Godling Academy (Actual RP)

james waiting for the answer looks into his mirror, it is a haze, but he can barely make out a figure, its moving back and forth, it gets closer, its big, their is one of them, it gets closer, he can start to make out a human, it gets closer, its james, he looks deeply into his eyes, and sees a blank emotionless look in the eyes, he can see the lips moving saying as the figure begins to change shape into his mother. "you left me." james, now shaking, almost in tears, moves his head keeping his sight on layla.

jake looks into the mirror and sees himself, he watches, follows every movement, and sees over his left shoulder, his cousin. jake shoots his head the other way not wanting to look over there.(colors not working.)
Loki watched as Julie faded and his memory of the day he broke his mother's harp played in front of him. His face turned red with shame and guilt as he remembered how disappointed his parents were in them.

Skyler vanished and the memory that played on the mirror now caused Lunetta to fall to her knees. She was watching her father die right in front of her. Panic consumed her as she watched him twitch and convulse, clutching his hear. The little girl Luna in the mirror screamed and cried and tried to get her dad to say something, anything. Sobs wracked Lunetta's body as she relived the horrid memory. Then it changed once more. The mirror now showed her in Style's room, playing out their kiss and then their fight. It only caused Lunetta to cry harder, feeling so lost and alone to try and calm her impending hyperventilating.
Suddenly, everyone began to walk away in the mirror. A look of panic came to Adriana's features and she turned her head, her hands out as if she could grab them back. The last person to leave was Nico, the smirk still on his face. "Not you, too,"Adriana whispered, tears coming to her eyes. She should have known. She should have known he would leave her! Adriana slammed her fist onto the mirror, leaning her forehead onto the glass. "I thought you were different, I thought you were different,"she repeated over in over again between sobs. He said they were friends, he said he would like to take her to the dance. How different was he from any other guy she knew? They all hated her in the end, they all were frightened of her in the end. She would be alone.

She would make them all pay.

When she looked up, there was a face that wasn't her own. Adriana jumped back, crying out.

It was Jack, the notorious dark look on his face. He stepped aside so that Adriana's reflection was back on the mirror. She could see Damien on her left, arms crossed with a look of anger on his face. Jack came to stand behind her, his hands slowly reaching for her throat like a lion sneaking up on a gazelle. Then in a swift motion, the lion attacked, aiming for the slim neck of the naive gazelle. Adriana screamed, clawing at her neck. She couldn't feel him but he was here! He had to be behind her! Jack continued to squeeze, Adriana's reflection's face growing blue as she gasped for air.


The mirror's glass suddenly became red in color. Julie's mother screamed, patting away at the flames. No one else could probably hear it, but Julie heard the bloodcurdling cries of pain in her ears. Julie's reflection was there, too, and she attempted to pat at herself as well. But the flames wouldn't touch her. Behind her mother was a bedroom - or what was left of it; anything flammable was on fire. Julie's reflection stood in the far corner of the room. Her mother was attempting to climb out of the bedroom window, at the same time trying to not have her skin burn. Julie almost didn't notice the small child in her arms, the child crying into her mother's chest to not see what was going on. It was a girl, dark hair braided down her back and she was wearing a pink night gown that was a dark red in the light. Her mother decided to throw the child out the window ahead of her. Julie gasped, clawing at the mirror as if she would catch the child herself. Was her mother crazy?! But then there were grunts and a call afterward for her mother to jump. But she was too late.

