Godling Academy (Actual RP)

Shaking, Loki forced himself to think of something better. He thought of how he felt the first time he played Beethoven's symphony, that rush of adrenaline as the crowded cheered and he took his bows. The ghost pain from his beatings fading as the sweet melody played in his head and he watched himself on the mirror.

Lunetta couldn't stop crying. She was releasing all of the pain she had bottled up since she lost her father. There was not stopping the sobs that escaped. She threw the mirror away from her and curled up into a ball, mumbling incoherent sentences. She had forgotten where she was, all she could remember was the years she spent never shedding a tear, never laughing, never feeling. She was trapped in her past and she was trapped in her h*ll.
(FroggieJay Eros has these mirrors with our names on them. He told us to look into them until he told us to stop and first they show us the person we care about most and then it shows us the saddest moment in our lives )
((FroggieJay we're in class right now. Eros is telling us to get on front of a mirror. First we had to see someone that we loved unconditionally, next was the saddest moment in our lives, right now it iis the happiest moment of our lives. Jump in!))
A look of panic came to Jack and Damien's features as they blurred into nothingness. Adriana's neck was red; it was fortunate that she didn't break skin. She breathed deeply and quickly, tears continuing to pour down her face. "There gone,"she told herself,"They won't hurt you anymore." Hysterical laughter bubbled from her throat. She almost didn't notice the mirror producing another image. In her ears, she heard the tapping of glass. Adriana's laughter slowly disappeared as she brought her full attention to the mirror. Nico was back. "What the hell are you doing back here?!"she screamed at him,"You left me with them! I could have died! But as if you give a damn about me! Who does care about Adriana anyway!? I'm a burden to everyone!" Nico's expression didn't change, nor did he flinch from her screaming. He simply walked away. "I knew it!"Adriana gave a cold laugh.

But the a new image appeared - many, to be correct. They were flashing to the next so quickly, but Adriana could see what they consisted of.

"Oh, I'm sorry" "Watch it." "I said sorry, Mr. Grumpy Pants. You're supposed to say,'Oh it's fine. Don't worry about it.' Or somethin' along those lines." "Sorry. Just be careful to where you are stepping. I'm Nico, descendent of Erebus." "See, that's better. I'm Adriana, the descendant of Eris."

"Beautiful chaos, Eris would be proud of you Adriana." "You really think so?" "I do think so. Darkness is chaos too, so it kinda clicks."

"Don't worry Adri. I'll take care of it."

"Then instead of crashing the party, would you want to possibly go to the dance with me?"

Adriana choked up, more tears brimming. She simply leaned her forehead against the mirror, where Mirror Nico's chest was, and sobbed.


[[ This is gonna be hard... Julie's life seems pretty dull after her mom's death, and I'm her creator. ]]

The fire ceased, the mirror showing only Julie's reflection. But Julie was still shaking and sobbing from watching the scene. Forgetting that she was in a room filled with people, she lifted her eyepatch so that tears could flow freely from her left eye. Happy memories? What happy memories did she have? Everything in her life seemed to be either dull or saddening; Julie was amazed she wasn't diagnosed with depression. What made her happy? Her happiest memory? The mirror flickered with difficulty, as if it was unsure itself.

It showed Julie creating different plushies, her favorite past-time, of the people she cared for before it went blank once more. Then it showed Atropos speaking to Julie, but that was more confusing that exciting in her opinion. Then it showed Loki - something she didn't expect - asking her out. Julie was a bit confused, wondering how this was worthy of being a 'happy memory.' 'Oh,'she remembered,'He's the first guy who ever bothered to ask me out without doing it to make fun of me.' The mirror got rid of that memory and tried a couple more.
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(Ronkaime just in case my post gets lost in the sea of posts xD Lune threw the mirror away and might need a bit of urging to find a happy memory)

Vex focused and gazed deep into the mirror. The classroom around him vanished, and he found himself seated at a poker table in a night club. The sounds of music playing in the background and people chatting filled his ears, but he was focused on the only person sitting at the table across from him.

The man was wearing expensive-looking clothing, and wore elegant white gloves. Vex couldn't see the man's face, because it was hidden by a mask he wore. Vex was about to speak when the man did it for him.


Vex was confused for a second, then understood and dealt the next hand. The man's voice sounded rather familiar, but he couldn't put his finger on who it was.

