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Fandom Goners, The Next Chapter

Can't wait to see her in the RP. Which will probably be starting either tomorrow afternoon or night. I'll try to tag everyone, but please check it throughout the day.
@NebulaE I like to draw relations between my character and other players' for some depth,do you think our characters could already be friends before the RP starts?
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But wouldn't prometheus count as a god because the other gods were descended from the first generation of titans and so was he
DaBabyMasta said:
But wouldn't prometheus count as a god because the other gods were descended from the first generation of titans and so was he
He was,but if you look at the Greek wiki he is still classified as a Titan.

"Don't fear the dead,fear the living."



Full name

Jake C. Giovanni





Godly Parent

Thanatos (known)









Jake is 6'1". His body falls to lean side,although he is by no means lacking on muscle. His dark hair is always messy,falling on his eyes. The tone of his skin is bright. He has a deep scar in his shoulder,but completely refuses to talk about it.

Godly Powers

- Shadow Travelling -

Jake can travel through shadows,like most children of the underworld.

- Talking To The Passed -

Jake can listen to the voices of the dead. This power can become overwhelming if he stands at a place with too many souls,like a cemetery.


Longsword made out of steel from the Styx. It has a sharp cut,but can't be used against mortals. The weight of it is enough that it can only be handled by two hands. Since it emits a light source of underworld energy,it's only recommended to be handled by children from the underworld.


x Light.

x His past being discovered.


x Jake can't take much underworld energy,so he can't use his shadow powers as often as others sons of Thanatos can.

x The only weapon that Jake has any familiarity with is his sword. He refused to even spar with another weapon.


x Jake is a generally kind,caring person. He will hold his loyalty until death,unable to betray his friends.

x Jake has a good grasp on close ranged combat,although he can't shoot a bow even to save his life.




By all means,Jake is an extremely calm person. He rarely ever loses his temper,preferring to look at any situation from a rational point of view,even when he feels threatened. But still,he is quite sensible towards the people he likes. His sense of protection is extremely strong,and he will always stand up to people who need his help. He isn't the most sociable person,preferring to stay away from crowds. But he would die for his friends without a second thought.

When people take the time to know him,they will find a surprisingly gentle man in his persona. He is understanding of the needs of others,although he also fears being tossed aside. That already happened once,and Jake is well aware of the taste that betrayal has.

He only fell in love once in his life,but that relationship ended on cheating. While he didn't give up on finding another person,he is slightly more guarded of close romantic relationships. He lost any interest of simply sleeping with girls,lost any interest in quick relationships. While he doesn't find the right person,he remains single. For Jake,it's everything or nothing at all.


The scar in his shoulder,and the story related to it.

How long at Camp Half-Blood

6 years

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Radiohead said:

"Don't fear the dead,fear the living."



Full name

Jake C. Giovanni





Godly Parent

Thanatos (known)









Jake is 6'1". His body falls to lean side,although he is by no means lacking on muscle. His dark hair is always messy,falling on his eyes. The tone of his skin is bright. He has a deep scar in his shoulder,but completely refuses to talk about it.

Godly Powers

- Shadow Travelling -

Jake can travel through shadows,like most children of the underworld.

- Talking To The Passed -

Jake can listen to the voices of the dead. This power can become overwhelming if he stands at a place with too many souls,like a cemetery.


Longsword made out of steel from the Styx. It has a sharp cut,but can't be used against mortals. The weight of it is enough that it can only be handled by two hands. Since it emits a light source of underworld energy,it's only recommended to be handled by children from the underworld.


x Light.

x His past being discovered.


x Jake can't take much underworld energy,so he can't use his shadow powers as often as others sons of Thanatos can.

x The only weapon that Jake has any familiarity with is his sword. He refused to even spar with another weapon.


x Jake is a generally kind,caring person. He will hold his loyalty until death,unable to betray his friends.

x Jake has a good grasp on close ranged combat,although he can't shoot a bow even to save his life.




By all means,Jake is an extremely calm person. He rarely ever loses his temper,preferring to look at any situation from a rational point of view,even when he feels threatened. But still,he is quite sensible towards the people he likes. His sense of protection is extremely strong,and he will always stand up to people who need his help. He isn't the most sociable person,preferring to stay away from crowds. But he would die for his friends without a second thought.

When people take the time to know him,they will find a surprisingly gentle man in his persona. He is understanding of the needs of others,although he also fears being tossed aside. That already happened once,and Jake is well aware of the taste that betrayal has.

He only fell in love once in his life,but that relationship ended on cheating. While he didn't give up on finding another person,he is slightly more guarded of close romantic relationships. He lost any interest of simply sleeping with girls,lost any interest in quick relationships. While he doesn't find the right person,he remains single. For Jake,it's everything or nothing at all.


The scar in his shoulder,and the story related to it.

