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If this was a RP that followed a book with wrong information then this would be under fandom -.-
I'M NOT TAKING IT OFF BECAUSE THATS HIS MAIN POWER AND HE'LL GROW TO LEARN IT. Wrong information? Most of the information is true, he just doesn't make the demigods EXACTLY LIKE THE GOD.
Lets just end this. He doesn't fly like a super hero, he can mold the air to lift him etc. I'm not going to respond to this conversation again, if your that bothered by it then Alex can turn into an eagle as well.
look lets stop arguing, ok zeus can transform, he can fly in some sort, Socks lets just fix it so we can get him in tonight.
Sock if you give me attitude or anyone else in this RP attitude besides in your characters I am going to get extremely pissed. I have had enough. I can easily say NO to your character. TRYING to be nice. AGAIN. Just like you arent happy about A LOT of things going on and always get agitated for almost EVERYTHING that happens in the RP that doesnt go your way, this is ONE specific thing that pisses ME off. You're forgetting that we are supposed to BECOME the gods. Not DEMIGODS. We keep their powers ands tweak them a little. BECAUSE of that fact I am letting you keep the flying but I swear to Zeus if you keep it up I will NOT accept your new Zeus character.
I think the best thing is to let it go. As with most societies from the past, it's mythology is sometimes debatable. If it really bugs someone I think it would be best to PM that person and POLITELY discuss it there. What do you think Jj?
Sorry Bree. You are correct. Just getting annoyed. Keeping a RP up is hard enough with people following the rules. With people doing whatever they want just makes my life so much more difficult when it doesn't need to be. Ill make sure to not blow up like that again.
We're human, sometimes we can't control our actions. Anyway, I'm glad it's all getting calmed down though. ^^ If it's any consolation though, you guys were my first fight to witness on this sight? *trying to lighten the mood*
I have a rule, its never get overly stressed, and if you do, vent it, cause thats the only way it will get out.
I'm sorry. I haven't had many people prod at my characters and sometimes it bothers me. Mythology has many different things, some say that Zeus can fly, some don't. I'll just have him transform into an eagle. Its easy and its not annoying.
alright are both parties happy with the ruling, then lets get him accepted tonight, we'll rp for a bit, then hit the hay, hows that sound.
Sock I asked dakup to please hold on being able to transform into an eagle though so I cant exactly say yes to you because it is just not fair. I dont want to start another fight though. In the 18th of this month do you (Sock and dakup) want to learn how to shoot bolts or transform into a hawk? Though technically Zeus can transform into any bird.
I think that they should have some power. Maybe they can do a small bit with lightening but not much, and then when we get to the day when they learn they come to their full potential. I agree with not letting them fly just yet.
As a compromise maybe they can just have small sparks on their hands? Not full lighting bolts but not noting at all either.
How about they can shock people with their hands? After my lesson tomorrow with meditaton one of you guys (or both of you guys) can say you shocked someone with your MINDS and then next thursday Athena will teach you guys how to use lightning bolts (there is two mythological stories behind lightning bolts, that ZEUS makes them pretty much out of thin air or that Hephaestus makes them and leaves a huge amount of lightning bolts at Zeus's disposal the whole time. Which one do you guys want? I can get Athena to bring a basket of goodies from Zeus and Hephaestus for you guys) 
Sock your Zeus character is accepted as soon as you finish editing

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