The explosion started outside the bedroom, but it burst the door down. It was like a living ball of fire was aiming to eat her mother whole. Glass shattered. Her mother's skin, charred, blew off her bones. The screams ended. Julie covered her mouth, sobs sounded past her fingers. She fell to her knees, the fire still blazing in the mirror. Her eye patch grew wet with her tears.
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"Mommy!" Emily runs towards Layla. "Mommy I have a bad feeling! Mommy please don't leave me!" Emily hugs Layla and hides her head in Laylas shirt. Layla crouches down. "Honey, honey we do this twice a week remember? You know Sam, Sam is your baby sitter and he is a really good friend. He will protect you and keep you company." Emily starts crying. "Mommy listen to me! Take me with you!" Layla looks at her daughter and kisses her on her forehead. "Sweetie if I don't get to work then I wont be able to pay for this house or our food. I have to my love. Now, lets do our handshake?" Emily pouted, crossed her arms, and started crying, just like Layla did when she was little. "Oh sweetie!" Layla holds Emilys hands! "How about this. I will be back in TWO hours, when I have my break okay? I will ask my boss if you can sit in my office after that. Sounds good?" Layla wipes off Emilys tears. "Its okay. Remember mommy never lies." Emily looked at Layla. "Mommy never lies..." Emily took out her pinky promise and Layla smiled and pinky promised her. "Handshake?" "Handshake." Layla and Emily shook hands, Layla twirled Emily and then Emily twirled Layla. They bumped fists and then did an explosion at the end. Layla smiled while looking at her daughter. "I love you honey! Be good okay! Dont open the door for anyone! Especially your father!" Emily nodded her head seriously. "Mommy..." Layla looked back before she went out the door. "I love you..." Layla sent her daughter a kiss. "I love you too Emily." The scene changes. " Emily? Emily Im home!" Layla sees Sams regular cup of coffee spilled on the floor. "Emily?!" Layla searched the whole house and found a crayon halfway up the stairs. She grabbed it and went to Emilys room. She found a drawing of her and Layla holding hands. On top of her was 'mommy' scribbled on top and on top of Emily was 'me.' Emilys other hand not holding Laylas had a huge line going down the page. Layla started to cry. She heard her phone ring. "Hello? Police?!... My daughter?!" Layla ran outside. The scene changes. Layla runs outside of her car to the scene of a car flipped and completely ruined. "EMILY!" Layla starts to try to pass the yellow caution sign but gets pulled back by two police offficers. "EMILY! MY BABY GIRL! LET ME THROUGH!" They take her to where the emergency hospital truck was. Inside was Emily with her eyes closed and not beating. Layla broke down and cried seeing the scenes of the last day that she saw her daughter. "We came here today to worship Emily. A beloved child and a beloved daughter..." Layla looked away crying. "No! NO!"
jake looks at his mirror again, looking at his cousin tears start running down his cheeks he speaks out." imm sorry ben."tears are now rolling off his cheek I should have been there, I could have taken it away, I could have talked you into giving me it back." jake begins to go to that day. It was a friday, he was with his aunt, uncle, and two cousin. he was hanging with his other cousin, when ben came into the house, crying going to his room. jake ran after him but couldn't catch up to him. he gets to the room as ben pulls the trigger, the blood and brains splatter across the walls and jakes face. jake rushes to catch his body, crying like a newborn baby. his aunt and uncle entering the house to see their son pull the trigger. jakes aunt fell to her knees tears falling on her shirt. his uncle puts his arms around his aunt pulling her close to him. jakes other cousin now in the hallway tears rolling down his cheeks. jake fades back to reality. "why ben." jake crys out. "why." jake falls to his knees tears pouring out his eyes.

james looks back to his mother."I never for that to happen to you, I just.. just.. never ment any harm to come to you." james flashes back to the day his mother died.He just left for school, james and his mother lived in a bad part of town. He got a call from the hospital saying his mother was rushed to the hospital. james in a rush ran out of the school, he ran to the hospital and asked the nurse about his mother. he was directed to a room in the ER. james mother layed in a bed. when james walked into the room, he said. "mother.. mamma, mamma." james now having tears rolling down his face walks to the bedside. his mother with her dying breathe says. "my beautiful baby boy, I love you." "momma, I love you to... " james's mother died, "momma, Momma, MOMMA." tears poured down his face, his family members were walking in the room when she died, crying. james shed the most tears. "why, zeus, why must you take my mother away." tears still streaming down his face. The memory fades, and goes back to real life, tears are rolling down his face, he falls to his knees. "mother, mom, mama. I love you and I miss you."
Iris was a child helping her mother with the Garden. "Darling can you fetch me some Larkspur?" "Of course mommy!" Iris skipped a way and came back with Larkspur. "Iris, do you remember what is the meaning of Larkspur?" Iris nodds and says the meaning "It means a beautiful spirit!" Lily, Iris's mother, looks to Iris and smiles. "Good work." Lily puts some of the seeds in her hands and starts pouring some in the whole that she just made in her garden. "Do you remember what a blue Iris means?" "Mom of course! Faith and hope." Lily stopped and fixed her back. She bent her knees to look Iris straight in the eyes. "Iris, darling, you must remember that okay? Always have faith and always have hope. One day you will do something special in your life because YOU" Lily touches Iris's nose. "Are a special little girl." Lily takes off her gloves and puts them down. She reaches for her necklace and takes it off her neck. "I want you to have my locket. This is my most prized possession after you." Isis tells Iris to turn around and puts it on her. "This will always remind you of me. It has a lily on its cover. And what does a Lily mean Iris?" "Sweetness and purity of heart." Lily nodds in approval. "Good work sweetheart. Now get up to bed. Mommy isnt feeling very well." Iris gaped and cried out loud for her mother. She remembered this scene well. This was the last time she saw her mother. She felt the locket burning on her skin underneath her clothes. She never takes it off. Iris let it burn her. She should of known that day. She could of stopped it if they knew earlier about the cancer. Iris cried, paralyzed, she let the tears go down her face with no shame. She had never cried in her mothers funeral but now she would.For her.  
((I cried writing my own stories. Holy poo.))

