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Fandom Goners, Percy Jackson Roleplay.

Ryder didn't return her hug, keeping his arms limp at his side. "I would've done it for anyone." He said, wincing at her grip. His body still ached, his head most of all. "We'll miss the bus if we don't get back." He said, breaking her grip on him without effort and walking stiffly back toward the bus stop, resuming his drawing.​
Arya Chiari

Arya noticed the scene and winced slightly at Ryder's behavior. It was obvious that he was angry at Izzy, although she seemed ecstatic to see him. The hug was probably the most painful thing she had ever watched, with Ryder's cold face. He looked similar to a statue. Emotionless, pale, and incredibly handsome. Then again, none of that was new. He looked like someone killed a super model and then brought them back to a half-life.
she was stunned. she watched him walk away. she felt her heart break. "Ryder" she said weakly following him. then she frowned. she remembered what he had said. "Oh, but I thought you didn't care about anyone here! I thought you didn't care if anyone died!" she said mocking him

Ryder glared at her, not finding it the least bit amusing. "What do you want from me? You want an apology? I said what I had to to get Arya away from me. But instead of talking to me and letting me explain how I really felt, you decided to jump in front of a fucking car!" He shouted, having one of his very rare losses of temper. He quickly gathered himself, fixing his face back into an emotionless mask. "That's how you solve everything, right? People call me unreasonable, but you wouldn't even talk to me. So I'm sorry if I'm not in the mood to deal with this right now. I just want this damned quest to be over so I can go back to camp and pretend it never happened." He glared at her, ignoring the group of people behind them. Nitch was staring at him with wide eyes.

"I'm so sorry for caring about you, Isabelle. Is that what you want to hear? I'm so sorry for saving your life and risking mine in the process. I'm sorry for allowing myself, for a split second, to have feelings. I'm sorry if that inconvenienced you. I won't let it happen again." He said in a low voice.​
she was tearing up "Ryder I...I didn't mean it" she walked after him "I'm sorry" she said weakly "I didn't mean for you to get hurt. I didn't walk onto that road to prove a point. I did it because... because I'm in a nightmare and I can't wake up...unless I put myself to sleep forever." she looked around the road. everyone heard her. there, everyone knew her secret.
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"You think I don't know what it's like to be depressed? To have depression? You're a Demigod. Life is hard. The whole point is to get used to it, not just give up when it gets a bit harder. Are you telling me that you don't have a single damned thing to live for?" He asked, eyes searching hers. He hated making scenes. He hated calling attention to himself in any way. But he didn't stop.

"If not, then it's obvious that you're the one who doesn't care, not me. Don't take my giving a shit about you as an insult, Isabelle. You ever think I said what I said because I want you to go back to camp? Where you're safe? Did you think, even for a second, that maybe I don't want your death to be my fault? That I don't want your blood on my hands?!" He demanded.​
tears were streaming down her face at this point. she could barley talk through her sobs. not that she could think of anything to say. she just backed away. she did care. she wanted to help. but how could she help if she was dead? He's right she thought. she turned and ran down the street as fast as she could. she didn't want to be on this quest. she didn't deserve to go back to camp half blood. she turned down an alleyway. she was a disgrace to the gods, to try and take away the life they gave her. she sat down and cried into her knees as she hugged them.

"Aren't you going to go after her?" Nitch asked when Ryder watched her go.

"No." He said bluntly. "I went after her once and you can see where that got me. If she wanted to talk to me, she'd stop running away from me. It's that simple." Ryder said bluntly.

"In what world is love simple? Love is bending over backwards every day to make them happy." Nitch sighed.

"Sounds unhealthy and inconvenient." Ryder shrugged, sitting back down at the bench.​

"You're a huge asshole." Arya scoffed, not moving. The person that did walk forward was probably the most unexpected. Jenna, Alex's 12-year old sister, rushed forward after the crying girl, dodging Alex's hand.

"Jenna! Get back here!" Alex shouted, running after her. He didn't catch up to her until she was kneeling in front of Isabelle, and reached hesitantly for her hand.

"Are you okay? Don't cry." Jenna said, sitting beside Isabelle. Alex paused, watching the scene.
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"Of course I'm not okay!" she looked up, she never got any of their names. she wondered why they were even here with her. she didn't deserve anybody.

she just wanted to leave everyone. they would be better off that way.

