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Fantasy Grand Ultima

"About that.... That thing is recovering in the void from its long slumber. Something needs to be done before that thing lets loose of its power here. But if the Myrian forces were to do something, they wouldn't even be able to touch it. Much less enter the void. Too much dark exposure can kill them."

Rika responded in a disapointed manner. If even the hero can't beat it, who can? Rika asks himself.
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"Well, that was disappointing." Amelia said with a sigh as she nudged the unconscious body of the boy, with a floating paper bullet. She looked around, seeing clearly through the darkness, and seeing no one she sent power into the ground below him. Excluding his face, the ground levitated slightly and awkwardly, clearly not at par with an earth magus yet achieving the same effect, somewhat.

"Now where was the inn again?" She asked no one in particular as she retraced her steps. Brings bad luck alright, too bad he's always on the receiving end. She thought with a smile, confident that no one could see while walking towards the large homing beacon of an energy signature.
Elija grins as he sets his feet on the ground. She's not getting away, and atleast I know she's the girl I actually have to bring back alive. Eli once more readies himself. "Aww, she broke my barrier, well, whatever. " he soon realises he has no idea where his sword is... 'Silent takedown?' Elija begins his advance in the shadow
"So you're here to take me down?" Amelia deadpanned as she watched the boy step off her makeshift platform and readied himself. "Well you sure do bring a lot of bad luck kitty cat, too bad you're always the victim." Several bolts of light surrounded her, arcane magic holding the platform up returning to save energy. "Maybe you should train more, or is your creed, 'when at first you don't succeed, fail and fail again'?"
Elija gives a piercing laugh "You know, I really am not a big fan of girls like you; not cute at all, definitely not cute at all... And my motto is "Keep trying till your soul and body shatters completely"
"Well to be fair, people who are dumb find people who are smart condescending." She retorted almost good naturally, if only her attacks were not at the ready. "I mean, do I look like a 'he' to you, or some corrupt official you were trying to take down? We're the same age, and when would I find the time to lead a mystery group?" Really he was driving her up a wall here.

He said, and she quotes 'I'm here on a contract, I am to... Silence a certain individual, he's corrupt and is rumored to be the head of a mercenary group that butchered a town, I'm here to kill him, then I will leave this place and collect my Rin' That was fine, he was a killer, and she was a failure, well not anymore, but still 'was'. Now he was accusing her? "Look, you were possessed by darkness, I tried to snap you out of it, no permanent or visible damage too. So can we please just sort this out with the wind user who looks like he knows more than he lets on? If anything, he will confirm things I already know form the archives of Manatus."
"Sure, good luck with that then." She said as she walked towards the inn. This yellow was really hard to figure out. It looked like he had a terrible past, yeah cliche. He was also tactically challenged, not that cliche but it begs the question why he was a mercenary anyway. What happened though? Dead girlfriend? Betrayed by the mercenary group? Found some sort of happiness with a small group so tightly knit that it could be called family before one or more of them were taken away by some mad scientist? She didn't know, or particular care, it was just fun to think about. But the silver hair, and the sword, plus the long flowing clothing would make him more of the villain in her opinion.

So her bolts of light turned into bolts of darkness, invisible to most, just in case he was the villain here.
"Uh, yeah, that's the plan." She replied, evenly. "I don't hurt you, you don't hurt me. I think it's pretty fair, don't you?"
Elija nods " seems fair, by the way, why did you attack me on sight?" He heads off in the right direction, slowly.
"You were kind of possessed by the void, not surprisingly as you had no barrier around you at the time. That's my fault actually, a result of our earlier confrontation, so I apologize." She stated evenly as she continued walking towards the in, her dark bolts now made into a barrier surrounding both of them. "Just don't wander too far off without a barrier and we won't have to fight again. It was lucky you fought me, who knows what the others might have done without light."
Ultima cores? The term vexed her. It ashamed her to say that she had not pursued the study of cores, not even their bare minimums. Any time she used to study them was reserved for yellow cores: it was hers, after all. Still, she seemed to possess this Ultima Core, as Styfr had mentioned. It seemed to be the only thing repelling the sudden influx of dark energy. She could not remember exactly how she felt when she began glowing, incased in the grief of her family's unknown state in the current crysis. But hell, her core was all about barriers anyways.

