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Fandom Goners, The Next Chapter

[QUOTE="Graecus Scum]Full name: Sullivan Hastings
Nickname: Sully, Sal, Vannings, Cupid as a joke

Age: 16

Godly Parent(Specify if your character knows or not): Eros, and he knows it.

Gender: Male

Ethnicity: American Canadian

Sexuality: Pansexual

Appearance(Include height, weight, hair color, eye color, and other general descriptions.):


6'3", 195lb, light brown hair, blue-green eyes, incredibly muscular build. Of course, this is just his go-to appearance. Explanation below.

Godly Powers(Try to limit to 1-2, and nothing too OP. Try to have a cooldown, and make it relevant!)*Optional*:

Seductive - Sal has the same effect on nearly everyone, making them all hot and bothered. It's not something drastic or blunt, but a subtle touch on their desire, making him the only thing they can see.

Perfect - Although the picture above is his born appearance, people see what they want to see when they look at him. Whatever they desire most, he is. An ability similar to Aphrodite's, although rather useless when it comes to combat.

Weapon(Can be magical, but again, not too OP)*Optional*:

A bow, of course.

View attachment 311044

Arrows are infinite, and it reloads itself. Arrows below.


Likes*Optional*: Flirting, sleeping around, Harley Caulfield

Dislikes*Optional*: Being rejected, prudes, Aphrodite campers(He finds himself superior to them), clingy people(He prefers hook-ups)

Fears*Optional*: Rejection.

Weaknesses: Melee combat, arguments, people immune to his abilities.

Strengths: Archery, flirting, manipulation

Backstory: TBR

Personality: Sarcastic, cocky, arrogant, seductive, flirty.

Secrets: Everything. He doesn't talk about his past. Ever.

How long at Camp Half-Blood(Or are you not there yet, on the way?): One year, he just arrived, bruised and bloodied, at the entrance to camp.

Oh, gods, I can smell the trouble from through my computer. Accepted...

Full name:

Edward J. Penners


Ed, Eddy (To super close friends.)



Godly Parent:

Athena (Unknown)









Ed is tall, about 6’1, and relatively lean and muscular. He’s by no means a bodybuilder, but with all the physical training he does, it’s hard not to be in shape. He has long slender fingers, and they’re usually twitching. Not because of some disorder, no, he’s constantly imagining solving some puzzle or tinkering with some toy. Ed has long, dark, curly hair, which is always pulled back into a tight bun. And as per the usual, piercing grey eyes.

Godly Powers:

Strategical Genius

Combat Prowess


Spear and shield



Competition, especially in fighting

Coming up with new ideas


Big displays of emotion.




Being claimed

Failing those who trust him


Constantly second guessing himself

Pushes aside emotion for rationale

Seeks approval of his friends

Often seems distant

Can often overthink a fight

Spiders make him want to throw up and run


Strong leader

Constantly thinking ahead

Creative fighter and thinker


Ed grew up in Chicago, thinking his adopted parents were his biological parents. He went to school, like every other kid. Unlike every other kid, however, he both excelled and failed miserably at school. Ed struggled with the material, and reading, but when teachers talked to him about it, it seemed as if he knew everything about the work backwards, forwards, and inside-out. That didn’t stop him from getting bad grades.

Ed never made friends. Well, he had two. His cat, Cupcake, Cuppy for short, and gizmos. So every day after school, he’d come home, give Cupcake some food, and then work on building her little toys that would zoom through the house for her to play with. (Stupid fat cat never did, though.) And, his life went along like that, until his first year of high school.

For the first month of school, he kept getting weird looks from one kid. Ed always noticed, but rarely looked back, and when he did the kid would just look away as if nothing happened. Each time, Ed was totally surprised. He didn’t know the kid’s name, on top of that he’d never even talked to the guy. After some proper snooping, which got him sent to the principals, Ed found out the guy never talked to anyone. Always kept to himself. He was a bit ugly, but surely that couldn’t have been it. After a harsh scolding and detention, Ed just left it alone, thinking nothing of it. Wrong.

Not the next day, Ed was walking down the hall, of to the water fountains. Gods it could get hot sometimes. All of a sudden, bam, he felt something slam into the back of his head. Rubbing the sore spot, he stumble a little, turning around. There stood the kid. Billy, Ed had discovered during his adventure the day before, stood there, fists clenched at his sides. Ed started to murmur something about Billy only having one eye before his attacker, well, attacked.

Ed took another hit, this time to the face. Damn this guy was strong. He fell back, looking left and right. Well at least he’d made it to the water fountains. Wait, yeah the water fountains. Ed looked up, an idea forming in his head. Billy charged, trying to tackled Ed as he began to stand back up. But it was a rouse. Ed quickly straightened himself, and stepped to the side, using his foot to trip Billy. The larger boy stumbled, but didn’t fall. Ed kicked out at Billy in desperation, but he just absorbed it, standing up straight.

