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Fantasy Griznovian Mages


Senior Member
It was about midway through the day already, and the market place was full of travelers with hooded capes and scruffy clothing. Chatter was spreading rapidly from person to person as the clerks took the money needed to pay for goods and distributing them to whoever bought them.

A few kids were spreading news that the king had passed down to them. And every once in a while, there was the group of children who would run by with a new toy just bought at one of the markets.

However...as the fun had just begun for these simple people, a knight rode in a white stallion with the normal attire of a battle steed. He looked rather fearful, and as he passed by, he screamed to the people to get inside their homes and protect the young ones. For whatever reason, there was a beast that resembled a large chicken with red feathered wings and a bright yellow scaled body with a long tail with a blade at the end.

The knight was shortly followed by a few other guards with broadswords. In the distance, the creature could be seen running after livestock with such speed as it screeched and hollard with blades for teeth.

These knight needed to know what they were doing, otherwise their lives would be taken from them in a bloody battle.
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Rif was walking out of the college degree in hand and on his way home "man dad is going to be so proud of me " Rif ran through the door and called out for his dad but there was no response so he went to his dad's room but wasn't there either he looked all around the house but he couldn't find him " he must have went to the market " so he waited. It was late and Rift was tired he fell asleep on the couch.
Aurora noticed the hustle for a creature and quickly took action. She turned to her brother, Roul, and nodded with the received same nod in return.

In a quick flash of a black and green mist, Aurora had taken the shape of a black and White horse and allowed for Roul to quickly place and strap a saddle to her back before getting on and snapping the reigns for her to move.

Aurora bolted forewards rushed towards where the commotion was, but knew she had to trail back quite a distance from the guards, otherwise they would have problems with the Head of the Guards.

She watched with interest as the man on the horse and the guards on foot fought the beast.

"Look at that, Aurora. Soon we can do that for the King and Queen! Aren't you excited?!"

As Roul was finishing his sentence he jumped up and leaned forward to wrap his arms around Aurora's neck, and she did not like that.

With a quick motion she reared up and flung her brother off of her back. Afterwards another Blsck and Green shadow surrounded her before she changed back to her normal form, sending a glare over her shoulder at her older brother.
The rising sun glided gently into the sky, it's orange and red hues dancing gracefully on the countryside as it's residents awoke to face the day yet again. The pink blossoms of the trees fell with a quiet dignity, and the light breeze kissed the foreheads of the people as they moved about in this amazing land....

That was Karut's fondest memory of his homeland, and as he stood on this small hill, overlooking a gloomy town with some sort of glorified chicken attacking it's livestock, he wished he could be back there. Anywhere but here, really. He sighed as he rubbed a hand on his face. He couldn't go back, not right now. He made a promise and had to see it through, no matter how painful. Still, he sat cross-legged on the hill and shook his head as he whispered to himself.

"Oh, what have I gotten myself into, Mia?...."
Roul was rather disturbed that Aurora had thrown him off like she did, and was pretty upset about it.

"Hey, what was that for!"

Like usual, Aurora just stared at him with a glare, not uttering a single word. Now he was really annoyed at the girl and stood up, walking over to her and shoving her a bit.

"What's your deal, huh? You never said a word to me, Mother, or even Father...I'm starting to question you..."

With that the boy smirked to himself as that last sentence escaped his lips.

"How about this. Go impress those guards down there by killing that thing! You'll be part of the Royal Guard then!"

Like usual, Roul had gone too far and shoved Aurora down the hill, causing her to tumble forewards and injure herself before getting up.

Now, the beast was very close now at the bottom of the hill, and it took a liking to injured prey. So it shoved past the guards with a small amount of effort, lunging itself towards the young girl with determined eyes. It wanted food, and desperately...

Aurora was now preparing herself for the worst as she put her arms over her face in a lousy attempt to shield herself, but nothing happened except a pinching, pressured feeling in her forearm.

The beast had bitten her, but was now laying on the ground with a sword in its side, and a guard glaring at her...
"Look at that. It all resolved itself, old man." Judeau went back to resting on the rather luxurious stack of hay. With the sun beating down just right to give him some shade, the forest rustling with a cool breeze, it was a spot fit for a king. Too good a spot, Judeau thought, to give up because the old farmer wanted him to go fight a beast.

"Get yer behind off my hay! And... And..." The old man calmed as he saw the commotion dying down.

"Yeah, and what?" Judeau bit the the thin strip of grass at the corner of his mouth, making it bounce and release a bit of its sweetness. "It's over. Only a couple of your pigs are dead. Count yourself lucky, if those guards hadn't come-"

"YOU'RE FIYERD! YE USELESS-" The old man coughed in that bumbly accent the folk around here carried. Judeau was promptly whacked off his spot with a stiff cane and little mercy. No amount of pleading or reasoning changed the old man's mind.

