Godling Academy (Actual RP)

Bree said:
Lune frowned, "Are you alright?" She didn't no what else to ask even though the answer was obviously no.
"no I'm not alright why is it just because my brother is Aphrodite he get's anything he wants literally anything Layla couldn't stand the man but he boinked her just like that I don't get it why me,why did I have to be apollo and not a god of love like my brother" Ash kicked a rock and frowned 

dakup said:
james notices rea walk over decides to interven. "excuse me I need to have a word with rae, for a quick second."
Rae turns his attention to James "Can I help you" This is the first time Rae hasn't tried to flirt with someone he thought was attractive (ohh character development)
Layla looks at Rae and gives him a annoying look. "IIII mind. So no, you cannot." Layla moves Alex and her away from Rae.

Athena stops the music. "Okay guys. I have something planned for all you! This Sunday we shall be having a ball. A MASQUERADE ball. This will your chance to embody your God/Goddess. This is a tradition to assure the success of our fellow students!" She waits for the excitement to die down a little to continue. "The more you guys dance this Sunday the more you will embody your deities and appease all in Olympus." She smiles at the students. "This Saturday we will having a 'field trip' to the mall where each one of you will go through a portal that will put you in a alley way right on front of the mall. You buy whatever dress and whatever mask you like, the price is on me." Athena laughs at the excitement from the girls. "You are to pick a partner as you would a homecoming or prom or you can go solo but above all, you MUST dance." Athena turns her eyes to Adriana and then Nico. "If anything bad may happen in this dance then whoever is in charge will be automatically kicked out of this school. Zeus's orders." Athena smiles at everyone. "And to end this session and our school today I have decided to allow you guys to keep dancing until your hearts please! Loki-" Athena puts her hand out to Loki to show who he is and then puts it back to her side. "Will be in charge of the music tonight AND the music sunday so make sure to be nice to him." Athena laughs at her own joke. "Blessed be, make your Gods proud!" With those words, Athena poofs right on front of all of them.
james drags rae over to the wall. "listen and listen well, because Im only going to say this once, your brother blew his shot with layla, now drop the matter, go to your room, and forget about it." james said as if he was about to punch rae
Julie looked to the side and pouted. She muttered,"It just doesn't seem right...I'm not one for the spotlight. And as you can see-" She gestured to her clothing - jeans, Converses, a graphic tee, and thin jacket - when a hand was free from dancing,"-I'm not one to flaunt." She imagined herself doing her favorite activity: sewing. Something you could calmly do without it being such a big deal. Julie shrugged her shoulders,"I guess you could say I'm a Debbie Downer."

She hushed when Athena spoke and, boy, was she glad when the music stopped. Her body slowed down its dancing until she had full control of herself. Apparently, there was to be a masquerade this Sunday. When Athena gestured to Loki, Julie scooched a bit away, looking down.
Ronkaime said:
"no I'm not alright why is it just because my brother is Aphrodite he get's anything he wants literally anything Layla couldn't stand the man but he boinked her just like that I don't get it why me,why did I have to be apollo and not a god of love like my brother" Ash kicked a rock and frowned 

Rae turns his attention to James "Can I help you" This is the first time Rae hasn't tried to flirt with someone he thought was attractive (ohh character development)
Luna blinked a bit and put a hand on his shoulder. "Apollo is awesome too. He brings sunlight, the essence of happiness. And it doesn't seem like she likes him much anymore anyway. Just because he's like a god of love well soon to be doesn't mean he isn't your brother. You guys are family and together. Maybe he didn't mean to..boink..her. Have you asked him?"
"Be my date to the dance?" Alex asked quickly, glad that he had the chance to without

James around.

Jack nuzzled against Damian.
Vex sat through the rest of History and almost slept through meditation, but dance class was his JAM.

Many rugs were but that day, many dance floors were set on fire, and and angel chorus could almost be heard as Vex showed off his uncanny brutal sick dance moves. When Athena announced the Sunday Dance, he nearly did a backflip.

