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Fandom Goners, The Next Chapter

pbtenchi said:
Full name: Micheal Thompson
Nickname: Sleepy, Dream Kid, etc

Age: 15

Godly Parent: Morpheus, minor god of dreams (known)

Gender: Male

Ethnicity: White

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance(Include height, weight, hair color, eye color, and other general descriptions.):
Brown eyes, blonde hair, 5'3.

Godly Powers(Try to limit to 1-2, and nothing too OP. Try to have a cooldown, and make it relevant!)*Optional*:

- He has been blessed with Narcolepsy, and can't control his sleeping patterns and randomly falls asleep. However, when very scared or feeling high emotion a cataplexy effect takes place, weakening his muscles but heightening his awareness, still not very useful in a life and death situation.

+ Lucid dreaming: Every time he sleeps he has a lucid dream and has full control of everything that happens, and having been lucid dreaming for so long he has build a "Mind Palace" That houses all his memories, he can recall anything he sees by searching for it here. Despite knowing he's asleep he can't easily wake up. Additionally, time is known to move slower in dreams and can be used for gaining time to think.

+ If he falls asleep and touches someone also asleep, he can invite them into his dream and share his memories or enter theirs and search their memories, although they can resist. Resisting leads to a battle of the minds, will & creativity versus will & creativity.

Weapon(Can be magical, but again, not too OP)*Optional*: Sleeping pills, he always carries three packs for whenever he's in an insomnious moment or needs to interrogate something, or just really needs to incapacitate someone.

Likes*Optional*: His Mind Palace.

Dislikes*Optional*: Narcolepsy, Morpheus, Not being normal.

Fears*Optional*: Falling asleep in an important situation.

Weaknesses: Narcolepsy, he randomly falls asleep even in the middle of conversations and it's difficult to wake him up.

Strengths: His skills are good for interrogation.

Backstory: Growing up was rough for him, narcolepsy is a hard thing to live with, and then the huge 'you're a demigod' bomb was dropped on him and his life became more hectic then he could have ever imagined. Like many demigods, he doesn't like his godparent, making him and abandoning him to being raised by a single parent and giving him narcolepsy, not to mention Morpheus was a traitor demigod.

Personality: Often tired and grumpy, when he's not tired he can still be grumpy but his is passionate about his mind palace.

Secrets: Not many.

How long at Camp Half-Blood(Or are you not there yet, on the way?): Been their for slightly over a year.
Full name: Lara Jeffries

Nickname: L

Age: 16

Godly Parent(Specify if your character knows or not): Hermes

Gender: Female

Ethnicity: Latino

Sexuality: Bisexual

Appearance(Include height, weight, hair color, eye color, and other general descriptions.):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-5_2-15-31.jpeg.8654f17ec218748bbc27988094f53b23.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="140306" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-5_2-15-31.jpeg.8654f17ec218748bbc27988094f53b23.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

5'7, 150lb, light brown hair, the exact same eyes as Kara McHenry had. Usually wears her hair in a messy bun, and has oversized-glasses balancing on her nose.

Godly Powers(Try to limit to 1-2, and nothing too OP. Try to have a cooldown, and make it relevant!)*Optional*: Can increase speed slightly for a short period of time. Is very good at lying and stealing.

Weapon(Can be magical, but again, not too OP)*Optional*:


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-5_2-16-20.jpeg.fae788ffdce60cede61dade7c821d554.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="140307" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-5_2-16-20.jpeg.fae788ffdce60cede61dade7c821d554.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

She can make the wings actually detach from the fabric and allow flight.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-5_2-17-7.jpeg.e8a00c16204b7200659489843286ea76.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="140309" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-5_2-17-7.jpeg.e8a00c16204b7200659489843286ea76.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Simple bronze sword with sheath.

Likes*Optional*: Messing with people, flying, stealing, lying

Dislikes*Optional*: Getting caught, goody two-shoes, her past.

Fears*Optional*: Getting recognized

Weaknesses: Her past memories. When she gets a flash of them, it can cripple her for a few moments.

Strengths: She's very good at lying and manipulating, very good at being a fast fighter.

Backstory: TBR

Personality: Sneaky, coy, sarcastic, funny, fun to be around.

Secrets: She's the reincarnate of Kara McHenry, and knows it. She doesn't fully remember her past life, but gets flashes of it if she is given a proper stimulus. For example, if she were to see Cassius, she might get some flashbacks. If someone is touching her and she has no focus, they might intrude on the memory. In times of great need, she can also hear Kara's voice, giving her advice.

How long at Camp Half-Blood(Or are you not there yet, on the way?): 2 years.