How long at Camp Half-Blood

6 years

Accepted, and hot as hell.
ThatOneWeirdo said:
Is... Is he real? Can I have him irl?
Jake Cooper is real,but I think you have more chance with him than I do. He is straight :( *wraps him in a gift and sends him to you*

Radiohead said:
Jake Cooper is real,but I think you have more chance with him than I do. He is straight :( *wraps him in a gift and sends him to you*
Thank the gods, they are officially merciful. You can officially be sent a husband.
[QUOTE="Ethan Hart]

Full name:

Jaden Lewis Bevan


Jay, J.B



Godly Parent:

Claimed son of Aether, God of light and the upper atmosphere




White British




At first glance, Jaden looks like a typical son of Zeus. Blonde hair, sky blue eyes and a decent build. Standing at 5'10, Jay weighs 150lbs and has a small scar on his upper lip.


Godly Powers:

Aerokinesis- The ability to control the wind and air. Jay can use this to fly and summon strong blasts of wind to knock his foe down/away

Photokinesis- The ability to control light. Jay can summon spheres of light to guide the way or blind enemies with this.


A sword forged for his father. It has no special combat abilities, however, it can be summoned out of pure air.


Rock music, annoying friends to an extent, being right


Losing, being ignored, rudeness.


Water or more specifically, the ocean.


Tries to do everything himself, bottles up his emotions.


Is a very random person, is kind of likable.


Born 16th of August 2000, Jay moved to America when he was ten, due to his father having a business trip. His mother refused to move, and the two split up. Troubled with the stress, Jay turned to music to help him before he got attacked on the streets by a cyclops. Being saved by a random demigod, Jaden followed her back to camp where he got claimed by an ancient god not many people knew. But, he was proud...however, he felt like he had went to live with the wrong person. Someone who he wasn't even blood related to. It broke him for a while, but he quickly recovered.


Jaden is a huge joker. Joking all the time, there is never a moment when he doesn't joke around. From jokes that'll make you laugh to jokes that'll make you cringe, he says them all. He also flirts with a few people, however, he believes he is not the best at it. With these two traits, you either love him, or hate him. There is no in between.


Thinking about leaving camp to return to England

How long at Camp Half-Blood:

A month

One, not accepting children of primordial gods.

Two, his powers are incredibly OP.

Three, his appearance is literally Jason Grace.

Four, if you want to join the quest, you have to be at camp for at least a year.

[QUOTE="Ethan Hart]You accepted him before... *sigh* I'll just create a new character

Restrictions got tighter, don't want any OP characters.
(Villain Camper)

Full name:
Mac DeMarco

Nickname: Pothead

Age: 17

Godly Parent Hypnos (He knows, but pretends he hasn't discovered his powers yet)



Ethnicity: 100% Bavarian Phenotype

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance: 5'10, 180 lb, average build. Overall, he isn't all too attractive.

Godly Powers:

Slothful Aura: Mac can toggle an aura of sloth, which makes initially makes friend and foe alike within 15 feet to initially feel a bit slower on their feet and more drowsy. If someone is to spent too long of a duration within the aura, they will begin to feel exhausted until outright collapsing. The aura is invisible and does not affect Mac himself.

Deep Sleep: Creatures and demi-gods alike tend to sleep much heavier when in the presence of Mac. It's far harder to wake them up, and they will often opt to sleep an additional hour or two. They of course, are still awoken by physical contact.


Mac's Gaunlets: Rather than fight with a traditional sword or bow, Mac prefers to fight with a set of spiked gauntlets. Their only enchantment makes them lighter and more durable.


Getting High




Camp Activities




Being told what to do



His powers being discovered




Usually high, lackluster evasion, relies on blocking

Emotional detached


Powerful defense with gauntlets, Unmatched at disarming.

Not fazed easily


Mac was born into a bavarian slum, along with his mother, and very briefly with his father. Mac was told since the day he could speak that he had powers and that the only reason they hung out in this dreary dump is so Mac wouldn't get tracked by the monsters. Around the house his mother spoke english, which is why he can now properly converse with the camp's english language. Of course, Mac didn't exactly spend much time around the house, but rather he was out and about in the streets, making shady friends and trying shady things. This continued on for years, with him frequently getting caught in fights, leading to him picking up quite some skill in unarmed combat (Which eventually evolve into gauntlet combat.) By the age of 8, Mac was already hooked on weed and his mother was fed up with him and having to live in a dump. She gave him up to the camp, where he has been smuggling in packages of weed ever since.


Mac has two personalities. Most people see him as a free spirited pothead who is pretty cool with everything. On the flip side, within his head he is angered by people who seem to think they are so strong, and will often hang around them only to find their weaknesses and take advantage of them.


He feels no loyalty to the camp.

He pretends he doesn't have his powers.

He pretends to be a big idiot.

How long at Camp Half-Blood: He's been chilling for a bit less than 9 years.
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