And I wish I'd done it weeks ago....))
(Don't worry, Rin. Procrastinating doesn't always mean you won't be accepted into something. As long as you get it in before the deadline, there's still a chance. :] )

Ashton nodded. "I will. Now that I'm not as worried about being lost, I'll definitly spend less time trying to remember the way." She thought for a moment, then said, "By the way, do you know anyone who lives in the forest? I have another delivery I might need to make."


"Okay. How many would you like to buy?" he laid the fish on the counter and spead them out a bit, so the boy could also pick which ones he thought were better-quality, assuming he had meant he didn't want all of them. He had brought five, all o which looked relatively the same, except for size and the fact a knowing eye could tell some were caught on a different day than the others.
((yeah, as moon said, you cold still get in. as long as you meet the deadline, you will be fine." Valerie thought for a moment. "Well there is the townsquare. It's a large area. But, there are a lot of people who pass through....." she thought to herself for a moment before speaking again, "Maybe we could try the mountain? There's a cave up there and in front of it is this wide, open area." She rembered this becase she could see it from the bathhouse's second story window.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Aiden examined the fish. They were all in pretty good shape and size, but he knew he couldn't keep fish stored long and they would rot by the time they shipped to the city if he had to sell them to someone there. "I will buy these three." Aiden said, pointing to the largest one, and the two fresher ones.
Zane looked at the girl "no, seeing as i don't live in the forest i don't know were any of them would be" Zane said turning around and starting into the forest

((Sage, you care if mashik tags along for the magical training :P ))
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"The mountain sounds like the best place," Wesley stated, "Are you ready to leave?"

((I guess so. The question is whether or not I'll end up finishing the application, essay, and all that other madness.

I sense some fun madness coming on the mountain, between Mashik stalking us and Wesley the Seer being in a cave. Not to mention monsters.

Are there monsters in the caves? Or is this more Harvest Moony than Rune Factory-ish?))
((there are monsters in the caves. but i'm going to pretend valerie didn't know that when she suggested the mountains. and yep this should all be interesting)) Valerie nodded. "Yep." She led the way up the steep mountain path. She walked rather fast, so she didn't know if Wesley was right behind her or further away. When she got to the clearing in front of the cave she turned and waited for him to make it up.
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With no further comment, Wesley followed Valerie up the mountain. It was a simple climb, no incredibly thin paths, no crumbling paths, and no vertical walls to climb. It was a pleasant stroll up an oversized hill, really ((going off of mountains in the past games)). He was not as fast as Valerie, but he made good time, and joined her on the mountain not long after she arrived. Wesley removed a book of simple magics from inside his cloak and held it out to her.

"I don't suggest you try spells at home, but perhaps you could study this. Knowing the theoretics may help you with the casting of certain spells," he said. He did not feel nervous, though Valerie was technically his first student. Helping an odd witch or wizard every now and then when they recognized him for what he was did not count. Wesley was simply a confident person, and Valerie seemed to be an eager student.

((The madness has grown that much more exciting :D ))
Mashik had seen two people one of them being the girl who had tried to tie him and raiden up leave town and being bored as usual followed them from quiet a distance, mainly wanting to see what they were doing and he saw the man, he didn't know his name yet, give her a book most likely about magic fr4om the glimpses in there conversation he heard
Valerie took the book and examined it. She paged though the pages noticing words and directions printed on the pages, as well as a brief history. There were also some symbols, Valerie had seen before, but had since forgotten their meaning. "Thank you." she said smiling. She figured she could look over the book during her downtime at the bathhouse when there wa no one there or everyone was in the bath and didn't need her.
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"I have already seen a spell you've learned, but can you show me another?" Wesley asked. Her spell had been a quick one, and some people did not use magic the same as others. Intents were different, but methods could also be different. Evidence of that was seen across the world.
Valerie thought about which spell to use. She put two of her fingers together and moved her hand sideways across her chest. A quick wind bursted from her fingers, hitting a rock nearby, which remained undamaged.
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Well, Wesley was unimpressed. But, then again, Valerie had not had as much practice as he, though he was not used to open displays of magic. Perhaps I am not ready for a student. Patience I have in great amounts, though I am not as good with other things. Nontheless, he nodded to himself. Then he spoke, "The simplest spells to begin with are the elements. Air and earth are easiest because they are all around you, and you can simply manipulate them. Water is only slightly harder to find, but you often half to create fire. I think fire is what we shall begin with, since the other two elements should come a bit more naturally."

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