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Fantasy Guardians of the Forest!


Badass Fighter
You can be Good or Evil

Good:You protect the forest.

Evil:You try to destroy the forest.


Evil:You have been training for this day for your entire life. To wipe out the forest and all the puny beasts/creatures that live there!

Good:The forest is under attack! You have been called to arms in the time of need. WHen darkness strikes, you and your comrades will be the first into battle. Whether you play a defensive role or an offensive role, you'll always be rewarded.

Kirito is looking over the land from atop a tower in the Beacon. It' quiet and peaceful for once. The wind gushing through the air with it's gentle breeze, the trees swaying to and fro, the water flowing from atop gorgeous waterfalls and the townsfolk all going about their daily business. Earlier hat day, he had gone around the town to put up posters, calling for assistance in the war.

The poster read:

Calling all able bodies! Your help us needed in the war against the Evil that tries to hold a grip over this land. Can all willing applicants report to Commander Kirito for further instructions. We are accepting all races and even if your help may be small, it would be of great serivce.

For the Evil people out there!

The Evil lays dormant while they prepare they're next strike. They too are gathering troops. The capital city of the force was a place known as the Darkness' Hub. The Hub was a metropolos built for war! Walls of iron, turrets and spellcasters guard the walls while their leader, A Spirit of Pure Evil, orders his troops to fight. The people of that city, whether they be man, women or child, were forced to fight. Many lose their lives everyday to the harsh training. The Evil wants to corrupt the jungle so they don't have to live in this shabby city of metal and scrap.
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Out in the Darkness' Hub, she wondered the streets. Signs covered posts for lost pets, selling homes, and army recruitment. Tekinai gazed onto the signs, rolling her eyes. "Why need this when I've volunteered." She tore the sign off of the post, crumpled it into a ball and threw it over her shoulder. Tekinai was in her way to the blacksmith, awaiting for the best katana that he could craft. When she reached the building, he was cleaning a counter for his shop. It contained swords and weapons of all kinds, gleaming with the best metal in all of the Darkness' Hub. "Hello Tekinai, you going to the king today?" The man spoke in a light tone, but his voice was rough and low. His clothes were slightly burned from the coals and fire he works with everyday. "Yes sir, I'm going to the king for allowance on a mission. I'm afraid though that I can't tell you what that is." Tekinai slightly giggled, and looked around at the shop to see her new katana on the counter. The man picked it up, and handed to Tekinai. "That'll be 10 silver." Tekinai frowned, seeing that she only had 5. She then smiled lightly, and lifted her finger to his chin. With one touch, she placed him under her spell. "N-nevermind... You can have it.. On the house.." The man stuttered, his face flushed as he spoke slowly. Tekinai smirked and pat him on the head. "Thank you, goodbye." She then left the building. A few minutes later she heard the man yelling from his shop, which made her giggle. Tekinai slipped the new katana into her sheathe, and walked on her way to the castle of the Pure Spirit.

