Gotham City

Elizabeth arrived at the party soon after she mounted on the taxi. A tall guy with a smoking on opened the door for her, and she could get out of the car. She walked inside the manor and looked around. She stayed silent, not really impressed by the manor since she's been here already. She slowly walked inside and suddenly realized something. She gasped to herself and quickly turned around, removing the lenses from her eyes. As she put them in her purse she walked inside the manor with her purse hanging from her forearm. She looked around for Barbara, but only saw a lot of people she didn't recognize.

(Since @BrainyGrrrrl isn't here I'll catch the opportunity to do something with someone else :D )
Owl-Girl swooped on down from above, flying in through the open front door, coming to a juttering halt on the floor. "Uh... oops..." She muttered before brushing herself off and looking around. Wayne manor sure was fancy, way way fancy. Owl-Girl spied someone who looked like a butler, a girl, and a lot of birthday supplies. Suddenly Owl-Girl desperately hoped she was at the right place. She waved a wing to the girl and the butler and began transforming back into her half owl form. 

Tim listened to Babs, and though he didn't agree, he didn't disagree either.  Damian did come from an extremely different background, but he was still all kinds of messed up.  Just because he was biologically his son didn't mean he didn't need training.  He still couldn't work as a member of a team, and if he wanted to become a part of Young Justice or the Teen Titans one day, that was a skill he needed to learn, especially since both groups looked up to Robin/Nightwing as leaders.  At least Bruce had gotten the lethal part of the kid's upbringing basically out of him.  He didn't say any of this, though.

Then, of course, Babs got offended that he said what he said about her being guilty.  Of course, she cared for him.  He cared for her too, but that wasn't the issue at hand.  She might not have noticed, but he had seen the way she had looked when she thought he wasn't looking.  It was either guilt or pity, and honestly either one was just as bad as the other.  Her argument was non sequitur, but he wasn't going to bring it up, though.  Not right now.  He would probably need her on his side tonight, and as much as he wanted to prove that he was right, he wasn't about to risk that.  "I know.  I'm sorry,"  He said before Babs picked up her phone.

He didn't listen in, but nodded when Babs offered an explanation.  He silently agreed with her as she talked about "getting it over with," grabbing the present for Damian and getting out of the car himself.  He walked up to the front door just after Dick was invited in.  He gave a wave, "Hey, Alfred."  

@BrainyGrrrrl @Birdsie @Lancelot
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Tim listened to Babs, and though he didn't agree, he didn't disagree either.  Damian did come from an extremely different background, but he was still all kinds of messed up.  Just because he was biologically his son didn't mean he didn't need training.  He still couldn't work as a member of a team, and if he wanted to become a part of Young Justice or the Teen Titans one day, that was a skill he needed to learn, especially since both groups looked up to Robin/Nightwing as leaders.  At least Bruce had gotten the lethal part of the kid's upbringing basically out of him.  He didn't say any of this, though.

Then, of course, Babs got offended that he said what he said about her being guilty.  Of course, she cared for him.  He cared for her too, but that wasn't the issue at hand.  She might not have noticed, but he had seen the way she had looked when she thought he wasn't looking.  It was either guilt or pity, and honestly either one was just as bad as the other.  He wasn't going to bring it up, though.  Not right now.  He would probably need her on his side tonight, and as much as he wanted to prove that he was right, he wasn't about to risk that.  "I know.  I'm sorry,"  He said before Babs picked up her phone.

He didn't listen in, but nodded when Babs offered an explanation.  He silently agreed with her as she talked about "getting it over with," getting out of the car himself and walking up to the front door just after Dick was invited in.  He gave a wave, "Hey, Alfred."  

@BrainyGrrrrl @Birdsie @Lancelot

Alfred saw Tim and said "Master Tim." with a polite tone. He gave yet another, slight bow and smile and continued further "Come in and enjoy yourselves." looking at both of the boys. Alfred adjusted his bowtie and said "If you'd excuse me, I have some work in the kitchen to attend to." and made his way towards the said room.
A wide smirk grew across Dicks face as Alfred answered the door, it had been a while since he last saw him, and he missed him really, Alfred had been there since Bruce took Dick in as his ward and still today he hasn't changed a bit.  "Hey Alfred, good to see ya." Dick said nodding through the door.  The inside of the manor looked very well organised, well... It always did.  Dick walked over to the gift table and placed down the Nightwing stressball, he had also taken the time to write a small letter addressing Damian, it was tied to the gift and simply said he had something for him later.

Dick looked around the room, he felt like he was home again.  His attention was quickly diverted to Tim, his heart skipped a beat as he waited for Tim to enter the manor.  A nervous smile crept onto his lips as he approached the younger robin... "You feeling good now?" Dick still felt guilty about the GclCPD incident.

@ByTheChesapeake, @Birdsie
Elizabeth arrived at the party soon after she mounted on the taxi. A tall guy with a smoking on opened the door for her, and she could get out of the car. She walked inside the manor and looked around. She stayed silent, not really impressed by the manor since she's been here already. She slowly walked inside and suddenly realized something. She gasped to herself and quickly turned around, removing the lenses from her eyes. As she put them in her purse she walked inside the manor with her purse hanging from her forearm. She looked around for Barbara, but only saw a lot of people she didn't recognize.

