Godling Academy (Actual RP)

( i cant use italics.)

'After we are done levitating would we still be able to communtcate with just that person in our minds?' She asks her question. She sits criss cross apple sause, she let go of everything around her and every thing her mind. She soon feels she is off thr ground and just above the ground.
"Now," Athena says calmly to not scare anyone and make them completely stop levitating. "In this next step you are allowed to talk to your partner about anything you want but you must stay calm and talk only through your minds... Open your eyes." She waits a couple minutes for everyone to adjust. "Focus on your partner, focus on something specific you know about them... Focus on their mind, focus on talking through your mind..." Athena stops her mind communication and watches the students. She cannot hear their mind communication but she can see who succeeded and who did not.
Nico felt himself relax and let out a sigh. He swore he felt weight lift off his body and he felt like he was floating. He focused on what little he knew about Adri, knew she liked causing pranks and used that.
Athena talks to Kat slowly in her mind. "Yes Kat, this is my goal, to help each and everyone one of you succeed today. Now please concentrate."
Loki, levitating shakily, opened his eyes to see if Julie was ready to move on.

Luna was leviating easily and opened her eyes, looking at Kitty. She thought of how they shot arrows together and how she was the first to show her hospitality. Luna sent her thought Kitty's way, "Well after we ate chocolate he ran and I tackled him then kinda freaked out cause I'm not used to..intimacy I guess..We went back to his room and we relaxed together watching t.v and then he kissed me...and then I messed up."
(REALLY GUYS?! I LEAVE FOR AN HOUR TO GO GRAB BREAKFAST AND Y'ALL ARE LIKE.. RRRG. -__-' Now Alex has no partner. Can you guys please try slowing it down a bit? :/ Its like you can't leave the site for 10 minutes before 5 pages are up.)
Kitty consentrates, hard she feels she is fully off the ground. She opens her eyes and talks Oh,well do you like him?' She asks slowly speaking to luna in her head.

ArtisticKwittyKat234 said:
Kitty consentrates, hard she feels she is fully off the ground. She opens her eyes and talks to luna. ' Now what did you want to talk about??' She asks slowly speakinb to luna in her head.
((Look up xD ))
Layla opens her eyes and sees James on front of her. She blushes and has a hard time still levitating. She focuses on James. Thinking about him being Zeus and standing up for her.

James opened his eyes, as soon as he opened his eyes his mind blanked out and he started to levitate for the first time in last 10 minutes.

Iris had already started to levitate again and finished levitating before she opened her eyes. She looked At Jake and thought about their first time together, something intimate between the two of them and felt her mind slip into his and him into hers. Another way for both of them to be even closer together.

Athena walked around the class, putting a hand on those students shoulders that need some help, giving strength and power for if they focus, they can join in too. She continues to walk around, invisibly, giving a helping hand to whom ever she sees needs it until the end of class.

ArtisticKwittyKat234 said:
Kitty consentrates, hard she feels she is fully off the ground. She opens her eyes looks up and talks Oh,well do you like him?' She asks slowly speaking to luna in her head.
Edit again gosh.. xD )
ADRIANA could feel herself her levitation fluctuate: lifting for a few seconds before her butt touched the floor again. She had changed her train of thought to her soaring through the air. Now they were to multitask. Adriana filled her mind with Nico, him flying through the air with her. Maki was there, too. The sky was dark, due to Nico's powers. She slowly opened her eyes.

JULIE could feel herself being lifted in the air. She almost lost concentration, the mere fact that she was levitationg shaking her. But she continued to breath deeply, bring herself back to the task at hand. Now, the next.step.was a bir hard. She didn't kmow a thing about Loki.
Jack had failed at his attempts to levitate and was now sitting there near asleep, waiting for Damian to come in because, well, he didn't have a partner. He gazed off in the distance to see Alex with the same problem. He got up and weaved around the floating students before sitting down in front of Alex. "Partners?" He said with a wary smile. Alex shrugged "Yeah, sure." They had gotten to talk during the party the night prior and now considered themselves friends. Soon Jack and Alex were both levitating and having a conversation.

So, your into dudes?


Cool, Cool.

How long have you been in the Navy Seals?

Since I was 16, Military family.

But I thought Zeus was your father..?

Zeus wasn't the one in the army. My mother was, she became MIA when I was 10. My brother followed her footsteps and went into the Navy.

The two became silent after that, Alex was gazing at the ground and Jackson was gazing at the door, frowning at the absence of his boyfriend and the sad conversation he was having.
(nice job jj. but im going to take the power back.)

jake opens his eye as he look straight at iris. he saw her beauty, and remembered the frist time they kissed, he thought about how nice she was. jake began to levitate, but kept on rising, and rising." sh*t, athena help. I can't control it, I keep going up."
Luna thought for a bit before replying with a blush, "Yes I do but now he's mad at me...I didn't know why he kissed me and that was my first kiss...and I might have warned him that he wasn't going to get in my pants...He was hurt and said that if that's what I thought he'd do then I didn't really know him...He snapped at me after I apologized and I got mad myself and left...What should I do?"
(Whatever. I guess Jack just didn't see him, I didn't read all of the posts, just skimmed through so I got a basic idea of what was going on.)
James looks at Layla, being able to concentrate only when he is doing that. He thinks about Laylas child, the one she told him about the first day they met. He felt his mind slip into hers and vice versa.

Layla talks to James in her mind. "Yes, I will go out to dinner with you."

Iris talks to Jake in her mind about anything and everything. They stay talking to each other for awhile even after class is over since now they have a new way to privately talk to each other and understand each other more.
Sock said:
(Whatever. I guess Jack just didn't see him, I didn't read all of the posts, just skimmed through so I got a basic idea of what was going on.)
(And I don't think Rae or however you spell it has a partner if Styles is going to participate)

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