( This is in the perspective of the Evil faction. :3 )
Kirito strode through the Beacon. His dagger in his belt and his bow on his back, he walked through countless beautiful shops. The glory of the Beacon shone on that gorgeous day. On that fine day, he had brought a few gold with him. He checked in at the tavern to finish off his day by buying a pint of beer. After that, he head back to the Commander's Quarters to get some rest. He had hopes that the peace between the two factions would last at least a little bit longer. Everyone was so happy at the moment and he couldn't bare to see them killed......
Tekinai strolled into the castle, watching as guards bowed to her as she passed by. It felt nice to be treated by respect as one of the head guards of the Pure Spirit. When she reached the throne room, she bowed at the foot of the Pure Spirit's throne. Even as a head guard, she must bow to the almighty king. "Sire, I have a request for a mission that will help with the mission." The king sat in his thrown, pondering at her request. "Go on..." Tekinai smiled, and stood up. "I volunteer to cross over to the Beacon, from there I can act as a rogue and seek shelter. This will cause them to let me into their gates. Once I've done so, I will earn their trust... and information." On the last words of her request, she smirked. "Besides, the Beacon do not know about me being a head guard." The king brushed his fingers with gold rings over his chin, thinking about his answer. He then stood up and folded his hands behind his back. "I grant you the ability to carry out this request. Although... if you fail... you are forbidden to come back to this city and will be counted as an enemy. Understood?" Tekinai thought about the con to this plan, and nodded. All she wanted was to obey the king, but she did hate this poor metal city. Metal creation was all it was good for, and she was tired of seeing it. "Understood, sire. I will leave to start now." The king sat back down as she walked out, a grin on her face.'I will accomplish this mission.' She thought to herself, grinning at the plan she's thought about since the war was slowly starting to collect.
Kirito went to check on the guards working at the gate "Any signs of the Evil?" he would ask but the guard would reply with "No." That was at least something good to rush around his mind as he went by his day. "That fills me with joy to hear, thank you." Kirito would keep walking along the walls.
Tekinai held her katana in her sheathe that had a gold ring around the base, with red designs on the black leather cover. So far, she had the best weapon known in Darkness' Hub, but no information has been given from her city. She looked around her old home once more, and slammed the door behind her, sick of the sight. 'It's a shame they put a well respected volunteer in the top guards in a stinky old house.' She huffed at the thought, and then smiled. For once, she'd be visiting her old home. Although, she had mixed feelings about it. She loved the sight of the forest, but always looked at the Beacon as a weak home to live in. All there is there is weakness, and mercy, and.. and... 'love...' Tekinai always loved the thought of love, but... "No." She thought out loud. 'No one would love a deceiver, keep your mind on the task at hand.' She walked out of the city, her head held high for the king to see, then set out in a dash as far away from the city as she could go. Bandits followed her as planned, and she ran closer and closer to the Beacon, acting as a though she were in trouble. "Help!" Her voice carried as she listened for footsteps from the Beacon guards. They attacked the bandits, which left Tekinai to cry. "Oh, thank you so..." The guards helped her to the gates, sitting outside of them and shouting for one of the commanders named... 'Kirito? What a noble name for a Beacon commander.' She kept her face to look as if she were worried, although once the guards caught her with the katana on her side, they turned on her. When they turned their weapons to her, she jumped and raised her hands in a surrender. 'Just wait for the commander, Tekinai. Pretend to be innocent and all will be well.' A messenger was sent to get the commander as the rest of the guards kept their eye on Tekinai, which kept her innocent act up.

The messenger would arrive at Kirito and he would arrive straight at the seems. "Speak up. Who are you? Why are you here?" Kirito's voice would be kind and caring yet rough in a way.
Zero was walking through the town with a cloak on so nobody would recognize him usally humans are outcasts here and humans left this forest ages ago but people recognized his scythe whispering "is that the wandering reaper" and the other person said "do t look at him or he'll take your soul" and zero just keep walking when some man tried to pick a fight with him and grabbed his Boulder saying "where do you think your going death because I'm sending you back to the underworld" zero could understand why they hated him and kinda agreed with they're hate after all he killed to protect himself so he grabbed the guys hand and threw him over he didn't want to pull out his scythe again in a public place he learned that the hard way when a lot of guards had to pin him down and took away his scythe. And just kept walking.

