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Fandom Goners, Percy Jackson Roleplay.


"Should you go over to the hot guy and talk to him? I can't imagine." Jenna said, voice heavy with sarcasm. She flicked her hand, and her sleep effect wore off of Ryder. "Your way is clear." She said in a singsong voice.

Ryder jerked awake, looking around warily. He stifled a yawn behind his hand, feeling more exhausted than ever. Looking around one last time, he reached into his bag and pulled out a bottle of bourbon, taking a swig quickly. Who needs birthday cake when you have birthday liquor? He took a few more heavy swigs, craving the foggy mind it would provide.​
she took out some nectar and ambrosia, and a bandage, and walked over to the seat beside him, she looked at the floor, and extended her reach to him silently

Ryder paused from his drinking when he saw Isabelle walk up. "Hey." He didn't know what she was doing, but he had no argument. "Um, sit down, I guess." He offered softly, putting his drink away and looking curiously at the medical supplies in her hands. "Did you hurt yourself somehow?" He asked.
"y-you did....when you saved my...life" she was already starting to tear up, but her head was facing down and her hair was down as well. she was so sorry for ever being mad at him. but she just couldn't deal with her emotions, she didn't know how.

Ryder unconsciously reached for the back of his head, which had all but stopped bleeding. "Oh, uh... Okay." He said, taking his hood off and touching the wound. Again, his fingers came away red from the blood matted to his head. "Yea, I probably should've taken care of it." He admitted.
"Well...here, you can now..." she said. she was very uncomfterable. but he didn't seem to hate her. she was suprised
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"Thanks." He muttered, taking the supplies carefully and setting it in his lap. Was that all she had come for? First-aid advice? She didn't want to talk or anything? Of course not. He inwardly screamed, trying to figure out what to say to her.
"I'm sorry" she let out a sob before she collected herself. "I could have gotten you killed...you saved my life Ryder" she whispered. she couldn't look into his eyes. "You jumped in front of a damn car for me" she said, the closest she came to swearing.
"You didn't almost do anything, and you have nothing to apologize for. You walked out onto the street, I made the choice to jump after you. You didn't force me to, I still have my free will." Ryder said gruffly, a bit uncomfortable at the show of emotion. He hesitated, pulling his drink back out and offering it to her. "Stay for a drink?" He offered.
"First time for everything." He smirked, taking another swig. "I was. And then I realized it was stupid to be angry at you. You made a choice, so did I. It happens." Ryder shrugged.
She looked at him, her heart melted. she wanted to hold on to him. but she couldn't. she couldn't handle any more rejection. "I'll....pass" she said akwardly
Ryder's smile melted, and he stared at the seat in front of him. He was getting nowhere, no matter how hard he tried. Even when she seemed to be interested again, she just pushed him away.

turned his head at Blair's comment,then looked down at his own body. There was no serious damage,just lots of scratches from jumping on the glass.

"Yeah...and all my injuries come from being really dumb." He laughed as he messed with his hair,sending glass flying around. "If you are applying to be my personal healer,you might have to get used to some weird shit."


"I'm pretty used to it, trust me." She caught one of the glass pieces and inspected it for a moment before tossing it out the window of the moving bus.

"Give me your worst." She offered, pulling her trusty first-aid kit out. Kara noticed her and gave her a thumbs up, probably thinking she was flirting with the hot guy.

covered a yawn with his hand,ignoring the bleeding coming out of it. He hadn't really slept since...well,he didn't know when. If he weren't a son of Morpheus he probably would have passed out by now.

"I'm used to these as well,to be honest. Living outside of the camp has it's bad moments." He allowed Blair to approach him,not realizing that he was trusting her more than he trusted any of the other demigods. "I once got shot by an actual bullet. That sucked."

The voice in his head suddenly popped out,laughing ironically.
"Is that how you flirt,Evan? That's pathetic."

He mentally told his head to go fuck itself and smirked to Blair.

"I'm sure it did. I've been stabbed, never shot before." She admitted, laughing. She noticed his bleeding hand and took out the rest of her gauze, gingerly wrapping the cut. "Well, I don't know you that well, but I can certainly say you are a certified badass." She chuckled, inspecting his cut arms and hesitating. She wasn't sure if he would let her treat him, but she didn't want him to be in pain.
Isabelle didn't know what to say. somewhere along the last few days she knew she had feelings for him. she just felt so guilty. she wished she could go back in time and fix everything. she sighed deeply

Ryder clenched his fist as the awkward silence ensued. That was it? 'Here, take these medical supplies, have a nice life, thanks for saving mine and all'? He shook his head, pulling out one of the few books he owned and opening it to where he left off. It was a book about swordfighting techniques from different cultures, one of the few topics he was interested in reading about.

Evan blinked with surprise,although he ended up laughing. He kept his eyes on Blair's face,trying to ignore the crimson colour of the blood.

"That is the first I heard that word being used to describe me. I was called an 'ass' tho." He noticed her look towards his arms and shifted so he could be closer to her. "Can you take a look at these? Don't worry,I'm not the prideful type that wants to feel the pain like a man and all of that."

He stood quiet for a few moments,looking down at the bench. She hadn't asked about the bullet. Should he tell her? That would probably lead to a bad reaction. But if he had to start trusting these campers he could as well start with Blair,who was one of the nicest girls he had met so far.

"Hmm...the bullet. That was the police. They caught me trying to steal a car. I'm not exactly a honest citizen."

His face started to warm. That was the first time he felt embarrassment for his past.

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Blair was far from disgusted, instead mildly impressed. "Nice! Worst thing I ever stole was a can of corn and a Snickers bar." She nodded. She noticed that he shifted a bit closer to her, and smiled slightly, pulling out some antiseptic and treating his cuts. "Not the prideful type, huh? So that's why back in the motel, you said that it was okay if you started to scream?" She said, unable to help herself. She was turning slowly into Kara, teasing and mocking people in the nicest possible way.

"None of us are honest citizens, Evan. We're Demigods. Crime is just part of the job." She said, a bit distracted and she finished her work on his arm. "Back to perfection." She said, blushing slightly.
"I...Don't know what to say" she admitted. she honestly didn't know what he was thinking. he probably just wants me to leave him alone she sighed.

"Say whatever you think is right to say." He replied. "Say anything." He put his book down and stared at her. "Anything. That's all I'm asking." He said bluntly.

Evan rubbed his eyes with mocking shock at the reaction,although his smile showed relief.

"Look at you,protecting a criminal and all of that. You are my type of girl. Snickers bars are totally worthy of stealing,although I would recommend an entire store instead."

He chuckled and pulled his hair out of his eyes,noticing that the pain in his arms had mostly stopped.

"Sometimes I scream uncontrollably,although I try not to do it when I am near beautiful girls like you." Evan leaned on the bus' bench with a big smile. He felt like himself once again,and that meant flirting. "So,since we are all intimate. Where are you from? I'm guessing not American."@ThatOneWeirdo

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