Billy had a look in his eyes that Ed didn’t like. The look of a man who was going to kill someone. Ed’s eyes opened wide, and he ran forward, dashing past Billy. He felt hands clawing at his shirt, but somehow avoided them. Sliding to a stop at the fountain, Ed turned to find Billy already charging. Ed side stepped again, and slapped Billy on the back as he slammed into the water fountain. Ed dashed forward, pushing Billy’s head down and turning on the water. After a brief second of being drenched, Billy’s muscular hands came up and pushed himself away. Thank the gods the security team arrived in time, or Eddy would’ve been chopped liver.

Well if snooping around school while he was supposed to be in class wasn’t enough trouble, Ed was in big trouble for this. Not to mention, Billy had somehow disappeared. Turned out the phone number for the kids parents was the number for some Chinese restaurant. After a thorough chafing by the principle and the school security guard, Ed was sent home. That was when his parents dropped the bomb on him. Well, actually they just sat him down and told him a story.

The year before Eddy was born, his parents had a friend from the UK living in Chicago for work. A single male, about their age. They offered to let him stay with them, but he was going to be there for about a year. They couldn’t remember what the hell he was even working on. Well, everything was going fine, until the last month. Their friend, Daniel, showed up with a baby in his arms, pleading with them. He begged them, even fell to the ground at one point. Luckily Ed was in the hands of his adopted mother at the time. Daniel said he couldn’t bring Ed with him, that he needed them to take care of him, and raise him as his own. They had been wanting a child. After they finally agreed, Daniel gave them a little piece of paper, with an address written on it. If ever something bad happened to Ed, if ever he got in serious trouble, there were to send him there, without question. Lucky for Ed, they decided to.

That was when he discovered Camp Half-Blood. A place for the children of the gods, which apparently he was. A safe place, where they could learn. And learn more than just arithmetic or grammar. They learned how to fight, how to climb, and in Ed’s case, he picked up on his own rather than learnt, strategy.


The thing Ed cares about the most is his friends. Are they safe? What do they think of him? Do they trust him? What’s strange is, he isn’t openly affectionate with his friends. They’re just, well, his friends. He counts almost every other camper among them. Wants them all to be proud of him. If that means he spends a few nights a week planning strategy on a war map for their games instead of hanging out with them, he’s fine with that.


Every night, Edward secretly prays to the gods begging his godly mother not to claim him until absolutely necessary. He’s afraid it will change the way the other campers thing of him. Or that it will confirm that the crazy world he lives in is actually real. Even though everyone thinks his mother is Athena, he delusionally denies it. Imagine the standard he’d have to live up to! Every day that goes by without Ed being claimed, he sighs a deep breath of relief.

How long at Camp Half-Blood:

2 Years​
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NebulaE said:

Full name:

Edward J. Penners


Ed, Eddy (To super close friends.)



Godly Parent:

Athena (Unknown)








Ed is tall, about 6’1, and relatively lean and muscular. He’s by no means a bodybuilder, but with all the physical training he does, it’s hard not to be in shape. He has long slender fingers, and they’re usually twitching. Not because of some disorder, no, he’s constantly imagining solving some puzzle or tinkering with some toy. Ed has long, dark, curly hair, which is always pulled back into a tight bun. And as per the usual, piercing grey eyes.

Godly Powers:

Strategical Genius

Combat Prowess


Spear and shield



Competition, especially in fighting

Coming up with new ideas


Big displays of emotion.




Being claimed

Failing those who trust him


Constantly second guessing himself

Pushes aside emotion for rationale

Seeks approval of his friends

Often seems distant

Can often overthink a fight

Spiders make him want to throw up and run


Strong leader

Constantly thinking ahead

Creative fighter and thinker


Ed grew up in Chicago, thinking his adopted parents were his biological parents. He went to school, like every other kid. Unlike every other kid, however, he both excelled and failed miserably at school. Ed struggled with the material, and reading, but when teachers talked to him about it, it seemed as if he knew everything about the work backwards, forwards, and inside-out. That didn’t stop him from getting bad grades.

Ed never made friends. Well, he had two. His cat, Cupcake, Cuppy for short, and gizmos. So every day after school, he’d come home, give Cupcake some food, and then work on building her little toys that would zoom through the house for her to play with. (Stupid fat cat never did, though.) And, his life went along like that, until his first year of high school.

For the first month of school, he kept getting weird looks from one kid. Ed always noticed, but rarely looked back, and when he did the kid would just look away as if nothing happened. Each time, Ed was totally surprised. He didn’t know the kid’s name, on top of that he’d never even talked to the guy. After some proper snooping, which got him sent to the principals, Ed found out the guy never talked to anyone. Always kept to himself. He was a bit ugly, but surely that couldn’t have been it. After a harsh scolding and detention, Ed just left it alone, thinking nothing of it. Wrong.

Not the next day, Ed was walking down the hall, of to the water fountains. Gods it could get hot sometimes. All of a sudden, bam, he felt something slam into the back of his head. Rubbing the sore spot, he stumble a little, turning around. There stood the kid. Billy, Ed had discovered during his adventure the day before, stood there, fists clenched at his sides. Ed started to murmur something about Billy only having one eye before his attacker, well, attacked.