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ThatOneWeirdo said:
Full name: Lara Jeffries
Nickname: L

Age: 16

Godly Parent(Specify if your character knows or not): Hermes

Gender: Female

Ethnicity: Latino

Sexuality: Bisexual

Appearance(Include height, weight, hair color, eye color, and other general descriptions.):

View attachment 310522

Godly Powers(Try to limit to 1-2, and nothing too OP. Try to have a cooldown, and make it relevant!)*Optional*: Can increase speed slightly for a short period of time. Is very good at lying and stealing.

Weapon(Can be magical, but again, not too OP)*Optional*:


View attachment 310523

She can make the wings actually detach from the fabric and allow flight.

View attachment 310527

Simple bronze sword with sheath.

Likes*Optional*: Messing with people, flying, stealing, lying

Dislikes*Optional*: Getting caught, goody two-shoes, her past.

Fears*Optional*: Getting recognized

Weaknesses: Her past memories. When she gets a flash of them, it can cripple her for a few moments.

Strengths: She's very good at lying and manipulating, very good at being a fast fighter.

Backstory: TBR

Personality: Sneaky, coy, sarcastic, funny, fun to be around.

Secrets: She's the reincarnate of Kara McHenry, and knows it. She doesn't fully remember her past life, but gets flashes of it if she is given a proper stimulus. For example, if she were to see Cassius, she might get some flashbacks.

How long at Camp Half-Blood(Or are you not there yet, on the way?): 4 years.
Do you mind if I reuse a character from a different RP?

Full name: Wesley Keys

Nickname: Wes

Age: 13

Godly Parent: Dionysus (known)

Gender: Male

Ethnicity: From USA, typical mix of German, English, Polish, etc.

Sexuality: Straight - He's a prepubescent 13 year old - He's into girls but he doesn't understand much of what he wants yet


(Note: He is on the right in the picture and not everything there is accurate for what I'm writing) Wes is young and just on the brink of puberty, weighing about 100 pounds and being 5 foot and an inch. He has short black hair in a typical buzz cut. His hair is extremely thick and used to be curly, before his mother cut off all of his hair. He's young but his body is very toned and he is rather slim. His eyes glow with a light blue, resembling the sea.

Godly Powers: Ability to cause and cure madness. If you didn't pick it up from the history, he currently holds very little control over this and it's much stronger than his other ability at the moment. It only works on mortals. (so no making monsters go insane) This works better on some than others, the weak-minded going insane much easier. He can maybe use it a couple times a day, if that.

Chlorokinesis: Ability to "control" plants and wildlife. He can promote growth, manipulate, and even make plants grow out of nowhere. He requires at least some kind of "growth factor" for lack of a better term (at least in my head). He needs at least a little light, or a little water, some kind of stimulant nearby. The more there is, the more manipulation he has. (basically, if he's in a completely dark and dry area, he would have no power. Just like normal fighting, the more tired he is, the weaker this ability comes.

He's also immune to the effects of alcohol. (13 year old drinking xD )

Weapon: Currently weaponless

Likes: Included in personality.

Dislikes: Included in personality.

Fears: Included in personality

Weaknesses: These include pesticides that kill plants, airplanes, and strong feelings that he isn't used to feeling. He lacks any skill with typical close combat weapons like swords and spears. He also sucks with any kind of relationships. (meaning friends and such)

Strengths: He excels with his Chlorokinesis, his powers growing with the more that he uses it. He's small and agile, making it easier for him to avoid blows. His personality keeps him from getting too close to anybody, which helps him keep a level head.


Wes grew up with his mother and his older half brother, Tadeo. His mom constantly bounced from boyfriend to boyfriend, but recently married a man named Lionel. Luckily for Wes, this was his favorite guy so far... At first...

Throughout his life, Wesley's mom struggled with alcohol abuse. Wes interpreted it as her self-coping mechanism for her constant breakups. The woman had stunning looks, but according to Tadeo she went crazy after Wesley's dad left her. Whenever she lost a boyfriend, she'd fall back onto the alcohol. Meanwhile, the family had two young boys both going through school with ADHD and Dyslexia that went undiagnosed and a lack of stead income. Tadeo and Wes stuck together throughout, knowing that they had to rely on each other. Tadeo was big and strong, Wes was small and smarter. They had just the duo to get along on their own.

