Godling Academy (Actual RP)

jake goes to the gym, with james "so you and layla were partner, so wink wink nudge nudge?" "dude, shut it. She ain't like that." "sorry man didn't mean it like that."
Layla looks around and just sits. "Hmph. NOW who do I dance with. These picking partner things are annoying..."

Iris gets exicted and hops on her tippy toes waiting for Jake to ask her to get on the dance floor with him, hopefully.
(I'm getting rid of Sable)

Damian stood awkwardly to the side of everyone. He looked around and sighed, there was no one he would want to dance with around. He spotted Nico and snorted 'Like hell I'd dance with him.' He dismissed even the thought.

Nico looked around wondering where Adriana went. He looked around with a icy gaze when he caught sight of Damian. "Oh hell no." He snapped. "It would be the last thing I did would be to dance with that arsehole."
Adriana lost focus with the entrance of Athena. She fell onto the floor, hard, and her connection with Nico broke. Unlike last time she spoke, she announced what the next lesson would be. The room filled music. "Dancing?"she muttered to herself. She grinned, clasping her hands together,"We can connive later. This is going to be fun."

Before Julie could reply, Athena entered. It wasn't hard for the connection with Loki to break. Her reaction was similar to Adriana's. But she was not excited about dancing. 'Maybe I can sneak out of here...'she thought, her gaze towards the exit. 
[[ Gah! I'm right here, Nico. lol ]]
(Lol I see now)

Nico spotted Adri on the floor and offered her his hand "A dance my lady." He snickered.
Athena walks around kids and puts girls and boys together. "Boys! Take charge! Follow the rhythm!" She starts clapping her hands for they have a rhythm. "1! 2! 3! 4!"
Kitty sighs. " Ya, it is. Ya sure. I'll ask ash you Alex?" She shrugged. She pushes away her mother's death. she whips the tears away.
Bree said:
Luna glanced at the clock, realizing it was time for their next class. The first class she wasn't going to be late to since she was already iin the gym! She grinned triumphantly at Kitty, "We'll have to do it later, time for our last class."]
Adriana giggled, taking Nico's hand. "I thought you would never ask."

When Julie looked forward, a hand was in front of her. She looked up from it to see that it's owner was Loki. She hesitated at first, scanning the room once more. Everyone seemed to be complying. "I don't really dance,"she muttered under her breath, loud enough for Loki to hear. But she felt her hand being picked up without her consent. Athena had placed it in Loki's. Julie groaned,'Guess I can't get out of this now.'
Grinning, Loki puller her into a waltz. "It's fine, just loose yourself in the beat." He started humming a song along to Athena's clapping while dancing with Julie.
james and jake enter the gym, jake goes and sits next to iris."hey babe, wanna dance."

james walked up to layla, bowed, put out his hand, and asked "layla voulez-vous danser, in french." translated it asked if she wanted to dance.
Iris's eyes light up. "Well I would love to!"

Layla looks at James suspicious. "Now you speak french?" She takes his hand and curtsies. "Why, sire. I would be honored to."
(I'm at the zoo, I'll be on and off)

Alex offered his hand to Layla just as James walked over. He sighed and turned, running a hand through his hair and eying around for another partner.

Jack clasped his hands over Damian's eyes, muttering "I'll be your 'girl' partner." He grinned.

Styles glared at the door, debating weither to go in or not.
Luna was one of the only ones left with no dance partner. She was inching towards the door, very willing to skip this class. "Go ask Ash, Kat." Luna suggested to her friend.
Damian laughed and spun around "Why my lady, will you have this dance with me." He smirked. He placed one hand on Jacks left hip and placed the other hand in Jack's right hand.
((Sock you were ONE minute late on asking layla lol))

Athena sees Styles having difficultys. She whispers in her ear "I know how it is. Would you like to be my partner?"
"Oh, don't be like that,"Adriana said, giving his hand a squeeze,"Have fun with this." The two were waltzing like the others. Adriana wasn't much of a slow dancer but any sort of dancing was fine with her: hula, grunge, you name it. She shrugged her shoulders,"I couldn't guess." Her eyes suddenly lit up and her lips curled into a grin,"Unless we're having a ball."

Julie wasn't expecting him to be so forward. Yeah, the guy was flirtatious - she already figured that out - but she would have guessed he gave her some space. She looked down between them, paying attention to her feet so that she wouldn't step on Loki's. "This is so awkward, though,"she said.
"Gladly." Jack said with a smile, he cupped his hand around Danians neck, lacing his fingers with Damian's. "Lead the way."

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