Godling Academy (Actual RP)

Iris shook her head at Jake and smiles at him kindly. "Dont worry about me. Seems like class is finally starting."

Layla hears Eros enter. "Thanks Loki. I know you dont want to hear my drama and I guess this class will most likely help." She sits down in the first seat she sees which ends up being next to Luna.
[[ Okay :3 ]]

Adriana had spent the day doing whatever. But when class was to take session, she made sure to get there on time. Today's lesson was supposed to be taught by Eros, she overheard, so the lesson would most likely consist of emotions of some sort. Adriana walked in, the first thing she saw being mirrors lined up everywhere. There were names etched into each one and she noticed a few: Iris, Nico, Jack, Damien, her own. Adriana approached her mirror and traced her name with her finger. When Eros entered, Adriana gave him her full attention as she found a seat.

Julie didn't really leave her room today, the only time being for breakfast but she brought her food back. She didn't want to be surrounded by the emotional turmoil over the death of that boy. God, the sight was a part of her nightmare. Julie spent her time multitasking: sewing whilst watching TV. She decided to start a new project in memory of the boy - before he died. She didn't remember his features exactly, but she knew the basis. But time flew and it was time to go to class. Julie entered the classroom, spotting multiple mirrors. What bothered her was the names on them. She noted an older man - most likely the teacher - and listened in Handling emotions was the lesson. 'Some of the students probably need this class,'she thought as she took a seat.
Loki grinned at her, happy he at least helped a bit, and took a seat in the front, near a brooding looking guy.

Lunetta smiled to herself as Eros explained the class and Layla sat next to her. This should be easy for her, she has a pretty good handle on her emotions.

Bree said:
Loki grinned at her, happy he at least helped a bit, and took a seat in the front, near a brooding looking guy.
Lunetta smiled to herself as Eros explained the class and Layla sat next to her. This should be easy for her, she has a pretty good handle on her emotions.

((jj9095 gah sorry mixed up the colors xD ))
((Ronkaime you cant just WAIT until everyone gets on because everyone has literally been waiting for you all day. You said 5 and you werent even there though. Please say a time and stick with it for next class. They will get on eventually but if nothing is happening then even III was starting to get bored and move on with my life))
(Okay then I'll start)

"From my observations of last night I can see that this generations emotions and hormones are particularly high,Now Rae has been able too tap into your emotions and it pained him because some of you guys were in pain that is the power of Empathy he can literally feel what your feeling so aside from me although most of you don't like him he will be an excellent therapist.Anyway everybody get up and go to your mirrors"
Lunetta sent Layla a reassuring smile before going to the mirror with her name on it.

Loki returned to the mirror he was gazing at before and waited for further instructions. He thought Eros was right on the money with Rae not being well liked, at least with everyone else. He had never really met him.
Layla heads for her mirror again, this time not wanting to look in it and see herself.

Iris looks at Eros sadly. "Eros, I cant exactly move in this wheelchair yet."
[[ This is so weird... With the pages not filling up and all in the span of 5 min. ]]

Adriana got up from her seat and approached her mirror. As she waited for the next step, she began to make faces, giggling at her reflection. But her ears pricked from Iris' voice. Adriana's head twisted in the sound and spotted her dorm mate in a wheelchair. "Iris,"Adriana called, her voice filled with worry,"What happened to you?"

Julie got up from her seat and searched for her mirror. Once she found it, she inspected herself. Everything seemed to be in order: her eyepatch wasn't crooked, she didn't look like she just got out of bed. Julie crossed her arms in wait.
jake goes up behind iris."I got you babe."

james walks up to the mirror and sees nothing but a haze. "eros, I have a question. this mirror trick you have planned, its just a reflection method, to make us think about about what we want to see what we need to see, right?" 
"That's fine Iris here" Eros hands Iris a hand mirror "Is that better?,Good now everybody stare into your mirrors and don't stop staring until I tell you too"
Iris smiles weakly at Jake. "Thanks honey."

Layla hears James voice and turns away. I bet this class was made just because of the problems I have made...
Lune met her own eyes and stared, wondering what this was about.

Loki smirked at his reflection as someone asked the teacher a question. He did as he was told even though he wanted to go flirt with Julie.
It was a challenge for Adriana to tear her gaze away from Iris, truly worried for her friend. But she could ask her after class, right? That reassured her and she complied in looking at her reflection.

