Godling Academy (Actual RP)

Kitty woke up in her own bed. She was hungery and she wanted to go get something to eat. She toke a shower brush hair teeth and other nessities. She put on some short with her moms locket and some converses. She head for the cafe she saw vex heading towards the cafe. " Hey vex! Yesterday was fun while it lasted.."
Luna woke up groggily and went through the normal routine. Instead of her normal outfit though, Luna decided to wear a wolf skin dress. It went mid-thigh and had one strap going over her right shoulder. She grabbed what was left of her deer jerky and headed to the café. She notice Kitty and Vex and decided to walk over. (FroggieJay ArtisticKwittyKat234 decided to mix up the clothes today ^^)
Vex raised an eyebrow, turning to see who was talking to him. When he noticed Kitty, he smirked.

"Yeah, it was pretty fun. Can't wait for the dance on Saturday, gonna be a real blast. Hey, wanna come have breakfast with me?" 
(FroggieJay no one else is on and I'm bored sooooo~) "Morning, Vex, Kitty." Luna said as she walked into ear shot. She pulled out a stick of jerky and smirked. "Wanna try? It's a healthy breakfast."
Vex nodded, acknowledging Luna's presence.

"Morning. And no, I think I'll pass, thanks anyways," he said, eyeing the jerky with a mixture of curiosity and mild disgust.
"You guys don't know good food." She rolled her eyes and took a bite. "So how'd you sleep? Did you hear about the fiasco last night?"
"You mean besides the teenage boy brawl?" Vex asked, walking with them to the cafe.
"Yupp. After that some stuff apperantly went down in the woods and Layla chose James, leading Alex to kill himself. Iris and Jack brought him back to life though." Luna recounted, trying not to recall the way Alex looked laying lifeless in a poodle of blood. 

Nico said:
(I want to jump in but I don't know how :/ )
(Have her run into them at the café?)
"Wow. I didn't think those lovebirds were THAT jealous. I mean, I knew these guys are/were pretty emotionally unstable, but geez."
Damian walked into the cafe his shoulders sagged with worry. He over heard the convo and looked at the trio "I saw it. So much blood, so much brains." He shivered. That was nothing he would want to see ever again.
"Yeah....No one was expecting it. But Eros is supposed to have a class to help us with emotions." Lunetta sighed, no longer hungry. "Maybe things will calm down after that."
Vex sat down at a table and leaned back in his chair.

"Well, let's hope they all get along at the dance on Saturday, otherwise we'll have a massacre on our hands," he chuckled. He pulled out a deck of cards from the depths of his coat.

"Poker, anyone?"
Lunetta sat down as well, shaking those sad thoughts out of her head and smiling a bit as he pulled out cards. "I don't know how to play." She replied sheepily. 
(Brb dishes) 
Vex smiled.

"Oh, it's incredibly easy to learn. Here, let me show you..."

He then proceeded to teach her how to play Texas Hold 'Em poker, the rules, what cards were better to have than others, and so on.

"If you want, guys, we could make this interesting and use real money instead of chips," Vex said, smirking devilishly.
Lune quickly got the hang of it, perfecting her poker face instantaneously. "I'm in." She thought about how much money she had on her right now. Fifty bucks but she'd only bet thirty, gotta have some for dinner tonight.
Vex smirked.

"Anyone else have money to spare for the game?"

He pulled out three twenties from his coat.
Ash woke up and threw his pillow at Rae "Rae get up it's time for class" Rae gorggily get's up "shutup I'm up" Rae still had ice on his balls from where Layla kicked him "I'm going to get her....he sighed na she's not worth it" they showered and all the other toiletries "We should totally twin it today!" Rae grinned and threw Ash a shirt and they headed for class;When they got there mirrors surrounded the whole room one with each students name on them "What the hell is going on?"They said in unison, The twins took a seat and waited for the others

http://www.manufactureroftshirt.com/full-images/mens-designer-shirt-788740.jpg (rae's in the white one ash in the black) (Okay guys get all of your character's too the classroom!,Time for class :D )
Layla wakes up and looks to see James ((dakup)) still breathing regular. She goes up to him and gives him a kiss on the cheek. She looks at the time and gasps. "I need to get to class!" She got ready and went to go check up on Iris and Jack before she went to class.

Iris has been awake but she is really weak. She was given some fruit juice and she had a IV cable to her. She could barely move her body. When Layla came she asked her to get a wheel chair because she didnt want to miss class.

Layla brought over the wheel chair and put Iris in it. She took Iristo class as asked to and puts Iris next to Jakes chair. "Hey, thak you so much for everything you did. I just really hope Alex gets better..."

Iris smiles at her weakly. "Yeah no problem. Just make sure neither of then do that again okay?"

Layla nodded her head seriously and sat the totsl opposite side of the class where Ash and Rae was.

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Nico made his way to the classroom and stopped when he he saw all the mirrors. He sighed and put his hands in his pockets "This place keeps getting more interesting each day." He snorted and stopped in front the mirror with his name on it. He stared blankly at his reflection with a raised eyebrow.

Damian sighed and threw away his trash and walked out the door of the cafe. He hoped that he didn't have to partner up with anyone in this class. He wasn't really in any mood to be working with anyone, after last night he had been mentally scarred. He walked into the classroom and saw the mirrors with names on it on it. He found his and blinked "I guess thats what we are suppose to do."
Luna got up before the game started, "It's time for class. " She walked away to the classroom without waiting for a reply and frowned at the mirrors. Two boys were standing in front of theirs but she took a seat near the back of the class. "...What is this all about?"

Loki put up his Ipod and earbuds while walking into the classroom with a bunch of mirrors. He saw one with his name and examined it curiously with a wide grin.
Alex woke up with a groan, god did his head hurt. He sighed and walked quietly to class after getting ready. He sat in the back corner, gazing at the ground to keep his gaze off f Layla-- or worse James.

Styles walked into class and sat in the front corner, Jack walked in and sat in the back.

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