"I haven't, Styfr. But you can explain at a later time, I'll assist in strengthening the barrier!" Focusing on their general area, Elena could feel her newfound core enhancing her, giving her properties she was sure she should be unable to have. If she wasn't a scientist, she would consider it a miracle. She really would have to investigate more on the matter.

But for once, she stopped thinking about research, and only put her all into repelling the dark forces.
(( sorry for posting so late, I was on vacation and did not get a chance to check rpn))

Caddy trudged slowly through the woods, hearing voices up ahead. She scanned the ground thoroughly, searching for any kind of metals. Her eye gave a twitch as her fatigue began to overcome her.

"Must... Find the parts..."

Since her latest project, Caddy had been obsessed with getting the correct scraps to complete it. She had not slept in a week, traveling all over to find the things she needed.

As the voices grew louder, Caddy's eyes fell upon the dark figures heading towards a small building. She immediate,y stood up straight and began to sprint towards the building.


She bolted straight up in front of the group heading towards the inn, shooting into the building as if it was her last saving grace.

Inside, she sighed with relief. Caddy had found at least some man-made materials here. It would be easier to find a smith and a mine from here.

A tide of guilt washed over her as she turned back towards the door.

"Metal, I forgot to find the pickle jar!"

She swung open the old wooden door once more. A blank and placid look washed over her face as she glanced over the group.

"Caddy. It's Caddy. Wrench, the pickle jar's still missing!"

Eye twitching, she dusted off a dirty glass jar and emptied the juice. Humming a tune, Caddy opened the door to go inside. As she stepped in, she popped her head out again.

"You coming in?"
(This entry is a make-up entry explaining Caddy's arrival to Stargazer Arc and where she was during the scenes following after.)

As Caddy stood, she examined her surroundings. Yes, perfect, she thought to herself as she scanned the area for potential scrap metal. She quickly hurried to the large buildings and pulled out an old, charred map.

"Ok... Let's see where we can find a junkyard..."

Thirty minutes had past since Caddy had followed the map towards what looked like a drawing of a trash pile. She found herself in a lush green forests, being followed by several voices. After listening for a minute, she observed that a tour must have been in progress.

As the tour guide's voice grew near, Caddy ran towards it and held out the map. Quietly mumbling, she admitted that she had hardly any experience following a map and asked how to get to the junkyard. The tour guide pointed towards a spot on the opposite side of the area.

"What? What the..." Caddy examined the "junkyard". It was a chocolate stain.

Caddy face palmed as she groaned a thank you and began to trudge through the woods.

(This is when Caddy finds the inn after trying to find her way back to civilization as the characters are going back to the inn)
"There seems to be another one inside." Rika thought as he sensed another surge of power inside the inn which seemed.... Empty? But full of power!?

"ELENAAA!!!!" Rika shouted through the waving darkness. "Can you check inside the inn!? We'll hold things here!" If anything, it must be another Ultima Core holder. The darkess seems to dying out but that is the same for their barrier.
"Roger that, kiddo."

Elena wasn't sure about actually leaving him to fend for the barrier. But the hell, he seemed to know way too much about what was going on. While she needed to questing him a bit more to determine if he could be trusted, right now she had no choice.

Venturing into the inn, following the sound of footsteps...Elena was very confused. It seemed to be a girl, slightly out of it...talking to herself. Was that a map she was holding? She seemed clearly out of touch with the disaster at hand. The golden glow that radiated out of her, however, seemed to match hers and the others.

"You! Girl, did you hit your head? If you're fine, won't you help us hold the barrier?"

Caddy furrowed her brow.

"Barrier... Barrier?" Obviously confused, Caddy gave the subject a thought. Her eyes went wide as she realized... "Oh, my ultimate core is locked. I'm a mechanic," she eyed Elena strangely. She had no memory of a disaster taking place as she arrived at the scene.

