Harvest Moon/Rune Factory RP: Brightwood

(yea hopefuly ill be better soon.)) "I'm not sure exactly what you meant." Cecilia replied calmly. "You said it was probally your father that sold me the house, but not the foundation?" ((i honestly am confused lol))
Soul: He sold you THE house, but the land it is on is still technically my families.
"Oh. Okay I know that." Cecilia replied, taking a step back. She understood that Soul"s family owned the woods. She relized this meant she could not hunt anymore. Not without the permission of Soul, or other family members. Cecilia wasn't too certain how likely he would allow her to hunt. Not without cutting into her profit, which was already nearly nonexistant. Inside, she paniked, wondering what she would do about blood. She didn't want to end up feeding off of the villagers like Mashik did. She liked the town, and the people. She didn't want to have to leave because of her bloodlust. ((hmm this post is a lot better))
Soul: *studied her face but didn't say anything*

(didn't want to say anything in order to give you a chance at things lol)
"Does that mean I cannot hunt?" Cecilia finally asked him after a moment of silence. She guessed she probally wouldn't be allowed, because of the way she treated him when she discovered him in her house. If she couldn't hunt she would probally get ready to move elsewhere.
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In the area above the library, the twins and Amariana finished supper. Amariana was thinking about taking them to the inn tomorrow instead, since the upstairs area was a bit cramped, especially with her tail. "What have you two been up to today, anyway?" she asked. Of course, it was Wisteria who answered, "Oh, lots of things, Ama! We went to the gneeral store and cleaned up the library, then we started rearranging the books, and we went to the beach and met some strange people!" "They weren't strange people, sis, they were Selkies," Melody sighed. "You two met Selkies? Here?" Amariana asked. Being a sort of hybrid herself, she knew about most magical creatures. "Mm-hm!" Melody said.

Amariana pondered this for a moment. "They could speak human?" "One could, one was still learning. They were siblings," Melody said. Still pondering this, Amariana felt she should meet these Selkies at some point. Not that she was particularly overprotective of the twins, but more that she was curious why a Selkie, never mind two, would be ashore. She mentally shrugged this off for now, and turned back to the present.

"So, do you two need help with anything?" she asked. "Well, we didn't exactly finish organizing the library, since it's hard for us to carry a lot of books back and forth..." Wisteria said. Amariana nodded thoughtfully, "Do you two know how to make a ledger?" "Like of books?" Wisteria asked. Melody nodded. "Then you two can start making that ledger. I'll start moving books." Melody and Wisteria jumped up from the table and rushed downstairs. Amariana followed, but not quite as enthusiastically. Especially since it was not very easy to go down stairs with a tail.

Amariana started in the back, taking boxes of books and moving them out front. Wisteria had dragged tha ladder over to the "A" section, and started reading titles and authors from the shelves for Melody to copy down. Every so often, Melody would ask Wisteria to repeat a title or author, or spell it.

(('s ok moon. all of us have lives offline {sometimes I think I don't, but I still do}.

I managed four paragraphs O.o I'm in a creative mood, apparently...

I won't be on at all this afternoon {probably}, though I'm not going to school today. I might see some of you briefly when you get back on :) ))
Soul: * backed up for a moment and waved his hands in the air as if he was judging the pros and cons* I don't see why you shouldn't be allowed to hunt, my only question is what bird callings do you know?

(from my iPod)
"Bird calls?" She laughed embarrassed, "I don't know any bird calls." Cecilia never had any interest to learn how to whistle. While she was human, she attended too many former events, music lessons, and dance lessons to learn any outside hobbies. Then when she was turned into a vampire her main concern had been learning to maintain her bloodlust and avoid hurting humans. "Why do you ask?"
Soul: Then you aren't a real hunter, all true hunters know bird callings or at least one.
"I don't hunt birds usually." Cecilia replied, offended. "I hunt rabbits and squirrels normaly."
(Um...do we have any sort of plan about where the different houses in town are? ^^; Oh, and if anyone is bored and wants to converse with a bossy little girl, just have them step outside, and we can figure something out.)

