Godling Academy (Sign-Up)

jj9095 said:
Bree, Loki is accepted! Do you mind writing some examples of what kind of instruments he can play? It will make your mind start thinking of ways to put them in the story =)
No problem, I'll edit the sheet to make it more specific ^^
Sock if I am not online, which you can ask any of my friends or Co-Workers, they see me all the time on my phone trying my best to make sure I know what is going on in the RP to make sure it is going smoothly. Today I was in the middle of a TEST and checking my phone. I almost gave up on my test to answer you guys quicker since the class was turning out to be a class of chimpanzees going wild. Once again, If I am not online, then PLEASE bare with the RP and I will get there as soon as possible and try to fix the problem! But I expect each and everyone of you to act accordingly until I can. There is no reason to make the situation WORSE. 
Thank you Bree! Btw my best friends fox is called Loki ^^ She is into Norse and Egyptian mythology while I am into Greek and Roman mythology xD (Loki is a name of a god in Norse mythology)
Better? And I know, that's where I got it from, the movie Thor xD Loki was my favorite ^^
Would anybody like to take advance love potions and love spells? if not I was just going to make it a private class between rae and anna but I'm more than happy to have anyone that wants to take the class take it
Layla waves her hands extremely on front of Ronkaimes face. "ME ME ME ME ME I WANT TO LEARN LOVE POTIONS. MEEEEEEEE!

Btw for Eros I say you do a NORMAL potion class with different instructions on the board. Calming effects, love potion, disaster spell, drunk spell, etc. Enough spells and potions that will get all the characters interested in a little action. Oh oh A spell to make you breathe under water for 30 minutes for the poseidons, etc.
jj9095 said:
Layla waves her hands extremely on front of Ronkaimes face. "ME ME ME ME ME I WANT TO LEARN LOVE POTIONS. MEEEEEEEE!
Btw for Eros I say you do a NORMAL potion class with different instructions on the board. Calming effects, love potion, disaster spell, drunk spell, etc. Enough spells and potions that will get all the characters interested in a little action. Oh oh A spell to make you breathe under water for 30 minutes for the poseidons, etc.
I know that's what regular magic class is for :P
Ronkaime said:
Would anybody like to take advance love potions and love spells? if not I was just going to make it a private class between rae and anna but I'm more than happy to have anyone that wants to take the class take it
MEE! i wanna!
Sock if you tell me the idea of the character and you can handle it then yes since you post regularly
I was thinking the son of Zeus, he'll be a navy seal that had to go to the Godling Academy. So he'll be kinda reserved, polite and all that stuff.
yes, god yes james will have another one. 
just for the navy seal I feel as tho I should add some type of military part to james.
yeah, I know its Im in irl am thinking about joining the navy, and I was going to keep that out but now hes bringing it in, which is a great idea
Name: Alexander(Alex) Davidson

Age: 18

Descendant or Mortal Until Chosen: Descendant, son of Zeus

Assigned God/Goddess (Your choice): Zeus

Personality: Hes closed off, quiet, loyal, dominant, he can be brutal and ruthless if angered but is a reasonably kind person.

Picture (Optional):

Hobbies: He was in the Navy Seals, so training has become one of his few hobbies, he also likes reading and music.

Abilities (If Descendant): He can change into an eagle, he is extremely strong and fast and can control lightening.

Background/History: Alex was born in a military family. His brother was an officer in the Navy. He followed his brothers footsteps but just took it a step further, he went into the Navy Seals at 16 and it changed him. He saw horrific things and certain things that happen including sharp, fast noises can trigger the memories. He left to go to the Godling Academy, but while he is there he will most likely be training even tho he will never return to the Navy Seals.

Dorm partner (Optional):

Pet or special item(Optional): He has a German Shepherd, Sam.

Information about God/Goddess:http://www.zeus-publications.com/zeusgod.htm

Relationships with other Gods/Goddesses:http://www.zeus-publications.com/zeusgod.htm

Other Information (Optional): N/A
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