Ed took another hit, this time to the face. Damn this guy was strong. He fell back, looking left and right. Well at least he’d made it to the water fountains. Wait, yeah the water fountains. Ed looked up, an idea forming in his head. Billy charged, trying to tackled Ed as he began to stand back up. But it was a rouse. Ed quickly straightened himself, and stepped to the side, using his foot to trip Billy. The larger boy stumbled, but didn’t fall. Ed kicked out at Billy in desperation, but he just absorbed it, standing up straight.

Billy had a look in his eyes that Ed didn’t like. The look of a man who was going to kill someone. Ed’s eyes opened wide, and he ran forward, dashing past Billy. He felt hands clawing at his shirt, but somehow avoided them. Sliding to a stop at the fountain, Ed turned to find Billy already charging. Ed side stepped again, and slapped Billy on the back as he slammed into the water fountain. Ed dashed forward, pushing Billy’s head down and turning on the water. After a brief second of being drenched, Billy’s muscular hands came up and pushed himself away. Thank the gods the security team arrived in time, or Eddy would’ve been chopped liver.

Well if snooping around school while he was supposed to be in class wasn’t enough trouble, Ed was in big trouble for this. Not to mention, Billy had somehow disappeared. Turned out the phone number for the kids parents was the number for some Chinese restaurant. After a thorough chafing by the principle and the school security guard, Ed was sent home. That was when his parents dropped the bomb on him. Well, actually they just sat him down and told him a story.

The year before Eddy was born, his parents had a friend from the UK living in Chicago for work. A single male, about their age. They offered to let him stay with them, but he was going to be there for about a year. They couldn’t remember what the hell he was even working on. Well, everything was going fine, until the last month. Their friend, Daniel, showed up with a baby in his arms, pleading with them. He begged them, even fell to the ground at one point. Luckily Ed was in the hands of his adopted mother at the time. Daniel said he couldn’t bring Ed with him, that he needed them to take care of him, and raise him as his own. They had been wanting a child. After they finally agreed, Daniel gave them a little piece of paper, with an address written on it. If ever something bad happened to Ed, if ever he got in serious trouble, there were to send him there, without question. Lucky for Ed, they decided to.

That was when he discovered Camp Half-Blood. A place for the children of the gods, which apparently he was. A safe place, where they could learn. And learn more than just arithmetic or grammar. They learned how to fight, how to climb, and in Ed’s case, he picked up on his own rather than learnt, strategy.


The thing Ed cares about the most is his friends. Are they safe? What do they think of him? Do they trust him? What’s strange is, he isn’t openly affectionate with his friends. They’re just, well, his friends. He counts almost every other camper among them. Wants them all to be proud of him. If that means he spends a few nights a week planning strategy on a war map for their games instead of hanging out with them, he’s fine with that.


Every night, Edward secretly prays to the gods begging his godly mother not to claim him until absolutely necessary. He’s afraid it will change the way the other campers thing of him. Or that it will confirm that the crazy world he lives in is actually real. Even though everyone thinks his mother is Athena, he delusionally denies it. Imagine the standard he’d have to live up to! Every day that goes by without Ed being claimed, he sighs a deep breath of relief.

How long at Camp Half-Blood:

2 Years​
I forgot to mention. It's all fine, but could you add a picture?
[QUOTE="Play On Words]I forgot to mention. It's all fine, but could you add a picture?

Edited one in for ya.
NebulaE said:
Edited one in for ya.
And because I'm not at all observant at 2 in the morning, can you make him 16? That's the age limit. Sorry about that, I should've probably stopped making decisions an hour ago.
[QUOTE="Play On Words]And because I'm not at all observant at 2 in the morning, can you make him 16? That's the age limit. Sorry about that, I should've probably stopped making decisions an hour ago.

Heh. I get it. Donezo.
Full name: Arya Chiari

Nickname: None.

Age: 40

Godly Parent(Specify if your character knows or not): Poseidon, known

Gender: Female

Ethnicity: British

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance(Include height, weight, hair color, eye color, and other general descriptions.):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-6_2-37-40.jpeg.485805cc39e23aec17c8f18675a71c82.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="140542" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-6_2-37-40.jpeg.485805cc39e23aec17c8f18675a71c82.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Arya aged relatively well, the only real changes to her appearance was to shear her hair short to keep it out of the way while fighting.

Godly Powers(Try to limit to 1-2, and nothing too OP. Try to have a cooldown, and make it relevant!)*Optional*:

Water manipulation, breathing under water, earthquakes, slight hurricane, same thing as before.

Weapon(Can be magical, but again, not too OP)*Optional*: Her trident.

Weaknesses: "When do you intend on having kids?", the idea of losing Demetrius, prying people, Athena kids.

Strengths: Fighting with Demetrius, her job at Half-Blood, fighting with a trident.