(Since @BrainyGrrrrl isn't here I'll catch the opportunity to do something with someone else :D )

A wide smirk grew across Dicks face as Alfred answered the door, it had been a while since he last saw him, and he missed him really, Alfred had been there since Bruce took Dick in as his ward and still today he hasn't changed a bit.  "Hey Alfred, good to see ya." Dick said nodding through the door.  The inside of the manor looked very well organised, well... It always did.  Dick walked over to the gift table and placed down the Nightwing stressball, he had also taken the time to write a small letter addressing Damian, it was tied to the gift and simply said he had something for him later.

Dick looked around the room, he felt like he was home again.  His attention was quickly diverted to Tim, his heart skipped a beat as he waited for Tim to enter the manor.  A nervous smile crept onto his lips as he approached the younger robin... "You feeling good now?" Dick still felt guilty about the GclCPD incident.

@ByTheChesapeake, @Birdsie


Tim listened to Babs, and though he didn't agree, he didn't disagree either.  Damian did come from an extremely different background, but he was still all kinds of messed up.  Just because he was biologically his son didn't mean he didn't need training.  He still couldn't work as a member of a team, and if he wanted to become a part of Young Justice or the Teen Titans one day, that was a skill he needed to learn, especially since both groups looked up to Robin/Nightwing as leaders.  At least Bruce had gotten the lethal part of the kid's upbringing basically out of him.  He didn't say any of this, though.

Then, of course, Babs got offended that he said what he said about her being guilty.  Of course, she cared for him.  He cared for her too, but that wasn't the issue at hand.  She might not have noticed, but he had seen the way she had looked when she thought he wasn't looking.  It was either guilt or pity, and honestly either one was just as bad as the other.  He wasn't going to bring it up, though.  Not right now.  He would probably need her on his side tonight, and as much as he wanted to prove that he was right, he wasn't about to risk that.  "I know.  I'm sorry,"  He said before Babs picked up her phone.

He didn't listen in, but nodded when Babs offered an explanation.  He silently agreed with her as she talked about "getting it over with," getting out of the car himself and walking up to the front door just after Dick was invited in.  He gave a wave, "Hey, Alfred."  

@BrainyGrrrrl @Birdsie @Lancelot

Damian amongst the people in the party noticed someone familiar. He observed the woman by the name of Elizabeth, but was unable to actually remember who she was. While Alfred was on his way to the kitchen, Damian stopped him with his hand and said "Who is that?" pointing towards Elizabeth. Alfred turned around, rising an eyebrow on Damian's sudden behaviour and said "That? Oh." he exclaimed, then changed the direction of his view towards Elizabeth. "I believe her name is Elizabeth Hufflepuff. She is a friend of Miss Barbara. I don't know much else, except that she's an introvert." Damian let go of Alfred who proceeded to walk towards the kitchen. The thought kept popping up in the back of Damian's head: 'Where did I see that girl?' and he kept thinking about it. He was very sure that he had seen her before, but was unable to piece her to anyone he knew. He felt suspicious, but then he gave another glance to the great hall at large and saw two figures in the entrance.

Damian approached Dick and Tim, then said "Gree-" and paused. Damian forgot that he was meant to pretend he's happy. Damian looked up, flashed both of them with a smile and continued speaking. "Heya. Nice to see you two here." then walked up closer to Dick who he trusted more from the two and whispered in his ear. "Grayson, do you know that woman? Just answer the question." he asked, pointing at Elizabeth with his eyes. You could sense insecurity and suspicion from them. Whoever she was, Damian clearly didn't trust her for whatever reason it would be.

Owl-Girl swooped on down from above, flying in through the open front door, coming to a juttering halt on the floor. "Uh... oops..." She muttered before brushing herself off and looking around. Wayne manor sure was fancy, way way fancy. Owl-Girl spied someone who looked like a butler, a girl, and a lot of birthday supplies. Suddenly Owl-Girl desperately hoped she was at the right place. She waved a wing to the girl and the butler and began transforming back into her half owl form. 

Alfred, just as he entered the kitchen noticed a half-owl figure outside of the Manor. He proceeded to run towards Owl-Girl with haste, but not quick enough to arise suspicion. Thankfully she was still not spotted by the other people in the party. As he walked up, he whispered to her. "Miss Apple, please try to assume a human form if possible. This is not a private event." being aware of her identity thanks to his Butler status, and thus being informed about the party-goers' identities in one way or another. Whether he knew it himself, someone told him, or if it was from a camera feed mixed with a quick batcomputer scan.
"Human form? Oh geeze Alfred I'm so so sorry, Uh, hominum hominum!" She mumbled quickly, before ducking behind a bush and changing quickly back into her human, blonde collage student form. "I am so, so sorry, I totally forgot, I thought everyone here.... never mind, shutting up shutting up!" Her face grew more and more flustered and redder. "Uh, IF anyone asks, I was wearing a costume, or I'm a magician, or both! Go with both! Wait... I don't know any magic tricks." She hugged her gift bag close to her chest and tried to rub the redness of her cheeks away. "S-so uh... where's the birthday boy? Who all else is here? Where do I put my present?" She asked quickly. What does Batgirl see in this hero Alfred? She gets flustered quite easily... 
"Human form? Oh geeze Alfred I'm so so sorry, Uh, hominum hominum!" She mumbled quickly, before ducking behind a bush and changing quickly back into her human, blonde collage student form. "I am so, so sorry, I totally forgot, I thought everyone here.... never mind, shutting up shutting up!" Her face grew more and more flustered and redder. "Uh, IF anyone asks, I was wearing a costume, or I'm a magician, or both! Go with both! Wait... I don't know any magic tricks." She hugged her gift bag close to her chest and tried to rub the redness of her cheeks away. "S-so uh... where's the birthday boy? Who all else is here? Where do I put my present?" She asked quickly. What does Batgirl see in this hero Alfred? She gets flustered quite easily... 

