Godling Academy (Actual RP)

((dakup said he would be busy and try to get on as much as possible if we put his name on it. I am being told I HAVE to go out with my friends or its the end of the world in like 10-20 minutes but hopefully my phone will let me RP here and there. Ronkaime dont start the advanced love spells and potions until later okay? Around 10pm would be nice =x Also ArtisticKwittyKat234 Friday you are taking over correct? Since Dakup took your Monday? Make sure to send me your plans of what you are planning to do))
Kitty's min wanderd off whenbthey were playing poker. She finally rememberd that she had to go to classm she walks in to a room full of mirrows . She sits in the back hoping no one would her.. 

jj9095 said:
((Ill probably be home by 10 <.<))
Okay ans i was thinking i do a class on archery or somthin ill do more reshreach!!!
(if james is breathing right im gonna wake him up.) Jake sees iris next to him."Looks like you need someone to be your doctor, I can if you want?" he said in a playful tone. james opens his eyes to see he is in layla and anna's room. he falls to the floor while trying to get up. "Gah."he says when he hits the floor. he pulls himself up to stand. he makes his way out the door, down the hall, down the stairs and walks outside to the main building, passing the window that the class is in. he starts on his journey to get into the building. jake sees james, and yells "by zeus, he is alive." jake shoots out of his chair, moves to the door, not affecting iris's IV, and runs out to catch james as he enters the lobby. "good to see your alive, we need to take you to the nursery." " NO, I'm fine, I just needed to sleep it off. now take me to the class." jake puts his arm around james and brings him into the class. "hey guys, look who I found wandering outside." jake says in a playful tone.

Alex didn't even bother to look up. He glared at his desk ad eventually stood and exited the building with a slam d the classroom door, class hadn't started anyway. He ran his fingers through his hair and walked into the forest.
((On my way home! Woohoo!) ((EDITED))

Layla looked at Alex and smiled. "Yeah, I did. I wanted to make sure you were okay so I kept you around."

Layla saw Alex leave the classroom and looked down at her feet. "Excuse me." She closed her fist and went after him. "Alex?" Layla looked at him sadly.

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jake seeing alex storm off, wonders "what up his butt?" james moves to sit next to layla. "I take it was you that brought me into your room." james syas in a playful tone. (Sock what happend to anna.)
jj9095 said:
((On my way home! Woohoo!)
Layla saw Alex leave the classroom and looked down at her feet. She closed her fist and went after him. "Alex?" Layla looked at him sadly.

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JJ Convo! i sent you a convo i didn't know if you saw it. :/
(ArtisticKwittyKat234) Lune sighed as Styles walked in and avoiding her again. She caught sight of Kitty and waved her over, talking in her head, "Tried talking to Styles did I tell you? Oh and I think you should try talking to Ash again."
Alex sighed "What Layla?" He flicked his gaze to her putting up his 'army face' which was pretty much a slight glare and a serious face.

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