Harvest Moon/Rune Factory RP: Brightwood

(i might actually hav 2 friends over saturday. so i may be drifting on and off saturday too kaze)
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"Do not apologize, you ought to go," Amariana said, after the explosion had jarred her thought process and her music. Her fingers froze. "I think I'll be here for awhile longer. This is not the sort of trouble I can handle, I think." And so she remained. She looked up from her harp, trying to find something to distract her from the dangerous situation elsewhere. There was a bar near her. The beach was a little ways in one direction, where she had previously seen the twins running to. They are fine, then. I shall not have to show the world what I can do just yet.

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Brendan peered out the window of the inn, straining to see anything. Was that Lily the guy had dangling over the edge of the roof? Not that it mattered before he could do anything. She was fine. Brendan shook his head sadly. Why is everybody fighting now? This is the worst time possible for a fight. This is when we band together; rivals, friends, bitter enemies, siblings...everyone. Brendan sighed. Everyone had left, now that the fighting was over. He turned and started back to the kitchen. Where else was he of use, anyway? Not that he minded.

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At the sound of the explosion, Vincent simply groaned. People these days... he thought, but he still stepped outside his shop, foolishly, without a weapon. It was nothing exciting, really. Two guys getting in a fight, being tied up by a witch...quite boring, in all actuality. Before the girl had been kidnapped, Vincent had returned to his shop, picking up what he had been working on and starting again.

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The strange man watched the predicted events unfold. A brief swordfight. An explosion. Some magic. A kidnapping. A rescue. And finally, the exchange of blood. Just as the vision had shown him. He inclined his head in thought. The girl needed some practice. Making up his mind, the stranger followed the girl back to the bath house, but stopped before going inside. He wasn't sure if that was completely appropriate in this culture. It wasn't exactly like he had lived with witches and wizards in a human environment, but this was a store.

He stood for a while, pondering.

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Melody shuffled her feet shyly. "Yeah, we were gunna play for awhile. You'd really make us fish sticks mister?!" It was about then that both children realized that neither of them had had much to eat today. Wisty had had an orange, Melody an apple. Melody's stomach growled, and Wisty giggled. "I guess we haven't had much time to eat today. We've been busy." Melody blushed a little when her stomach growled. "It's been awhile since we had fish..." Melody said quietly, blushing a little more. "Um, can I ask why you bark?" Wisty asked, and Melody gave her a look.
((gosh, that took awhile.

anyway, I'm pretty sure I'm not doing anything this weekend...other than cleaning my room {you wouldn't believe how much I procrastinate/how much stuff I have}and doing a lab write-up and some outlines for Economics...speaking of a lab write-up, I gotta go finish the one that's due tomorrow))
(I'm going to try to be on as much as possible on Saturday, because I don't know whether I'll be able to get on at all Sundayday. Since the pizza place my dad works at is expecting to be busy during the Super Bowl, I might get recruited to help with dishes and stuff for the night. ^^;

Oh and the 'why do you bark' question made me giggle, Rhi'a. xD )

Ashton still backed up a bit, still nervous about the new guy. She couldn't help but wonder what kind of entertainment he actually meant, and didn't think she wanted to know. I should have just stayed in town... she thought, realizing just how much danger she had put herself in by following that guy. She was never going into the woods ever again, unless she knew the person with her. As she thought that, she also heard what Dai said. "Wait, your territory? Do you live in the woods?" she asked, distracted from her fear for a moment with curiousity. She couldn't imagine living i nthe middle of the woods, especially these woods. If this guy did...that was kind of wierd, and a bit shady. He didn't appear shady, at least in personality, though.


Aleah nodded once more at the hearp player, and hurried home. She barely noticed her surrounding until she arrived at her door and walked into the kitchen. "Is everyone okay? I heard an explosion." she said, slightly out of breath.

"Everyone's fine, as far as we're aware." Mr. Janes said, smiling to his daughter. "You don't have to worry about us."

"Ashton still isn't home, yet, though." Jon added, not looking up from his envelopes. "The thing was over as soon as it began, though, so I don't think we have to worry about her."

"I'm so glad!" Aleah replied, sitting down at the table, watching the males of her family continue their tasks. Looking at the pile of envelopes and letters, she stood up, saying "I suppose I'll start packing Jon and Ash's bags, then. We should probably get these out by tomorrow morning at the latest." She stood up, going into the front hall to get the mail bag that hadn't been used for groceries.

"Exactly what I was thinking." Mr. Janes agreed, putting a final flourish on the letter he was writing, before setting it aside to dry and then be enveloped.


