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Fandom Goners, Percy Jackson Roleplay.


Ryder happened to look out the window, and saw the scene in front of him. He didn't hesitate, rage flowing through him. He jumped into the nearest shadow, landing behind the guy threatening Izzy. He tackled him, not bothering with his weapons. With one kick, the guy was disarmed.

"Big mistake." He snarled, choking the guy with one hand. He thrust out his other, feeling the earth rumbled slightly around him. Skeletal hands rose up, pulling the bastard down. "Have fun in hell." He finished, watching the man sink below the surface with a cold smile.

"Hey. It wasn't your fault, I wasn't exactly flaunting myself. I should've tried harder. It was on me. But it doesn't matter now. We will get a year together, we'll get decades of them. I'm not going anywhere, and I'll be damned if I let you get so much as a paper cut." He said firmly, gripping her hands.

"Look at me. I love you. I'll fight for you. You're the reason I'm on this quest, and I don't regret a thing." He promised, hating to see her like this.
Cass put another glass down before she turned her eyes back to Alec. She couldn't help but smile at him,feeling a warmth rise through her chest. Only him could make her smile through all that sadness.

"You are the most gentle,handsome,funny,interesting man in the world and I feel like I was blind for a year. But you're right. We have now. We have today...And I need to make sure that we have those decades you mentioned." Cass leaned forward,placing a kiss upon his lips.

She wrapped her hands around Alec's,murmuring a few words upon his lips. The world shifted for a moment,and the empathy link clicked down.

Cass fell back on the chair,breathing deeply.

"It's you and me,together. Or nothing at all."

Alec winced at a sudden pain in his head. Cass' words clicked together in his head. "Cassandra, what did you do?" He asked in a low voice, fear coloring his tone for the first time. Knowing her, it was something stupid that he would really wish she hadn't done. "Cassandra, please tell me you didn't do what I think you did. Please." His voice broke.
Cass felt the tears go down her eyes now,wondering if Alec didn't agree with her statement. Of course he didn't,he wasn't selfish like her.

"Alec I can't...move on. If you die,there is no decades for me. There is...nothing. Please think about the pain of losing me. I do,I do feel the same. Dying is nothing compared to living on without you,because that's what hell would be like to me. Please try to understand. I'm...sorry. But I don't regret this."

Alec bit hit lip hard. He wanted to be pissed. He wanted to be furious beyond belief for her putting her life in more danger. But in all honesty, he couldn't. Because he couldn't imagine a world without her in it. So instead, he surged forward, kissing her hard.

"I don't have a life without you. You made my choice for me, but I would've done the same damned thing." He promised.
Cass couldn't believe the huge happiness upon her heart. They would be together in this life...or in another. There was no mistake about that now. And she would go into that battlefield knowing that nothing could stand between them.

"We are going to kick a lot of ass tomorrow,my fiance. New York might never recover."

That was all she needed to hear from Alec before she could go back to being herself. Pulling her shirt off,she jumped into his arms. Her heart felt like it could burst out of her chest,but she tonight she didn't mind.

The world could be falling down around them. And she wouldn't even notice.
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"Oh my god Ryder' Isabelle backed up, afraid of him for a moment "I'm so sorry...thank you so much...I'm so sorry...I'm so sorry..." Tears were flowing down her face. she was such an idiot. she couldn't believe what she had done. she could have been killed. and he saved her. again.

Ryder stared at her, eyes flaming with anger. He could see the fear in her eyes, it made him hate himself, be disgusted with himself. He fixed his jacket quickly and began walking away, away from her and away from the motel. He could use a walk anyway.

"Don't bother." He shot back, fists clenched tightly.
She wanted to end her life. she would. but she didn't for Ryder. he had saved her so many times, she wasn't going to let it go to waste. maybe she should if he doesn't want kids. make his life easier. she might as well, then he can finally focus on what's important. all she had been doing is taking focus off of Ryder. but she realized it too late. she couldn't believe how selfish of a person she was. at this point he should have the right to own her. that was the only way she could think to fix her mistakes. she stood, quietly following him from a distance.

Ryder heard her following him, but hardly noticed. A few shady looking guys cast her some dark glances, but stopped the second they saw him. Apparently he didn't look like someone to be messed with. He slammed into one guy and got a dark look. He glared at him, hand twitching as he fought himself to not stab him. A losing battle.
Isabelle wondered why he was still protecting her. the children? maybe. she knew he would do anything to get her off the quest. weather it was because she was a danger to him and an annoyance, or to save the kids...that he doesn't want. she sighed. he probably wishes he could go back in time and make sure she never came.

Ryder perked up when he heard noises of confrontation nearby.

"No! Don't touch me!" A female voice cried before getting cut off. He pulled his sword and sprinted toward it. He saw two guys pulling a girl into an alleyway, no older than 15. He charged forward, putting away his sword and punching the first guy hard, throwing him backwards. Before the second guy could react, he got jabbed in the throat, and fell, gagging violent.