Alfred upon seeing her reaction chuckled and said "Oh my, aren't you a sight for sore eyes?" closing his eyes and releasing a breath at the end of the sentence. Opening his eyes once again, Alfred pointed towards the great hall and said "You put the gift on the table to the left. I am not sure where Master Damian is currently, but last time I saw him he was in the great hall. I believe that the full list of party-goers is too long for me to list, but it includes: Master Bruce Wayne, Master Damian Wayne, Master Dick Grayson, Master Timothy Drake, Miss Barbara Gordon, Miss Elizabeth Hufflepuff, and many more to arrive." then returned to his duties as a Butler, making his way to the kitchen to grab some drinks that he could then serve on a tray.

"Thanks, Alfred," he said walking into the manor.  He looked around, noticing at least two faces he didn't recognize.  One was a woman in a black dress that definitely made Tim feel under dressed.  The other was a girl, probably in college.  He wanted to go up and make conversation with her, though that was when Dick approached him.  He gave a weak smile.  Why did everyone look at him like he was made of glass?  Or, at least, that's how it felt like people were looking at him.

"Well, my side still hurts, but other than that, I'm as good as new."  He wanted to add that it was good to see him on time today, but he might take that harshly, even if Tim made it clear he was joking.  "How are things going with tracking the Doctor?"

Of course, then the birthday boy had to make an appearance.  Another one of those creepy smiles.  This boy was starting to freak him out. "Damian," he replied.  He was short with him, not really feeling like starting any drama at the moment.  It was the kid's birthday after all, and he didn't want to make a scene right now.  He watched as Damian leaned over to talk to Dick, and honestly, not caring all that much, he walked away to go set his birthday present on the gift table.

@Lancelot @Birdsie
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 Bruce Wayne/ DeadShot

Bruce watched as people came in, looking for anyone he knew, spotting Laton walk in among the ground, wearing a black suit and tie. Lawton walked over to Bruce, "Hello Mr. Wayne!" He said in a cheerful tone, "I'm so happy to be here!" Bruce merely brushed him off, as to which Lawton left to walk around, trying to spot a familar voice. 
She didn't want an apology, she just wanted Tim to believe what she was saying was the truth.  That everything she was doing for him was because she cared about him.  Not out of remorse or guilt or any of that.  She studied him as he gave his answer.  Wasn't entirely convinced that he believed her.  But she didn't want to badger him about it so she let it go for now.  Still, it hurt a little that he thought a sense of guilty obligation was the only reason she cared about him.

She was still thinking about it on their way to the door, so much so that she completely forgot about Damian's gift!  "$#@&!"  She waved Tim on ahead.  "Can you believe it, I forgot demon boy's gift!" she yelled back as she headed back to her car.  By the time she retrieved the long sword case and headed back to the front doors, it seemed like hours had passed instead of a couple seconds.  "Hmmm...did I just go through a time warp or something?"

There was Owl-Girl, or rather her human alter ego at the door.  "Hey Apple," she greeted her with genuine affection in her voice.  "Glad ya made it!"  And she was.  After all that they had been through, Babs wanted the young girl to know that being a hero wasn't all doom and gloom.  That there were good moments to be had as well in the company of other heroes.  She quickly told Apple that she would be back as she wanted to catch Alfred who was bustling his way to the kitchen.  She sprinted after him, placing her gift along with the other gifts stacked high on a table.

"How does he move THAT fast?!"  He was almost moving at Flash-speed!  She didn't catch up with him until he had disappeared into the kitchen.  "Alfred!" she yelled as she walked up to him and hugged him tight.  "It's been too long!"  Of the entire Wayne household, it was this old man that she missed the most.  After a long hold, she let him go.  "How have you been?  So, when are ya finally gonna pack up your bags and leave this dump for good?"  She was only teasing.  She knew that the faithful old butler loved Bruce too much to ever leave him.  It was admirable but also a little sad. She chatted with him for a few more minutes but saw that he was busy preparing hors d'oeuvre or canapes or deli rolls.  Crackers and cheeses and meats with little plastic, sword-shaped toothpicks through them.  All on silver platters.  Those were the only pertinent facts to Babs' scholarly legal mind.  She knew that Alfred was too polite to tell her that she was bothering him, wouldn't hear of her offering to help him.  So, she made her good-byes for now and walked back into the grand hall.