Ashton walked by houses, placing envelopes in mail boxes or under doors, wherever she thought the people would probably end up expecting their mail. As she walked, she thought about the people she met in the forest. How was she doing to deliver to them? She supposed she could try to drop off the fliers at their homes when she was with Zane tomorrow, supposing he possibly knew where their homes were, but what after that? Would they even get mail? Athough she doubted it, she couldn't be too sure. Hm...maybe she'd run into them again at some point. She could deal with that later, she guessed. There was probably nothing to do about it now.


The selkie siblings walked into town, and Honovi instantly took his sister's hand. Although she was beginning to figure out her way around, at least to the places they usually went to, he still worried about her in town. He thought for a moment about where they could go. I was pretty late, so they probably couldn't go to the market to ask about possibly selling some fish, and he wasn't completely sure what the hours for the library were, and would hate to disturb the workers, if they were closed. They already ate dinner...but maybe he could get Adele a snack? Yes, that would do. She'd learned a lot today from her new friends, so she deserved a reward. He began leading her towards the inn, passing a black-haired girl with glasses.

"Hey, where do you live?" the girl called to them after they passed.

Honovi turned around, confused about why she asked. "On the beach." he replied.

The girl made a face. "That's a wierd place to live." She ran up to him and shoved an envelope into his hand. "Here. I'd be easier to give you that now than go to the beach for just your house." The girl turned, and went back to what she was doing before. Honovi just nodded, unsure how to respond, before deciding she looked busy, and he should probably just go.
(Ne, it's fine. I'll work something out for when I actually have to describe deliveries. It probably doesn't matter, anyway... ^^;;; )
(well don't forget kaze is still at the church)

Soul: Birds aren't the reason why you'd need bird calling, it's because of other hunters that you might accidentally hit and/or kill.
(Oh. Yeah, I suppose I could have her stop by the church....)

Ashton shoved envelopes into mail boxes as she passed, and then arrived in front of the church. Slowly, she walked up to the door. This was probably the one place she couldn't muster up her usual attitude. It would just feel wrong to act like that in a holy place. She searched the door, trying to find some place to stick the flier. She probably shouldn't slide it under the door. So...what should she do? She pushed open the door, glancing inside. "Anyone here?" she asked. "I...I have a flier...thing...to deliver..."
Kaze: *had just finished a long prayer (really long from the last time i used him lol) when he heard Ashton open the door. He stood up* Come in, there are no dangers here.
Soul: *nodded his head* here, i'll teach you *goes and teaches the blue jay version to her which is the most common used and easiest to pick up on/understand*
Cecilia tries to copy the sound. It comes out off key. She tries again and the same thing happens. "I'm bad at this...."
"I know, it's just..." she walked in, still not sure what she was supposed to do, exactly. "I didn't want to interrupt you. Or disrespect...anything...or anyone..." Her family went to church sometimes when she was younger, but things had been so hectic since the earthquake, they hadn't gotten the chance. They had been trying to figure out the new structure of their family, set up the post office, and they were still working out how to get their dad's wheelchair around town(which was why he didn't leave very often at the moment). Plus, she had never been at the church alone before. Or at night. It felt kind of wierd. "I was wondering...where do you want your mail delivered? When you get some, I mean?"
Kaze: *walked over toward Ashton and then walked to their postal area* this here is where the mail used to go, miss... *doesn't remember her really*

--- Merged Double Post ---

Soul: Good job, now you have the hang of it!
The tubs with hot water were filled and the bathhouse was ready to open. Valerie glanced up at the clock. It was nearly time to open the shop. She did one quick run around the shop, making sure everything was ready. She glanced at the clock again. 7pm. It was time to open the bathhouse. She went outside and turned the sigh, turned on the front light and went back inside to wait for customers.

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