"Go home, don't come back here." He told the girl, voice low. She nodded,

Running away. He continued walking like nothing happened.
Isabelle followed in the shadows. He's like batman she thought to herself. she watched the girl run away, and she hoped she would be alright. Ryder was right, he really would do anything for anyone. He is an angel from hell. selfless. she wished she could save people, but... she can't. Not because she doesn't want to. she physically can't. she is just a little girl. no. she is a woman. and she will do whatever it takes to free those campers. Some people say suicide is selfish. those people don't understand depression. but in her case, it really would be selfish, because if she wanted to die, she should do it after, or while, she saves others lives. Max. she needed to save him. oh gods, if he was dead. she would be too.

Ryder felt awkward. What he had done was a hero job. He was no hero, he was a demon. And he was proud of it. He should've let the girl die, but just thinking about it made him sick. He couldn't, he'd been responsible for enough deaths, enough blood was on his hands.

"You don't have to follow me. I'm not going to kill anyone." He snapped over his shoulder. Ten minutes before, she had shoved him and walked out.
she hid. or, tried to. she sat still, holding her breath. maybe he didn't know, she thought, seeming to forget that shadows were apart of his domain. she didn't respond. she was genuinely scared of him. he would hate her if she was him. she hates herself already.

Ryder sighed when she ignored him and turned. "I can't deal with your mood shifts anymore, Isabelle. I can't. So if you don't mind, I'd like to be alone, while you decide what the hell you want from me." He said, staring at the spot she was hiding. He walked over and stared down her, face cold. "So make up your mind. And until you do, leave me alone. I'm not going to be played with." He snapped.
Cass woke up with a sensation that had become familiar to her: the feeling of Alec's body warming the bed where they were sleeping. She sighed with happiness and turned around to place a kiss on his lips,feeling much happier than she had for a long time.

"Good morning,Italian Hotness. How did you sleep?" She smirked mischievously to him before rolling on the bed and laying on top of Alec.

Alec smirked, wrapping his arms around her. "As long as you're beside me, I always sleep well." He promised. It wasn't true. His sleep had been filled with nightmares of losing her, of dying and knowing she would die as well because of it. It just made him want to fight twice as hard.

"What about you? All good?" He asked, concerned. He lightly stroked some hair until it was behind her ear, still not entirely believing this was happening. Any minute now, he'd wake up back at camp, getting bullied by the Aphrodite and Apollo cabins.
Cass glared at Alec with a light frown for a few seconds,inspecting his face carefully. She rose one hand towards the tips of his lips and touched them gently.

"There is a light pull to your lips whenever you lie to me. It looked exactly like this when you told me that you weren't actually coming on this quest."

She ended up smiling as she dropped by Alec side,still wrapped around him.

"That seems like a year ago. I can't believe how much everything changed since that bonfire. And how much I ended up loving you. Your hair is still a gorgeous mess though." She chuckled as she ran her fingers through it.

The reality is that Cass would be concerned as well,at least in a normal situation. But this wasn't a normal situation. And she didn't want to think,at least not about the mission. What she actually wanted to think...

"I always wanted to have a daughter called Claire." She smirked at the change of subject, still playing with Alec's hair.
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Alec didn't feel as guilty as he should've about the lie. "Just nightmares. I'm a Demigod, I'm used to them." He shrugged, smirking as she played with his hair.

He looked at her when she made her closing comment. His heart ached.

"We'll have a daughter named Claire. We can have five daughters named Claire if you want." He promised, pulling her closer and kissing her.

"Anything that makes you happy. Anything." He murmured, stroking her arm lightly. He didn't want to leave the bed. But it was getting later and later, and the battle was getting closer and closer.
Cass' eyes drifted towards the clock by the bedside. Time was...extremely ruthless. It didn't care about the fact that they only had this moment together and then a battle that would either end their lives or change it forever. She watched the seconds go by with a sigh.

"I don't want to let go." She admitted,burying her face into Alex's chest and closing her eyes. She smiled lightly against his chest. "We could just make a run for it,you know? Let's escape and become runaways for the rest of our lives. And then we will have five daughters named Claire and they will make a girl band."

Cass was being playful,of course. She was the daughter of Zeus,and not the type that simply turned away from a battle. And Alec would go whatever she went.

Alec never thought the day would come, but it finally had. He disagreed with her. He knew she was kidding, but he could never leave his friends.

"We aren't letting go. We're going to get married and have kids. But first, we have to win this." He murmured. "And then we'll have a few daughters, and a son named Gavin after my father. Or Lorenzo after my brother." He chuckled.

His smile faded slightly when he remembered that both of those people were dead, but he tried to ignore it.

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