Godling Academy (Actual RP)

((The RP is actually taking up so much of my time I havent done like any of my hw ^^ Btw Bree look at your inbox <.<))
jj9095 said:
((The RP is actually taking up so much of my time I havent done like any of my hw ^^ Btw Bree look at your inbox <.<))
((I did ^^ and maybe we should ban you for a few then? Give you that push to get it done xD jk))
((Ban the person that made this RP possible... Interesting... No xD But I will leave until 3pm since dakup seems to not be responding. If I cant get back on time then Bree, you know what to do!))
Ronkaime said:
(2'oclock is absolutely perfect btw what did I miss?)
((History lesson which has been posted in the sign-ups but is also here, the students were just about to leave except for Loki and Lune which are at the café and at three, we have a meditating lesson that I think you wouldn't want to miss ^^))
((At 3-3:15pm please get your characters to start heading for the gym everyone!)) 
((Im going to get back on at 3:30 pm hopefully. If anything happens to me and I dont show up after this reply, which is going to be early. Bree will take over. I already sent her everything she needs))

Athena is meditating on the floor, levitating slowly in the air while slowly the students come into her class. She had put a nice cover on the floor just in case if someone falls in today's session.

((Once again this is the beginning and Bree has the rest for after all the students go to the gym))

Iris goes to the gym with a new fresh flower in her hair and saves a seat for Jake.

Layla goes to gym a little early to make sure she knew her way. She heard that for this class they will need partners in a rumor and started to get worried. She started to hope that James would come up to her if anything.
Sorry guys!

Kitty woke up in her bed she didnt know how she got there she woke up with a teriable headache. Her hang over wasnt that bad. ' what did i do last night wll i remeber is drinking a bunch of wine.' She think sin her mind then sighs. ' i hope i dont get into my drinking habits again.' She says in her mind but pushes it away. She looks at her alaram clock " sh*it! I missed first periode!" She yells she runs takes a show and other nessities she puts on a dress with a vest and some flats. Shee grabs her books and runs out the door to the cafe where she sees luna " Hey luna " she says not happy and upbeat. " i drank waaay to much last night. Acually thats all i remember from last night, could you fill me in?
Adriana (wakes up, gets ready, grabs a bit of breakfast, somehow attends History class, etc.) gets to the gym, stretching her arms over her head. The past classes had been a blur to her, not being able to remember a thing. She gave a determined face, muttering to herself,"No more games, Adri. You're doing this for Eris." She pointed up to the sky,"I won't let you down!" Adriana rushed to the gym.

When she got there, the first thing she noticed was the Goddess floating a few inches from the floor. Adriana sucked in a breath before finding a seat of her own. She saw Iris a ways down and waved at her.
Loki put his flute up and walked over to Luna's sleeping form. He gently shook her shoulder, his voice soothing and soft. "Lunetta, it's time for class." Loki glanced at Kitty with a smile.

"Hmph?" Luna sat up while wiping off her drool. "Thanks."She noticed Kitty and motioned her to follow. Luna started walking toward the gym, Luna threw away her trash from her food and debated about talking to Styles again. She apologized and she had meant it, he's the one that snapped at her! But she hated having him mad at her. Lune decided she'd give it one more shot since he wasn't going to step up to the plate and she sat on the covered floor, waiting for Styles to enter to pair up with him. She glanced behind her to see if Kitty had followed her or not.

He watched the tired girl go before putting his flute away in his dorm. Loki walked into the gym just a few minutes after Luna, looking around at the students already inside. He noticed a girl with flowers in her hair and walked up to her, "Hello, I don't think we've met."
Rae wakes up with some random dude in his bed "Goodmorning your welcome to stay but I've got to get to class" He throws a pillow at Ash "Get up Athena's class is about to start" Ash throws the pillow back at him "I'm already up I couldn't sleep with you pounding that guy all last night" He says with a death glare Rae chuckles "Sorry it's who I am" he slips on his jeans and jordans and heads out the door Ash does the same
Julie walks onto the school grounds, looking around with her right eye. 'Pretty swanky place,'she thought to herself as she wandered. The old woman - the Fate, Atropos, she had called herself - said that she was to attend the program to take her place. At first, Julie was hesitant, believing some crazy, old hag had bust into her room. She refused. The Fate was not angry but she did pull out a mean pair of scissors. Julie thought she was going to be shanked! But then she pulled out a long piece of thread, brushing the blade of the scissor against it. Julie suddenly felt a painful heartache, clutching her chest and crying out. It's obvious what her next words were.