Backstory: Ever since she returned the quest, Arya remained at Half-Blood. Partially, because it was where she belonged, and partially because she wanted to explore what she could have with Demetrius. It didn't take long for her to realize that she wasn't going anywhere. Eventually, she and Demetrius got married, but she made it clear from the beginning: No kids. She didn't trust herself, trust the people at the camp, enough to possibly bring a child into the world. She hates people that constantly ask when she wants to have kids, or worse, the ones that say, "Aren't you a little bit old for someone who has no children?". Mostly the new campers, who make her want to smack them. But she did stay. And became one of the trainers at Half-Blood, one who specialized in teaching campers to come to term with their godly abilities and powers.

Personality: Cocky, sarcastic, flirty, funny.

Secrets: Not much.

How long at Camp Half-Blood(Or are you not there yet, on the way?): "It's been 84 years..." Twenty years at Half-Blood.



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[QUOTE="Graecus Scum]Full name: Arya Chiari
Nickname: None.

Age: 40

Godly Parent(Specify if your character knows or not): Poseidon, known

Gender: Female

Ethnicity: British

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance(Include height, weight, hair color, eye color, and other general descriptions.):

View attachment 311056

Arya aged relatively well, the only real changes to her appearance was to shear her hair short to keep it out of the way while fighting.

Godly Powers(Try to limit to 1-2, and nothing too OP. Try to have a cooldown, and make it relevant!)*Optional*:

Water manipulation, breathing under water, earthquakes, slight hurricane, same thing as before.

Weapon(Can be magical, but again, not too OP)*Optional*: Her trident.

Weaknesses: "When do you intend on having kids?", the idea of losing Demetrius, prying people, Athena kids.

Strengths: Fighting with Demetrius, her job at Half-Blood, fighting with a trident.

Backstory: Ever since she returned the quest, Arya remained at Half-Blood. Partially, because it was where she belonged, and partially because she wanted to explore what she could have with Demetrius. It didn't take long for her to realize that she wasn't going anywhere. Eventually, she and Demetrius got married, but she made it clear from the beginning: No kids. She didn't trust herself, trust the people at the camp, enough to possibly bring a child into the world. She hates people that constantly ask when she wants to have kids, or worse, the ones that say, "Aren't you a little bit old for someone who has no children?". Mostly the new campers, who make her want to smack them. But she did stay. And became one of the trainers at Half-Blood, one who specialized in teaching campers to come to term with their godly abilities and powers.

Personality: Cocky, sarcastic, flirty, funny.

Secrets: Not much.

How long at Camp Half-Blood(Or are you not there yet, on the way?): "It's been 84 years..." Twenty years at Half-Blood.

If Emma Watson looks like that when she's 40, I'm killing myself, it's official. But accepted and all. Just remember, side character.
Full name: Nixon Castellano

Nickname: Nix

Age: 14

Demigod Parent(Specify whether they are both Demigods or one is mortal): Nico, son of Thanatos. Nitch, son of Athena.

Which Cabin(Choose one godly grandparent, preferably the one they fit into the most!): Alternates.

Gender: Male

Ethnicity: White

Sexuality: Bisexual

Appearance(Include height, weight, hair color, eye color, and other general descriptions.):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.png.01bf4dfe5cf08ace07cb3a07b42c0fa9.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="140648" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.png.01bf4dfe5cf08ace07cb3a07b42c0fa9.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Godly Powers(Read Overview) *Optional*:

Raising the dead, is incredibly smart.

Weapon(Can be magical, but again, not too OP)*Optional*: Scythe, picture below. His armor, picture below.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.png.92a82d086e67666e29805b652a89c88b.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="140647" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.png.92a82d086e67666e29805b652a89c88b.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(^ Not armor, just scythe)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpeg.584aec9147b92511e5903233e85b366f.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="140646" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpeg.584aec9147b92511e5903233e85b366f.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Likes*Optional*: His father(s), learning, his family.

Dislikes*Optional*: Questions about his birth, Thanatos, swimming

Weaknesses: Water, spiders, awkward questions.

Strengths: Swordfighting, puzzles, being anti-social.

Backstory: TBR

Personality: He's a pleasant mix of both Nico and Nitch. He's smart, tough, intense, and a bit gothic.

Secrets: His birth was a blessing from Thanatos.

All full Legacies have spent their full life at Camp(Unless you can think of a good reason not to), half Legacies, you decide, but tell me here: His whole life.



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[QUOTE="Play On Words]Full name: Nixon Castellano
Nickname: Nix

Age: 14

Demigod Parent(Specify whether they are both Demigods or one is mortal): Nico, son of Thanatos. Nitch, son of Athena.

Which Cabin(Choose one godly grandparent, preferably the one they fit into the most!): Alternates.

Gender: Male

Ethnicity: White

Sexuality: Bisexual

Appearance(Include height, weight, hair color, eye color, and other general descriptions.):

View attachment 311265

Godly Powers(Read Overview) *Optional*:

Raising the dead, is incredibly smart.

Weapon(Can be magical, but again, not too OP)*Optional*: Scythe, picture below. His armor, picture below.