And saw '666' cornering Dick and Tim.  She ran over, placing herself between the two groups of boys.  Faced down demon boy.  "HEY.  THAT GIRL IS MY FRIEND," she told him, glancing at Liz.  "I INVITED HER. SO...BACK OFF!"  She continued to eye him as she made her way over to Elizabeth.  "Don't mind him," she placated the girl.  "He's a jerk.  Just ignore him.  If he starts bothering you, come get me AND I'LL KNOCK HIM INTO HIS 14TH BIRTHDAY!!!"  She said this last part loud enough for Damian to hear.  "Hey, really like your dress by the way," she told the pallid girl.  "Very, iunno, Regency.  Like something out of a Charlotte Bronte novel.  A goth Charlotte Bronte novel."  She was about to say more when she saw him walk through the front doors.  Walk through with that arrogant swagger of his!  She rushed up to him just as he finished talking to Bruce..  "LAWTON?!  WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?!!"

@ByTheChesapeake @LoneSniper87 @Lunarcat @Lancelot @Birdsie @Gabriel97
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Following the epic adventure where she teamed up with Supergirl and Wondergirl where they defeated Livewire, Cheetah, and the Ventriloquist aka the crazy female one that is love with the puppet. Why those three villains were working together nobody knows and nobody would believe it if they weren't there to see it person. On a random rooftop somewhere the three blonde haired superheroes were having a silly conversation. "So are you and Tim a thing?" Cassie asks. Steph's face turns red and she quickly replies "No we are not like that". Cassie and Kara laugh at Steph's answer. Steph then remembers the party she was supposed to be at today and says "What time is it?" Kara uses her supervision to notice a clock far away and then says "It's 5:39pm did you miss your favorite show or something?" "I'm late to that gremlin's birthday party!!! Kara can you please superspeed me to my house so I can get changed and then to Wayne Manor?" she says as she uses puppy dog eyes. Kara sighs and then responds with "Alright I'll do it". "Thank you, thank you!!! You are the best Kara!!!! We should hang again sometime and next time let's bring Orphan for some double Cassandra action" Steph says with a smile. "Alright sounds fun, tell Tim I said hi" Cassie says as she begins to fly off.

Kara flies Steph into her room and Steph quickly begins to change into her cute violet dress. "Nice room but do you really need that many posters on the walls?" Kara asks. "Yes I need them and no you can't have any of them" Steph says as she finishes getting changed and grabs Damian's present. "Ok I'm ready let's go" Steph says as Kara grabs her and starts flying to Wayne manor before Steph could even finish that sentence. Moments later then arrive and the moment they land Kara fixes Steph's hair instantly with her super speed.  "Later Steph have fun at the party" Kara says as she flies off somewhere.

Steph walks in through the front door and yells "Spoiler alert, everyone's favorite hero is here!!!!"
Ever since Harley had gotten to the hideout the thugs there had been fairly kind to her, knowing how close she was to Joker. But as for the main part, her head had been quiet after Joker had his plans ruined and yelled at her. However Joker needed Harley to help him with a plan so he thought to check on her. A farmiliar dull pain was sent to Harley signifying Joker had finally decided to check up on her."Haaarlleeey oh Haarleey i'd like you to know i'm not upset with you anymore!" He said in singsong voice before carrying on "In fact I have a freshly baked plan that will be just as fun and I need some help!" He said smoothly. "So what I need is for you and a few of the boys to meet me at the hideout I made in Gotham's abandoned toy factory." He said finally giving Harley a chance to respond to him.

She didn't want an apology, she just wanted Tim to believe what she was saying was the truth.  That everything she was doing for him was because she cared about him.  Not out of remorse or guilt or any of that.  She studied him as he gave his answer.  Wasn't entirely convinced that he believed her.  But she didn't want to badger him about it so she let it go for now.  Still, it hurt a little that he thought a sense of guilty obligation was the only reason she cared about him.

She was still thinking about it on their way to the door, so much so that she completely forgot about Damian's gift!  "$#@&!"  She waved Tim on ahead.  "Can you believe it, I forgot demon boy's gift!" she yelled back as she headed back to her car.  By the time she retrieved the long sword case and headed back to the front doors, it seemed like hours had passed instead of a couple seconds.  "Hmmm...did I just go through a time warp or something?"

There was Owl-Girl, or rather her human alter ego at the door.  "Hey Apple," she greeted her with genuine affection in her voice.  "Glad ya made it!"  And she was.  After all that they had been through, Babs wanted the young girl to know that being a hero wasn't all doom and gloom.  That there were good moments to be had as well in the company of other heroes.  She quickly told Apple that she would be back as she wanted to catch Alfred who was bustling his way to the kitchen.  She sprinted after him, placing her gift along with the other gifts stacked high on a table.