"I remember when I was about 8 years old, our family was living in South Carolina. Tadeo was 13 years old at the time. Our mom was in a drunken state, so we left the house and managed to hitch a bus ride off to Francis Marion National Forest. We were both angry at our mom and we had decided we were going to live on our own, in the forest. If you ask me, we were attacked by 3 black bears. They were really fast, but we tried to run anyway. I remember it vividly. Right before they were about to take us out, they were pulled to the ground by plants. It was out of nowhere. These two men that were hiding while we were chased came out, along with a Park Ranger from the other side. We were sent home, while the two men were sent to jail for killing bears with bear traps. The odd thing was I remember the bears still moving and there were no bear traps. Tadeo told me that they weren't bears. He never did get a chance to tell me what they really were. The police called our temporary foster family and notified us that the two men were sent to an insane asylum. I'm confused.

Wesley's life was like a broken record after that point, constantly moving and helping his mother recover. He struggled all through school, having very little focus on his work and not giving a flying fruit loop about how he did. Then, his mother met a man named Lionel at one of her rehab sessions. He was there as a helper. For some odd reason, a man with a PhD went after his mother. Lionel helped her recover and also helped the boys get through all of it. They were able to move into California when Wesley was 12 and everything was fine. Except, weird things began to happen to all of Wes' friends at school. He had just started to come out of his shell a little, but he constantly had companions gaining issues. Depression, erratic behavior, one of them even attempted suicide. While Wes noticed that he was the common denominator, he knew that there was no way he could be the cause. Right?

Wes realized where everything was heading. He didn't know what was going on around him, but he decided he needed to get away. It was simply a matter of time before he started to infect his mom, Lionel, and Tadeo. If he ran away, he'd be caught. Suicide wasn't even an option in his mind. The only way to get out was to be sent away.

"When I began to fake my own insanity, Lionel tried to help me. He told my mother that it was just hormones and such. Once he realized that he couldn't help me, he completely despised me. Tadeo realized what I was doing and tried to talk me out of it, but he knew better than to tell Lionel or anybody. They might insist that he was crazy as well. It was an unpredictable situation. Before I knew it, despite my mom's wishes, Lionel sent me packing to the Three Fates School for Troubled Youth. I had just turned 13. Tadeo was 18 and I received a letter saying he was attacked by bears and then suddenly went missing. I later received a letter stating that my funding was cut off and that I was relying on government money to attend the school. They may think I'm clueless and stupid, but I'm not. I'm afraid Lionel left my mom on her own, but I'm still trying to find all of the pieces to the puzzle. I'm worried."

Since being sent off to a school made for the insane, Wes was found and taken off to Camp Half Blood where he was claimed by his father. It took him a long while, but he has found his niche with Chlorokinesis, but still lacks control over curing and making people go insane.


Wes is a shy and quiet kid. Whether he's meeting you for the first time or known you his whole life, he often sticks to one word answers and talking as little as possible. He often makes people feel awkward during long pauses in conversations and he isn't bothered in the slightest due to two things: being used to it and simply not caring. His list of people that he would go out of his way for is short, limited to his older brother and his mom. A friend or two may make it here or there. Not that he doesn't have feelings about other people, just that he doesn't have any strong feelings about others.

Wes' hobbies include planting/plant-caring, singing in the shower, and doing nothing. He doesn't mind sitting down on his own and just observing everything around him. Watching the clouds, analyzing people, or simply sleeping. He does have an interest in sports, but doesn't play any due to personal experiences when he was younger. If it was up to him he'd drink soda all day while caring for plants. If you asked his older brother, Wes could handle a flower like nobody's business.

Wesley's dislikes and fears include the dark, parties, and bugs, which obviously hampers his plant experiences quite often. He's learned to deal with bugs like ants and flies. However, the larger ones including spiders, butterflies, praying mantises, and beetles give him the heeby jeebies. (is that how people spell that? Whatever, I just like made up words. xD )

Secrets: He's afraid of bugs. Oh, he also doesn't share much about his family as he wishes to resolve it on his own. (the search for his missing mother)

How long at Camp Half-Blood: Just over a year now.
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Chimchar said:
Do you mind if I reuse a character from a different RP?
Full name: Wesley Keys

Nickname: Wes

Age: 13

Godly Parent: Demeter (Unknown)

Gender: Male

Ethnicity: From USA, typical mix of German, English, Polish, etc.

Sexuality: Straight - He's a prepubescent 13 year old - He's into girls but he doesn't understand much of what he wants yet

Appearance:(Note: He is on the right in the picture and not everything there is accurate for what I'm writing) Wes is young and just on the brink of puberty, weighing about 100 pounds and being 5 foot and an inch. He has short black hair in a typical buzz cut. His hair is extremely thick and used to be curly, before his mother cut off all of his hair. He's young but his body is very toned and he is rather slim. His eyes glow with a light blue, resembling the sea.

Godly Powers: Ability to cause and cure madness. If you didn't pick it up from the history, he currently holds very little control over this and it's much stronger than his other ability at the moment. It only works on mortals. (so no making monsters go insane) This works better on some than others. If he ever does master this, I'd imagine he wouldn't be able to every use it more than maybe 2-3 times a day, if that.