Honovi nodded. "Fishsticks it is, then." He pushed Adele forward a bit, barking to her. "<You can play with them a bit, if you want, but remember not to go in the water.>" Adele nodded to him, before turning her head when one of the girls asked a question. Honovi smiled, though his sister still didn't understand. "I bark, because that is our native language." Honovi explained. "My sister, Adele, is still learning how to talk as we are now, so I still have to converse with her in the language of seals. For that reason, I apologize that she will not be able to converse with you much, but I'll translate as soon as I'm done making your fish sticks."
Soul: I was born here my friend, and this forest is my families land as in all forest's on this world.
((really? the pizza place my dad owns is open Super Bowl Sunday 0.0 probably not too strange, considering...well, it's the Super Bowl....I don't get it, why a BOWL? that just doesn't make any sense to me...

hehe! that was the purpose of the question ^_~ other than the fact of slightly confused five-year-olds))

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The two girls grinned. "Wait! Your native language is seal?" Wisty asked, confused. Melody cocked her head to one side inquisitively, examining the garments worn by the older pair of siblings. Wisty shrugged, and Melody said, "I'm sorry, we've been a bit rude..." Then Wisty remembered. "Oops! We haven't introduced ourselves!" She giggled a little. "My name is Wisteria, and Melody is my sister." The twins never even bothered to introduce her as Aika, because no one ever called her that. Not even their dead parents.
Honovi nodded again. "Yes. We are selkie. Our kind spends most of their lives in seal form, so we usually communicate in such a way. Our vocal chords even form so that we can speak that way when in a land-dwelling form. Our ancestors talked often with humans, but recent generations fear then, which is why many of our pups don't know how to speak the language of land dwellers unless they make the effort to learn it themselves." Or have an older sibling who is teaching them out of neccessity. he added mentally, glancing at his sister. "And it's very nice to meet you, Melody and Wisteria. I am Honovi, and my sister's name is Adele."

Adele pulled on his shirt again. "<Honovi?>" she said, trying to bark in the closest thing to a whisper possible.

"<Thier names are Melody and Wisteria.>" he told her.

"<Oh, okay. But, I was also going to ask how to say 'nice to meet you.'>"

"Nice. to. meet. you." Honovi repeated to his sister. "<And their names in human are> Melody and Wisteria."

Adele nodded, and turned back to the younger girls. "Nice to meet you, Melody and Wisteria." she repeated slowly, hesitantly. She would probably forget the phrase soon, because it was long, but she wanted to get it out. Even if she didn't remember it, she wanted to start conditioning her mouth and throat for the land language.

(Lol. I don't know why. Maybe because the stadiums are kind of bowl shaped? *knows nothing about football*.

Oh, and ironically, my family's actually having fish and fish sticks for dinner tonight. o_o )
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"Nice to meet'cha, Honovi, Adele!" Wisteria said. "Wow, you're really selkies!?" Melody said, her eyes wide. Wisteria grinned when Adele spoke her first human words since they met. "Your human is getting good!" Wisteria said in encouragement.

((haha, me neither. people run into each other and kick balls, as far as I can tell

wow, really? that's just perfect ^_^ ))
Honovi nodded once more. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go make your food. Adele will stay with you two, if you don't mind. While it may be hard, feel free to try to teach her what you can, if you wish. She seems more eager to learn when she can actually apply it to the present moment." With that, he turned to return to his shack, to begin cooking, leaving Adele standing there, grinning. While she didn't understand their words, she could tell by their actions and tone of voice that they were very nice. Plus, how often are younger beings not nice?
Raiden chuckled "the forest belongs to anyone who put's a claim on it and you claim you own it?" Raiden chuckled softly and looked up at the sky

Mashik saw someone else go into the inn I should probably rent a room ​Mashik thought to himself
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When Honovi left, Melody thought about what they could do on the beach. She was thinking still when Wisteria said, "Let's teach Adele about sand castles!" Melody nodded, and started looking for a bit of driftwood. "Ah, Melody?" Wisteria asked. Finding a decent piece of wood, Melody came back, knelt in the sand and started drawing. She drew a rough sketch of a castle. She gestured for Adele to come closer, pointed at her drawing, and said, "Castle." Wisteria said, "Oh, I get it!"

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The stranger decided. It was rude enough to follow somone home, why not just walk in? Besides, it was a business. The man pushed open the door, though he said nothing. He first looked to see if there were any others, both through his senses and his eyes.
Adele walked closer to the drawing, and looked down at it. "Cas..sal?" she said, tilting her head as she examined it. She looked at the picture, before noticing it looked like the little structures little ones sometime built on the beach in the other town they had been in. Or the pictures in the children's books Honovi had tried to read to her at first, before he realized he'd need to go even more basic than that. "Castle!" she exclaimed, nodding to show her understanding. She sat down on the ground and became scooping sand into a little pile, attemptingto imitate what she saw other people do. The sand was too dry, however, and didn't get much bigger than an inch or two, before it just continued to roll down the sides. She frowned, before standing up again, waiting to see if they were going to show her how to make them, too, or if they would move on to a different word.


