Grand Adventure: Red Skies at Morn

ooohhhh, guess I gotta do that. Be right back!

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xD So fuck the morning bell, everyone just wakes up when they feel like it, it seems! Discipline? On a ship? Naaaah. LOL

Qal's gotta cook breakfast for over a hundred people in five minutes while having a conversation and with all the other kitchen-hands still asleep. Wish him luck!
You'd think so, but tails are not quite so dextrous as fingers. :pookaSilly:

Seriously, tho, what am I gonna do!? *panics*
They're not lazy, they just wake up when they're s'posed to. Qal's just... anti-lazy. An early gecko.

Incidentally, now we have two NPCs! The Quartermaster, Mr. Braddock Slayte, and the Purser, Mr. Allard Blidworth. The former is a burly, square-jawed, no-nonsense, tough-as-nails model officer of stern decorum, the latter is a rat-faced, book-beating, unctuous, curmudgeonly miser who despises all non-humans.
Your lexicon shames mine into a corner where it weeps bitter tears of failure at it's utter incompetence.
Hey sindy said in the chat earlier that she was dropping out and leaving you a note.

Tis true?
False modesty! Your work is articulate and compelling!

I may need to tone down the naval attitude, tho, since right off the bat things seem much more relaxed aboard the Lady.

I didn't get a note... aw, that makes me sad. :pookaSad:
I was told she's seriously considering it since this is her last year in college and dem college workloads yo.

She said earlier in the chat when I asked that she was dropping out.

You might want to get ahold of her and ask.
I sent her a reply message asking for confirmation. Leaning towards yes, she is dropping out, but ima let her tell me in no uncertain terms first before I open up her slot completely.

And if her slot is opening up, I've already got a replacement in mind if she's willing to join.
She is indeed, today should be the day ya'll get underway to head towards Daritz. I'll be keeping in touch with Giy on where exactly ya'll are headed.
Sound Crest is a lovely name. I was gonna suggest Tintagel Cross Free-port, but I like Sound Crest. Is it one of them spire-ports like Riddle suggested?
I imagine it's more like a floating airstrip, with a few bulbous additions on the sides for cargo storage and a few necessary commodities. Goods store, fueling depot, booze den. Y'know, essentials.
Seems a bit odd having a port for airships to come and refuel when the port itself is an airship that needs refueling.

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