View attachment 311264

(^ Not armor, just scythe)

View attachment 311263

Likes*Optional*: His father(s), learning, his family.

Dislikes*Optional*: Questions about his birth, Thanatos, swimming

Weaknesses: Water, spiders, awkward questions.

Strengths: Swordfighting, puzzles, being anti-social.

Backstory: TBR

Personality: He's a pleasant mix of both Nico and Nitch. He's smart, tough, intense, and a bit gothic.

Secrets: His birth was a blessing from Thanatos.

All full Legacies have spent their full life at Camp(Unless you can think of a good reason not to), half Legacies, you decide, but tell me here: His whole life.

Accepted :3


Full name

Astrid Engström





Godly Parent

Zelus. (Known,but not claimed.)




Caucasian (Norway)





Astrid has an average height,standing at 5'6". Her body is slender,showing some muscle from the training at camp. Astrid isn't the type to exercise much,so she does only enough to stay in a healthy shape. Her hair tone is originally brown,although she dyes it to be white. Her eyes change color based on her mood,but they usually stay at a grey tone when she is calm. Astrid has a few freckles spread through her face and body. The tone of her skin reflects the Norse heritages of her family. Astrid has small ear stretchers. Despite the fact that she could easily be considered beautiful,Astrid is insecure about her body. She doesn't take compliments towards it well,much preferring when people talk about her personality instead.

Godly Powers

-Influence on Emotions-

Astrid has control over the negative emotions of other people. Since humans are less resistant to godly powers,they can be influenced more easily. She can also detected happy and upbeat feelings, but those can't be influenced by her powers. Since this power can't be turned off,Astrid is constantly feeling the distress around her. She can diminish or rise negative emotions if she chooses to,but she can't make the emotions disappear completely. The ones she has the biggest control off are envy and rivalry, since they are directly related to her father.

The power of Influence requires a heavy amount of energy,and has a few downsides. If her target is expecting mind control,it will be much harder to influence them,and sometimes she will fail. If she struggles too hard with her powers,she can get glimpses of the reasons that her targets are feeling the negative emotions. She can also pass out if the powers are overused.


Astrid can perfectly imitate the voice of her targets. If she concentrates fully,she can also emulate small things such as the way they walk and act. But emulating someone takes power,and she is often tired after doing it for a while.


Astrid uses a sword and shield made out of silver. The design is similar to those of Paladins,reflecting her father's job as an enforcer.


x Losing control of her powers.

x Water.

x Being tossed aside,ignored.


x Astrid has a tendency to take offenses towards her at face value. She struggles to forgive even small mistakes(from herself or from others).

x While attention deficit is a typical characteristic in demigods,it seems weirdly strong in Astrid. She struggles to not get distracted while feeling the emotions of others,specially when she is surrounded by many people.

x Astrid can be lazy at times.


x Being a severely empathetic person (whether she likes it or not),Astrid has an easy time to grow relationships with other campers.


Astrid isn’t sure of whom her mother was, although the woman apparently didn’t want to have children. The girl was abandoned as a baby in front of an orphanage, only carrying two letters with a few lines of information about who she was. The first letter told the owners that the baby’s name was Astrid, and she was born in Norway. Her mother gave no excuses about why she had abandoned the baby, although she left two silvery rings inside the letter. The second letter…well. No one was sure what it was, exactly. No one managed to open it, even using knifes and scissors. The letter was completely unreachable. The only thing written on the outside was a few words.

Astrid. Open this when you’re ready.

Time passed quickly, and soon Astrid was simply another regular girl in the orphanage. The letter episode had been mostly forgotten, and she blended with the other kids waiting to be adopted. The problem is that anger seemed to grow whenever Astrid was. Kids fought often and with a rage that wasn’t normal for children of that age. The boys in special were often bruised and crying, fighting against each other until an adult came to pull them apart. Soon the adults were influenced as well, becoming violent with the kids. Astrid was clever enough to notice that the orphanage’s madness was her fault somehow. Whenever she weren’t close to the others, peace was complete. That caused Astrid to become completely anti-social, not speaking or interacting with anyone. She didn’t want them to suffer, even though she didn’t understand why they were doing that at all. The only person who still tried to be friends with Astrid was Mary, who seemed weirdly resistant to Astrid’s powers. They became close friends, the girl being the only one who Astrid really trusted.

It wasn’t long until she found her mother’s sealed letter. By that time, she was ten years old. Astrid didn’t understand those words. Was she ready? Apparently, the letter considered her as ready. As soon as she touched the paper, it opened. The words inside revealed Astrid’s parentage, explaining why she had those powers and could cause so much negativity around her. In that moment, Astrid had her biggest explosion of rage. She hated her mother and her father, hated herself from having such a horrible gift. That, of course, reflected in the orphanage. The kids and adults exploded against each other, and Astrid watched the conflict in horror. Her eyes focuses on Mary being attacked by one of the kids, bumping her head against the ground. The lifeless look in Mary’s eyes was the last thing she saw before she turned around and ran away from the orphanage.