"How does he move THAT fast?!"  He was almost moving at Flash-speed!  She didn't catch up with him until he had disappeared into the kitchen.  "Alfred!" she yelled as she walked up to him and hugged him tight.  "It's been too long!"  Of the entire Wayne household, it was this old man that she missed the most.  After a long hold, she let him go.  "How have you been?  So, when are ya finally gonna pack up your bags and leave this dump for good?"  She was only teasing.  She knew that the faithful old butler loved Bruce too much to ever leave him.  It was admirable but also a little sad. She chatted with him for a few more minutes but saw that he was busy preparing hors d'oeuvre or canapes or deli rolls.  Crackers and cheeses and meats with little plastic, sword-shaped toothpicks through them.  All on silver platters.  Those were the only pertinent facts to Babs' scholarly legal mind.  She knew that Alfred was too polite to tell her that she was bothering him, wouldn't hear of her offering to help him.  So, she made her good-byes for now and walked back into the grand hall.

And saw '666' cornering Dick and Tim.  She ran over, placing herself between the two groups of boys.  Faced down demon boy.  "HEY.  THAT GIRL IS MY FRIEND," she told him, glancing at Liz.  "I INVITED HER. SO...BACK OFF!"  She continued to eye him as she made her way over to Elizabeth.  "Don't mind him," she placated the girl.  "He's a jerk.  Just ignore him.  If he starts bothering you, come get me AND I'LL KNOCK HIM INTO HIS 14TH BIRTHDAY!!!"  She said this last part loud enough for Damian to hear.  "Hey, really like your dress by the way," she told the pallid girl.  "Very, iunno, Regency.  Like something out of a Charlotte Bronte novel.  A goth Charlotte Bronte novel."  She was about to say more when she saw him walk through the front doors.  Walk through with that arrogant swagger of his!  She rushed up to him just as he finished talking to Bruce..  "LAWTON?!  WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?!!"

@ByTheChesapeake @LoneSniper87 @Lunarcat @Lancelot @Birdsie @Gabriel97

Elizabeth giggled, and then sighed. There was mostly sadness in her expression, "I've...I've been at the graveyard this week..." She starts speaking, interlacing both of her hands with each other. She then looks up at her, "I spoke with the commissar and...he told me to go there for what I needed and...I found his graveyard." She finished speaking, looking down at her hands.

Lawton heard the screech of his name, and turned around to face a face unfamiliar to him, "I'm sorry, but who are you?" He asked, somewhat confused. The voice was familar but he couldnt place it
She didn't want an apology, she just wanted Tim to believe what she was saying was the truth.  That everything she was doing for him was because she cared about him.  Not out of remorse or guilt or any of that.  She studied him as he gave his answer.  Wasn't entirely convinced that he believed her.  But she didn't want to badger him about it so she let it go for now.  Still, it hurt a little that he thought a sense of guilty obligation was the only reason she cared about him.

She was still thinking about it on their way to the door, so much so that she completely forgot about Damian's gift!  "$#@&!"  She waved Tim on ahead.  "Can you believe it, I forgot demon boy's gift!" she yelled back as she headed back to her car.  By the time she retrieved the long sword case and headed back to the front doors, it seemed like hours had passed instead of a couple seconds.  "Hmmm...did I just go through a time warp or something?"

There was Owl-Girl, or rather her human alter ego at the door.  "Hey Apple," she greeted her with genuine affection in her voice.  "Glad ya made it!"  And she was.  After all that they had been through, Babs wanted the young girl to know that being a hero wasn't all doom and gloom.  That there were good moments to be had as well in the company of other heroes.  She quickly told Apple that she would be back as she wanted to catch Alfred who was bustling his way to the kitchen.  She sprinted after him, placing her gift along with the other gifts stacked high on a table.

"How does he move THAT fast?!"  He was almost moving at Flash-speed!  She didn't catch up with him until he had disappeared into the kitchen.  "Alfred!" she yelled as she walked up to him and hugged him tight.  "It's been too long!"  Of the entire Wayne household, it was this old man that she missed the most.  After a long hold, she let him go.  "How have you been?  So, when are ya finally gonna pack up your bags and leave this dump for good?"  She was only teasing.  She knew that the faithful old butler loved Bruce too much to ever leave him.  It was admirable but also a little sad. She chatted with him for a few more minutes but saw that he was busy preparing hors d'oeuvre or canapes or deli rolls.  Crackers and cheeses and meats with little plastic, sword-shaped toothpicks through them.  All on silver platters.  Those were the only pertinent facts to Babs' scholarly legal mind.  She knew that Alfred was too polite to tell her that she was bothering him, wouldn't hear of her offering to help him.  So, she made her good-byes for now and walked back into the grand hall.

And saw '666' cornering Dick and Tim.  She ran over, placing herself between the two groups of boys.  Faced down demon boy.  "HEY.  THAT GIRL IS MY FRIEND," she told him, glancing at Liz.  "I INVITED HER. SO...BACK OFF!"  She continued to eye him as she made her way over to Elizabeth.  "Don't mind him," she placated the girl.  "He's a jerk.  Just ignore him.  If he starts bothering you, come get me AND I'LL KNOCK HIM INTO HIS 14TH BIRTHDAY!!!"  She said this last part loud enough for Damian to hear.  "Hey, really like your dress by the way," she told the pallid girl.  "Very, iunno, Regency.  Like something out of a Charlotte Bronte novel.  A goth Charlotte Bronte novel."  She was about to say more when she saw him walk through the front doors.  Walk through with that arrogant swagger of his!  She rushed up to him just as he finished talking to Bruce..  "LAWTON?!  WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?!!"