Caddy popped her head in the inn, searching for potential parts for a quick invention. Looking back out, it was as if her view of the world completely changed. This was no longer just an exploit for parts.

Everything was similar to an enigma at first. Enunciation of Caddy's feelings was not a possibility. She felt a wave of dark energy wash over her. The issue wasn't esoteric; now she knew and understood... This was a crisis. A big one. And while the others had possession of ultimate cores, she knew at least one thing she was good at...

Sprinting through the inn, collecting mugs and plates, slipping off ponytail holders from women's hair, she came outside to face Elena.

"I know I can do something to help you with this. This is what I live for."

With that, Caddy began to work with the parts, giving Elena an ethereal look.
Rika heard the door open and saw another girl come out. That looks like a... A MECHANIC!? With a Mana Core!? I mean, Ultima Core. I've never heard of that. Rika surprisingly thought. Even people with locked mana cores can have Ultima Cores, that's what he just realized. Now he sees the girl tinkering whatever sort of mechanism that is.

"20 MINUTES!!" Rika shouted to everyone who can hear him. The Dark Waves seem to be thinning out and the environment is getting a little bit brighter. "20 minutes till the darkness subsides!" Just a little more for his barrier. It was getting harder and harder the longer it stayed up.

While he was struggling there with Ferena, a concentrated dark aura made a piercing feeling on Rika's back. He let out a gasp and looked back to see the two to see them in a dark barrier. "Huh? Is that them?" Rika wanted to make sure it was still them. That dark barrier is a hint that they might be possessed.

He tightened his hold onto his barrier and waited for them to approach ready for anything bad.
Elijah stormed his way into the in 'ooh, a new girl' he thought this quietly to himself. The swath of darkness subsided as he forced his way into the in, a few thin trails of black smoke boiling off his clothes.

"Yo, it's everyone's favourite hitman, Nano here to chill with ya'll" he exclaims loudly, his booming voice can be heard throughout the inn, though it's cheerful and invigorating time is always a bonus. His mask and hood still hiding his face, he smiles and laughs behind his disguise "Okay. Soooooo, how's everyone doing here?"
"Great!" Caddy replied suddenly to Elijah. She held up what appeared to be... A pile of junk strung together by a ponytail holder. "I've finished it!"

Before anyone could question it, she wound the handle of an old mug. A loud bang sounded through the air as a large rock shot out of the device. It hit Elijah in the back of the head, hard.

Caddy's eyes went wide. "Oh dear. Sorry about that!"
Elija politely nodded "It is best to avoid assaulting an assasin ya' know, but I'll let it slide this time." Its not like it hurt, the light padding inside his hood and the thing barrier that was laced into his clothing softened the impact to not much more than a bump.

Elija grinned under his hood and mask "That's an interesting little invention, Once the matter at hand is dealt with" he points to the ensuing shadow "Would you mind if I have a chat with you?" he finishes his conversation and looks at the boy, Rika "Kid, anything you need help with?"
"Well, might as well absorb as much as I can." Amelia said to herself as he tried and pulled as much of the darkness into her as possible. He knew the levels of magic and how to earn them, void magic being rarest, even rarer that rune magic considering the fact most void mages have to be put down due to the corruption within them. It was probably only due to the combined efforts of her own arcane and light magic that she had not succumbed.

So she stayed outside, trying to balance the light and darkness from within so that the darkness could flow in as light and pure manager flowed out. It was almost maddening in it's evil, but she held firm. If she was correct, and she felt the soft light of two Ultima cores in the area, they would take her out if things got out of hand. If it ever came to that, she would die peacefully. Or she would take her mastery to a whole knew level, rising once with all three of her elements.

So she worked harder than she had ever before, feeding herself with darkness, straining and mixing it with light, all the while maintaining the manager flow to as little as possible. Training with three different elements simultaniously, the failure breathed in and out, hoping that the latter scenario would play rather than the former

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