"School dance? Haha, I'll make sure to be there," he said, moonwalking past Athena.
Nico stiffened and looked down "I-I can't get kicked out." He shook his head and looked at Adriana 'Plan is not happening, I'm not getting kicked out of this school. I will be come the god of darkness." he said seriously.

Damian looked down at Jack and whispered into his ear. "Want to go to the dance with me?" he smiled.
"Yes!" Loki pumped a fist in the air and ran to put his Ipod in the dock. "Let's kick it up!" He started doing the pelvic thrust as the music started. [media]

Vex crossed his arms behind his head luxuriously and grinned to himself, while the rest of the students were asking each other out. He had always ran his life as a solo act, despite his dashing good looks and female admirers he gained from his gambling days.

Vex was in a good mood. He decided if someone asked him, he'd say yes.
Adriana was truly disappointed, and frightened, when it was stated that if anyone were to destroy the masquerade, they would be expelled. 'You don't have to worry,'she told him back,'I'm not up to losing my chance as goddess over some party.' She didn't know what Eris wanted from her. If she continued with the plan herself, the Goddess of Chaos could be proud and somehow defend Adriana from being expelled. Or she could be disgusted and agree with Zeus' decision. Adriana sighed.

Julie edged out of the gym before the music began to blast again. She leaned against the building, blowing a breath. 'I'm glad to get out of there,'she thought.
dakup said:
james drags rae over to the wall. "listen and listen well, because Im only going to say this once, your brother blew his shot with layla, now drop the matter, go to your room, and forget about it." james said as if he was about to punch rae
Rae wiped the spit that flew on his face "And I'll need you to listen and listen well, because that's my younger brother and nothing you say or do can ever stop me from helping him Capich,If I wanted to I could create a love spell so powerful that the only person she ever thought of would be Ash but I don't want that,because that's not true all I want to know is why she rejected him So Mind your damn business" Rae turned on his heel and grabbed Layla "Me.you.talk.now!"
Vex's eye twitched slightly as the music began. Without warning, he hopped over next to Loki and once again began to demonstrate his exceptional aptitude for the majestic art of SICK DANCE.
Nico nodded and looked at Adri with a smile 'Then instead of crashing the party, would you want to possibly go to the dance with me?' he asked.
Layla looks at Alex and smiled. "How about we go on a date first? See how that goes?"

Iris looks at Jake and almost crys of happiness. I have never been to a ball before! Especially not a MASQUERADE one! Iris just hugs Jake and having a very difficult time not jumping all over the walls and just melting at the end. "Yes yes yes yes yes!" Iris jumps a little on her tippy toes while still hugging him.

((For everyone to know, Saturday, while in the mall and you buy a purchase I would like you guys to post a picture of the 'purchase' here, this goes for the guys too xP Make sure to RP saturday so you can get a dress/tuxedo! ))
james not liking the way he spoke to him stand in awe, after he grabbed layla, he walked up behind him tapped and as soon as she said something about kicking someone in the balls james said "don't worry about that I got him covered." with zues like strength, punches him in the face.
Layla gets pushed off of Alex before he was able to answer the question if we would like to go on a date with her. "Hey! Rae! Get your disgusting hands OFF of me! I TOLD you to never touch me again!" Layla slapped him in the face. "Now let go of me before I kick ANOTHER person in the balls!"
Loki laughed at the new kid's dance moves. "Awesome dude!" He joined in, doing all sorts of random dance moves including the twist, macarana (however you spell it) and the fist pump.
((Oops sorry about that last post it was meant as a personal message))

Rae ducked before the fist collided wit hhis face "Ha you missed you big lug!"

(If you have a plan I'll just send him home (dakup)
Bree said:
Luna blinked a bit and put a hand on his shoulder. "Apollo is awesome too. He brings sunlight, the essence of happiness. And it doesn't seem like she likes him much anymore anyway. Just because he's like a god of love well soon to be doesn't mean he isn't your brother. You guys are family and together. Maybe he didn't mean to..boink..her. Have you asked him?"

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