@ByTheChesapeake @LoneSniper87 @Lunarcat @Lancelot @Birdsie @Gabriel97


Following the epic adventure where she teamed up with Supergirl and Wondergirl where they defeated Livewire, Cheetah, and the Ventriloquist aka the crazy female one that is love with the puppet. Why those three villains were working together nobody knows and nobody would believe it if they weren't there to see it person. On a random rooftop somewhere the three blonde haired superheroes were having a silly conversation. "So are you and Tim a thing?" Cassie asks. Steph's face turns red and she quickly replies "No we are not like that". Cassie and Kara laugh at Steph's answer. Steph then remembers the party she was supposed to be at today and says "What time is it?" Kara uses her supervision to notice a clock far away and then says "It's 5:39pm did you miss your favorite show or something?" "I'm late to that gremlin's birthday party!!! Kara can you please superspeed me to my house so I can get changed and then to Wayne Manor?" she says as she uses puppy dog eyes. Kara sighs and then responds with "Alright I'll do it". "Thank you, thank you!!! You are the best Kara!!!! We should hang again sometime and next time let's bring Orphan for some double Cassandra action" Steph says with a smile. "Alright sounds fun, tell Tim I said hi" Cassie says as she begins to fly off.

Kara flies Steph into her room and Steph quickly begins to change into her cute violet dress. "Nice room but do you really need that many posters on the walls?" Kara asks. "Yes I need them and no you can't have any of them" Steph says as she finishes getting changed and grabs Damian's present. "Ok I'm ready let's go" Steph says as Kara grabs her and starts flying to Wayne manor before Steph could even finish that sentence. Moments later then arrive and the moment they land Kara fixes Steph's hair instantly with her super speed.  "Later Steph have fun at the party" Kara says as she flies off somewhere.

Steph walks in through the front door and yells "Spoiler alert, everyone's favorite hero is here!!!!"

Elizabeth giggled, and then sighed. There was mostly sadness in her expression, "I've...I've been at the graveyard this week..." She starts speaking, interlacing both of her hands with each other. She then looks up at her, "I spoke with the commissar and...he told me to go there for what I needed and...I found his graveyard." She finished speaking, looking down at her hands.

Alfred saw Miss Barbara running towards him, and knowing what she was about to do he put down the tray with drinks and opened his arms.  She started asking him questions and Alfred genuinely smiled and said "I am very good, Miss Barbara. Thank you." upon hearing her question, Alfred rose an eyebrow and made his sarcastic remark "Oh, I believe that will happen only if I run out of days in the calendar." and then they continued chatting for some time until Barbara returned to the rest of the guests. Alfred picked up the tray with the drinks and followed her to the hall.

When Barbara started yelling at Damian, he felt like something was melting inside of him. He wanted to yell back, argue, insult her. You could see that Damian was about to boil, but then he took a deep breath and said "Very well... Barbara." with a reluctant tone. And here today he was meant to apologize for trying to kill her last week. Just when he was about to go upstairs to calm down, Stephanie walked in through the front door. He didn't turn around. Damian simply, meekly asked himself: "Why?..." quietly, and clenched his fists in anger. Although Stephanie reminded him of how he used to call her Fatgirl. The very mention of that calmed him down enough.

Seeing Barbara leave Elizabeth alone for a moment, he approached and flashed Elizabeth and flashed her with a smile. "Hello. Miss Elizabeth, right? I'm Damian. Have we met before? I feel like I've seen you somewhere." and playing it cool. Deep inside, under his pearly smile and youthful eyes he was still suspicious, he was merely trying to find some sort of lead, or way to remember who the hell she was.
Alfred saw Miss Barbara running towards him, and knowing what she was about to do he put down the tray with drinks and opened his arms.  She started asking him questions and Alfred genuinely smiled and said "I am very good, Miss Barbara. Thank you." upon hearing her question, Alfred rose an eyebrow and made his sarcastic remark "Oh, I believe that will happen only if I run out of days in the calendar." and then they continued chatting for some time until Barbara returned to the rest of the guests. Alfred picked up the tray with the drinks and followed her to the hall.

When Barbara started yelling at Damian, he felt like something was melting inside of him. He wanted to yell back, argue, insult her. You could see that Damian was about to boil, but then he took a deep breath and said "Very well... Barbara." with a reluctant tone. And here today he was meant to apologize for trying to kill her last week. Just when he was about to go upstairs to calm down, Stephanie walked in through the front door. He didn't turn around. Damian simply, meekly asked himself: "Why?..." quietly, and clenched his fists in anger. Although Stephanie reminded him of how he used to call her Fatgirl. The very mention of that calmed him down enough.

Seeing Barbara leave Elizabeth alone for a moment, he approached and flashed Elizabeth and flashed her with a smile. "Hello. Miss Elizabeth, right? I'm Damian. Have we met before? I feel like I've seen you somewhere." and playing it cool. Deep inside, under his pearly smile and youthful eyes he was still suspicious, he was merely trying to find some sort of lead, or way to remember who the hell she was.

