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Fandom Goners, Percy Jackson Roleplay.


Evan started to see a bit red as the driver came out of the car. He rose from the ground but suddenly stopped,mentally cursing himself. Ryder was wounded and needed help,it wasn't time to go on a murder spree.

He pushed the human out of his way and knelled by Ryder's side to check on Isabella.

"I don't think she is very wounded,you took most of the damage. We need to get off this street,cops will be all over our asses soon."

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C looked up when he heard the sound of screeching tires just outside the café, followed by several people screaming. The whole café went suddenly silent, and then quiet murmurs started up from the tables surrounding him as people tried to guess what that sound could have been. And then Evan jumped out the window. The screaming started up again, and the sound of chairs being knocked over quickly followed as people jumped out of their seats. C raised a hand to protect himself against the glass that flew everywhere, and made his way over to the window. He saw several people with their cell phones out, frantically calling the police. He blinked in surprise at the scene in front of him, and spared a glance behind him at Arleos.

"Time to go." After a second he shot Demetrius a considering glance and hopped out the window, cutting his palm in the process. C quickly put his hand in his pocket to hide the wound, hoping it went unnoticed, and followed after the others.

@The Regal Rper @Naloth
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Ryder tried to sit up and failed miserably. "Yea." He grunted, unable to tear his eyes from his bloody hand. His entire body felt broken from landing on the road.

"You need to go to the hospital." The driver insisted.

"No. It's your lucky day. No insurance needed." Ryder managed, gripping the man's sleeve and using him to pull himself to his feet, leaving a bloody handprint on his shirt. "You'll have to pay to get that washed, though." He admitted, grabbing Izzy and pulling her into the motel after the others. "Pack fast." He ordered.​

To say he was surprised by the sudden turn of events was an understatement. But seeing C leave, Arleos made no hesitation in following after him once told it was time to go. Hopping out of the same open window, Arleos followed after C, hoping the kid knew just where to go to figure things out.

saw that the driver still wanted to complain and made a cutting motion towards his own neck with his fingers,the darkness obvious in his eyes. That apparently made the guy change his mind.

He grunted a bit as he stumbled after Ryder and the other demigods. Only now he realized the stupidity of jumping through a fucking window,glass all over his arms and legs. That was typical of him tho.
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Demetrius looked outside the window."I guess were leaving." He shrugged as he jumped through the broken window. He heard the waitress yell at him to pay for his meal."Oops, I forgot to pay that." He digged through his pocket and took out a pouch of quarters, he threw them through the window. Well now that that problem was taken care of, he ran after the group and saw Ryder bleeding.

Ryder stumbled into the motel, the hair on the back of his head matted with blood. He probably should've stopped and taken care of it, but he had no time. He jogged to his room and threw all of his and Izzy's stuff into the respective bags, making sure he was out in less than five minutes.

"Whoever isn't ready by the time I'm out of this building is getting left behind!" He bellowed, slinging his bag over his shoulder.​

Kara swallowed the last of her food before following her friends out the window. Her eyes widened when she saw Ryder get hit by a car. "Wow, what an idiot." She muttered, sprinting after him into the motel to her her stuff packed.


Blair noticed that Evan was covered in glass. "You have a knack for getting yourself hurt, you know? Anything else I have to stitch up when we settle back down?" She asked, letting out a laugh of shock.


Alec sat up abruptly when he heard tires screech. "With our luck, that's one of ours." He noted, wrapping a blanket around his waist and looking out the window. "Oh, shit, that was Ryder. We have to go." He said, unable to hold back his smirk.

Arya Chiari

Arya was at Kara's heels as they dashed back to the motel, and ran into her room. She packed up anything out of her bag and met Ryder at the entrance, noticing his head.

