Godling Academy (Actual RP)

dakup said:
(nice job jj. but im going to take the power back.)
jake opens his eye as he look straight at iris. he saw her beauty, and remembered the frist time they kissed, he thought about how nice she was. jake began to levitate, but kept on rising, and rising." sh*t, athena help. I can't control it, I keep going up."
Athena, who is invisible, smiles at Jakes mess up. The same thing happened to Poseidon last year. She held his shoulders down softly and soothed him until he was levitating somewhat okay. 

Sock said:
(Alex is gonna be forever alone. MY FEELS</3)
((No I plan on getting Layla to have a chat with Alex later ;) )
Styles barged in with a yawn. "Yeah, sorry 'bout that. I was drinking." He gazed around the classroom, "So, since when did we have to go all zen?" He rose an eyebrow, his tone was completely serious. He gazed around, crossing his arms over his chest. "Cause, I'm not into that whole business. Meditatin' ain't really my deal."

The talking caused Jackson to full on fall onto the ground. He cursed and grabbed his rear with a pathetic whine.

Alex remained completely calm and in his levitation, his eyes closing.
Damian heard a thump next to him and looked over and smirked down at Jack and whispered "Have a nice fall?"
Bree said:
Luna thought for a bit before replying with a blush, "Yes I do but now he's mad at me...I didn't know why he kissed me and that was my first kiss...and I might have warned him that he wasn't going to get in my pants...He was hurt and said that if that's what I thought he'd do then I didn't really know him...He snapped at me after I apologized and I got mad myself and left...What should I do?"
'Well' she thinks for a moment before replying. 'I think you should confess your actraction to him. Tell him how you really feel. Tell him that your sorry and tell him that he was the first guy you kissed. Sound good?' She asks sending it to luna's mind. 'Could i ask for advice too?'
She mulled it over before smiling, "Sounds good, thanks. And yeah, of course. That's what friends do, right? What do you need to talk about?" Luna was concentrating so much on the conversation she didn't notice Skyler walk in and blurt things out or even Jack's fall.
Athena walked up to Styles and took away his drunkedness. She gave him a little power extra and some soothing abilities so he can relax and get into the 'zen mood.'
Kitty sighs then says. ' okay, ash asked me out and i said no then he asked me out on a date we were suppose to have it last night but i coulnt find him any where then i realized layla likes ash and imnjusy so confused i dont know what to do. Help me,' she sighs and consentrates harderon the conversation she feels vibrations but nothing else.
Athena went up to Alex and gave a little shock. "No sleeping in my class Zeus. You need to learn everything you can." 
Athena went up to Jack after hell fell and when Jack tried again she gave him a little lift for a couple seconds like you would hold a child starting to bike ride and then she let go, Jack staying in the air. Athena smiled and moved on to the next kid needing help.
Luna wasn't very good at people problems but she tried her best to come up with a logical solution. "How about you tell Layla that it's up to Ash who he likes and that you guys shouldn't be fighting over it and try to be friends? Oh and you should find Ash and tell him what's going on. If you don't like him then tell him but if you do tell Layla you're going to play fair and let him decide. How's that sound?"
Styles even out of his drunken state was still a døuche. He glared at the ground and sat down in the far corner, placing his head against the wall and watching everyone float up in his head like retårds.

Jack made a whine and tugged Damian down, muttering "I'm hungover and now my ass hurts." He sighed and placed his head into Damian's shoulder before crawling away from Alex and in front of Damian, he grabbed Damian's hands and smiled slightly, "Floating timeee" He whispered and then began to levitate again.

Alex felt the bonds between him and Jack break but just sighed and kept his eyes closed, he was pretty much the only one without a partner that wanted to participate, but he was fine with that. 
(I have to go. Don't do anything that involves my characters, yeah?)
She smiles ' That sounds great thank you! I would hug you but i dont want to break our consentration. She gigles in her mind. ' thanks so much for that. Ill go talk to him and layla, but would you mind coming with me?'
Layla for some reason felt Alex's mind. He was on the total opposite side of the room but she felt his mind open and slip in. "Um... Hello?"
(Socky do you want me to Bring in Sable so he has a partner)

Damian chucked softly and grasped Jack's hands. He smiled and formed a link between him and Jack. He closed his eyes and breathed in softly. 'What happned at that party last night?' he spoke mentally. 'I kinda fell asleep in the dorm and missed it.'
Im going to take a nap i give any body prems to carry me along!
(I got a few minutes but I'm on my phone.)

Alex rose an eyebrow "Hello...?"

Jack laughed slightly "Well I got shitfaced."
Layla looks at James wondering what happened to their communication. "Is this Alex? How did I get in your head? How did you get into my head?" Laylas levitation started to slip. She tried to go back up but it seemed to not be working since she was kind of freaking out and she didnt see Athena. After a couple seconds she focused and went back up but it was a lotm ore difficult now.
"Hey, I'm going to try and talk to Styles...I'll be back." Lune didn't move from her spot, she just moved her gaze to Skyler who didn't seem at all happy. She thought about their kiss together and hesitantly reached out to his mind, "Skyler?"
"Drunk. Very very drunk." Jack said quietly.

Styles face became bitter and he glared at Lune. "What."

Alex furrowed his eyebrows "I don't know...?"
ADRIANA was trying her best to focus her thoughts in Nico's direction, while at the same time remembering all she could about him. 'Hello?'she thought,'Can you hear me, Nico?'

JULIE was beginning to feel hopeless. It wasn't Loki's fault; she didn't know anyone in the room. 'Loki, Loki,'she repeated over and over in her head.
Damian laughed through their link "Damn I didn't get to see what kind of drunk you are Jackie." he smiled.

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