Godling Academy (Actual RP)

Bree said:
"Wow, odd coupling," Loki joked. "But you guys look cute together."
Lunetta walked into the café with a small smile. She saw Vex shuffling cards and sat in the chair across from him. "Wanna play poker again?" She twirled her charm bracelet and watched the shuffling of the cards. How he could do that without dropping them, she'd never know.
(Nico ^^ just incase you didn't see when you came back)
Damian smiled at Loki and raised a eyebrow "Strange how?" he asked and took a bite of his muffin. "We are both Underworld heirs." he blushed at Loki's last statement "Thank you."
Vex grinned.

"You know it. Hope they have a fire department ready, 'cuz there's gonna be a fire burnin' on the dance floor when I'm through."

He flipped over the second card, a Jack of hearts.

"You can bet first if you want, Luna."
Iris dances around the cafeteria and sees a bunch of people in one huge group. She decides to go over there with Pyro fo,lowing her. "Hey guys! Watcha doing?"

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Layla looks at her golden apple. She still hasn't done anything with it and wasn't able to destroy her mirror. She sighs and puts her head down on her right arm while looking at her golden apple while turning ig in her left hand.

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(FINE I'LL BRING ANNA BACK. -__- LETS SAY SHE GOT SICK OR SOMETHING AND WAS JUST TAKIN' IT EASY. Also, Jacks worst moment was when his parents looked down upon him for being gay and his best moment was when he met Damian(AWW I KNOW. xD )

Jack made a whine when he felt Damian's presents gone. He grabbed the pillow and snuggled against it, having yet to will himself up.

Alex woke up with a sigh, he rubbed the dried tears from the corners of his eyes and his cheeks, he glared at the bed across from him and placed his head in his hands. Today I'm going to talk to Rae. He got out of bed and pulled on some clothing before walking downstairs.

ANNA woke with a low sigh muttering "Damn stomach bug." She frowned and rubbed her stomach before getting up and pulling on some clothes, not bothering to do her makeup. She pulled her hair up in a bun and stuffed her hands in her sweatshirt pocket before walking downstairs.

(I'm not sure what to do with styles. D: )
Sock said:
Also, Jacks worst moment was when his parents looked down upon him for being gay and his best moment was when he met Damian(AWW I KNOW. xD )
(Aww, that is Damian's too, I posted that a few pages back. :3

Also if you want to Rp with Jack and Damian, hes in the Cafe :3)
"hey thanks." james sits down looking at his cards, he has a ace of hearts, and a 3 of clubs.." yeah man, I can agree with that, but I can do one better. I think im going to ask layla to the dance, I think that she is starting to deal with me, I mean I think she's starting to hate me less." james keeping his poker face 
(sock, I am just saying that to cause a little drama between jake and iris.) jake walking though campus sees a person he never met(anna). "hey, you look new,names jake." when he gets close enough to she doesn't look so well. "hey are you ok, you seem sick."
Lunetta looked up at Iris, "Playing cards. I fold." Lunetta set her cards down and rolled her eyes at Vex. "Sure cause you're just that hot." She said with sarcasm before grinning.
Iris looks for Jake in the cafeteria but doesnt see him. She closes her eyes and looks for Jake to mind communicate with him. "Hun?"

(I'm up for that.)

Anna smiled slightly "Nah, I'm not new. Just took a few days off, recovering from the stomach flu. I'm Annabelle, or Anna, whatever you prefer."
(Sock just have him come by the café if all else fails we can start a food fight and get all the characters involved ^^ and aaaaaw!) "I'm just saying you wouldn't expect the God of Death with the God of Sleep but it works somehow." Loki chuckled to himself and tossed the apple core into the trash can.
Damian took a bite of his muffin and smiled "I guess we just clicked. Who are you the heir of?" he asked kindly. "I also never got your name."
Iris looked around. "My father used to play Texas Hold 'em all the time." Iris sits down. "Lay em on me big boy!"
"Oh sorry, I'm Loki and the Muse of Song, Euterpe." Loki grinned and puffed up his chest proudly.
Damian smiled "Loki," He pondered "Isn't that the name of a norse God?" he asked. He chuckled softly when he puffed out his chest. "A muse is a new one. I've only seen the main gods so far."
"so thats your name, very pretty for a pretty girl such as yourself," jake knew what he was doing was wrong, but he had iris wrapped around his finger, and anna was beautiful so why not." so whats your godly parent, I beat its aphrodite, because your face so beautiful, I thought you were the god of love herself."
Nico said:
Damian smiled "Loki," He pondered "Isn't that the name of a norse God?" he asked. He chuckled softly when he puffed out his chest. "A muse is a new one. I've only seen the main gods so far."
(It is xP I mentioned that when Bree made the character ^^))
james notice's that iris sits across from him at the table, he watches her face, noticing any signs of excitement, or of sadness." so Iris your going to this ball thing with jake, are you not?"
"Yupp, I'm one of the few new Muses around here. I don't really know what all I can do, but I'm sure if I tried I could make people do stuff by playing my flute." Loki had to think about his name for a second before he even recognized it himself. "And yeah, I'm named after a Norse God I think."
Iris checks in with Jake again. "Jaaaakkkeee! Where are you?" She waits a little and doesnt get a response. She frowns. "Pyro can you go look for Jake please?" Pyro jumps up and down and scurrys off to find Jake.
Anna smiled slightly "Aha, close one. Eros." She eyed him for a moment, "So, whats your godly parent?" She couldn't help but find the guy attractive, but then again she wasn't really in her flirty mood, really she was just trying to keep her food down.
dakup said:
james notice's that iris sits across from him at the table, he watches her face, noticing any signs of excitement, or of sadness." so Iris your going to this ball thing with jake, are you not?"
"Yup! He asked me to it like five minutes after Athena mentioned it. Hes such a cutie. Hey james you are still Jakes dorm partner aren't you? Do you know where he is?" Iris looks at him hopefully

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