"You should get that checked out, looks pretty gross." She noted calmly, staring with more interest than concern at the bloody wound.
Demetrius ran to the cafe and quickly grabbed Zeke."Come on, we got to go the rest are leaving." Be looked worriedly to where the entrance was. "No, my deal was to get you here and I did, now I'm going home." Zeke unheld himself from Demetrius and walked off the cafe. Demetrius watched Zeke walk away annd though about how rude that was.(That takes care of zeke the NPC.)
C took the elevator up to the floor his room was on, and managed to take a step inside when his eyes fell on the bed, and the full force of his nightmare hit him again. For most of the morning, he'd managed to not think about it and push it into a dark, unused corner of his mind. He felt his mood, which had been improving slightly, plummet back down into awfulness. It didn't help that he'd never gotten the coffee he'd ordered. He grabbed his stuff as fast as possible, and almost ran out of the room, heading downstairs.
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Ryder looked at Arya, smirking at her comment. "I've been a bit busy getting hit by a car." He said calmly, pulling a jacket from his bag and yanking it on, putting on the hood. "All better." He said mockingly, sitting in a chair and looking at his watch.

"Five minutes!" He shouted as loud as he could, getting a dirty look from the receptionist. He barely noticed, thinking about Izzy. He hadn't spoken to her yet, and he wasn't sure if he should. She had almost gotten herself killed... For what? To see if he would help her? He would've done what he did for anyone on the quest, even Demetrius. Any life was worth more than his.​

Thinking back to it now following C out and heading back was the best plan. Going straight to his room and gathering what little stuff he had, the demigod left the room almost as soon as he'd went in and made his way straight down the stairs to wait for the others .
Isabelle was unconscious. the last thing she saw was Ryder being hit by a car. she was having a dream. a dream about Camp half blood, the sweet smell of strawberries, and suddenly, the sky started going dark. pitch black. she wasn't able to see anything. then she heard Max scream.

"Close enough." He grunted after two minutes, adjusting his bag. "Come on, we're going." He ordered, leading the group out of the motel and walking briskly back to the bus station. "Did some research last night, there's a bus due in... Ten minutes." He said, looking at his watch again. "It'll take us to Kentucky. After that, we're going to do something so incredibly stupid it makes me cringe. We're going to take a plane to California." He said unhappily. Too many people with grudges against Zeus for it to be a logical answer. But he didn't have a choice. Every minute that they wasted was another minute closer to when Toni and Max would die.​
Max groaned, he looked around, as he woke up. he started freaking out. Toni was still where she was tortured
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Toni woke up slowly, in a paralyzing amount of pain. The knife was still sticking out of her stomach, but that wasn't what woke her up. The sound of her nightmares. The heavy door opening, the cart rolling in. The woman, who Toni decided to start referring to as Sadist, walked in, looking triumphant in posture.

"Your friends are walking surely to their deaths." Sadist said gleefully, standing in front of Toni. Without any time for Toni to prepare, she yanked the knife from Toni's gut. Toni cried out, gripping the chains she hung from until her knuckles were bone white. The woman healed her stomach with one touch, making her gasp with relief that she knew would be short-lived.

Sadist admired Toni as if she was a piece of meat, figuring out where to make the first cut. "Your pretty face ruined forever." She murmured, tracing the scar lightly. Toni bit at her hand, causing Sadist to reach out and slap her hard, a pain almost nonexistent compared to what she had endured. "Play nice." She tutted.

"Hypocrite." Toni said, looking at the knife. Sadist smirked, reaching out and leaving a long yet shallow cut on Toni's arm. She hissed in pain, clenching her fists. "Yea, that's not playing nice." She grunted.​
"Why are you taking kids? or are they joining you? what do you have against the gods?" Max demanded. He squirmed. If he could get loose, he would kill Sadist slower than it takes a snail to travel a kilometer. "WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?"