As Romulus wandered the streets at night, not knowing where he was, he saw the signs of blood on the walls. As he gripped his knife, someone jumped out in front of Romulus, with blood down her face. Romulus said in a worried tone, "Who are you, who did this?" Romulus heard the sounds A knife slashing. He shifted into a wolf and went into the alleyway. Romulus saw a gang sitting by a fire with rifles gripped in hands. They were burning bodies. Romulus acted quick and mauled one of their faces. The gang quickly scurried away. Romulus shifted back and a bullet flew passed his head and shot his ear.
Tekinai looked up at the commander, keeping her hands raised. "I am a rogue, I have no home. My father gave me this katana as a keepsake. My name is Teki Miyo." She kept a straight face, looking around at the guards who had their blades pointed at her. Would they believe her, or would they deny her? This all depended on their decision. Besides, her lies would come to be like truth to them. 'I am now Teki Miyo, my father was Utem Miyo and we've spent our days in the open land, doing what we could to survive. The katana was passed down for generations by the Miyo family. Welcome to the new disguise, Tekinai.' She kept her thoughts from her emotions, gulping as the guards glared at her. Her life was in the hands of Commander Kirito, as well as the plan she needed to follow.
"Lay down your weapons, Guards. She seems of no trouble." Kirito would turn his attention to Teki. "I will have my eyes on you Teki.....One wrong move and you'll be out of the Beacon....." His voice starts to soften up as he continues. "My name is Commander Kirito and you will now be entering he Beacon. You will be given 3 meals a day and all outsiders must be within their rooms by 10pm sharp. Do you understand all that?"
In the middle of the forest, the Demon know as Maximilian, who was currently in the form of an deformed old man with a cane, slowly walks through the forest in the direction of Beacon. While walking through the forest, Maximilian laughs madly to himself when thinks about all the pain and suffering he is going to cause in Beacon and how no one will think that an old, deformed man will be responsible for the atrocities that will be committed .
Tekinai exhaled softly as they lowered the weapons. "I understand." She spoke orderly, with a bit of disappointment that he would be watching over her. "Nice to meet you, Commander." She lightly smiled, then listened as he told the order of the Beacon. "I understand, sir." She pointed her soft pink ears up, showing understanding and happiness. Her tail swished slowly behind her as she listened to his orders. "What time is it now? I haven't acquired any means of time or anything else, not since my father sent me out to search for this place." Her face went blank to show emotion of sadness. "He sent me to live here... so I wouldn't die with him..." A tear flowed down her cheek as a part of the act, which she wiped away. When she followed the commander, she saw the white walls of the Beacon. 'Disgusting color.' She brushed her hand on the wall as they walked in the Beacon. Tekinai knew now that her mission started, and knew that through every step of the way the Pure Spirit would watch the Beacon, making sure she was doing her job. It would take a while, and a lot of convincing, but she would accomplish it. Even if she had to sign up for their army, she would do whatever it takes.

[QUOTE="Romulus Deathbringer](Well you're not supposed to be in Beacon, unless your character has teleportation)

Huehuehue maybe (no just kidding I'll delete that post. xD )
"It is 3pm. You will also be rquired to pick what work you will be doing." He would shout to the guards "Open the gates!" The grand quartz doors would swing open and then close once they enter through. He would show her living quarters. It's a small and shabby one room place. "This is where Outsiders go for the time being. I hope you enjoy your stay in the Beacon." He would leave the room to let her get aquainted to it.
Later on zero was walking in the forest alone thinking "this is a long ass walk for me" and started to smile and pulled out his scythe cutting the bushes in his way and kept walking he looked at his scythe and it was shiny red and black and kept hacking at brush until he saw a little old man thinking "I don't trust this gut but what the hay I'll just keep my guard up. He walked up to,the old man saying "hey old man you going to beacon to?" He asked in a curious voice.

Surprised by the arrival of a young boy with a strange sythe, Maximilian decides to answer the boy's question . "Why yes, I am going to Beacon. Are you going to Beacon too?"
Barbas said:
Surprised by the arrival of a young boy with a strange sythe, Maximilian decides to answer the boy's question . "Why yes, I am going to Beacon. Are you going to Beacon too?"
Zero looks at the old man under his hood saying "old man ,my scythe thinks you funny" he said as the scythe of death started shaking and pointing at the man but put it away and started walking along side the old man saying "I'm zero and people in beacon don't take kindly to outsiders especially humans so I'll travel with you" he said grinning a little.
Aqua said:
Zero looks at the old man under his hood saying "old man ,my scythe thinks you funny" he said as the scythe of death started shaking and pointing at the man but put it away and started walking along side the old man saying "I'm zero and people in beacon don't take kindly to outsiders especially humans so I'll travel with you" he said grinning a little.
While walking with Zero, Maximilian decides to question Zero while staring at his scythe." And what does your scythe find so funny about me, Zero?"
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Zero grinned a little saying "you shouldn't be alive....it can tell because it's the scythe of death" he said as the scythe hit the sun just right and the tip of it shined a little.

Aqua said:
Zero grinned a little saying "you shouldn't be alive....it can tell because it's the scythe of death" he said as the scythe hit the sun just right and the tip of it shined a little.
Upon hearing Zero's answer, Maximilian replies to him with a humorous tone. " But I am clearly alive boy. If I wasn't alive I wouldn't be talking with you right now."

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