Godling Academy (Sign-Up)

Name: Terra Ventus

Age: 16

Descendent: 2nd generation (father is Zeus)

Assigned God: Zeus

personality: Dark, unnerveing, leader like

picture:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/dark-anime-guy-image.jpg.7b2e00e0a9d33cdbcd0e5f98a67de580.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2895" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/dark-anime-guy-image.jpg.7b2e00e0a9d33cdbcd0e5f98a67de580.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Hobbies: Helping others, Training, Making lightning storms

Abilities: Lightning strike,Sky Flight, Wind slash, Lightning storm, ShockFall.

Background: Terra was abandoned by his mother when he reached the age of 3 on the Doorstep of her best friends's house. Her best friend raised him as a fighter and a leader. He found out he was Zeus's son when Zeus came down to him when he was 10. The gift he got from Zeus was a Living Metal Eagle that never rusts and can fly. It also has the power to generate a electro magent field that can cause anti-gravity.

Dorm partner: none (at the moment)

Pet: Aryios (A golden Living metal Eagle)

Information on God: Zeus (well everyone should know)

Relationships with other gods/goddesses: Hermes (friend/half brother) Apollo,Artimis,Ares,Athena(half brothers and sisters)



  • dark-anime-guy-image.jpg
    220 KB · Views: 13
Shiku we already have two Zeus's. I am sorry but I cannot accept your character. I specifically said only two characters of each God or Goddess. You will have to pick another if you want to join =/
Komeko said:
(The Great Komeko, now breaking the meta roleplay-style! Bwahahaha!)
Name: Bashir-Al-Hussein

Age: 15

Descendant or Mortal Until Chosen: Clotho (Fate of Life)

Assigned God/Goddess (Your choice):Atropos (Cutter of Fate)

Personality: Bashir is a man of few words, one who only talks to bring a point and does so with one sentence, he is often exasperated when he is talked two by more than one person and will often cover his ears slightly to concentrate, truly a calm and yet tempered individual. He often finishes arguments, always having the first, and last laugh. Many blamed him when he was younger for their mistakes, but he would always tell them.

"Why it is fate, inshaak ak allah my friends, if God wills it." Which obviously didn't translate well to the school kids.

Picture (Optional):

Hobbies: Making deals with people to help them with their issues, he loves watching people get angry at him for his advice not going perfectly, though he is usually correct, his cryptic words fool most.

Abilities (If Descendant): He has the power to make small twists to fate, and while these alone cannot change lives, the chain reaction, can.

Background/History: Bashir al-Hussein was born in Saudi Arabia, in Mecca, where he was always obsessed from the age of five with people's lives, how they lived, how they died, and most importantly, why? He has obsessed with such fervor that it worried everyone in his neighborhood, and with good reason, studying more and more into death and disease, he practically knew the anatomy of a human, he would laugh at kids angry at him for misleading his words and would get away with even more cryptic words, while people thought this was an apology, in reality an insult would be correct.

Dorm partner (Optional): None please

Pet or special item(Optional): He always has a raven at his shoulder, and only he knows its name.

Information about God/Goddess: Atropos is the oldest and wisest of the three Fates, she is the one who cuts the string of life.

Relationships with other Gods/Goddesses: She works with her two sisters, Clotho and Lachesis.

Other Information (Optional): He runs a small little shop in his dorm, where he would 'Help' people with their problems with his advice, though many come, few come again without anger plastered in their face.
savagePEST do you mind having another Fate? 

Shiku said:
.....hm okay then can I switch all of it to Kronos?
Cronus is a Titan and I am trying to stay away from those =/ I am 99% sure that is also in the rules in my first post and if it is not I have said it a gazillion times. You can ask anyone in my RP
Shiku we have 2 Zeus's, 2 poseidons, 2 aphrodites/Eros's. We are missing Ares, Hephaestus, Athena, Demeter, Hestia, Hermes, and all the lesser gods do not have a double. 
I plan on making a Norse mythology RP but after this Greek mythology RP settles down or if enough people ask for it then I will make it early. For now though this Greek mythology RP will do. The Norse mythology will be the same rules and the same stuff just literally with Norse Mythology instead of Greeks.
~.~ '......i spent all that time on that one character...if I changed some dynamics maybe I can choose Nyx? 
Ph Athena's free oh Yeah im takeing Athena 
Here it is!^^

Name: Kyle Ventus


descendent: (second generation child of Athena)

Assigned goddess: Athena

personality,: intellgient, Quick, Leader like.

Hobbies: fighting. Standing alone thinking,.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/l_eee6eb33e06330941a004b2cf8679c8c.jpg.1458ed1d5c88843d6334d6a6228beabd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2898" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/l_eee6eb33e06330941a004b2cf8679c8c.jpg.1458ed1d5c88843d6334d6a6228beabd.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Abilities: Advanced battle brain, Athenian Shockwave. Novice dragon strike.

History: Like his mother Kyle was born with wisdom that surpasses others but that made him a out cast at human schools. He realized that he wasn't human in 7th grade when he was able to know things before he learned them. He has a metal Owl as a symbol of his mother and it runs on his willpower to go on. He is very quiet and doesnt like to be around others.

dorm partner; ,none

Pet:,Kyi a metal barn owl

information about goddess: Athena daughter of Zeus and half sister to Ares.

relationships with other gods and goddess: Ares(uncle)



  • l_eee6eb33e06330941a004b2cf8679c8c.jpg
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Shiku you are accepted. Will Kyle be bisexual, striaght , or homosexual? Also meet Athena in the forest in the RP now. There is class. 
Nyx is not taken but Nyx MUST be a girl.

