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Fandom Goners, Percy Jackson Roleplay.

Ryder noticed Alex smoking, and immediately craved a cigarette. He quickly pulled one out, lighting it and taking a deep puff, feeling less stressed immediately. He blew a smoke ring and smirked, his smile freezing on his face when he saw Isabelle. What was he supposed to say. He had no idea, so he just stayed silent, eyes glued on her.

Isabelle didn't make eye contact with anyone there. she just looked at her feet. at least they weren't moving towards the road this time.

Alex leaned into Isabelle's ear. "Ryder is staring at you." He murmured, smiling and flashing a glance at the son of Hades. "I'd suggest talking to him instead of staring at the ground."

Ryder watched Alex lean in and whisper in Izzy's ear, smiling and staring at Ryder himself. An emotion that could only be called jealousy flared through him, but he ignored it, returning his gaze to the bus as it arrived. He was the first on, and he took the first empty seat he found, staring out the window to avoid eye contact with anyone.​
"I...I can't" She whispered back in his ear she just walked up onto the buss picking a seat far away from Ryder for her and Jenna to sit in

"Can I please try?" Jenna asked Alex, eyes fixed on a mortal couple near the front.

"Go for it. After we sit down." He said softly, leading her in to sit beside Izzy and watching her closely. She pointed at the couple, focusing hard. Almost immediately, the couple slumped over, eyes closing.
The bus finally arrived. Demetrius sighed with relief as he sat into the nearest seat and threw his bag off. This was bound to be a quiet bus ride.
Isabelle followed her finger and saw what happened "Jenna!" she exclaimed in shock, then giggled quietly "Bad girl" she said in mock sternness

Jenna looked up, her face about as non-guilty as it could get. "They're just asleep." She shrugged. She wasn't sure how she could do it. After all, her brother's father was Aeolus, god of air and stuff. Nothing to do with sleep. She shook the idea from her mind, and focused on a guy nearby. He was in a tux, and typing annoyingly on a laptop. She pointed to him, watching him immediately start to snore. "I'm giving them good dreams." She assured her absently.

Jenna raised an eyebrow. "Really? Because I can give you daydreams, too. You wouldn't be asleep, but you can have mental images of making out with Ryder?" She asked, in a typical immature 12-year old way.

"Jenna, keep it in your mind." Alex chided. Jenna was half-tempted to knock him out for the rest of the bus ride, to avoid his negativity. After a moment of hesitation, she reached out and poked his cheek. Immediately, his eyes rolled up in his head, and he slumped over, only his seatbelt keeping him in his seat.

"Night night." Jenna said, patting his head.

"Can't really control it. Sometimes everyone around me will just pass out when I get upset. But I was serious about that dream. Give me a request, and I'll serve as best I can." She offered teasingly, waving her fingers. Her eyes flicked to Ryder. "Or I could make him get some sleep, he looks like he hasn't slept in a year.
"Actually, He needs it. be kind" she told Jenna. she knew Ryder had been up several nights in a row searching for the answer to the mystery that was this quest.

Jenna focused on the son of Hades, trying to think of a good dream to send him. She pointed to him, sending the strongest sleep vibes she could. For most people, if she wanted them to have pleasant dreams, she just made it positive, and they'd make their own images to match. For Ryder, she wanted something powerful. At the same time, she was tempted to give him a nightmare, to see what made him tick. But she did decide to be kind, and focused hard on the mental image of him finding Toni. He would build on the image on his own, turning it into a full-length dream.

Ryder felt a sudden wave of exhaustion sweep over him. He leaned back against his chair, giving into it. Immediately, he dreamed of seeing Toni again, rescuing her and Max and getting them home. He dreamed of seeing them happy, but the dream had a sour tinge. He knew that once she got back, their friendship would never be the same. In his dream, he and Toni drifted apart, almost never speaking. His dream, as his always did, turned swiftly into a nightmare.​

Jenna frowned as his dream turned bitter. "Wow, he is not a happy person." She noted, trying to turn the dream back positive and failing. His negativity was just too strong, drowning her happy vibes. "Has he ever had a good dream in his life?"
"Thanks..." she said, looking longingly out the window. It made her feel a little better that Ryder was happy right now.

"I sent him a happy dream about finding Toni, and he still managed to turn it into a nightmare. How does he ever go to sleep if he can't ever find peace with it? Half the time, the only reason I sleep is to get those happy dreams. He doesn't get that." Jenna explained. Dreams and sleep, they made sense to her. She could relate them to anything.
Isabelle frowned. she hated herself for what she did. she couldn't believe her stupidity. how could he ever be happy with her around? she ruins everything. she sighed heavily

Jenna shot a look at Izzy, interpreting her self-disgusted look. "It's not you. Too deep for that, something from his childhood, probably?" She said, musingly. "I don't know him that well, so I have no idea."
She remembered everything he had gone through, and hated herself so much more for it. He needed support. she was the opposite, she almost killed him.

"You know... I could wake him up, you could go talk to him... There's an empty seat beside him, and he has nothing to do..." She offered. "You could offer to slap a bandage on his head or something, because he still hasn't done that yet. Pretty gross." She admitted. Blood was not her favorite thing.

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