"Uhm...I don't think so." She said, looking at the boy with a confused expression. But then, she remembered. She sighed and kept it cool. It wasn't a problem until HE recognized her. "Barbara invited me I a problem?" She asked with a slightly worried tone, while her fingers were still interlaced with each other.
"Uhm...I don't think so." She said, looking at the boy with a confused expression. But then, she remembered. She sighed and kept it cool. It wasn't a problem until HE recognized her. "Barbara invited me I a problem?" She asked with a slightly worried tone, while her fingers were still interlaced with each other.

'Shit. I think she remembers me, but I can't remember her. Who is she? Why do I get bad vibes from her?' Damian kept thinking, then decisively said "No-no-no! Of course not! I was just trying to strike up a friendly conversation. Isn't that what people do?" but inside his head he kept thinking of a way to try to get to her. He already had someone in mind, someone who could be her, but he first needed to find a way to confirm his suspicions. She clearly wasn't wearing lenses, and asking her would make it seem suspicious. "So, where do you stand on music?" he asked, then continued. "Like, what's your favourite song? Maybe something from the 40s?" not asking specifically for what the Sleep Reaper was singing.
'Shit. I think she remembers me, but I can't remember her. Who is she? Why do I get bad vibes from her?' Damian kept thinking, then decisively said "No-no-no! Of course not! I was just trying to strike up a friendly conversation. Isn't that what people do?" but inside his head he kept thinking of a way to try to get to her. He already had someone in mind, someone who could be her, but he first needed to find a way to confirm his suspicions. She clearly wasn't wearing lenses, and asking her would make it seem suspicious. "So, where do you stand on music?" he asked, then continued. "Like, what's your favourite song? Maybe something from the 40s?" not asking specifically for what the Sleep Reaper was singing.

"to be honest...I like a lot of songs. They're kind of at the same spot on my...Top ten?" She says with an uncertain tone, as she sits on a chair behind her, so that she wouldn't have to look down at Damian. "I guess this is your birthday?" She asked in curiosity. As she spoke, a strong pain "appeared" in her stomach. Elizabeth put a hand onto her belly and kept looking at Damian, trying to hold the pain. One of the side effects of prolungate contact with the serum's gasses were inflammations to the various organs, since the gasses enter the blood-stream trough the lungs, and as we know, blood flows everywhere in the body. She remembered this part from her notebook, and she immediately got up quickly. "W-where is the bathroom?" She muttered, holding onto her stomach.
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"to be honest...I like a lot of songs. They're kind of at the same spot on my...Top ten?" She says with an uncertain tone, as she sits on a chair behind her, so that she wouldn't have to look down at Damian. "I guess this is your birthday?" She asked in curiosity. As she spoke, a strong pain "appeared" in her stomach. Elizabeth put a hand onto her belly and kept looking at Damian, trying to hold the pain. One of the side effects of prolungate contact with the serum's gasses were inflammations to the various organs, since the gasses enter the blood-stream trough the lungs, and as we know, blood gets everywhere. She remembered this part from her notebook, and she immediately got up quickly. "W-where is the bathroom?" She muttered, holding onto her stomach.

'She won't tell me. She thinks she's smart. Well. I'm even smarter.' Damian thought, then hearing her question, he with no hesitation informed her "Yes. It is." then saw her feeling pain. Interesting. Why the sudden surge of pain? Strong pain didn't appear out of nowhere, and Damian felt like his suspicions were being confirmed. "Down at the reception. Ask Alfred for directions if you have to." then walked away, leaving her alone. Damian made his way through the Manor towards the Library. He didn't plan on reading, he planned on going down to the batcave. He made sure no one saw him and used the secret entrance. Damian walked down to the batcomputer and started looking through the data. Alfred was able to synthesize a serum antidote, meaning there had to be lots of data on it here. He started studying the toxin and it's effects. "Bingo." he said, seeing the side-effects list. "And so, I discovered who the Sleep Reaper is." and sat back, enjoying himself and looking at his pets: Alfred Pennyworth, Batcow and Titus.

Damian returned upstairs and looked around for his Father, in hopes of informing him about everything.

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'She won't tell me. She thinks she's smart. Well. I'm even smarter.' Damian thought, then hearing her question, he with no hesitation informed her "Yes. It is." then saw her feeling pain. Interesting. Why the sudden surge of pain? Strong pain didn't appear out of nowhere, and Damian felt like his suspicions were being confirmed. "Down at the reception. Ask Alfred for directions if you have to." then walked away, leaving her alone. Damian made his way through the Manor towards the Library. He didn't plan on reading, he planned on going down to the batcave. He made sure no one saw him and used the secret entrance. Damian walked down to the batcomputer and started looking through the data. Alfred was able to synthesize a serum antidote, meaning there had to be lots of data on it here. He started studying the toxin and it's effects. "Bingo." he said, seeing the side-effects list. "And so, I discovered who the Sleep Reaper is." and sat back, enjoying himself and looking at his pets: Alfred Pennyworth, Batcow and Titus.