Judeau slumped his shoulders, defeated. "Sigh... there goes the pay I needed... and my nap."

He wandered absentmindedly toward the downed monster that had inadvertently gotten him fired. The guards were crowding around both it, and some elf looking mighty out of place.
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Aurora looked up at the guards with a worrisome look plastered on her face. One of the guards stepped towards her, grabbed the collar of her shirt, and lifted her to her feet with a very jolting pull.

"State your name, peasant..." He growled.

Aurora was so silent and shocked that no words escaped her lips, which only angered the male guard further.

"State your name..." The guard repeated, raising his voice.

Now Aurora was at a loss, she spoke finally, mumbling almost.

Judeau perked up a bit as he passed the crowding guards. One of the many dressed from head to toe in steel plates was practically yelling at the poor girl. Judeau, never one to let an opportunity be wasted, came closer behind one of the distracted guards on the outside of the crowd. He straightened his back and whistled.

"Wooow. Amazing work. Who was the guy who fell the beast?"

The guard smirked, giving only a cursory glance to who was speaking. "Beat it kid. Before Arwin there gets curious about you like he is with that elf."

Judeau deposited the coin purse he'd managed to pilfer in that brief exchange. Record time, he thought cheerfully. He pretended his little twine of grass was a pipe, exhaling as he held it in two fingers. "D'aww, I just wanted to buy the man a pint. Oh well."

The guard grunted at this, unaware his belt was lighter. He turned fully and threw a sharp arm toward town. "I said beat it."

"Yeah yeah..." He exited the crime scene as he had planned to, but found himself walking a bit slower than usual. He found himself still curious of the encounter.
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The guard lowered the girl and allowed her to stand like a normal individual.

"Now," the guard started. "Don't ever interfere with these things again...otherwise I'll put you in prison..."

Aurora was going to question this, but thought better of it and ran off. She was lucky they didn't know she was an Anthromorphic, otherwise things would have gotten pretty bad considering they don't usually like to see another creature that looks exactly the same as the other one they were fighting...

As she was walking away, she noticed a human boy walking away as well. He must have been caught up in the drama.
First thing Judeau noticed about the elf were the eyes. It wasn't the usual white backdrop with some color assorted irises. No, he could barely see pupils at all. They were practically glowing which, in all honesty, was pretty common for elves. He should be used to it by now, having run in and out of business with the race a few times. And yet, he simply wasn't. The shudder that ran down his spine was evidence enough that he wasn't. The purple skin, the inhuman eyes, the leafy attire under the elf's cloak. It was all a reminder of how different they were to the humans he constantly dealt with.

So... alien.

The second thing he noticed was the shadowed pouch at her waist. This was enough to convince himself it was worth it to at least give a passing greeting, perhaps go two for two if he was feeling greedy. He did his best to mask his unease, something he was rather proficient at even whilst on the spot like this. He spat out the grass onto the side of the road and approached her. Keeping his hands deep his pockets, he faked a yawn and nudged his chin toward the guards. "Morning. Name's Judeau. You know what this is all about?"
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cokemonster said:
First thing Judeau noticed about the elf were the eyes. It wasn't the usual white backdrop with some color assorted irises. No, he could barely see pupils at all. They were practically glowing which, in all honesty, was pretty common for elves. He should be used to it by now, having run in and out of business with the race a few times. And yet, he simply wasn't. The shudder that ran down his spine was evidence enough that he wasn't. The purple skin, the inhuman eyes, the leafy attire under the elf's cloak. It was all a reminder of how different they were to the humans he constantly dealt with.
So... alien.

The second thing he noticed was the shadowed pouch at her waist. This was enough to convince himself it was worth to at least give a passing greeting, perhaps go two for two if he was feeling greedy. He did his best to mask his unease, something he was rather proficient at even whilst on the spot like this. He spat out the grass onto the side of the road and approached her. Keeping his hands deep his pockets, he faked a yawn and nudged his chin toward the guards. "Morning. Name's Judeau. You know what this is all about?"
Aurora stayed pretty silent for a while before narrowing her eyes in a bit of question, covering herself more with the cloak as she didn't like to be too revealed.

"Interference..." Was all she said, motioning the the dead animal they were starting to drag to the castle along with some dead livestock.
Judeau narrowed his own eyes, cocking his head to one side in order to hear her more clearly. He kept his distance, though. He was keenly aware of her defensive posture at his harmless greeting. This one was wary already.

