Godling Academy (Actual RP)

Damian blinked "That is pretty cool, I think you might be able to find out if you can today. I think we have powers class today, should be fun." He smiled and listened to Loki's last words "So when we become God there will be two gods with the name Loki." he laughed.
"poseidon, what'd you think? ah eros, I was close, the counter part to the romans cupid. well let me tell you, you can shoot me with an arrow of love, if im looking at you and only you." jake notices that she's trying to hold down her food." you sure you don't need to go to the nurse, I can pick you up and take you there."
Layla sighs and walks down a hallway. She hears two voices talking, Anna, her dorm partner, and Jake. She tightens her fist on her golden apple and hides in the corner of the hallway. Anna is still here? But all her stuff was moved out of the dorm! I really hope Jake is just being friendly because Iris and him have a good thing together. They are the only couple that are NOT having problems in this school.  

Nico said:
Damian blinked "That is pretty cool, I think you might be able to find out if you can today. I think we have powers class today, should be fun." He smiled and listened to Loki's last words "So when we become God there will be two gods with the name Loki." he laughed.
((After 8:30 =) ))
"nah, I got moved out and into alex as my dorm partner, something about zeus boys need to stay together, and some bull like that."
Anna rose her eyebrow at Jake "I'm alright. Nurse just gave me some gross medicine, taste is making me gag. Oh right, your Jake correct?" Anna snorted when he started telling her that she could shoot him with an arrow "Well, I'm horrible at archery, so..meh." She rose an eyebrow "Your the Jake that's dating Iris, right?" She grinned.
dakup said:
"poseidon, what'd you think? ah eros, I was close, the counter part to the romans cupid. well let me tell you, you can shoot me with an arrow of love, if im looking at you and only you." jake notices that she's trying to hold down her food." you sure you don't need to go to the nurse, I can pick you up and take you there."
Layla hears this and REALLY hopes Jake is kidding. She holds the golden apple tight thinking that she wishes she was invisible so she wouldnt get caught and suddenly she was not looking down at her hand anymore. Her eyes widened when she looked down and didnt see a single thing. She moved one of her hands around her body to make sure it was all still intact. Interesting... Go apple. She listens back to Jake and Annas conversation 

dakup said:
"nah, I got moved out and into alex as my dorm partner, something about zeus boys need to stay together, and some bull like that."
"Oh... Okay." Iris looks down and frowns for two seconds and then puts her head back up smiling. "So I heard Layla picked you huh?" Iris wiggles her eyebrows playfully
"I wouldn't say we're dating we haven't had an official date yet, only "hung" out a few times. Im trying to find her, but she gets lost easy, I have no clue where she is, but with someone like you guiding me, I think I might have a chance." 
" I guess, with what happend a few days ago I guess alex did something, I don't know I was dead when this happend, so best guess is she went to him or something."
"Hey, you're right. I'll try it out then...Any suggestions as to what to make people do?" He asked, coming on a complete blank.
"Oh, well aren't you just a little flirt." She offered her hand "I saw a group of people playing poker or something, she's probably over there."
Damian grinned "Maybe make them dance uncontrollably?" he laughed "That would be funny. I can make people sleep and walk in their dreams."
"oh thats great." jake said in a playful tone."if she's anything like she is when im talking to her, then good bye money, I mean she can get. whats the word. distracted easily."
"Ever visit Mr. King of the Underworld in his dreams?" Loki grinned while wiggling his eyebrows. The dancing did give him an idea of what to do, he just needs to talk to Rae to get some help. Power class is going to be quite amusing.
Iris gave James a look. "You mean, you dont know?" Iris gave James a blank look and got lost in her own thoughts for awhile. "Rae told her that you loved her more. She kissed you when you knocked out and said she loved you... Right after there was a shot that was heard all the way from the forest... Alex killed himself. Jack and I talked to his soul because you know if one of us die than the Gods will have a war above and brought him back to life. Alex is not happy about it and Layla really DID pick you..."

Layla saw Iris's ball of fire fly past her and go to Jake. She looked to see the little ball of fire turn into a BIG fire when it saw what Jake was saying about Iris. He got in between Jake and Anna and started trying to talk? It sounded a little whiny and like it was upset at Jake. She saw the HUGE ball fire now getting closer to Anna. Can that thing burn Anna?!
Vex chuckled.

"Indeed, Luna. The pure heat emanating from my body closely resembles that of a small sun. I am so hot, Hot Pockets fresh from the oven are popsicles in comparison. I'm so hot, I burn ants by looking at them."

He flipped over the third card, an ace of clubs.

"One hundred," he said, smirking as he tossed forwards his bet. 
((lol your little Calcifer ball SO DAMN CUTE))
Anna made a light laugh "Well come and save Iris from potential debt." She smiled and tugged Jake into the cafe'.
Damian looked down and blushed "Once, but that was to show him the future. We where going through a rough patch. He thought that we weren't meant to be, but we are."
Lunetta covered her mouth to hide her grin as she laughed, "Too bad you cast such a huge shadow with your ego that I'm still cool." She watched the game proceed but every-now-and-then she would glance around the café as if looking for someone.
jake sees the ball of fire."sh*t, sh*t, sh*t, run go to the lake I will be there, I got to go get something."

"so she did pick me." james let out a loud yell. "YYYAAAHHHHOOOOOOOOO."
Loki smiled, "That's sweet. I'm glad you found the one Damien, hold on to him cause not all of us are that lucky." He thought of how many times Julie had rejected him and that just made him more determined.
Damian smiled "Thank you Loki. I plan on hanging on to him, even when we become Gods, well I don't know what we will do when we become Gods. Seeing as he might have to marry miss Iris over there." he said looking over at Iris with a look of pure contempt.
Alex walked into the cafe the moment he heard James say that she picked him and make a cry of happiness. Alex stared at the table for a moment, "Glad you finally caught up." He said in a low tone before he grabbed an apple.

Anna made a small yelp, she ran out of the building and into the lake, she shivered and hugged herself in the water, which was freezing due to it being morning.

Skyler walked into the cafe' quietly, he looked sober. He grabbed some pancakes and a glass of grape juice before sitting down in his chair, across the room from the poker table. He cut into his food and took a bite, his gaze dim.
jake goes to his room and gets the trident from yesterday and heads to the lake. "lets hope that fire ball is gone, if not, I might have to hurt it."
"Hey, I heard she only has to go down for six months and they aren't required to consummate the marriage. I mean I doubt any Hades/Persephones every did since the story is Hades kidnapped her.
Bree said:
"Hey, I heard she only has to go down for six months and they aren't required to consummate the marriage. I mean I doubt any Hades/Persephones every did since the story is Hades kidnapped her.
((They did. Persephone fell in love with him in time))
Damian looked over at Loki "I don't think Jack wants anything to do with her. But that is just my point of view. He is gay after all."

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