Damian returned upstairs and looked around for his Father, in hopes of informing him about everything.


Elizabeth rushed to the bathroom. "D-damn...I am screwed.." She whispered to herself, as she felt on her knees and faced the extraordinarily clean toilet. But she coughed, and started puking in it. Elizabeth then stopped all of a sudden, and the pain went away. The puke was orange-colored, like her serum. "I g-gotta c-lean up and l-leave..." She whispered to herself, as she flushed and got up on her feet once again, holding onto the door for balance.
Wait!  Why was Lawton playing dumb?!  He knew EXACTLY who she was!  Hadn't she revealed her secret identity to him?  And besides, why was he here if he didn't already know who they were?  No...he was just trying to annoy her.  As usual...  Thought it was endearing in that insufferable way of his!  GRRRR!!!  She narrowed her eyes, jabbed her finger in his face,  "I don't know what your game is here but I'm watching you!  And...and just because you got all dressed up, don't think I'm falling for any of your charms!"  Her face flushed slightly and she quickly turned away before he could see how he affected her.  She wished Dex would come.  She had invited him but his response had been non-committal. Said something about having 'stuff' to do.  Having him here would keep her mind off of Deadshot.  "Grrrrr..."  Just the thought of him made her fume!

Just then, Steph made her absolutely FABULOUS entrance! :D :D :D   Babs waved at her and quickly turned to Tim, smirking.  "Yep!  This is DEFINITELY gonna be fun to watch!"  She wondered what Elizabeth would make of..."Wait?  Where's Liz?"  The girl had disappeared.  And as her eyes settled on Damian, Barb was pretty sure she knew the reason why.  It looked like the little #$@% had just come out of the library.  "So, he's been in the Cave.  Wonder what for?"  Then again, the sh*t-eating grin on the boy's face told her everything she needed to know.  Doing all she could to keep the fury building inside of her under control, she stormed her way up to the little troll, grabbed his shoulder and shook him.  "WHAT DID YOU SAY TO HER?!  WHAT DID YOU DO?!!!"

@Birdsie @LoneSniper87 @Rathalosa
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Wait!  Why was Lawton playing dumb?!  He knew EXACTLY who she was!  Hadn't she revealed her secret identity to him?  And besides, why was he here if he didn't already know who they were?  No...he was just trying to annoy her.  As usual...  Thought it was endearing in that insufferable way of his!  GRRRR!!!  She narrowed her eyes, jabbed her finger in his face,  "I don't know what your game is here but I'm watching you!  And...and just because you got all dressed up, don't think I'm falling for any of your charms!"  Her face flushed slightly and she quickly turned away before he could see how he affected her.  She wished Dex would come.  She had invited him but his response had been non-committal. Said something about having 'stuff' to do.  Having him here would keep her mind off of Deadshot.  "Grrrrr..."  Just the thought of him made her fume!

Just then, Steph made her absolutely FABULOUS entrance! :D :D :D   Babs waved at her and quickly turned to Tim, smirking.  "Yep!  This is DEFINITELY gonna be fun to watch!"  She wondered what Elizabeth would make of..."Wait?  Where's Liz?"  The girl had disappeared.  And as her eyes settled on Damian, Barb was pretty sure she knew the reason why.  It looked like the little #$@% had just come out of the library.  "So, he's been in the Cave.  Wonder what for?"  Then again, the sh*t-eating grin on the boy's face told her everything she needed to know.  Doing all she could to keep the fury building inside of her under control, she stormed her way up to the little troll, grabbed his shoulder and shook him.  "WHAT DID YOU SAY TO HER?!  WHAT DID YOU DO?!!!"

@Birdsie @LoneSniper87 @Rathalosa

Damian looked around the party. Elizabeth was still in the toilet. He looked up at Barbara and with a neutral, calm tone said "Calm. Down." then took a step back and quietly, in a whisper-like way said "I'll explain everything. But first: Calm down." Damian paused and tried to shake her hand off of himself, then continued "First of all, this isn't my fault. She went to the toilet. Second of all, you should probably know that she's the Sleep Reaper. I mean the person who broke into Wayne Manor a week ago."
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"Don't.  Don't tell me to calm down," she told him through gritted teeth.  She crowded over him, her hand still on his shoulder.  Listened as he tried to explain, no, weasel his way out.  At his revelation, her eyes widened in surprise.  Not that Liz was the Sleep Reaper but that Damian had found out.  She squeezed his shoulder harder.  Pushed him to a secluded corner.  "I know.  Now, you listen to me.  You think you know everything but you don't!  That girl's been through a lot and I don't you need making it worse.'re gonna keep this to yourself.  Am.  I.  Understood?"


Lawton walked after Barbara, a grin creeping up as he watched he expression, but then quickly faded as het set a gentle hand on her, "Hey, calm down, please." He said in a worried tone. "Look, I know the kid probably is getting on your nerves, but please. This is a party, beat the shit outta him after, ok?" He said quietly, waved at Damain, and walked away, heading to a wall to lean against as he sipped the wine he grabbed from a table on the way back.

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