Chlorokinesis: Ability to "control" plants and wildlife. He can promote growth, manipulate, and even make plants grow out of nowhere. He requires at least some kind of "growth factor" for lack of a better term (at least in my head). He needs at least a little light, or a little water, some kind of stimulant nearby. The more there is, the more manipulation he has. (basically, if he's in a completely dark and dry area, he would have no power. Just like normal fighting, the more tired he is, the weaker this ability comes. (he currently lacks knowledge that he has this ability)

He's also immune to the effects of alcohol. (13 year old drinking xD )

Weapon: Currently weaponless

Likes: Included in personality.

Dislikes: Included in personality.

Fears: Included in personality

Weaknesses: These include pesticides that kill plants, airplanes, and strong feelings that he isn't used to feeling. He lacks any skill with typical close combat weapons like swords and spears. He also sucks with any kind of relationships. (meaning friends and such)

Strengths: He excels (though he doesn't know it yet) at magic. In fact, he's been learning to play reed pipes despite it being much more popular with Satyrs as opposed to demigods. However, he is very adept with the item and it can be used to give his plant magic a boost. He's small and agile, making it easier for him to avoid blows.



Wes is a shy and quiet kid. Whether he's meeting you for the first time or known you his whole life, he often sticks to one word answers and talking as little as possible. He often makes people feel awkward during long pauses in conversations and he isn't bothered in the slightest due to two things: being used to it and simply not caring. His list of people that he would go out of his way for is short, limited to his older brother and his mom. A friend or two may make it here or there. Not that he doesn't have feelings about other people, just that he doesn't have any strong feelings about others.

Wes' hobbies include planting/plant-caring, singing in the shower, and doing nothing. He doesn't mind sitting down on his own and just observing everything around him. Watching the clouds, analyzing people, or simply sleeping. He does have an interest in sports, but doesn't play any due to personal experiences when he was younger. If it was up to him he'd drink soda all day while caring for plants. If you asked his older brother, Wes could handle a flower like nobody's business.

Wesley's dislikes and fears include the dark, parties, and bugs, which obviously hampers his plant experiences quite often. He's learned to deal with bugs like ants and flies. However, the larger ones including spiders, butterflies, praying mantises, and beetles give him the heeby jeebies. (is that how people spell that? Whatever, I just like made up words. xD )

Secrets: He's afraid of bugs. Oh, he also doesn't share much about his family as he wishes to resolve it on his own. (the search for his missing mother)

How long at Camp Half-Blood: Just a couple of weeks. He's currently unclaimed and unaware of his powers.
Demeter has nothing to do with madness or alcoholism.



Full name

Dylan Martinez


The Bull



Godly Parent

Hephaestus (Known)




Has Mexican heritage,born in America.





Dylan is 6'2",showing quite a bit of muscle from the constant work at the forge. Considering his size and appearance,he is often confused for being older. Combined with his attitude,that usually will intimidate people. His hair is dark brown,and the tone of his eyes is a bright shade of blue.

Godly Powers

- Prowess in Battle -

Dylan follows the tendency of his father to be a strong warrior with an even tougher hand. Even unarmed he can do some damage.

- Technokinesis -

Dylan has a natural ability with machines,being able to fix or break them with ease even if he has no previous knowledge of how to do so.



Warrior is Dylan's warhammer,a weapon that can only be held by the children of Hephaestus or their legacies. Made out of pure steel,the weapon isn't very fast but has a strong blow. Aimed towards the right spots,it's a terrifying force in battle.


- While Dylan is great at following orders,he doesn't seem able to work without them. He isn't good at forming battle plans or strategies in general,basing himself in pure brute voice.

- Dylan can't hold fire like most of his brothers,although he shows some resistance to it.

- Dylan isn't the fastest person.


- Dylan's nickname,Bull,is quite fitting. He is physically strong and can easily take a beating and fight for a long time.

- Dylan is faithful and hates betrayal,showing complete loyalty to his friends.

- He works well on groups,fitting himself to most fighting styles.


Dylan was born in Texas,having the typical calm and peaceful life at the farm of his family. Even at a young age,he already showed the strength that he would be carrying later in his life.
The young boy loved to work with his mother at the crops,and he had quite some ability with the animals as well. But it was in the technical part of the farm that Dylan really stood out. He could handle the farming cars without ever have been taught,and whenever something broke he would have an easy time fixing it. Dylan had a full room with his mechanical inventions. They didn’t always work,but they always gave him a good time.

