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Fandom Goners, Percy Jackson Roleplay.


To put it quite simply:
Kasumi was about to freak out.

Today was the big opening of her new flower shop and she still didn't have everything ready. She frantically ran through the small place,making flowers grow around her but taking care so she wouldn't have mutant plants. The clients would probably not appreciate that.

Kasumi couldn't help but consider everything that could go wrong. Monsters attacking. Bandits attacking. Bees attacking. The list of things that could blow the shop was a bit too big for her to not start panicking.

With a deep breath,Sumi tried to control herself. Everything would go amazingly. She just had to believe it. Her flowers were the most gorgeous ones she had ever seen. Her shop looked like a rainbow. Everything would be fine.

"Mom...please help me today.Iroiro to arigatogozaimasu."

Pushing herself to be confident,Kasumi quickly ran to the door and opened it. The smell of delicate flowers burst through the air. She ran back to the counter and started to fix the already perfect flowers.
@Graecus Scum
"I see, so anyway, who is your demi-parent?" He looked at her with a look of interest.
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Alex Michaelson/Arya Chiari

When Jenna was fully occupied, Alex noticed a flower shop on the way to the hotel. Jenna loved flower, especially lilies. Making sure his sword was fastened, just in case, he separated from the group and entered the shop. Immediately, he stopped short. "Woah." The flower shop was beyond what he had ever seen, flowers brighter and more beautiful than he had ever seen. He looked around before noticing a pretty girl behind the counter. He approached. "Uh... Where are the... Lilies?" He asked hopelessly.

Arya hesitated at the question. "Poseidon." She admitted after a few moments. "Yours is Hephaestus, right? Either that or Apollo, I wasn't really paying attention when they were talking about you." She smirked.


Kasumi jumped when she heard the voice behind her,turning around to see a hot guy asking about lilies. Now her day was taking a turn for the better.

"Hi,my first client!" She had a huge smile on her face as she ran to his side. "Buying flowers for a pretty lady? We're currently not on the season of lilies,but can I show you some carnations instead?"

She quickly picked a bouquet of gorgeous pink flowers,showing it to Alex with excitement.

"Girls love these,trust me!"

Arya Chiari/Alex Michaelson

Alex stared at the flowers cluelessly. "Uh... Sure. They're for my sister, all I really know about her and flowers is she likes lilies." He admitted, looking at the flowers she showed. "Yea, that'll work, I guess. How much?" He asked with a smile.

Arya raised an eyebrow. "You go straight for it, don't you? Yea, I am." She admitted. She also wasn't sure if she wanted to change that fact, but she kept that information to herself.


"She is a girl with good taste! Lilies are actually really gorgeous." She replied to his smile and quickly ran back to the counter to check on the price of the carnations,looking up to him with a light blush. "Sorry,I keep forgetting the prices! It will just-"

Kasumi blinked with confusion as she stared at Alex. She hadn't been paying attention before,the mist clouding her vision. But now...

Clear as day,she saw his sword.

Without missing a beat,Sumi pulled her wood staff from behind the counter and aimed it at Alex.

"What are you doing here with a sword? Are you some sort of monster that can pass as cute boys? By Zeus,you will turn to ashes!"

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Alex Michaelson

"Woah, woah!" Alex said, staring at the staff. "Monster? I'm not a..." He paused, inspecting her more closely. "Did you just say Zeus?" He blinked once again and smiled slightly. "And that I'm cute?" He shook his head, getting off topic.

"Sorry. Listen, I'm not a monster. I'm a Demigod. I have a sword to protect myself from monsters. I didn't expect to have to use it on pretty flower shop attendants, and I'd rather not have to." He hinted.
Demetrius high-fived himself in his mind."So, then would you go out with me?" He kept a cool face but inside he was feeling nervous. She's probably gonna say no, he thought, but at least he was trying.
Arya Chiari

Arya appraised him once again. Who asked a girl they barely knew out unless they were trying to get laid. She mentally shrugged. Who isn't trying to get laid? "Why not?" She asked out loud, staring at him. Cute guy, at least.


Kasumi glared grumpily at Alex,trying to decide whether he was telling the truth or not. She eventually sighed and put the staff down at the counter,looking back at him.

"Okay. Peace between demigods. Sorry for that reaction,I just don't wanna monsters near my shop again." She looked him up and down with curiosity. "Are you from the Camp?"

Sumi tried not to sound excited with the prospect of knowing another demigod for the first time in her life,but she was failing at it.
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Alex Michaelson

"No." He said bluntly, skin crawling just at the mention of that wretched place. "I'm... Part of a group that's from there. I wouldn't go if my life depended on it." He expanded a bit, but made sure not to give out any key information. He didn't know this girl.
Demetrius was surprised at her reply."I really thought you were gonna say no." He looked at her with a look of surprise."So,anyway. You wanna go catch up to the others or you want some alone time?" He asked curiously.

Ryder entered the hotel bar, approaching the counter and showing his fake ID. "Bourbon, please. And keep them coming." He ordered, looking around the bar. Already, a few women were eyeing him with interest. Unfortunately for them, that interest was one-sided. He wasn't looking to sleep with some stranger, not that night. He just wanted to drink. When his bourbon came, he thanked the bartender and drained it quickly, gesturing for a refill.​


Kasumi opened her mouth to ask one thousands questions,bubbling with excitement to meet another demigod. But when she noticed how guarded Alex seemed she closed into herself a bit,excitement dying down.

