Godling Academy (Sign-Up)

Alrighty. Thin air it is. Dakup you okay with that? Oh also one more thing. If all the other characters are not being developed as quickly as you guys, to not break one of my own rules the 18th and give you guys power over all the other characters you guys mind having teeny tiny lightning bolts and slowly as the days go by your lightning bolts can get bigger? xD
This is totally random but have I mentioned that everytime I see Sock's pic, I laugh? It's so funny xD And that dramatic swallow at the end is just perfect. It's all like "Yeah I just ate her. What are you gunna do?"
Hmm, I'm thinking about making another character (seeing as Nico took a break today). A little late in the night, but whatever. The thought's been in the back of my head.

Do we need more guys or girls?
I actually think we are about even but don't trust me, I suck at anything with numbers lolz
*thinks about it* I think we have a pretty equal amount right now. Guys: 2 zeus's one poseidon, dionysus, erebus, hypno, one hades (unless the second one replies tomorrow like he said he would)... I feel like I am missing people. Shoot Oh! Ash and Rae, Apollo and Aphrodite. Oh! And the new music muse! Girls: Lulu, Iris, Kat, Anna, Sable, Adriana, Layla, And I think there is 2 more that I am missing here. So its a 10:9 Ratio. Yeah, we're good. You can do w.e. you want Adriana xD Just try to make a character that has not been made yet pplleeaaasssee! 
So it is 3:11am at night, technically. I am 17 years old and I am totally having trix cereal right now. I feel like I am breaking so many rules right now it is awesome.
Oh! And froggie made a character! Forgot what his character is though since he hasnt added him to the RP yet <.< Adriana make another girl if possible because it seems like we are having a overload of boys. Adri you should totally do a Athena x3 I see you being a bad a*s xD  
Omg you're going to have one eye! Cool!
I still think Athena is a good idea xP I cant believe no one has picked her yet! Is she the last girl?! No Demeter is still left. hm... If Athena isnt picked by the day of the dance, this sunday, then I might be making a 4th character <.< 
http://www.ancientgreece.com/s/Mythology/#chaos <--- This is a good link to see all the greek gods and goddesses that there are 
Actually now that I am going over the history of the titans as asked for tomorrows lesson No one please pick a Titan <.< Ill explain tomorrow
Name: Julie Walker

Age: eighteen (18)

Descendant or Mortal Until Chosen: Mortal

Assigned God/Goddess: Atropos

Personality: Julie doesn't talk much, coming off as cold to others. But she doesn't hate everyone, it's just that she isn't comfortable speaking. In middle school, she was teased by her looks and interests, most insults revolving around her eye. When she does speak, she speaks softly and with a little bit a sarcasm. It's a rarity for her to ever get angry, ignoring what is trying to push her buttons.



Hobbies: Julie has a thing for sewing plushies.

Background/History: Julie was an oddity at birth; being born with one blind eye is an rare case. But there wasn't any renewing qualities of the life she was born into. Her parents weren't married when she was conceived, her mother at the young age of 17 and her father age 19. Out of guilt, her father proposed. Though the honeymoon years and birth of their first child were the best years they ever had, it didn't last. Both of their parents had kicked them out when they were capable of renting a cheap apartment, stating that if they wanted to act like adults, then they would be treated as such. Julie's mother had to stay home to care for her whilst her father worked during the day; he ended up having to work two later on due to the rent being increased.

Fights started: either being about how her mother didn't due a thing to provide for the family or where her father put the money for the month's rent. Then one day, her father didn't come home; Julie was seven years old at the time. Her mother didn't bother calling; she already knew he was probably out drinking or with another woman. First thing tomorrow, the two were going back to her parent's. Instead, they woke up to a fire blazing before them. Julie's mother tossed her out the window and into the firefighter's arms below. But there was no time to save her. The apartment floor exploded.

With the death of their daughter, Julie's mother's parents felt that it was their duty to take her. Her father never showed up to gain custody, nor were they letting his parents take her; it was obvious how the fire started. Though they dared not bring up the fire, Julie was old enough at the time to know and remember what happened to her mother.

Dorm partner: OPEN

Pet or special item: Her sewing kit, which includes these shady looking scissors that could probably kill a guy.

Information about God/Goddess: Atropos, whose name means "she who cannot be turned," cuts the thread of life. At the birth of a man, the Fates spun the thread of his future life, followed his steps, and directed the consequences of his actions according to the counsel of the gods. It was not an inflexible fate; Zeus, if he chose, had the power of saving those who were already on the point of being seized by their fate. The Fates did not abruptly interfere in human affairs but took advantage of intermediate causes, and determined the lot of mortals not absolutely, but only conditionally, even man himself, in his freedom was allowed to exercise a certain influence upon them.