(Seeing all of this I feel like I should expand on Loki's and Lune's......And just my feels man..my feels.)
"You know I love you so much right?" "Of Course I know that you tell me about a 100 times a day" Rae chuckles "But it's true your my everything my world my rock my bestfriend my lovaaa" Rae pecked the girl on the cheek "I'll never love anybody as much as I love you Rae and I promise I'll never leave your side" "I know you won't babe I know you won't" *Scene Changes to a resort in jamaica* "Anhaiz come down to the beach with me?" "No Rae I'm fat and pregnant, Why would I go to the beach looking like a whale they might harpoon me" Rae Chuckels "Even if you are a whale your the most beautiful whale in the world carying the best son in the world inside of her stomach" Rae sits with his soon to be wife and rubs her stomach " Can we please go to the beach?" "Fine Rae but I swear if I hear one snicker I'm going home" "Fine fine I will personally escort you back to the hotel" *Scene changes to the beach* "Ahaiz grab my hand quickly hurry up "Rae help me help me I'm drowning" You can hear the muffled sounds of breathing as Anhaiz tries to resurface "Please I need you to calm down your making it worst just grab my hand and I'll handle everything else "Rae I can't do it I'm so tired so very tired I can't do it" Anhaiz began to sink and she no longer was struggling to breath "No please no stay with me I need you I need both of you please Anahiz please" Rae looked away from the mirror not wanting to relive the painful memory "Ahh my head it hurts so much"Rae's powers were beginning to kick again"I can feel everyone's pain including my own " Eros' went over and touch Rae's head "This should seal your powers for the time being;Good good everyone now finally the happiest memmory you have will appear in the mirror" Eros' smiled he looked over at Ash seeing him screaming attempting to rip his hair out he sighed "you all need this"
Loki watched as Julie faded and his memory of the day he broke his mother's harp played in front of him. His face turned red with shame and guilt as he remembered how disappointed his parents were in them. He remembered the yelling and the punishment that never seemed to end. It changed to his first solo at the opera and how he had missed a note. Loki cringed, bringing his hands up to shield his face as the mirror showed the punishment he received from his father, mulitpile beatings with his cane. Loki felt the helplessness he had felt as a little kid when he messed up. He felt every panic attack he got after knowing he slipped up, wasn't perfect at his work. Hiding behind his hands, Loki flinched as he heard each smack of a cane against his body inside of his head.