The young boy loved to work with his mother at the crops,and he had quite some ability with the animals as well. But it was in the technical part of the farm that Dylan really stood out. He could handle the farming cars without ever have been taught,and whenever something broke he would have an easy time fixing it. Dylan had a full room with his mechanical inventions. They didn’t always work,but they always gave him a good time.

It was around the time that he was seven years old that his powers began to grow stronger, attracting more attention from the monsters around him. To Dylan,they were simply scary animals. But his mother knew better. While she hated the idea of sending him away,Marcia knew that keeping her son by her side would put him in danger. So she told him the story about how he was born,and who his father was.


It wasn't long until his stepfather learned about the story as well. Marcia had already been married to him when she fell in love with Hephaestus. When the man discovered that Dylan wasn't his son,he became sour. The aggression came soon after,up until the day that he tried to kill Marcia. Dylan froze,not knowing what to do as he watched the man that was once his father trying to kill his mother. He felt the ring he always carried in his finger growing, taking form. When he realized that he was holding a warhammer,Dylan didn’t hesitate anymore. He launched against his father,killing the mortal with a single blow.

While he managed to save his mother,he could barely face her anymore. He ran away from his house,taking his father’s pickup and heading straight for Camp Half-Blood.


"If I ever kill you, you'll be awake, you'll be facing me, and you'll be armed."

Dylan is the sincere type of person,always bursting out whatever is in his mind without fear of repercussions. That often causes him to get into discussions with the people around him. He is confident of himself and unafraid of following his own desires and believes. Most of all,Dylan follows his own code of honor. He won’t back down from a battle but also won’t attack his enemies through their backs,always giving them a fair chance of fighting back.

While can be stubborn,he isn't deaf to the opinions of others. He will usually listen to advice. Whether he actually follows their suggestions or not depends on the moment. While he is ultimately sarcastic,he knows how to be serious during the right situations.

Dylan isn't the type to do small talking and doesn't deal well with emotions. Relationships are something that scare him beyond his mind,and he usually stays in one night flings. To the sadness of the Aphrodite girls in camp,he never remains attached for long.

Dylan is a bit of a pessimist,usually believing that things will go wrong even before they happen.


Killed his "father".

How long at Camp Half-Blood

5 years.

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TheEscapist said:



Full name

Dylan Martinez


The Bull



Godly Parent

Hephaestus (Known)




Has Mexican heritage,born in America.





Dylan is 6'2",showing quite a bit of muscle from the constant work at the forge. Considering his size and appearance,he is often confused for being older. Combined with his attitude,that usually will intimidate people. His hair is dark brown,and the tone of his eyes is a bright shade of blue.

Godly Powers

- Prowess in Battle -

Dylan follows the tendency of his father to be a strong warrior with an even tougher hand. Even unarmed he can do some damage.

- Technokinesis -

Dylan has a natural ability with machines,being able to fix or break them with ease even if he has no previous knowledge of how to do so.



Warrior is Dylan's warhammer,a weapon that can only be held by the children of Hephaestus or their legacies. Made out of pure steel,the weapon isn't very fast but has a strong blow. Aimed towards the right spots,it's a terrifying force in battle.


- While Dylan is great at following orders,he doesn't seem able to work without them. He isn't good at forming battle plans or strategies in general,basing himself in pure brute voice.

- Dylan can't hold fire like most of his brothers,although he shows some resistance to it.

- Dylan isn't the fastest person.


- Dylan's nickname,Bull,is quite fitting. He is physically strong and can easily take a beating and fight for a long time.

- Dylan is faithful and hates betrayal,showing complete loyalty to his friends.

- He works well on groups,fitting himself to most fighting styles.


Dylan was born in Texas,having the typical calm and peaceful life at the farm of his family. Even at a young age,he already showed the strength that he would be carrying later in his life.
The young boy loved to work with his mother at the crops,and he had quite some ability with the animals as well. But it was in the technical part of the farm that Dylan really stood out. He could handle the farming cars without ever have been taught,and whenever something broke he would have an easy time fixing it. Dylan had a full room with his mechanical inventions. They didn’t always work,but they always gave him a good time.

The young boy loved to work with his mother at the crops,and he had quite some ability with the animals as well. But it was in the technical part of the farm that Dylan really stood out. He could handle the farming cars without ever have been taught,and whenever something broke he would have an easy time fixing it. Dylan had a full room with his mechanical inventions. They didn’t always work,but they always gave him a good time.

It was around the time that he was seven years old that his powers began to grow stronger, attracting more attention from the monsters around him. To Dylan,they were simply scary animals. But his mother knew better. While she hated the idea of sending him away,Marcia knew that keeping her son by her side would put him in danger. So she told him the story about how he was born,and who his father was.