Jenna didn't seem offended by the girl's sharp tone, instead just smiling with a patience rarely seen in a girl her age. "I know you're in pain. What Ryder said... He doesn't know the full story. But maybe that isn't his fault. Maybe what you two need is to sit and talk to each other without getting angry." She said softly.

"Jenna, I don't think she wants relationship advice from a pre-teen." Alex said, shooting an apologetic look to Izzy. "Especially since she doesn't know your name, we haven't spoken to her yet. Come on, I taught you better manners than this." He chided. He looked back at Izzy and smiled. "I'm Alex. This is my sister, Jenna." He introduced himself, watching Jenna extend her hand politely.
She looked at them both. she could tell they were nice people. Jenna was so sweet, and Alex was a good big brother. She slowly extended her hand to meet Jenna's "I guess you heard Ryder yell my name already..." she said sniffling.

"Isabelle." Jenna nodded, grinning broadly. "It's a very pretty name." She paused, looking at Alex as if for permission. As usual, they seemed to be having a telepathic conversation, and Alex shrugged. "He cares about you. A lot. You can tell by the way he looks at you. He just doesn't know how to show it." She said softly.

"He's a good guy." Alex agreed with a firm nod. "He just covers it by being a dick."
"he doesn't want me here. I could have killed him. Why should I even try to go back? He probably hates me now." she sighed "Don't you guys have a bus to catch?"

"We don't belong on that quest. We're just strangers to that group. If he doesn't want you around, imagine how he feels about us." Alex smirked, earning a glare from Jenna.

"What he means to say is, we aren't going without you. And you didn't make Ryder jump onto the street, he made that choice. For you. To save you. Don't you think that means something to him? A lot to him?" Jenna pressed. "No matter what he says, he wouldn't have done that for me or Alex. He wouldn't have done it for Alec or Kara or Blair or Evan." Jenna suppressed a shudder at Evan's name. She had heard the rumors about him, that he had caused her nightmare the night before about being underground, watching her brother die, and drowning.
"'So maybe he would of only done it for me. That doesn't change the fact that I almost got him killed. He probably wishes that he just let me die. I know I do."

"I'm good at reading people. He doesn't want you dead, Izzy. He likes you. He just isn't... Used to it. Doesn't know how to show it." Alex said, kneeling in front of her and smiling reassuringly. "Listen, we can talk about this on the bus. You can sit with us and everything, but we have to go soon. That is, if you're going to come." He continued, brushing his blonde hair out of his eyes.

"Please?" Jenna begged, giving her best puppy dog eyes.
"How can I face him after what happened?" she said, an honestly scared look on her face. she was scared that he didn't care about her anymore. he had helped her so much so far, she trusted him with her secret. she couldn't let him just leave her life though.

Alex stood up and grabbed her hand, pulling her to her feet and facing her. "Like the woman that we all know you are. With your head held high. You don't have to say a word to him. Or you can talk to him. Play it safe or risk it all. Not everyone gets a choice, Isabelle. Choose wisely." He advised. "Give him a chance. Be the woman that every guy like him needs, give up on subtlety. Just ask him how he feels about you." He suggested.
She gave them both a weak smile. she bent down and gave Jenna a hug "Thank you" she said, her eyes sparkling. Jenna was soooo sweet.
Jenna and Alex Michaelson

"We're going to miss the bus. Are you coming? Alex said, smiling slightly as his sister hugged the girl. "If so, you know Jenna is going to insist you sit beside her, right?" He asked, coughing awkwardly and running a hand through his hair. Jenna nodded eagerly.

"Please!" She said, a playful gleam in her eyes.

"Jenna. Remember your promise." He warned immediately. She got that gleam when she found someone that she wanted to test her powers on.
"You have convinced me" she said, then bit her lip hoping Ryder would turn her away. or worse, ignore her completely. "And I insist on siting with you." she said to Jenna playfully

Jenna let out a squeal of joy, grabbing Izzy's hand and pulling her out of the alley and back toward the bus stop. Alex followed at a more leisurely pace, lighting a cigarette and leaning against the wall beside the bus stop instead of sitting.

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