The man flipped over the first card of the five in the middle a king of spades. "Twenty," said the man, casually tossing two ten-chips into the middle of the table. "I'll raise you fifty," challenged Vex, throwing forwards a fifty-chip. The man flipped over the next card, a queen of spades. Vex smirked. As long as the next card was an ace, ten, or jack of spades, he was certain to win.

"One-fifty," said Vex boldly, throwing forwards the chips.

"That's quite a bold move, partner. I'll raise ya fifty."

The stranger tossed forwards fifty more chips. This time Vex flipped over the third card. It was a six of diamonds. The game continued in this manner until the last card. Vex bit his nails. If the last card wasn't what he needed, then he might have some trouble winning this hand. The stranger reached across the table and flipped over the last card. It was...an ace of spades.

Vex did his best to retain his poker face.

"One-hundred," he said.

"Raise you another hundred."

Both players tossed forwards their chips. Vex grinned and flipped over his cards.

"Royal flush. A good hand, I must say, but I think the game is mine." Vex conjured a small gust that pushed all of the chips in the pot towards his side of the table. "I know this is just a vision. And I know that I am supposed to be shown the one I care about most. So, stranger, might I ask who you are?"

The masked stranger chuckled and removed the mask.

It was...Vex. The real Vex's eyes widened.

"Why are we so surprised? You yourself know, deep in your heart, that you're the only one you truly care about," said his double, smiling as if he was the one that had won the card game. "That...that isn't true, and you know it," Vex said half-heartedly.

"It IS true, and WE know it," replied the double, still smirking. "I have friends, nowadays. I never had friends before. I care about them," replied Vex.

"Oh, certainly your 'friends' would do anything for you. But are you certain that you would do the same for them? You and I both know that your heart is still as black as the coat you wear around your shoulders."

Vex clenched his teeth. "Silence. You are not me. I know in my heart that I am a changed man, and that my past mistakes are behind me. I will not regret the past, and I will not worry for the future. What I shall do is enjoy the present, and spend time with the friends that I have grown to love. And you will only be what you are: a memory, forgotten to the sands of time and withered to nothing. You have no power over me."

With that, Vex picked up the cards on the table and used his wind powers to fling them at deadly speed towards his double. As soon as they made contact, all of his surroundings turned to sand and blew away in a huge gust of wind. Vex shielded his eyes, and when he lowered his arm he found himself lying on the ground outside of a different night club. A throbbing pain filled his head and his limbs ached. There was a sharp pain at his left calf, as if he'd been cut. Vision from one eye was limited and blurry, as if given a black eye. He hurt all over.

A few muscled individuals stood over him with crossed arms. Vex looked up at them weakly.

"That'll teach you not to swindle from our club. Don't you dare come back here again, or we'll beat you until you beg for death," growled the biggest of the bouncers. With that, they left him there, outside in the pouring ran, cold, wet, hungry, and in immense pain. It was too intense to even stand up.

Vex remembered this moment. It was the bottom of the incredibly deep crevasse he had dug, a pitfall of bad karma he had descended into from the bad choices he had made. How could he have been so ignorant, so naive? Certainly he was smarter than this!

He lay there on the ground, biting his lip to stop himself from crying out in pain. He lay there and cursed himself for his poor judgement, for his bad fortune, and his lack of foresight. Certainly Vex had never been lower in his life than this.

Vex struggled internally, struggled to try and remember something that would prove to himself that he was no longer in this karma hell, that he learned from his mistakes and was, in fact, a changed man. Suddenly, he remembered. He remembered him and his new friends, all talking and socializing in the gymnasium; he remembered showing off his epic dancing skills and helping comfort the Kat girl, and dancing atop the whirlwind. He realized that he had changed more than he thought. He was not only wiser, smarter, and better prepared for what lay ahead, Vex realized he had learned to forget himself, to forget all of his personal troubles and just enjoy the company of the ones you love.

With this revelation, Vex snapped out of the vision and found himself standing in front of the mirror again.

FroggieJay said:
Vex focused and gazed deep into the mirror. The classroom around him vanished, and he found himself seated at a poker table in a night club. The sounds of music playing in the background and people chatting filled his ears, but he was focused on the only person sitting at the table across from him.

The man was wearing expensive-looking clothing, and wore elegant white gloves. Vex couldn't see the man's face, because it was hidden by a mask he wore. Vex was about to speak when the man did it for him.


Vex was confused for a second, then understood and dealt the next hand. The man's voice sounded rather familiar, but he couldn't put his finger on who it was.