It wasn't long until his stepfather learned about the story as well. Marcia had already been married to him when she fell in love with Hephaestus. When the man discovered that Dylan wasn't his son,he became sour. The aggression came soon after,up until the day that he tried to kill Marcia. Dylan froze,not knowing what to do as he watched the man that was once his father trying to kill his mother. He felt the ring he always carried in his finger growing, taking form. When he realized that he was holding a warhammer,Dylan didn’t hesitate anymore. He launched against his father,killing the mortal with a single blow.

While he managed to save his mother,he could barely face her anymore. He ran away from his house,taking his father’s pickup and heading straight for Camp Half-Blood.


"If I ever kill you, you'll be awake, you'll be facing me, and you'll be armed."

Dylan is the sincere type of person,always bursting out whatever is in his mind without fear of repercussions. That often causes him to get into discussions with the people around him. He is confident of himself and unafraid of following his own desires and believes. Most of all,Dylan follows his own code of honor. He won’t back down from a battle but also won’t attack his enemies through their backs,always giving them a fair chance of fighting back.

While can be stubborn,he isn't deaf to the opinions of others. He will usually listen to advice. Whether he actually follows their suggestions or not depends on the moment. While he is ultimately sarcastic,he knows how to be serious during the right situations.

Dylan isn't the type to do small talking and doesn't deal well with emotions. Relationships are something that scare him beyond his mind,and he usually stays in one night flings. To the sadness of the Aphrodite girls in camp,he never remains attached for long.

Evan is a bit of a pessimist,usually believing that things will go wrong even before they happen.


Killed his "father".

How long at Camp Half-Blood

5 years.

As long as his strength or resistance doesn't become OP, that'll be fine. There are plenty of girls that only want hookups in this RP, so he'll be entertained. This entire RP is a commitment-phobe.
[QUOTE="Play On Words]As long as his strength or resistance doesn't become OP, that'll be fine. There are plenty of girls that only want hookups in this RP, so he'll be entertained. This entire RP is a commitment-phobe.

Add commitment-phobe on the RP tags lol

And I will make sure that he isn't invincible,he will fall on his face quite a few times during the RP heh.
TheEscapist said:
Add commitment-phobe on the RP tags lol
And I will make sure that he isn't invincible,he will fall on his face quite a few times during the RP heh.
Sounds good to me. And I'm going to do that just for you.
ThatOneWeirdo said:
Demeter has nothing to do with madness or alcoholism.
[QUOTE="Play On Words]Good Co-GM. This is very true.

Oh, shoot. That was totally my bad. Supposed to be Dionysus there. ;)

I was contemplating the two and must've typed the wrong one. Shame on me for screwing shit up past midnight.

Chimchar said:
Appearance:(Note: He is on the right in the picture and not everything there is accurate for what I'm writing) Wes is young and just on the brink of puberty, weighing about 100 pounds and being 5 foot and an inch. He has short black hair in a typical buzz cut. His hair is extremely thick and used to be curly, before his mother cut off all of his hair. He's young but his body is very toned and he is rather slim. His eyes glow with a light blue, resembling the sea.

There is no picture anywhere.

Chimchar said:
Godly Powers: Ability to cause and cure madness. If you didn't pick it up from the history, he currently holds very little control over this and it's much stronger than his other ability at the moment. It only works on mortals. (so no making monsters go insane) This works better on some than others. If he ever does master this, I'd imagine he wouldn't be able to every use it more than maybe 2-3 times a day, if that.

By mortals, does this include Demigods as well?

Chimchar said:
Strengths: He excels (though he doesn't know it yet) at magic. In fact, he's been learning to play reed pipes despite it being much more popular with Satyrs as opposed to demigods. However, he is very adept with the item and it can be used to give his plant magic a boost. He's small and agile, making it easier for him to avoid blows.

There is no proof that any Demigods are able to use woodland magic in any of the Percy Jackson books.

Chimchar said:
Uh... Must I explain?

Chimchar said:
How long at Camp Half-Blood: Just a couple of weeks. He's currently unclaimed and unaware of his powers.
This is not a requirement, but if you wish to actually be ON the quest, you have to be at camp for at least a year. Otherwise, you'll be awfully bored.

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[QUOTE="Play On Words]

There is no picture anywhere.

"I seriously have no idea what happened to my post. Luckily I have everything saved, but ignore the missing backstory (that was added) and missing picture. I wish I could explain, but I can't. Not sure if it was me or the site that fucked up. "

By mortals, does this include Demigods as well?