Relationships with other Gods/Goddesses: The Fates were independent and watched that the fate assigned to every being by eternal laws might take its course without obstruction; and Zeus, as well as the other gods and man, had to submit to them. They assigned to the Erinyes, who inflicted the punishment for evil deeds, their proper functions; and with them they directed fate according to the laws of necessity. As goddesses of birth, Eileithya, the goddess of childbirth and labor pains, was their companion. As goddesses of death, they appeared together with the Keres, the spirits of violent or cruel death, and the Erinyes.

The Fates had chosen the Gods destinies many moons ago. The Fates had warned them that although we are seen to have immortality, it doesn't last completely. Reason of this is the feelings of the Gods: this is what keeps a bit of mortality inside them. Zeus finally intruded upon The Fates and decided the destiny of the other Gods and Goddesses. He chose to allow feelings to be held. But the consequence for that was the Gods must be renewed every 100 years.

When a God is renewed, the past experiences and memories of the deity before them is given to him/her.

Other Information: She was born blind in her left eye, it being a milky white color due to a cataract. She keeps an eyepatch over it, as to not freak out others.
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jj9095, my character was a descendant of the Four Winds, but directly descended from Eurus specifically, the unlucky East Wind.
Thank you Froggie now I remember ^^ Make sure to add him in today! =)

Hobbies: Julie has a thing for sewing plushies. <--- Adri that is my realistic hobbie <.< Well techinically I crochet them but still :o

it was obvious how the fire started. Though they dared not bring up the fire, Julie was old enough at the time to know and remember what happened to her mother. <--- This just made me cry inside D=

savagePEST I only ask two things. 1) You tell me the actors name that you took that picture from because if not I might go crazy xD 2) I will talk about the fates a little in my History class today and would like you to put the information I say into GA:

If you do me those two favors (even if you dont lol but I owuld really appreciate it xD ) then Julie Walker (With her awesome name) is accepted 
Guys my class has already started. I have stopped it though since no one is in the RP it seems. I will wait until the characters enter to continue. 
I would like to mention for the teachers that each god has the ability to have super strength, immortality (which I just wrote about in my class so make sure you read it because it goes more in depth about this RP), and the resistance to get injury.
For anyone who missed my History class:

Athena stayed quiet, barely even blinking, until 11am. Then, staying still, still in her statue format, only moved her lips which boomed around the class. "I expect some of the students are a little late but no matter. I will start anyways." Athena gets up from her chair, goes around the desk, and sits on it to be clsoer to the students and wheel them in. "The fates had chosen the Gods fates many moons ago. The fates had warned us that although we are seen to have immortality that it doesn't last completely. Yes we are 'super-human' and 'super-alien' in case of the other Gods that come from other planets, but we are not completely immortal. Our feelings are what keep us from being completely immortal. To be immortal you must have no emotion and therefore the first Zeus had to choose a fate for all of us. He had to choose between being immortal with no emotions and no care for others or changing the Gods every 100 years to keep our feelings and be able to take care of our own subjects and children better."

--- Double Post Merged, 54 minutes ago, Original Post Date: 57 minutes ago ---

Athena continues. "Obviously you know which one he chose." Athena smiles. "Each one of you was chosen by us and by the fates themselves. They were one of the first beings with powers and they still have a hold of each life from this planet and from more. Whom ever has a soul, they can destroy or keep a live." Athena looks around the class.

--- Double Post Merged, 49 minutes ago ---

Athena clears her throat and continues. "Each of the story's of mythology have much truth in them but those mythologys are from the first Gods ever chosen, the only ones to live 500 years. The stories of the other Gods and Goddesses for the other 5,000 years or so have not been lost though." Athena points to her head. "As soon as you become a God or Goddess you are given the memories of all the other Gods and Goddesses before you. You are given the experience to give meaning to the world, to see what works best as your 'job' entitles. These stories in our heads and even in the books that I am sure some of you have read give meaning to each person. They show the truth of how the sun and moon change daily or how the seasons came to be." Athena looks at Persephone kin and smiles.

Athena nodds her head at the student and continues. "I would like to mention that I will flick you guys if you start being as fussy as yesterday. And my flick is not a normal flick, I promise you." Athena continues on with her story. "The first Gods gave there real names to the Greeks. They would actually spend a lot of time in the human world, mostly frolicking around and doing what Gods do. Which I am sure, as you guys can tell, there is many of us AND demi-gods to go around because of those days. The Gods after time realized that the the more time they spent with the Greeks the more they would grow in power. The stonehedge in England which many humans deem impossible to have put together was put together because the Gods spend too much time with the mortals and they gained increased strength and stamina. Recently as you can tell by looking at your generation, the mortals are a lot less week with less stamina not because of evolution but because we, the Gods, have made sure to not spend a lot of time with mortals."