"Uhh, what? Interference... I 'm afraid I don't know what that means."
cokemonster said:
Judeau narrowed his own eyes, cocking his head to one side in order to hear her more clearly. He kept his distance, though. He was keenly aware of her defensive posture at his harmless greeting. This one was wary already.
"Uhh, what? Interference... I 'm afraid I don't know what that means."
Aurora tilted her head to one side as she stepped off a bit, wanting to take on the form of an animal and run off, but the guards were still there, watching her to make sure she doesn't stick around too long.

"They think I interfered..." She said a bit darkly and with a softer volume.

She didn't want to come off as rude, but she felt that she might snap in front of this guy due to her DID problem...her dual hates new people.
He forced a chuckle as he looked on at the guards hauling the body toward town. They were leaving a trail of feathers that may or may not fetch a fair price. He crouched and picked one up, staving off the urge to collect some more. That would be quite rude while talking to someone, now wouldn't it? "I think you got off lucky. If they really wanted to, they could've thrown you in a cell and forgotten where they placed the key. I've seen it happen."

He stood once more, pretending to inspect the feather. Out of the corner of his eye he watched the knights go, but more specifically, the man on the horse. He hadn't spoken a word nor an order as he sat atop his literal high horse. Something about that type of man rubbed Judeau the wrong way. Just from a glance, he knew the bars around town would be praising whatever his name was, even if he wasn't the one who felled the beast. Those kind always got the glory of those under them.
cokemonster said:
He forced a chuckle as he looked on at the guards hauling the body toward town. They were leaving a trail of feathers that may or may not fetch a fair price. He crouched and picked one up, staving off the urge to collect some more. That would be quite rude while talking to someone, now wouldn't it? "I think you got off lucky. If they really wanted to, they could've thrown you in a cell and forgotten where they placed the key. I've seen it happen."
He stood once more, pretending to inspect the feather. Out of the corner of his eye he watched the knights go, but more specifically, the man on the horse. He hadn't spoken a word nor an order as he sat atop his literal high horse. Something about that type of man rubbed Judeau the wrong way. Just from a glance, he knew the bars around town would be praising whatever his name was, even if he wasn't the one who felled the beast. Those kind always got the glory of those under them.
Aurora watched the boy's movements carefully, then noticed something off about him: He seemed to be hesitating. But about what? Was he looking for something? This only set questions for the girl's mind.

She didn't want to say much, just stepped more to the side and nodded in acknowledgement at his response about the cells. They could've, but they didn't.

She motioned for him to follow her as she walked away from the guards so she could explain more about the situation and maybe grab an herb for her wounded arm if she was lucky.
He blinked in some astonishment at being beckoned to join her. Town was the opposite direction, and he had up till this point believed he had made little head way in gaining any ground with the guarded elf.

Town's the complete opposite direction. Where is she going? Why should I follow? Is this a trap? If it is...

Judeau found his legs moving faster than his brain. Shoving the feather into one of many pouches, he jogged a bit to catch up to her, minding to leave a sizable gap as they walked side by side. "D'awwmm... I don't think I caught your name?"
cokemonster said:
He blinked in some astonishment at being beckoned to join her. Town was the opposite direction, and he had up till this point believed he had made little head way in gaining any ground with the guarded elf.
Town's the complete opposite direction. Where is she going? Why should I follow? Is this a trap? If it is...

Judeau found his legs moving faster than his brain. Shoving the feather into one of many pouches, he jogged a bit to catch up to her, minding to leave a sizable gap as they walked side by side. "D'awwmm... I don't think I caught your name?"
The elf didn't look at him and kept her pace, mumbling a simple word.


That was all she said as she continued her pace. She wished to be away from the guards, and once she knew there was a safe distance, she quickly turned and looked the boy straight in the eyes and finally decided to speak again.

"That guard doesn't know what's he gotten himself into...that beast was a Chimtara...once they smell their own blood, they bring tons more...

There is no way just they could take all of a pack by themselves..."
Judeau scratched his bare chin. The veil over what he portrayed in his features waned. There was obvious skepticism on the young man's face, only a flash of it before he returned to the friendly mask. He'd never heard of this... Chimtara... creature, but he faintly recalled eating some meat off a merchant with that name. He didn't have any fond memories of it. It tasted just like chicken. "A Chimtara... huh. Well, Aurora, I can't exactly say I'm worried about a flock of those things going up against the town's guards. If there is a herd coming, we probably should get behind the walls and not be walking away from them, shouldn't we?"
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Karut eventually got up and made his way down the small hill and began to traverse the beaten dirt path to the town. The dirt beneath his feet shifted ever so slightly with his steps, and he took a deep breath as he walked. He can say what he might about this land, but he very much enjoyed how clean and fresh the air was. Probably from the abundance of trees, unlike in his homeland. By the time he arrived at the gates to the town, the beast he spotted earlier had been slain and the townsfolk were slowly returning back to life as usual. He stood at the mouth of the gate and let his eyes wander around the town, scanning the buildings, marking the guards, and taking note of people. The majority of people here were human, but that did not surprise him. He continued into the town, passing by what seemed to be some sort of elf and a human, speaking to each other in what might have been considered loud whispers. Karut thought it suspicious are first, but decided not to get involved in their deeds. He merely grunted at them, trying to signify that they should speak in lower tones or somewhere more privately, and continued on his way. He eventually made his way into the center of the town, then put a hand to his chin in thought as he observed the buildings around him. He realized he must have been quite the sight to see, an Orc in strange garb not attacking people, but he could care less about the people's opinions. He spoke to himself lowly, to try and help himself focus.