THe girl noticed a trail of students entering a building. It was a Tuesday, so obviously classes were in session. Julie followed behind them and entered. Her eye widened when she saw a woman floating off the ground. She tore her gaze away, looking at the ground instead, and found a seat amongst the students.
Kity followed luna, " where are we going?" She ask groggly" oh wait i just remember me and ash never had our date." She sighs and cathes up with luna." Hey, whats up with you and skyler?" She asks a little bounce in her step
Suddenly she opens her eyes and the students all quiet down. Athena looks at her students, only moving her eyes, still levitating in the air in a meditating position. "Today, you will learn to do either levitate in the air, be able to speak to your other classmates through mind communication, and maybe even both." Athena says into each of their heads. "Pick a partner."

With no sign of Styles inside the gym, Lune sighed and looked hopefully at Kitty. "Partners? I can tell you all about what happened last night...and about me and Skyler."
She looks up at luna " sure! And yay! Because i do not remember anything" she grabs her head" ugh this stupid headache.." she murmers. And goes to sit on the flor patting next to for luna to sit. " come sit!"
Luna sits next to her before talking in a hushed voice. "Well, you and Layla got drunk and got into a little fight then you just passed out..." She really didn't want to talk about her and Styles at all. Maybe Kitty would forget it.
Adriana automatically looked at Iris - since Nico seemed to be skipping class - in hopes they could partner up. But the girl seemed to be in some sort of comatose state: eyes forward, unmoving. But besides her was a guy speaking to her. Adriana quickly made her way over. "Hey,"she said, smiling,"You wanna be my partner?"

Julie put her head down. Ugh, partnering up:one of the most stressful moments in a classroom.
Nico stepped out of the cafe a cup in his hand. He had a blank look on his face as he walked the the gym he let a rare smile play upon his face as he tossed the cup into a trash bin. He walked into the classroom and next to Adriana. He looked at her and smirked "What is up?"

Damian woke up in a tree he had taken a nap in and yawned. He jumped out of the tree and picked the leaves out of his hair. He walked out of the forest and towards the gym "Meditation, this should be interesting." he laughed and reached the door to the gym. He walked in and sat as far away from Nico and Adriana as he could.
A new girl had walked up to the silent Iris and Loki. He gave her a charming smile. "Hi, name's Loki." (Sorry it's short, not sure if you were asking him or Iris)
Kitty gasps " really why' d we get into a fight?" She asks ' she holding something back..' she says in her mind. " i just dont understand... why did we get into a fight. She pauses, it all comes flooding back ash, layla luna and skyler. " Oh i remeber now. We got into a fight because, ask asked me out layla got mad and loki kissed my hand and layla over reacted!"
Luna nodded, "That's about right. After that Loki tried to talk to me and I just left." She noticed the shadow kid, Nico she heard someone call him, walk up to Adrianna. She turned her attention back to Kitty, grateful she hasn't pressed her.

"I'll leave you two alone." Loki winked as another boy walked up to the girl. He noticed another girl by herself and sauntered over. "Need a partner?" (Your other character savagePest)
Jack grunted as he woke up, yeah.. He wasn't the best with hangovers. He combed his fingers theough his hair and pulled on some new clothing aswell as his sunglasses before walking downstairs. He glared at they lock and continued his slow walk to class.

Styles was in his now trashed room, his eyes focused up at the ceiling. He dropped his wine bottle and heard it smash onto the ground. There were sayings that Dionysus was a nice cheerful, goofy person, much like Skyler. There were also rumors pointing to Dionysus being a jerk. Styles was going to be that jerk, his hand clenched into a fist and he got out of bed.

Alex sighed, he had woken up at 5:30 like usual and combed his fingers through his hair.

Ugh did he ache. He stood and wobbled downstairs, already dressed for class. He had made it in on time and plopped down in a chair.

(I think I'm gonna get rid of Anna. She's no fun to roleplay. If someone else wants to snatch her up feel free.)
Suddenly she opens her eyes and the students all quiet down. Athena looks at her students, only moving her eyes, still levitating in the air in a meditating position. "Today, you will learn to do either levitate in the air, be able to speak to your other classmates through mind communication, and maybe even both." Athena says into each of their heads. "Pick a partner." She waits until everyone does and quiets down again.

((Bree please delete the last post. Everyone the italics in the "" is for a reason. She is speaking to each one of you in your heads))

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