"Yes. I was thinking it may be a fun part to RP where he maybe accidentally causes one of his pals to go insane, then gains more control over it and cures them blah blah blah. It's an important part of his personality, that it makes him insecure about the fact that he may accidentally make somebody go insane when he doesn't want to. (the history makes this more clear)"

There is no proof that any Demigods are able to use woodland magic in any of the Percy Jackson books.

"There is no proof that any of them can't? (jk) Alright, that may be a little Farfetch'd. He can go weaponless for now."

Uh... Must I explain?

"Again, no idea what happened. At least I had it saved elsewhere."

This is not a requirement, but if you wish to actually be ON the quest, you have to be at camp for at least a year. Otherwise, you'll be awfully bored.

"Yeah, changed that. He still lacks use of insanity crap but he can at least use Chlorokinesis. I've also made him claimed since that would probably make a lot more sense."

Yeah, I probably seem like an idiot and super inexperienced, but I promise I'm not. or at least not as much of one as it seems

I need to stop staying up all night. I start to fuck everything up when I do.

Edit: Just a quick note, I replied to everything in your quote with bold so you'll probably have to expand the quote. :D
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By mortals, does this include Demigods as well?

"Yes. I was thinking it may be a fun part to RP where he maybe accidentally causes one of his pals to go insane, then gains more control over it and cures them blah blah blah. It's an important part of his personality, that it makes him insecure about the fact that he may accidentally make somebody go insane when he doesn't want to. (the history makes this more clear)"

Chimchar said:
Yeah, I probably seem like an idiot and super inexperienced, but I promise I'm not. or at least not as much of one as it seems
I need to stop staying up all night. I start to fuck everything up when I do.

Edit: Just a quick note, I replied to everything in your quote with bold so you'll probably have to expand the quote. :D
For his insanity. You're going to have to outline the drawbacks. For example, can he use this power as many times as often for mortals as he can for Demigods? Does it exhaust him?

If you want to make someone insane in the RP, you'll have to PM them and ask first, otherwise it's God-Modding, and you will be removed from the Roleplay.
[QUOTE="Play On Words]By mortals, does this include Demigods as well?
"Yes. I was thinking it may be a fun part to RP where he maybe accidentally causes one of his pals to go insane, then gains more control over it and cures them blah blah blah. It's an important part of his personality, that it makes him insecure about the fact that he may accidentally make somebody go insane when he doesn't want to. (the history makes this more clear)"

For his insanity. You're going to have to outline the drawbacks. For example, can he use this power as many times as often for mortals as he can for Demigods? Does it exhaust him?

If you want to make someone insane in the RP, you'll have to PM them and ask first, otherwise it's God-Modding, and you will be removed from the Roleplay.

Drawbacks were made more clear. I had them there, just not fully explained. (I have a habit of that)

And for the second part, of course. (I'm not that much of an idiot)
Chimchar said:
Drawbacks were made more clear. I had them there, just not fully explained. (I have a habit of that)
And for the second part, of course. (I'm not that much of an idiot)
Alright. Accepted. As long as the insanity doesn't become OP, you're fine.
[QUOTE="Play On Words]Alright. Accepted. As long as the insanity doesn't become OP, you're fine.

It won't, I promise. Even if he does/when he gains control of it, it'll most likely be a really strenuous task unless your like drunk and depressed. The mentally weak, beware.
Chimchar said:
It won't, I promise. Even if he does/when he gains control of it, it'll most likely be a really strenuous task unless your like drunk and depressed. The mentally weak, beware.
God help the guys in this RP that are either depressed(Connor) or mentally insane(Angelo)
Full name:

Demetrius JOHNSON





Godly Parent:





Native American





He stands at 6'0, weight 220, with having spiky black hair, brown eyes, very toned arms, his skin is tan. He usually wears shirts with no sleeves, to show off his muscles. His face shows off ash and some burns from his projects. Demetrius hasn't changed much, except for a few grey hairs and facial hair.

Godly Powers:

The ability to conjure fire ,and also being immune to fire.


A magic war hammer . Standing at 4 ft tall, it was a gift from his father, from when he left for the camp. It can materialize and dematerialize into the piece of armor on Demetrius' arm(Shown in picture), but takes longer to materialize it, because of its size(30 seconds).


Girls(Of course), making weapons and armor, fighting, metals.


Spiders, Athena(one of his dad's enemies).


Demetri can never focus when there is a girl around, for some reason. He has been known to have nervous breakdowns when not knowing the solution to a problem.


Demetri is noted for being a reliable and trustworthy friend who will stop at nothing to protect them, even sacrificing himself for them.


