Godling Academy (Actual RP)

She caught the chocolate, smiling a bit, and smoothed her t-shirt. "I am sorry about my uh...space issues..." Lune offered awkwardly, not sure what else to say. It seemed to be getting her in to trouble or, worse, embarrassing her, something she wanted to avoid. She wanted to be able to be close to a person without having a mental freak out, but she just couldn't get used to being with people again, at least not that close.
She smiles. " Hey ans sure! i love talking to people! " She runs a hand through her hair fiddling with the extra on her shorts.
ArtisticKwittyKat234 said:
She smiles. " Hey ans sure! i love talking to people! " She runs a hand through her hair fiddling with the extra on her shorts.
(Think you guys could run into Loki for me? Instead of having him just sit playing a flute? xD )
"Its fine." Styles smiled slightly. No, it wasn't fine. Styles just wanted to scoop her up and kiss her, but of course he couldn't even get to the point of picking her up without her staring at him like he was some sort of freak. He tapped his fingers on his thighs quietly, humming awkwardly.
All she wanted to do was curl up under a rock and remain a hermit. She also wanted to cry but shoved that out of her mind. This reminded her so much of her parents that it hurt her. Lune looked down at her sneakers so Styles couldn't see her eyes in case they betrayed her. She needed a bow. "I'm going to go uh shooting....Want to join?" Lune didn't know why she asked that. Why would he want to if she couldn't even hold his hand? But a part of her didn't want to be alone right now.
Styles sighed "I'm just going to go back to my dorm. If you want to join me you can." He placed his hands on his head and headed off to his dorm.
She was torn. Half of her wanted desperately to go shoot but the other half didn't want to be alone. After a moment of debate, her need for company won and she jogged to catch up to Skyler, frowning and staying quiet.
Skyler offered his hand, he didn't expect her to take it, but at least he could show her that he was ready for physical contact in that way.
Lune noticed Styles hand. After a moment on uncertainty, one of her own shaking hands took it, glancing up at him. She felt the usual panic of being touched, but Lune ignored it.
Styles laced his fingers with hers and soothingly slid his thumb over the top of her hand. "I'm not going to hurt you." He said quietly. "You don't have to panic."
Bree said:
Lune noticed Styles hand. After a moment on uncertainty, one of her own shaking hands took it, glancing up at him. She felt the usual panic of being touched, but Lune ignored it.
BREE WHY U DO THIS TO ME. my freaking feels my my feels. ))
Lune swallowed, "My mother did to my father...He had the same problem as me..." She met his eyes, some of her panic subsiding as her breathing evened out. "You don't care about that, forget I said anything. Anyway..." She was hoping to change the subject but when she searched for one, Lune came up empty. She was left looking into his eyes silently, which, if she was truthful to herself, she didn't mind.
Styles gave a soft squeeze to her hand, he pulled her into a light hug. He whispered a soft "Lune, I'm not your mother." He pulled away soon after and opened the door to his dorm, which he had cleaned.
With a blush on her cheeks, Lune smiled noticing his surprisingly clean room. Her heart sped up, but not out of panic. She was beginning to relax a bit more around him. "I know. It would be a bit weird holding your hand if you were...Clean room by the way." Skyler was much more than he appeared to be and the more Lunetta got to know him, the more she couldn't lie to herself. The girl chosen by Artemis had a crush.
Iris walked out of the garden after sleeping for awhile with her flowers. She was completely dirty and it seemed to have rained a little bit. She went to the lake since it was close by and looked around. "Anyone here!... No? Good." Iris took off all her clothes and hung them on a tree since they were a little damp. She got into the lake and bathed herself.

(Ronkaime I cant find the last post between Eros and Layla))
jake walks to the garden and doesn't sees iris. "huh maybe she went down to the lake." jake heads to the lake and sees her, but she hasn't seen him he yells out in a lower voice."Hey you what are you doing in there, that off limits."jake pops ou during the last part and laughs. "iris, hey, sorry for leaving you a back there, me and james were hungry, and needed something to keep us awake."jake lays next to her, so what are you up to.

James leaves the couple. "I wonder what anna, or layla is doing." james goes to find one of them  
Skyler smiled "Its not always this clean." He sat down on his bed and patted a spot next to him "Its nice that I don't have a roomie, got a lot of space." He grabbed a remote which was on his window sill and flicked on the tv. 
jj9095 is Alex accepted?
Lune sat on the bed, blinking a bit at the T.V, "Agreed, Seb loves the playing room he gets....That's a uh television right?"
dakup said:
jake walks to the garden and doesn't sees iris. "huh maybe she went down to the lake." jake heads to the lake and sees her, but she hasn't seen him he yells out in a lower voice."Hey you what are you doing in there, that off limits."jake pops ou during the last part and laughs. "iris, hey, sorry for leaving you a back there, me and james were hungry, and needed something to keep us awake."jake lays next to her, so what are you up to.
James leaves the couple. "I wonder what anna, or layla is doing." james goes to find one of them  
((dakup I JUST moved Iris xD You mind editing and meeting her in the lake or do you want me to edit))
Ronkaime said:
"Well as you and I both know Aphrodite is more powerful than I and as the future aphrodite as well as "bonding" with you at that level I can teach Rae a love spell that will let you come to peace with your daughters passing It will require him going into your mind in order to find the memory however" Eros' face was hard and stern
Layla looked at Eros with her mouth open. "So a potion to help me to- to what? Forget my daughter? I dont get how this works. Cant I just move on like a regular person. Well I guess I am no regular person..." Layla looks at Eros. "Fine. Do it. Hurry up before I change my mind. Just make sure I don't forget about her."

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