Godling Academy (Actual RP)

"yes ma'am." james walks back to alex. "so once we have you set up, wanna head to a party. have some stuff to drink talk to some girls, plus you can meet people,what do you say?"
Sock said:
"Just because a guy kisses you doesn't mean hes trying to get into your pants, Lune. If your so scared of getting close with the next Dionysus because your afraid I'll jump you then you obviously don't know me." A hurt look was cast over Skylers face. "Why don't you just go shoot some arrows." He got up from the bed and a wine bottle poofed into his hand, he stared out of his window, taking a sip of wine, his jaw clenched.
"Booze and girls? Sounds awesome." Alex cracked a small smile, he was a military man after all.
She instantly felt guilty. Lune had to fix it. She snatched the wine bottle from his hands, her guilt and apologeticness (?) was written clearly on her face. "I'm sorry, Skyler, I didn't mean to hurt you. It's just I was confused and....well I'm sorry." Lune didn't know what else to say, all she could do was hope that she could make it better.
"yeah thats right, oh and who's your godly parent, Im a zeus, second generation." as they both walk down towards alex's room.
Skyler snatched back his wine bottle. 'Just go and shoot some f*cking arrows." He snapped.
((Lol Bree. My feels means like omg my feelings are being touched? This is hard to explain <.< Witt I might need your help in this! I just realized Witt, that Witt reminds me of a candle witt at the beginning of the candle that you light the flame on... Aaaaww! How cute! Totally fits you! You shine so brightly when lit! Okay moving on. My feels is like you pretty much grabbed my heart and wripped it out of me because all I can feel is pain and aaawww. Still kind of bad way to see it... Let me see if Urban Dictionary can help. Okay THAT underneath this))

A wave of emotions that sometimes cannot be adequately explained.

Feelings you get when something you read/see/hear/etc is just so touching and perfect that you can't help but make sounds, curl into a ball, and never stop thinking about said thing that made you this way.
She looks at then to the ground. " Haha i know right! Come on lets go!" She starts to walk to skylers dorm waving at layla
"Ah, I'm Zeus's son." He said quietly, gazing out and about. He sighed and readjusted his bag. "So, what exactly is the deal with this place?"
Layla walks next to Kat in silence for awhile but finally decides to speak. "So... You and Ash huh?"
((Aw that's so cool! Yay ^^ I make people feels xD )) Lune's face hardened as he snapped at her. Crush or not, she won't be talked to like that. With narrowed eyes, she spat, "Maybe I don't know you." Lunetta turned on her heel and walked calmly out of his dorm, wandering around aimlessly. Lunetta was furious but most of all she was hurt.
jj9095 said:
((Lol Bree. My feels means like omg my feelings are being touched? This is hard to explain <.< Witt I might need your help in this! I just realized Witt, that Witt reminds me of a candle witt at the beginning of the candle that you light the flame on... Aaaaww! How cute! Totally fits you! You shine so brightly when lit! Okay moving on. My feels is like you pretty much grabbed my heart and wripped it out of me because all I can feel is pain and aaawww. Still kind of bad way to see it... Let me see if Urban Dictionary can help. Okay THAT underneath this))
A wave of emotions that sometimes cannot be adequately explained.

Feelings you get when something you read/see/hear/etc is just so touching and perfect that you can't help but make sounds, curl into a ball, and never stop thinking about said thing that made you this way.
Aww thanks ! No ones ever cslled me the end of a candle but seriously thanks, your nice you're are like my best RP friend. :) and so is bree and others!:3 :V
Layla sees a new girl that she hasnt seen before with a bow and arrow (Lunetta) walk right by her and Kat. Layla stares at her and decides to speak to her. "Hey! Are you okay? If you're not we have a room waiting for some truth or dare and booze that we are walking to right now and we would love for you to join us. I know its going to help me out of my mood... But if you want to just talk to a stranger that you dont know, because I just KNOW that helps, I am a great listener."
"the deal is we are picked by our godly parent, our case, zeus picked us for some reason, showed leadership, blah blah blah, and at the end of the year, and in our case, one is picked to take over, the job as god." they continue down the hallway. "so your a zeus son too, I think I read somewhere that the zeus kin stay together, you know cause were so friggin awesome. my last drom mate was jake, hes a poseidon, hes either going to your brother or my brother." 
(JJ, I think we should bring back jake and Iris.)
Lunetta looked up from the ground as a girl she recognized from the class addressed her. She set aside her feelings, making her face blank, and replied, "Sure, I have nothing to do anyway. I'm Lune...Lunetta by the way." She quickly corrected herself, stubbornly trying to avoid the nickname Skyler had given her.
Styles called out a "MAYBE YOU DON'T!" Before he slammed his door closed and sat on his bed, fuming. He huffed and just polished off the bottle until he was numbed from the pain. He had another bottle in his hands the second he finished the first, he leaned back against the window, drinking his wine slowly.
Sock said:
Styles called out a "MAYBE YOU DON'T!" Before he slammed his door closed and sat on his bed, fuming. He huffed and just polished off the bottle until he was numbed from the pain. He had another bottle in his hands the second he finished the first, he leaned back against the window, drinking his wine slowly.
((And they were such a cute couple :"C ))
Kitty keeps walking till layla speaks up " oh well we were supposed to have a date but i cant find him. I always have troble with love" she sighs and sees lunetta " hiya luna, ya would you like too we really want you too come" she puts on her best smile and smiles at luna( mind if i call you that?)
ArtisticKwittyKat234 said:
Kitty keeps walking till layla speaks up " oh well we were supposed to have a date but i cant find him. I always have troble with love" she sighs and sees lunetta " hiya luna, ya would you like too we really want you too come" she puts on her best smile and smiles at luna( mind if i call you that?)
(Not at all, Sock came up with Lune but at the moment that's a hated nickname for her. I'm waiting for someone to think of Lulu xD )
((Oh I forgot about the love couple xD ))

Iris puts back on her clothes that is completely dry now. She waits for Jake to be finished as well while getting the water out of her hair. She realized she is right next to the water Iris's and talks to them while waiting. "Hey beautifuls. You missed me?" She hears the flowers cry in delight to hear her voice and feel her touch. Iris smiles.
"Ah. Alright." Alex sighed and gazed at the ground for a moment "So, I'll be roomin' with you?"
Lunetta was happy for a new nickname and returned her smile, though Luna's didn't reach her eyes. "Nice to see you again Kitty and I'd love to come." (If only she knew this was in Sky's room xD )

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