Demetri was born to a Native american tribe in Nevada. He had never come to know his dad until he was around 12, when his mom died and he had nowhere to go. His smithing skills have been taught to him by a elder at his tribe. He had been hitching rides and getting clues to where the camp is by his dad. At first, when he came to the camp, he was not sure on what to do. Nobody knew of his customs or of what had happened to his mom. He had finally gotten accustomed to the camp a few months later and was soon known by people of him being a great smith. After the quest, he had decided to stay at tbe camp and become the blacksmith.


Demetri has a proud personality, he has never been known to not be talkative, ever. He likes to show off his best qualities to people and hides his worst ones. He likes to show off his skills all the times, and often doesn't think the consequences until after. He is a more brawn over brains type of person when making tough choices. He often is around his friends or in his forge making weapons and armor.


None you need to know.

How long at Camp Half-Blood:

Since he was 12
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Naloth said:
Full name:
Demetrius JOHNSON





Godly Parent:





Native American




He stands at 6'0, weight 220, with having spiky black hair, brown eyes, very toned arms, his skin is tan. He usually wears shirts with no sleeves, to show off his muscles. His face shows off ash and some burns from his projects.

Godly Powers:

The ability to conjure fire ,and also being immune to fire.


A magic war hammer . Standing at 4 ft tall, it was a gift from his father, from when he left for the camp. It can materialize and dematerialize into the piece of armor on Demetrius' arm(Shown in picture), but takes longer to materialize it, because of its size(30 seconds).


Girls(Of course), making weapons and armor, fighting, metals.


Spiders, Athena(one of his dad's enemies).


Demetri can never focus when there is a girl around, for some reason. He has been known to have nervous breakdowns when not knowing the solution to a problem.


Demetri is noted for being a reliable and trustworthy friend who will stop at nothing to protect them, even sacrificing himself for them.


Demetri was born to a Native american tribe in Nevada. He had never come to know his dad until he was around 12, when his mom died and he had nowhere to go. His smithing skills have been taught to him by a elder at his tribe. He had been hitching rides and getting clues to where the camp is by his dad. At first, when he came to the camp, he was not sure on what to do. Nobody knew of his customs or of what had happened to his mom. He had finally gotten accustomed to the camp a few months later and was soon known by people of him being a great smith. After the quest, he had decided to stay at tbe camp and become the blacksmith.


Demetri has a proud personality, he has never been known to not be talkative, ever. He likes to show off his best qualities to people and hides his worst ones. He likes to show off his skills all the times, and often doesn't think the consequences until after. He is a more brawn over brains type of person when making tough choices. He often is around his friends or in his forge making weapons and armor.


None you need to know.

How long at Camp Half-Blood:

Since he was 12
Please update picture. Aside from that, accepted. And he's 17 in the current RP, right?
Yeah, I just made him 20 years older. I will find another picture once I get on my computer.
Full name: Sullivan Hastings

Nickname: Sully, Sal, Vannings, Cupid as a joke

Age: 16

Godly Parent(Specify if your character knows or not): Eros, and he knows it.

Gender: Male

Ethnicity: American Canadian

Sexuality: Pansexual

Appearance(Include height, weight, hair color, eye color, and other general descriptions.):


6'3", 195lb, light brown hair, blue-green eyes, incredibly muscular build. Of course, this is just his go-to appearance. Explanation below.

Godly Powers(Try to limit to 1-2, and nothing too OP. Try to have a cooldown, and make it relevant!)*Optional*:

Seductive - Sal has the same effect on nearly everyone, making them all hot and bothered. It's not something drastic or blunt, but a subtle touch on their desire, making him the only thing they can see.

Perfect - Although the picture above is his born appearance, people see what they want to see when they look at him. Whatever they desire most, he is. An ability similar to Aphrodite's, although rather useless when it comes to combat.

Weapon(Can be magical, but again, not too OP)*Optional*:

A bow, of course. His bow melts into a ring when not in use, and he can summon it back at will.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-6_1-18-56.jpeg.eef93e7d50319cc4f28f70113105ea72.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="140535" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-6_1-18-56.jpeg.eef93e7d50319cc4f28f70113105ea72.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Arrows are infinite, and it reloads itself. Arrows below.


Likes*Optional*: Flirting, sleeping around, Harley Caulfield

Dislikes*Optional*: Being rejected, prudes, Aphrodite campers(He finds himself superior to them), clingy people(He prefers hook-ups)

Fears*Optional*: Rejection.

Weaknesses: Melee combat, arguments, people immune to his abilities.

Strengths: Archery, flirting, manipulation

Backstory: TBR

Personality: Sarcastic, cocky, arrogant, seductive, flirty.

Secrets: Everything. He doesn't talk about his past. Ever.

How long at Camp Half-Blood(Or are you not there yet, on the way?): One year, he just arrived, bruised and bloodied, at the entrance to camp.



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