Honovi reached into the ice box and took out a fish that already had everything non-edible removed, and cut it into strips, and each strip in half, since they were a bit too long for normal fish sticks, at least the ones he knew of. He then searched his cabinets for the ingredients he'd need to add the breading.
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"That's right!" Wisteria said, grinning. They were close enough to the water that making the sand castle wouldn't be too hard, once they showed Adele how, and Adele probably wouldn't turn into a seal on accident. Well, Wisteria wasn't really sure what a selkie was yet, but Melody had read a few more fairy tales about the seal people than her. Melody scooped up some of the wetter sand, and placing it next to Adele, showed her how it was easier to mold the walls with. Wisteria ran down the beach until she found, by sheer luck, a piece of driftwood warped so that it looked a bit like a bowl. She scooped up some water to put on the sand, and came back. Melody got some more of the wetter sand.

((it's been so long since I've made a sand castle, I almost feel like I'm doing it wrong *headkeyboard* heck, I probably am))
(Haha. I don't think your making it wrong. Really, as long as you have wet sand, you really can't go wrong, as far as I'm aware. Unless you stuff it into a sand pail and gets it stuck. *made that mistake* )

Adele smiled wider, and copied Melody, making another wall a few inches away from Melody's. "Castle." she said quietly to herself as she did it. Even if she forgot every other word, she wanted to remember 'castle', because it was the first thing she learned without her brother's help. And 'fish', of course, since it was her first human word ever, and could describe her entire diet. When Wisteria dumped water on the sand, Adele quickly scooped some up, pausing to watch the water seep into the sand. She molded it to the small pile she already had, noticing that the color was slightly different, but continuing not-the-less.
((sorry was on the phone. back the rest of the night!)) ---------------------------------Cecilia had to agree with the second man. "You can't claim the forest." she said, "I live out here too and I do not claim the whole forest as my own." ---------------------------------- Valerie was back in the woman's bath, trying to clean the filth off the tub. She heard the door open. "Please don't let it be my boss. Please don't let it be my boss." she thought to herself as she walked out to see who entered. She saw a man standing in the front of the shop she did not know. "Hello Sir, I'm sorry but the bathhouse isn't opened yet."
((I think I have too. I also discovered black sand {the kind you look for when gold panning} at a beach once. and it had gold in it, according to my grandparents, who were the ones that sifted it....or panned it....or whatever they do...))

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The twins kept working to build the sand castle. "How big are we going to make it?" Wisteria asked. Melody shrugged, "We'll make it as high as we can, until Mr. Honovi comes back with the fish sticks!" The girls giggled, molding walls with tiny, nimble hands.

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It was just the girl from before. Mentally, the stranger breathed a sigh of relief that she didn't notice him following her. "Oh, that wasn't why I was here...." he said, "I saw your display of magic earlier...I thought....that maybe you were unused to magic. That maybe....you didn't have someone to help you with magic." He shook his head. Not only was he talking too much (for him anyway), but he was being rude. "I apologize for my rudeness. I just sense that you will need your magic in the future," he said quickly. He ducked his head a little, embarassed by his little outburst.
"Huh? Oh you mean the rope thing..." Valerie said, dissappointed in herself. "I haven't had the chance to use my magic much lately. Plus the rope thing was something I only read about." Valerie used to pratice spells she read from books all the time. Lately however, she had been preoccupied with other things and her magic had become a bit rusty.
Adele continued copying the girls, not really understanding the conversation. She did pick out two words, however. "Honovi...fish?" she said, more just saying the words than actually asking them anything. She smiled and nodded. They were talking about food, and that's all she needed to know to know they were having a good conversation. In her opinion, the fact her brother could actually make a supply of fish for them that lasted a couple of days was a lot better than his explansive knowledge on both land and sea cultures. Food didn't bore her.


"Cool..." Ash whispered, though not loud enough to disturb the conversation. But...if Cecilia and possibly Dai lived in the woods, how could it be as dangerous as Zane said? Well, he said it was dangerous if you didn't know how to defind yourself, I think. she thought. They probably know how to get around, unlike me... She began to remember that she should probably be getting home, but didn't want to interrupt what was going on.
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"Do you...want to learn? In your spare time, I mean," the stranger asked. He still had not removed his hood, and thought it was polite in many places to do so, so he pushed his hood back so it fell off his head, revealing his facial features.

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The two girls looked up at Adele. Melody nodded. "Yeah, Honovi is making fish for us! Fish is food, we eat it," she demonstrated the act of eating, while Wisteria repeated the word, "Eat." Wisteria giggled again, and returned to fixing the walls . ((what are those bumpy things on the castle called?)) Melody started to make a tower.
((i forget the name....)"That was out of the blue." Valerie thought to herself. She was a bit surprised the man was offering to help her relearn her magic. She didn't know if she should accept or not. She didn't know him, but having someone help you learn was much easier than learning on your own. "Um..." she paused, thinking of how to reply, "That is really nice of you to offer that, but, and don't take offence, but why?"
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"No offense taken. It's a reasonable question," the stranger said, closing his eyes a minute. "All I can tell you with my gift is that many people with magical powers will be needed in the future. I can't tell you why, I can't tell you what you'll be doing. I just know that you will need your magic."
"Oh I see. So you are a fortune teller?" Valerie replied, "Are you sure you would have the time?" She didn't want to be in the way.

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