Her path was set towards Camp Half-Blood. During the time of the travel, Astrid managed to regain some control of her powers. She swore to herself that she wouldn’t cause so much pain again, even if she had to die to do it. Now that she knew about whom she was, the control seemed to come with more ease. By the time she arrived in Camp, Astrid had managed to put her own anger at bay. Chiron still found out about who her father was as soon as he set his eyes on her, but Astrid begged him to not say anything. She finally had a chance to start again and be happy, and if the other campers knew about it they could try to exclude her. Astrid just wanted to have friends again, and Chiron seemed to agree. She prayed for her father not to claim her, and he followed her wishes. Still, Astrid had a growing fear that someday everyone would find out about her past and toss her aside.



Astrid always struggles when thinking about her own personality,mostly because she is prone to mood swings from feeling the emotions around her. But while she isn't being influenced,Astrid is a generally nice person. She likes people and feels happy when people like her. Since she can feel their emotions directly,Astrid has an easy time with her empathy. That doesn't mean that she is completely selfless,of course. Negative feelings reflect on her,so if she can solve those she can feel happy as well.

Astrid always looks at life from a positive outlook. No,that glass isn't half-empty. It's half-full. But of course,this characteristic can be severely downgraded while she is under the influence of negativity.

She has a tendency of feeling extremely jealous and insecure about her friends,specially when they go around without inviting her. She isn't sure if this is a characteristic of her own or simply a reflection of her father's power. He is the God of Jealousy,after all. Considering all of this,many people will see Astrid as a clingy person. But she simply cares too much, and too fast. She also tends to make the problems of her friends her own problems.

While Astrid currently has full control over her abilities, she fears the day where she might lose control of them and cause complete havoc around her. She doesn't want to influence negative feelings in her friends, which is why she works extra hard to keep those powers in check.

She developed the habit of being observant towards others, paying attention to their costumes and even the way their speak. This isn't only because of her emulation powers, but also because Astrid shows a sincere interest to the emotions of others.


Being a daughter of Zelus, her past in the orphanage.

How long at Camp Half-Blood

6 years


Demigods that have mental powers are harder to be influenced.

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Radiohead said:


Full name

Astrid Engström





Godly Parent

Zelus. (Known,but not claimed.)




Caucasian (Norway)





Astrid has an average height,standing at 5'6". Her body is slender,showing some muscle from the training at camp. Astrid isn't the type to exercise much,so she does only enough to stay in a healthy shape. Her hair tone is originally brown,although she dyes it to be white. Her eyes change color based on her mood,but they usually stay at a grey tone when she is calm. Astrid has a few freckles spread through her face and body. The tone of her skin reflects the Norse heritages of her family. Astrid has small ear stretchers. Despite the fact that she could easily be considered beautiful,Astrid is insecure about her body. She doesn't take compliments towards it well,much preferring when people talk about her personality instead.

Godly Powers

-Influence on Emotions-

Astrid has a light control over the negative emotions of other people,although she finds it much easier to understand the feelings of Demigods than those of humans. She can also detected happy and upbeat feelings, but those can't be influenced by her powers. Since this power can't be turned off,Astrid is constantly feeling the distress around her. She can diminish or rise negative emotions if she chooses to,but she can't make the emotions disappear completely. The ones she has the biggest control off are envy and rivalry, since they are directly related to her father.


Astrid can perfectly imitate the voice of her targets. If she concentrates fully,she can also emulate small things such as the way they walk and act. But emulating someone takes power,and she is often tired after doing it for a while.


Astrid uses a sword and shield made out of silver. The design is similar to those of Paladins,reflecting her father's job as an enforcer.


x Losing control of her powers.

x Water.

x Being tossed aside,ignored.


x Astrid has a tendency to take offenses towards her at face value. She struggles to forgive even small mistakes(from herself or from others).

x While attention deficit is a typical characteristic in demigods,it seems weirdly strong in Astrid. She struggles to not get distracted while feeling the emotions of others,specially when she is surrounded by many people.


x Being a severely empathetic person (whether she likes it or not),Astrid has an easy time to grow relationships with other campers.

x When she isn't being lazy,Astrid shows quite a bit of ability with her sword and shield. Her fighting style reflects her protective nature.


Astrid isn’t sure of whom her mother was, although the woman apparently didn’t want to have children. The girl was abandoned as a baby in front of an orphanage, only carrying two letters with a few lines of information about who she was. The first letter told the owners that the baby’s name was Astrid, and she was born in Norway. Her mother gave no excuses about why she had abandoned the baby, although she left two silvery rings inside the letter. The second letter…well. No one was sure what it was, exactly. No one managed to open it, even using knifes and scissors. The letter was completely unreachable. The only thing written on the outside was a few words.

Astrid. Open this when you’re ready.