Athena continues, still sitting down this time. "The way our story begins is with Chaos, as any good story starts. He was the silent abyss that all things came into existence after. Mother Earth and Father Heaven were made, also known as Gaea and Uranus. These two were the parents of the the 12 Titans. These titans would be our aunts and uncles, as they are called these days. We are known as the titanides, the children of Titans. Cronus and Rhea was only two of the Titans but the most important for they are the ones that made the Olympian Gods."

"There is many ways that people have said that we were created. That Cronus swallowed all of his offsprings since the prophecy told by Gaea and Uranus said he would fall from ruler to one of his offsprings. Zeus. This is the true version. Cronus took made Uranus fall from power and did not want one of his own offsprings to trick him the way he did to his father. The second generations, always not knowing what to do." Athena shakes her head. "Rhea was enraged that Cronus was kept taking away her children."

"Rhea, upset at Cronus, tried to save her last child, Zeus. She hid him from Cronus and when he asked for the child to swallow she gave him a rock." Athena looked at the students. "Now 100 years ago I remember I asked how Cronus was able to swallow all of his children and honestly, oddly enough, to this day, I still cannot figure how." Athena goes in her own world for a couple seconds annoyed with her not knowing something. She shakes out of it and continues.

"Zeus, once the youngest, matured to be the oldest out of all of his 5 brothers and sisters: Hera, Hestia, Poseidon, Hades, and Demeter. For his brothers and sisters were still in a womb, not being able to grow. Of course since Gods cannot get injured." To prove this Athena took out her sword and cut her wrist enough to make her blood fall on the floor and show the students how quickly the wound heals itself. "They did not die."

Athena walks around the class "With Zeus-" Athena touches James's head and keeps walking. "reaching a certain age and strength. He went up to his father to fight for his brothers and sisters and made Cronus pretty much vomit them out. With that he locked up some of the Titans and became who he was today."

--- Double Post Merged, 6 minutes ago ---

Athena goes back to her desk. " Nowadays chaos is known as the cosmos, Gaea is known as Mother Earth. Uranus as God. Nyx as the virgin Mary, Hades as 'the devil' and even Hypnos as the sandman. And so forth and so on. Now, I will continue this class on Thursday. Next class is at 3pm. Make sure to be at the gym." Athena walks out with out another word.
The fair is coming to my town next week and it got me thinking....Next week do you think we can do a fair/carnival/amusement park day? It'd be like lesson on blending in or something? xD
*shrugs* I dont see why not. That can be under my arts class actually. I can teach certain people how to become invisible, transform, fly, etc. depending on their character. That sounds like an awesome idea Bree!
Okay so guys: New Idea for next Tuesday! Athena will take everyone to a amusement park and each student has to go around the amusement park unseen by any mortals and try to catch Athena by surprise. You must get close enough to her and actually touch her to get an 'A' for this class. Which means you will have to look up what kind of abilities you have that can either make you fly, invisible, transform, etc. that will make you NOT look like you in some way shape or form. Please do your research and if you cannot find something please tell me and we will work something out. (ArtisticKwittyKat234, Ronkaime, Bree, Sock, Nico, dakup, FroggieJay, Raven Thorne, savagePEST
Sock, Hades has a Cap of Invisibility that Jack can use. dakup James and Alex (Sock) can learn to transform into a small bird and then Thursday you can learn to transform into a hawk or fly as Sock wanted. Nico Im not exactly sure what to do with Hypno. If you find anything please tell me. There is bad weather over here. My comptuers going to turn off. Poo.
jj9095 said:
Okay so guys: New Idea for next Tuesday! Athena will take everyone to a amusement park and each student has to go around the amusement park unseen by any mortals and try to catch Athena by surprise. You must get close enough to her and actually touch her to get an 'A' for this class. Which means you will have to look up what kind of abilities you have that can either make you fly, invisible, transform, etc. that will make you NOT look like you in some way shape or form. Please do your research and if you cannot find something please tell me and we will work something out. (ArtisticKwittyKat234, Ronkaime, Bree, Sock, Nico, dakup, FroggieJay, Raven Thorne, savagePEST
Sock, Hades has a Cap of Invisibility that Jack can use. dakup James and Alex (Sock) can learn to transform into a small bird and then Thursday you can learn to transform into a hawk or fly as Sock wanted. Nico Im not exactly sure what to do with Hypno. If you find anything please tell me. There is bad weather over here. My comptuers going to turn off. Poo.
Artmeis could transform herself into animals such as a doe or a dog or a wolf and she could also do that to other people as she turned Spiritoises, a either demigod or lesser god who wanted to rape her, into a girl.

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