Skyler vanished and the memory that played on the mirror now caused Lunetta to fall to her knees. She was watching her father die right in front of her. Panic consumed her as she watched him twitch and convulse, clutching his hear. The little girl Luna in the mirror screamed and cried and tried to get her dad to say something, anything. Sobs wracked Lunetta's body as she relived the horrid memory. Terror seized her as she remembered the utter hopelessness after her dad whispered his last word. Her mothers name. She felt the ache of loneliness as the mirror showed her covering her father with leaves and bravely going back to their cabin in the woods. She felt the child inside of her die all over again.Lunetta to cry harder, feeling so lost and alone to try and calm her impending hyperventilating. (EDIT and just....*tear* it's so sad...)
Layla couldn't think of any happy moments. Not without her Emily. But it seems like the mirror knows better than her own conscious. She sees the scene that happened the first day she got to this school. "james follows her to the corner, and sees her crying"hey, a pretty girl shouldn't cry." james kneels down, and tries to hug layla."I do not know your burden, but no one should ever go this alone, if you ever need someone to talk to, I have two little things called ears, and both of them work fine."" Layla looks over to James. He's my happiness? He was the only person to be able to make me feel better and come out and talk about Emily. In that memory I would of never guessed though that... Layla looks at James. That he would be the happiest part of my life at this point...
I'm reediting mine! it's really long well i think it is.))
Iris saw her mother waving goodbye. Iris felt one of her fingers twitch and Iris looked down at her finger and started moving it around. "Okay, thats one finger down, the rest of the body to go." Iris sighs and then gasped when she saw Persephone in the picture. "Iris, it is so very nice to meet you. Your mom has talked very fondly of you." Iris turned around to see another of moms friends in her funeral to probably come up to say some nice pretty words to her and say how great her mother was. Iris didnt feel like hearing another one after the funeral but smiles and said "Oh?" "Yes, she has-" "Had." Iris said frowning. She had to get used to her mom being... not here for her anymore. "... She had told me that you love flowers and people. That you have a strong connection with plants and that I could test you in any plant and that you would know the meaning. Would you mind if I tested this?" Iris shrugged "sure." Persephone looked at her and smiled. "Pomegranate." Without a beat Iris answered. "It is a symbol of humanitys most fundamental beliefs and desires, like life and death or rebirth and eternal life. In mythology it means the inseparability of marriage." Persephone smiles. "Can you hold my hand Iris?" Iris takes Persephones hand and sees her mother next to Persephone. "Mom!" "Not too loud Iris, only you and I can see her." Iris put a huge grin on her face and could not stop looking at her mother. She stopped suddenly and frowned. "Mom? Mom but... Mom you're not supposed to be here." Lily looked at her daughter and smiled. "Iris I would like you to meet my great great great grandmother, Persephone, the goddess of the underworld." Iris looked at the girl she is holding hands with and her eyes bulge. "Persephone is looking for someone to be able to take over her place. She planned on picking me until the fates told her I was meant to die and be in the underworld." Iris looked at her and shook her head. "WHY would someone be MEANT to die!" "Because sweetie. YOU are special. Remember that I told you that? You are meant to take Persephones place." Persephone looks at Iris smiling at her showing her approval just like her mom has done to her. "This is true Iris. Your mother has not told a lie. And as a reward if you decide to take my offer and become the next Persephone than your mother can stay with you in the underworld when you come visit for every 6 months of the year." Iris looked at her mother. "Mother?" Lily smiles and nodds at her daughter. "I am being kept in the underworld as a gardener for the 6 months that you are not able to be in the underworld. And when you are we will garden together just like old times." Iris smiles and looks at Persephone. "DEAL!" Iris looks at the mirror and smiles. She feels her foot twitch. Her eyes widen and she starts moving around her foot. She tried moving the other one and that one moved too. She moved her hands and her body and they were all good. She gasped and slowly stood up. She automatically fell back in her chair. "Okay. A little week but at least I am not paralyzed anymore... Thank you, Persephone..." 
((Ronkaime I am loving this lesson <3)) 
((FroggieJay you are missing out! Nico , Sock))
jake picks himself up and think Something happy. jake wipes away a tear. He looks into the mirror and sees ben smiling laughing. "Ben.." the scene changes. jake, ben, and geoff are out at the mall. ben and geoff both are walking up to the counter at jakes work. "hey, I want to see the manager, I got a complant against one of your employes." jake looks up and he smiles." I thought you guys weren't coming until next week. "nah we talked our parents to come up early. so mister manager, hows about we head to a movie after work.""sure, but this time you guys are paying for yourself. jake begins to laugh, as well as geoff and ben. jake gets off work and goes to the movies. "hey what are we going to see?" "I don't know, but dude, I got us three honeys, jake you get the blonde with the good legs, ben you get the red head with the nice butt. I got the brunette."

(Geoff ben jake)

james still on his knees crying, "what fun have I had in this life." james picks himself up. james remembers one time. james is in his first high school hockey tournament. his mother in the stands, he looks over at her.he mouths " mom this ones for you." jake takes the first slap shot, and makes it in. he looks at his mother and nods his head. after the game his mother kisses him on the forehead,"I knew you had it in you, 1-0, you were the only one to take shot and get it. I told you that practice makes it" "yeah thanks, mom." they get to the house and there stuck in the door is a letter adressed to james. it was from his father zeus. his mother took the letter and was about rip it up, but james took it and ripped it. then thought of this poem. [media]

((I lost a bunch of pages because you guys WENT OVERBOARD WITHOUT ME >:I tell me what we're doing))
Alex walked in in the middle of the sad moment. He grabbed his mirror and sat in the back, the mirror flickered and he was faced with himself. He was standing in the woods, watching Layla choose James. He watched as Laula pressed a kiss to James's lips and his face fell. The scene once again flickered and he was standing by the window with a fun to his head. His eyes watered at the sight and he turned away from his mirror, closing his eyes. His jaw clenched when they were supposed p think of something happy and the scene changed to him as Layla dancing, the happy scene flickered on and off and each time it flickered it was James in his place. He gritted his teeth and pushed the mirror down.
(watch the video I saw this video and thought it fit for this, and just a note, ai thought this question might rise, I do not hate my father, in fact I love him, its james that is thinking that, not me.)

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