Next weekend Rae ans Ash are going to take everyone on vacation to Jamaica there if you haven't already you have the chance to meet your chosen God/Goddess Although Rae and ASh just wanted to get away from the academy for a while along with everyone else I'm sure the god's decide to turn it into another test in which you must go through trials and tribulations and you will get a power up at the end of the test from your respected god/goddess him/herself For the power up Idk what it'll be maybe another artifact or something but yeah how does it sound?
It's supposed to be an island vacation you know sand sun bikini's tans....would you rather do a country 
Lol im not jamaican I'm Panamanian and regular southern black
Vat. But i saw on your fcebook a pic. Of jamaican food and you said something like "enjoying my culture."

Sent from my LG-P769 using Tapatalk 2
If we go to jamaics that is fine but no one boink any strangers!

Sent from my LG-P769 using Tapatalk 2

jj9095 said:
Vat. But i saw on your fcebook a pic. Of jamaican food and you said something like "enjoying my culture."
Sent from my LG-P769 using Tapatalk 2
s but hten I was like #jk #jamaicanbyassociation (My girlfriend is jamaican) and Rae makes no promises
Ronkaime said:
s but hten I was like #jk #jamaicanbyassociation (My girlfriend is jamaican) and Rae makes no promises
Okay, let Rae get STD and then he cant boink another girl without very good care. And sorry I dont liik at hashtags on FACEBOOK. Still kind of weird for me <.<
Lmfao but um if you want to do paris that's cool to or maybe after they get t opars or italy or w.e when it's time for their mission they get transported somewhere else based on there powers ex:The Zeus/Poseidons need wide open speace so their powers won't destroy the city etc
Name: James Maxwell (But goes by the nickname Jaden due to his eyes)

Age: 19

Descendant or Mortal Until Chosen: Mortal

Assigned God/Goddess (Your choice): Hephaestus

Personality: Kind-hearted yet determined. Seems to be wise beyond his

years, and will fight to defend what's important to him. He is also a firm believer

in choosing your own destiny and following your own path, and hates seeing

lives suffer needlessly. He hates being tooken advantage of though and is

not quick to forgive those who turn on him or others. Is a bit hesitant to get

close to anyone though, considering what life has been like in the past.

Picture (Optional):

Hobbies: Reading, playing video games, surfing the web, cooking, writing. Has an interest in blacksmithing, stemming from a arts and crafts course he took in high school.

Abilities (If Descendant): None, for now.

Background/History: James grew up not believing there was anything incredibly

special about him, he was a good student in school and typically came home with

high marks and praise..although that didn't exactly mean too much considering

his so-called "family" tended to lean more toward being neglectful and overbearing,

constantly fighting over trivial concerns like money and where a certain person

went at night. It didn't help that he rarely, if ever, saw anyone from his extended

family. These conditions only worsened as he got older.

However, it should be noted that he had a love for cooking and baking as it was

one of the few things that put genuine smiles on the faces of those who ate what

he prepared.

It should be noted that while he does not hate the gods, per say, he doesn't have

a high opinion of them either, sometimes seeing them as spoiled brats who torment

the lives of mortals, sometimes intentionally, other times just not caring if they get

caught in the cross-fire of their quarrels.

He isn't comfortable telling what forced him to leave his birth family, the only

thing he ever says about it is "Things just..snapped at one point..it's best we

leave it at that." The only other clue is the small limp he walks with, although this seems to hardly bother him, it's another indicator that his home life was not all roses and butterflies.It happened around the time of high school, and after finishing

it in the care of foster parents, he started college...and this is where life gets

bizarre..to say the least.

Long story short, he now finds himself, thanks to a mysterious invite, at the

steps of Godling Academy, nervous but also ready to shape his own future..regardless

of what gods or fate have to say.

Dorm partner (Optional): None at the moment.

Pet or special item(Optional): Keeps a family heirloom secure around his

neck, that depicts the image of his birth father....it's a very sensitive topic for him.

Information about God/Goddess: Hephaestus was known as the Greek God of

BlackSmithing, Metals, Fire, and Volcanoes. He was the son of Zeus and Hera

and is responsible for forging all the weapons of the Gods. Seemed to be on

good terms with Athena, since both are responsible for bringing the Arts to

humans. His wife-to-be Aphrodite though cheated on him with other gods due

to his unsightly appearance. It should be noted he is one of the only Olympians

to ever return to Olympus after being exiled.

Relationships with other Gods/Goddesses:

He is not a descendant of any god, so he's kinda going in with a blank slate...unless

you count what he learned off Wikipedia, in that case, does not have a high opinion

of them. Mostly due to how much they screwed around with the lives of mortals in

the past. He will show respect if he feels they deserve it, but not much else.

Other Information (Optional): He's a fairy skilled cook and likes to make people

smile with the food he makes. Also has a bit of a habit of speaking philosophical

kinds of phrases at different situations.
Last edited by a moderator:
I like the character but I ask for three things. 1) Add to his hobbies or something that you know how to blacksmith or something because the character must have similarities to the God and that would be the reason that he picked you since you are mortal. 2) Either give a limp because of his past OR he gets a limp because something happens to him in Godling Academy. That is a major aspect of Hephaestus that should not be looked over. 3) We have a character named James already so can you give him a nickname or change his first name? If not I promise we'll get confused xD

Add 1, decide on which one you want to do for 2, and do w.e. yo want with 3, you technically dont have to change it I just think it would be easier for everyone.

Change/add those things to him and he is accepted! =) If you have any concerns or dont want to change one of the 3 things I put above please just tell me and we will figure it out. I would really like to meet your character =) 
((Ronkaimes character is Aphrodite lol)) One problem Ronkaime, his character is straight xD  
Also Ronkaime lets just all go to Jamaica so screw it xD

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