Time passed quickly, and soon Astrid was simply another regular girl in the orphanage. The letter episode had been mostly forgotten, and she blended with the other kids waiting to be adopted. The problem is that anger seemed to grow whenever Astrid was. Kids fought often and with a rage that wasn’t normal for children of that age. The boys in special were often bruised and crying, fighting against each other until an adult came to pull them apart. Soon the adults were influenced as well, becoming violent with the kids. Astrid was clever enough to notice that the orphanage’s madness was her fault somehow. Whenever she weren’t close to the others, peace was complete. That caused Astrid to become completely anti-social, not speaking or interacting with anyone. She didn’t want them to suffer, even though she didn’t understand why they were doing that at all. The only person who still tried to be friends with Astrid was Mary, who seemed weirdly resistant to Astrid’s powers. They became close friends, the girl being the only one who Astrid really trusted.

It wasn’t long until she found her mother’s sealed letter. By that time, she was ten years old. Astrid didn’t understand those words. Was she ready? Apparently, the letter considered her as ready. As soon as she touched the paper, it opened. The words inside revealed Astrid’s parentage, explaining why she had those powers and could cause so much negativity around her. In that moment, Astrid had her biggest explosion of rage. She hated her mother and her father, hated herself from having such a horrible gift. That, of course, reflected in the orphanage. The kids and adults exploded against each other, and Astrid watched the conflict in horror. Her eyes focuses on Mary being attacked by one of the kids, bumping her head against the ground. The lifeless look in Mary’s eyes was the last thing she saw before she turned around and ran away from the orphanage.

Her path was set towards Camp Half-Blood. During the time of the travel, Astrid managed to regain some control of her powers. She swore to herself that she wouldn’t cause so much pain again, even if she had to die to do it. Now that she knew about whom she was, the control seemed to come with more ease. By the time she arrived in Camp, Astrid had managed to put her own anger at bay. Chiron still found out about who her father was as soon as he set his eyes on her, but Astrid begged him to not say anything. She finally had a chance to start again and be happy, and if the other campers knew about it they could try to exclude her. Astrid just wanted to have friends again, and Chiron seemed to agree. She prayed for her father not to claim her, and he followed her wishes. Still, Astrid had a growing fear that someday everyone would find out about her past and toss her aside.



Astrid always struggles when thinking about her own personality,mostly because she is prone to mood swings from feelings the emotions around her. But while she isn't being influenced,Astrid is a generally nice person. She likes people and feels happy when people like her. Since she can feel their emotions directly,Astrid has an easy time with her empathy. That doesn't mean that she is completely selfless,of course. Negative feelings reflect on her,so if she can solve those she can feel happy as well.

Astrid always looks at life from a positive outlook. No,that glass isn't half-empty. It's half-full. But of course,this characteristic can be severely downgraded while she is under the influence of negativity.

She has a tendency of feeling extremely jealous and insecure about her friends,specially when they go around without inviting her. She isn't sure if this is a characteristic of her own or simply a reflection of her father's power. He is the God of Jealousy,after all. Considering all of this,many people will see Astrid as a clingy person. But she simply cares too much, and too fast. She also tends to make the problems of her friends her own problems.

While Astrid currently has full control over her abilities, she fears the day where she might lose control of them and cause complete havoc around her. She doesn't want to influence negatives feelings in her friends, which is why she works extra hard to keep those powers in check.

She developed the habit of being observant towards others, paying attention to their costumes and even the way their speak. This isn't only because of her emulation powers, but also because Astrid shows a sincere interest to the emotions of others.


Being a daughter of Zelus, her past in the orphanage.

How long at Camp Half-Blood

6 years

I think if she shows off her powers much at camp at all, people would assume her parentage, and therefore it wouldn't really be a secret. Also, her 'light' control over emotions wouldn't have her causing that much rage and fights wherever she went.

Right,I can fix that. She doesn't show her powers much at camp,actually she keeps them very well hidden since the orphanage. But I can still change that part if you'd like,and make her Zelus parentage known.

While her control is currently light,it could expand to something stronger while she is under heavy distress. When she was a child,she was often nervous. I don't plan on having her losing control of her temper often,so she would only cause havoc during severe situations.

Let me know what you need me to change.
Radiohead said:

Right,I can fix that. She doesn't show her powers much at camp,actually she keeps them very well hidden since the orphanage. But I can still change that part if you'd like,and make her Zelus parentage known.

While her control is currently light,it could expand to something stronger while she is under heavy distress. When she was a child,she was often nervous. I don't plan on having her losing control of her temper often,so she would only cause havoc during severe situations.

Let me know what you need me to change.
One thing that, unless you can explain well, will need to be changed: You say that she can understand, and I'm assuming control, the emotions of Demigods easier than she can mortals. The problem is, that Demigods have a higher resistance to magic than mortals do, and therefore that doesn't make sense. I'd prefer if you outlined the drawbacks of using her powers. Does she get exhausted when she controls emotions? Does she get a backlash? Is there any way people can sense her control? Can she control more than one person's emotions at once?