Sadist didn't make the same mistake twice. She easily ignored Max, instead gesturing for one of her assistants. "Check his bonds. Wouldn't want our guest to get free just yet." She murmured. The assistant nodded, grunting when he saw the fraying on Max's ropes. "Add more." Sadist ordered, watching the guy double the amount of bondage holding Max before leaving. Sadist turned back to Toni. "I see you have a tattoo of a spear on your arm." She said softly.

"That's enough ink for me, thanks." Toni lied, seeing where this was going.

"Of course. We don't use ink here. We're old fashioned." Sadist chuckled. Her assistant returned with an iron pole, the tip red-hot and holding a design that Toni recognized. "A flaming torch. Symbol of your father." She said softly, brandishing the pole. "This will hurt." She said, approaching Toni's untattoed arm and gripping it tightly, pressing the brand against it. Toni's screech was deafening. Burns were her weakness, she hated all kinds. But this pain was unimaginable, she'd rather the stabs.
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C sat down heavily on the first bench he saw, refusing to glance up as Ryder explained their plan to get to California. He put his bow in his lap just so he'd have something to stare at. Hopefully, Apollo hadn't done something recently to anger Zeus. The plane they would be boarding would need as many demi-gods who wouldn't instantly anger Zeus as possible if they were expecting to be able to land safely and without crashing.
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"why don't you come over here and try that aginst a soon of Apollo, huh? come on! try me." he spat at her. he just wanted to get her off of Toni.
Arya Chiari

Arya looked up sharply. "Plane? Flying across the country? Ryder, you do realize that I'm a daughter of Poseidon, right?" She demanded, outraged. "And you're a son of Hades. That's a suicide flight. More than that, you're risking the lives of mortals." She snarled. She knew he wouldn't change his mind, but he had to know what he was bargaining.

"It's not like Zeus particularly cares for his nieces or nephews, and he definitely doesn't give a shit about mortals!" She snapped.

Sadist didn't respond to Max's challenge, removing the brand and inspecting the black burn left behind. "Hmm... Beautiful." She said. "Your boyfriend is annoying. How do you put up with him?" She asked, shooting a look to her assistant/slave, who quickly fastened a gag around Max's mouth. Toni couldn't speak, her body crippled by pain.

"Something called affection." She panted dully, the light in her eyes faded. "I happen to like him."

"How sweet... He can watch you die." Sadist offered with a smile. Toni didn't answer, giving up. "I told you I could break you, Toni O'Brian. I didn't even get to bring out my trump card." She said softly. The assistant nodded, as if the words were a queue, and walked out for a few moments. When he returned, Toni gasped, eyes wide.

"Toni." Her stepfather whispered, seeing her in her condition and lunging forward, stopping short when the assistant punched him.

"Dad!" She cried, trying to reach for him and failing. "Don't touch him! Please!" She begged for the first time in her life. "Do whatever you want to me, don't hurt him!"

"That'd be too easy." Sadist murmured, pulling out a curved dagger. Toni stared at her stepfather, tears streaming freely down her face. "The rest of your family is safe at home, they think he's on a business trip. What they don't know is that he'll never return." She sighed, walking toward Jake O'Brian and slitting his throat.​
Max's eyes went wide. she did it. she really did it. he didn't know what to think. he had no control of the situation, so he didn't think. he just watched

For the first time in years, Toni cried, tears of anger and grief. Her vision was tinted with red, and she shook with fury. "I will kill every last one of you with my bare hands. You will regret ever touching him." She said lowly.

"I'm terrified. Until then, I'm going to make you regret being born." Sadist said, touching Toni's face with the same knife she had used to kill the man lying on the ground a few feet away. Her stepfather's blood stained Toni's face. "His blood is on your hands, Toni. He was killed because he's related to you. Next time, maybe I'll get Harley. She's, what, 9 now? Such a pretty girl. Looks so much like you." Sadist murmured.

"Kill me." Toni said abruptly. The woman looked taken aback. "Is that the endgame here? Do it. I don't care. Slit my throat like you did his. Make me bleed out. Do it!" She screamed.​

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