"Oh,okay. So...I won't charge you for those flowers. Consider it my policy: flowers are free if I point a staff at you. You mentioned a group...are they demigods as well?" The hope was obvious in her eyes,and she couldn't help but ask that question
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Arya Chiari

Arya looked at him, barely holding back a laugh. She forced herself to use her most seductive voice, and leaned in slightly. "And if I choose to be alone, what would we do?" She purred, the effort of not grinning almost too much to handle. She was curious about this guy, and she was definitely interested in what his answer would be.
Alex Michaelson

Alex hesitated. "Yea, they are." He said, lowering his voice when he noticed a mortal walking in. He pretended to be interested in another bouquet of flowers as he walked away. "I should go back to them, but... Here." He murmured, plucking one of the flowers from the bouquet and scribbling on the card quickly. He handed it to her, flower and all, before walking toward the door. "It's my number, and where we're staying, and my room number. If you want to talk some more, come by." He offered, smiling smoothly at her.


Kasumi let out a sound of excitement,which made the human turn to her with a frown. She blushed and quickly waved to him.
"I will be with you in a second!" She turned to Alex with a nod and a huge smile. "Thank you thank you thank you! I will be there!"

Her smile was big enough to be visible through her back as she ran towards the client.
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Isabelle walked into the bar. she had been nervous, but the atmosphere relaxed a little bit. she sat down at a table. she looked around for a bit as a guy walked up to her.

"Hey, I'm jackson" the guy said, and Isabelle looked up "Oh, hey..." she said, and he smirked. "what is a girl like you doing alone in a bar? what's your name?" he said as he sat down. "My name is Isabelle. and, uh, what do you mean a girl like me?" she asked, wondering if he meant demigod. she was clueless.

"A girl like you. A very beautiful girl." He smiled at her " A beautiful name to go with a beautiful girl" He complimented her, before ordering two strong drinks. "Oh I don't need anything to drink...I don't really do that"

The man frowned in confusion. "Then why are you in a bar?" he asked her, and she thought for a moment "Good point...maybe I need to let loose. Isabelle didn't know anything about alcohol, so she didn't know she was getting a strong drink.

Ryder looked up from his third drink and froze. Isabelle was drinking a glass of whiskey with some douchebag. He clenched his fists, shattering his glass without meaning to.

She's not yours, Ryder. She's made that perfectly clear. And if she wants to sleep with that asshole, she's perfectly allowed to. He kept mentally chanting the words to himself, but he couldn't deny his anger, his jealousy. He ordered another bourbon and drained it quickly, half tempted to walk over and beat the shit out of the guy. But he didn't. Instead, he continued drinking, keeping on eye on the pair the entire time.​
They talked for a little bit. Isabelle was clearly drunk and laughing loudly at his jokes. he was in fact an interesting guy. the guy out his arm around her and she blushed, and giggled. "I have to go pee" she said and giggled, and headed out to the bathroom. the naive girl was stupid, or just drunk, enough to leave a stranger with her drink. when he didn't think anyone was looking, he poured some small powder into it, which quickly dissolved.

Ryder almost choked over his drink. He walked casually over to the guy and smiled. "Hey." He said.

"Hey." Jackson replied, looking confused. Ryder didn't hesitate, steadying himself and slamming his fist against the asshole's face.

"That's my friend you just tried to drug, you inbred bastard." Ryder snarled, picking the guy up and shoving him against the counter, crushing three glasses against his head. "And if you ever even look at her again, I'll rip out your fucking throat and leave it for the crows. You understand me?" He warned, punching him again for good measure.

"I understand." Jackson coughed, his face blood.

"I thought you would." The bar was dead silent, all eyes on him. He released the drunk and walked away. He heard a collective gasp and whipped around. Immediately, he saw the guy lunging. He was too late to dodge, so he took a punch to the face, at the same time reaching toward the pool table and picking up a pool stick. He swung it like a bat and the idiot's face, watching it snap in half with the impact. Everyone heard the crack of the guy's nose and cheek as it connected.

"Home run." Ryder grunted.​
At this moment, Isabelle was coming out, she saw what was happening she ran up to Ryder grabbing his arm "Ryder! What are you doing?" she said worried about Jackson

"He drugged your drink." Ryder spat, wrenching his arm free. "Go ahead, blame me for that, too. Sorry for stopping you from getting raped." He snarled, turning on his heel and walking out of the bar, fixing his jacket. The smell of alcohol on Isabelle's breath was enough to tell him that, given five more minutes, the guy would've succeeded in whatever foul plan was in his mind. Just the thought of it made Ryder want to punch someone else. Instead, he walked briskly to his room, slamming and locking the door behind him.​


The sky was soon darkening,so Kasumi had no other choice but closing the shop. Not that she wanted to. The day was going amazingly,she met a cute Demigod and sold much more flowers than she had expected.

She focused her powers again,making sure that the flowers would be okay during the night. It was tiresome and all that energy could attract monsters,but tonight she was too happy to even care.

Practically jumping with happiness,Kasumi closed the door...

And turned around to be face to face with a Harpy.

Kasumi didn't have to think long before she slammed her staff against the monster's head,making dust fly everywhere. More of them soon followed and Kasumi fought them as she could,making plants grow to slow them down. But the amount of them started to quickly increase,and Kasumi found herself cornered bellow the counter. She started to panic,but Alex popped in her head. Wasn't he still close? She quickly dialed his number.

"ALEX! S-sorry to bother,but I need your help." She kicked a Harpy away from her legs. "I'm being attacked by-"

The sound of a monster shriek was heard through the line,and the call suddenly ended as the cellphone was smashed against the ground.
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