Here's what I'd suggest:

She has control over emotions, specifically the ones that her father controls such as rivalry, jealousy, envy, zeal, so on and so forth. She can only control one person at a time(This might grow to two as the RP goes on, but it'd have to be slow), and if they are expecting her touch or they know about her powers, it has very little effect, if it has any at all. She can try to overpower their guard, but it exhausts her at a much faster rate, and it's incredibly hard to win(You'd have to ask the owner of the other character if you expect her to win). If she puts too much of herself into the control, she might get a little 'backlash', where she feels what they feel, and(Again, only if the owner of the character is okay with it), she might even get a vague idea of why they're feeling that way, such as an old memory. If a person is depressed because they just lost their girlfriend, and she tries to stop their sadness, she might see a brief memory of the guy and his girlfriend together, for example. Or, there is no backlash, but putting in too much effort will... Pass her out, instead. I need to make sure your powers are balanced.

Your weaknesses don't seem to be balanced either. She's highly charismatic, wins over allies easily, good at fighting... And she's easily offended, plus gets distracted? Either add a more balanced weakness or remove fighting skill, possibly.
Okay,fighting skill kicked out. I'm okay without that,I think it could be interesting. But would someone lacking that skill be called for the mission?

About her powers:

I love your idea,that would give depth to her powers. How about I include both the backlash and the passing out if she forces herself too much?

By the way,I wouldn't mind controlling only a single person,but how about rising that to three when she is trying to control someone that doesn't know her and isn't expecting the power? Basically,I'm talking about enemy NPCs.
Radiohead said:
Okay,fighting skill kicked out. I'm okay without that,I think it could be interesting. But would someone lacking that skill be called for the mission?
About her powers:

I love your idea,that would give depth to her powers. How about I include both the backlash and the passing out if she forces herself too much?

By the way,I wouldn't mind controlling only a single person,but how about rising that to three when she is trying to control someone that doesn't know her and isn't expecting the power? Basically,I'm talking about enemy NPCs.
Hmm... First off, if she shows her powers at camp, she'll be called for the mission. Having someone that can manipulate emotions is always useful, so rest assured, that'd be fine.

If that's what you want to do, that sounds good to me, I just don't want her to be the only one who has no negative side effects from using her powers, because that's unrealistic.

Three. How about three if they have a rather weak mental guard, and it takes a huge burst of energy on her part? Is that fair? Otherwise, she can control two with average mental guards and average drain to her energy.

And bringing up another point, what about campers such as children of Hecate? They deal in magic, in mental abilities. Would she be able to influence them?
I forgot to reply to your question about Demigods. I imagined that influencing someone who is similar to you and also had an immortal side would be easier. But again,can change.

[QUOTE="Play On Words]I just don't want her to be the only one who has no negative side effects from using her powers, because that's unrealistic.

I wouldn't want that either,it would be unrealistic to be the only one without a drawback. And I will think about a reason for her to try and showdown her powers while in Camp.

[QUOTE="Play On Words]Three. How about three if they have a rather weak mental guard, and it takes a huge burst of energy on her part? Is that fair? Otherwise, she can control two with average mental guards and average drain to her energy.

That is good with me,I will make sure to not be influencing three at all time. Some enemies must have strong minds,after all.

[QUOTE="Play On Words]And bringing up another point, what about campers such as children of Hecate? They deal in magic, in mental abilities.

Well,unless they deal directly on emotions,yes they can be influenced. If we have other campers that have some influence over emotions,it would be much harder to control them. After all,their brains are used to it.
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Radiohead said:
I forgot to reply to your question about Demigods. I imagined that influencing someone who is similar to you and also had an immortal side would be easier. But again,can change.
I wouldn't want that either,it would be unrealistic to be the only one without a drawback. And I will think about a reason for her to try and showdown her powers while in Camp.

That is good with me,I will make sure to not be influencing three at all time. Some enemies must have strong minds,after all.

Well,unless they deal directly on emotions,yes. If we have other campers that have some influence over emotions,it would be much harder to control them. After all,their brains are used to it.
Maybe, but it also means that their minds are stronger, and therefore harder to pierce. Most powers influence mortals much more powerfully than they would Demigods.

But for Hecate campers, they'd have incredibly strong mental guards, so it'd be hard for her. Aside from those points, she should be fine.
Okay so...I'm going to add the Hecate resistance to her CS so I don't forget about it.

I'm also changing the powers to be easier to work on mortals.

About her influence of emotions in people she knows. Could I also rise that to two? Since she needs to impress to enter the mission,I think it would seem much more useful if she could end a conflict between two campers.
Radiohead said:
Okay so...I'm going to add the Hecate resistance to her CS so I don't forget about it.
I'm also changing the powers to be easier to work on mortals.

About her influence of emotions in people she knows. Could I also rise that to two? Since she needs to impress to enter the mission,I think it would seem much more useful if she could end a conflict between two campers.
Well, just because she knows them doesn't mean that they'd be prepared for her influence. When I said that, I meant that they'd be on their toes, expecting an attack from her, or they have a good mental guard. If two people are getting in a fight at Camp, and she wants to stop it, they wouldn't be prepared for any kind of attack on their mind.

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