Julie continued to look in her mirror.
Ronkaime said:
"That's fine Iris here" Eros hands Iris a hand mirror "Is that better?,Good now everybody stare into your mirrors and don't stop staring until I tell you too"
((Jake just moved her on front of her mirror and shes kind of paralyzed for the day. Cant hold anything. Zip. Nada. Can only move her lips.)) 
Layla slowly looks up into her mirror and looses herself in her own eyes. She sees all her hurt and pain in those eyes. Layla trys to look away but find that she cannot. Her heart beat started racing and she felt like a deer. Stuck in place while headlights are coming at her.

Iris looked into the mirror and saw a broken girl. A girl that helps others and plants before even thinking of what her own sacrifices will do to her. She wondered how long she will be stuck in this wheelchair.
Eros' snapped his fingers "Finally in the mirror should be the someone or something most important to you in the whole world;Don't hide your emotions let them run completely free I can handle them"

Rae looked deep into his mirror and started to cry uncontrolably "Anhaiz"

Ash looked up into his mirror and was shocked "Kitty?"
Layla looked as her eyes turned into her daughters. "Emily..." Layla tries not to cry because then her eyes will get blurry. She stared at her daughter. She felt like she could just reach out and hug her. "Emily..." Layla gulped and her body started shaking.

Iris looked in the mirror to see her mother. Iris gasped in delight and tried to wiggle out of her chair. "Mother! Mother!" Iris stopped, remembering her mother had died of cancer. Not only was her body paralyzed but her mind felt paralyzed as well.
Adriana was confused about what they were supposed to see. She saw multiple people, the figures consisting of her friends and family. They looked down at her reflection, there mouths formed in small smiles. But closest the figure closest to her reflection was Nico. He stood right behind her reflection, a hand on her shoulder; he had a smirk on his face. His image was the most clear, also; everyone else seemed to be blurred. Of course he was there; Adriana thought of him as her best friend. He was always fun to be around... The only one who liked to be around her.

Julie saw her grandparents, the people who took her in when, at first but their image quickly disappeared. Then a man appeared in the distance, but he disappeared as well. Then a woman walked into view. She was young, a woman with dark hair and kind eyes. She seemed familiar. "Mom,"Julie breathed. She remembered looking at her grandmother's scrapbooks, the older woman pointing out different family members. She never told her which one was her father but always spent some time talking about her mother before she closed the book and said that was enough remembering for one day. Julie didn't fully understand why her mother was in the mirror; she hardly remembered the woman except that she died in a fire that blazed before her.
Lune's face crumpled as a wave of devastating grief washed over her. Tears ran down her face and she didn't bother wiping them away as she clutched at the sides of the mirror. Her dad, her wonderful caring dad, was smiling at her. Oh how she missed him! Missed the way he'd teach her how to hunt for game or how they would cook together. Even how he used to tell her stories with the shapes in the clouds. Lunetta missed him so deeply it felt as if her heart was breaking all over again. And then the person in the mirror changed so suddenly, it caused her to gasp sharply. Unconditional love and guilt replaced her grief as none other than Skyler winked at her from the mirror.

His mirror didn't change, just his reflection. And then suddenly, it morphed. Julie's image flickered in and out in the mirror and he frowned a bit in confusion.
Kitty looks up at her mirror. She saw her mother, she saw her mother dying. she starts crying and she looks away tears in her eyes. she finally turned back she saw her dad beating on her mom. she cried harder but kept looking at the mirror. she stopped crying and looked at the mirror, she saw her mom and her going to the park and enjoying them selves. the mirror changes again and she shes her self. She sees her, a younger version of her mom she smiles. and closes her eyes and says. " I love you mom." she mutters Then suddenly it changes she sees Ash hug her. he was right there with her when her mom died. she gasps. " whoa.." EDIT! ))
"I need you guys to let your emotions run free don't hold them back do what Rae,Kitty,and Luna are doing let it all outif you want to get better!" Eros' shouted snapping his fingers again "Now in the mirror should be the saddest memory you have even if you locked it away it will be in this mirror"

Rae was an emotional wreck on the ground he just kept repeating the girls name rocking back and forth "Anhaiz Anhaiz Anhaiz Anhaiz Anhaiz Please don't go stay with me!" he cried

Ash glanced at kitty and back at his own mirror there she was clear as day smiling swimming in the lake "I can;t believe this do I actually love her?

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