"Where, oh, where could that tavern be?..."

@cokemonster @MyrnaCat13
cokemonster said:
Judeau scratched his bare chin. The veil over what he portrayed in his features waned. There was obvious skepticism on the young man's face, only a flash of it before he returned to the friendly mask. He'd never heard of this... Chimtara... creature, but he faintly recalled eating some meat off a merchant with that name. He didn't have any fond memories of it. It tasted just like chicken. "A Chimtara... huh. Well, Aurora, I can't exactly say I'm worried about a flock of those things going up against the town's guards. If there is a herd coming, we probably should get behind the walls and not be walking away from them, shouldn't we?"
Aurora wasn't too concerned that they boy knew what was to be done, but how to explain this next part.

"Do you think the guards know much? They're strong but also pretty dumb. They've never seen one of these things before this..."

She said as she motioned the guards who, by the way, were dumber than they seemed.

[just saying @Knight Nate,

We're not in the town, we're actually outside of it.]
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"Pah!" He tossed a hand in their general direction. "Only thing the metal-heads know how to do is swing a sword and bust my-- 'Hem", Judeau cleared his throat. "...bust up anyone's day they find suspicous. Bunch of paranoid pigs is what they are."

Judeau said this for two reasons. He was saying what he thought this elf wanted to hear, yet it wasn't too far from what he truly believed. To him, guards were worth fearing despite all he said of them. They were more like boars. Pigs with tusks.

Judeau backed away a few steps and jabbed a thumb back into town. "Listen, I don't think it matters if they're smart or not. They handled one just fine. How about we go into town. I know a place we can ride out the madness, if a chicken attack is really on its way."
cokemonster said:
"Pah!" He tossed a hand in their general direction. "Only thing the metal-heads know how to do is swing a sword and bust my-- 'Hem", Judeau cleared his throat. "...bust up anyone's day they find suspicous. Bunch of paranoid pigs is what they are."
Judeau said this for two reasons. He was saying what he thought this elf wanted to hear, yet it wasn't too far from what he truly believed. To him, guards were worth fearing despite all he said of them. They were more like boars. Pigs with tusks.

Judeau backed away a few steps and jabbed a thumb back into town. "Listen, I don't think it matters if they're smart or not. They handled one just fine. How about we go into town. I know a place we can ride out the madness, if a chicken attack is really on its way."
Aurora starred at the boy for a while before glancing behind her towards the woods. She probably sounded dumb since she was talking about a herd of chickens attacking, but that's what she's observed from most animals.

She then looked at him from the corner of her eye, thinking about going back to town, but was still angry at her brother. Who, like the coward he is, ran home to leave her to fight for herself.

She sighed and started walking back to the town, keeping her head low and grumbling about her brother's mistake. This was the last time he messed with her...
Judeau could hear the mumbling as well as the frustrated tone, but couldn't make out the words. They probably weren't aimed his way, as she was now following him. It was still a possibility though. Women were confusing like that, in his experience.

They came to and then entered the town's gate. Their was a light trail of blood down the main road. Any commotion the dead Chimtara caused had disappeared by now. It was back to life as usual, if a bit more on edge and tinged with gossip.

"The place I'm thinkin' of is off the main road. Couple of turns. Real quiet place, out of the way, you know? I think they'll have something for that arm of yours."
cokemonster said:
Judeau could hear the mumbling as well as the frustrated tone, but couldn't make out the words. They probably weren't aimed his way, as she was now following him. It was still a possibility though. Women were confusing like that, in his experience.
They came to and then entered the town's gate. Their was a light trail of blood down the main road. Any commotion the dead Chimtara caused had disappeared by now. It was back to life as usual, if a bit more on edge and tinged with gossip.

"The place I'm thinkin' of is off the main road. Couple of turns. Real quiet place, out of the way, you know? I think they'll have something for that arm of yours."
Aurora looked up slightly at him in confusion, then remembered that the Chimtara had injured her in the process when it had rushed her.

She huffed in anger at the thought that she would need to explain to her father why she had, yet again, another injury.

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