The man flipped over the first card of the five in the middle a king of spades. "Twenty," said the man, casually tossing two ten-chips into the middle of the table. "I'll raise you fifty," challenged Vex, throwing forwards a fifty-chip. The man flipped over the next card, a queen of spades. Vex smirked. As long as the next card was an ace, ten, or jack of spades, he was certain to win.

"One-fifty," said Vex boldly, throwing forwards the chips.

"That's quite a bold move, partner. I'll raise ya fifty."

The stranger tossed forwards fifty more chips. This time Vex flipped over the third card. It was a six of diamonds. The game continued in this manner until the last card. Vex bit his nails. If the last card wasn't what he needed, then he might have some trouble winning this hand. The stranger reached across the table and flipped over the last card. It was...an ace of spades.

Vex did his best to retain his poker face.

"One-hundred," he said.

"Raise you another hundred."

Both players tossed forwards their chips. Vex grinned and flipped over his cards.

"Royal flush. A good hand, I must say, but I think the game is mine." Vex conjured a small gust that pushed all of the chips in the pot towards his side of the table. "I know this is just a vision. And I know that I am supposed to be shown the one I care about most. So, stranger, might I ask who you are?"

The masked stranger chuckled and removed the mask.

It was...Vex. The real Vex's eyes widened.

"Why are we so surprised? You yourself know, deep in your heart, that you're the only one you truly care about," said his double, smiling as if he was the one that had won the card game. "That...that isn't true, and you know it," Vex said half-heartedly.

"It IS true, and WE know it," replied the double, still smirking. "I have friends, nowadays. I never had friends before. I care about them," replied Vex.

"Oh, certainly your 'friends' would do anything for you. But are you certain that you would do the same for them? You and I both know that your heart is still as black as the coat you wear around your shoulders."

Vex clenched his teeth. "Silence. You are not me. I know in my heart that I am a changed man, and that my past mistakes are behind me. I will not regret the past, and I will not worry for the future. What I shall do is enjoy the present, and spend time with the friends that I have grown to love. And you will only be what you are: a memory, forgotten to the sands of time and withered to nothing. You have no power over me."

With that, Vex picked up the cards on the table and used his wind powers to fling them at deadly speed towards his double. As soon as they made contact, all of his surroundings turned to sand and blew away in a huge gust of wind. Vex shielded his eyes, and when he lowered his arm he found himself lying on the ground outside of a different night club. A throbbing pain filled his head and his limbs ached. There was a sharp pain at his left calf, as if he'd been cut. Vision from one eye was limited and blurry, as if given a black eye. He hurt all over.

A few muscled individuals stood over him with crossed arms. Vex looked up at them weakly.

"That'll teach you not to swindle from our club. Don't you dare come back here again, or we'll beat you until you beg for death," growled the biggest of the bouncers. With that, they left him there, outside in the pouring ran, cold, wet, hungry, and in immense pain. It was too intense to even stand up.

Vex remembered this moment. It was the bottom of the incredibly deep crevasse he had dug, a pitfall of bad karma he had descended into from the bad choices he had made. How could he have been so ignorant, so naive? Certainly he was smarter than this!

He lay there on the ground, biting his lip to stop himself from crying out in pain. He lay there and cursed himself for his poor judgement, for his bad fortune, and his lack of foresight. Certainly Vex had never been lower in his life than this.

Vex struggled internally, struggled to try and remember something that would prove to himself that he was no longer in this karma hell, that he learned from his mistakes and was, in fact, a changed man. Suddenly, he remembered. He remembered him and his new friends, all talking and socializing in the gymnasium; he remembered showing off his epic dancing skills and helping comfort the Kat girl, and dancing atop the whirlwind. He realized that he had changed more than he thought. He was not only wiser, smarter, and better prepared for what lay ahead, Vex realized he had learned to forget himself, to forget all of his personal troubles and just enjoy the company of the ones you love.

With this revelation, Vex snapped out of the vision and found himself standing in front of the mirror again.

That was Awesome and Epic! :3
(k guys, I know were having fun with this, but you think we can move it a long a little bit. and james asked a question and is still waiting for the answer. not trying to be mean.)
((Ikr, you said that we were doing memory stuff and I wuz like 8D gambling time btches))
dakup said:
(k guys, I know were having fun with this, but you think we can move it a long a little bit. and james asked a question and is still waiting for the answer. not trying to be mean.)
I asked what the question was? jj9095 yes I'm trying to rpely all at once 
(Can everybody tell me who their chosen god/godess is? thanks)

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