Godling Academy (Actual RP)

"Its possible, I guess,"Adriana shrugged halfheartedly. If anything, she just wanted to forget it all.

The room seemed to grow darker, as if there was a dimmer switch for the lights. She looked up at Nico when he spoke, touching his arm. "You don't have to do that, Nico,"she said, worried. She had the mindset that he, too, would get hurt. It would most certainly be two against one.
She stood, noticing the dark boy and decided it best if she let them talk.. Before she took her seat, she called over her shoulder. "Oh, my name's Lunetta by the way. I'm always willing to fight on Chaos's side if I'm needed." She quieted when Athena and that girl started speaking, going back to observing everything.
Layla walks behind Rae sighing and goes into the office

Iris looks around the class and sees its going all wacka doodle. She is the closest one sitting next to the window and sees a huge lightning hit the ground next to the school, Iris automatically gets up. "Guys! GUYS! STOP FIGHTING! Everyone! We are in CLASS! Zeus is getting pissed! Look! He just threw a lightning bolt!"

Athena walks in the class and looks at Poseidon with a face. As soon as she walked in everyone got quiet. She looked at all the students one by one. "If you do not wish to be in class then get out of this school because you do not deserve to be one of the Gods." Athena looks at Nico. "You can create havoc outside the class as long as you do not hurt anyone. Inside the class." Athena looks at Adriana. "You will be quiet and pay attention. Tomorrow you will start class with ME and I will not be as easy to push around." Athena looks back at Poseidon. "Class is dismissed. For now."

((Guy I need to go for 2-3 hours. Work is calling me.))
kitty looks at ash then smiles ' classic flirt. ' she thinks in her mind. " why, no its not. Its poseidon. And you?" She smiles mor at him. Then goes hack to drawing in her notbook lsitning to the aound of the classmate chattering.
[[ oh snap, Athena. And okay JJ ]]

"Yes ma'am,"Adriana muttered, not looking directly at the goddess. She did disrupt class, first with coming in late and then with fighting with Damien. She stood up from her seat.
As soon as class had been dismissed, Lunetta stood up. She started walking out the door, planning to go to the Café for food. Interesting students. Lunetta would have to work hard if she was to take Artemis's place and get along with these people, but she was determined to make her dad proud, wherever he was in the Underworld.
ArtisticKwittyKat234 said:
kitty looks at ash then smiles ' classic flirt. ' she thinks in her mind. " why, no its not. Its poseidon. And you?" She smiles mor at him. Then goes hack to drawing in her notbook lsitning to the aound of the classmate chattering.
"Of course I already knew that my twin brother is Aphrodite,and I'm Apollo" Ash grinned and held out his hand for kitty to shake
"Relations?" Anna spat. "Rae decided that I was a wh*re of some sort, has sex with me and told me that I was good at what I did. Some guy. So, he left and decided to use his powers to f*ck little perfect over there. Does that satisfy you?"

Skyler shifted uncomfortably and sighed, he placed his hands on his head when he stood, his wine bottle disappearing. He walked quietly out after the others. He caught Lunes gaze for a moment before she turned away. God, why was he so attracted to that girl? She was like a challenge he felt that he had to accomplish; like opening up the peanut butter jar when you first get it and not ask for help--oh peanut butter.. That sounds good right now..
Kitty takes his hand. Oh apollo. What kind of powers.do.you have?" She ask him and continuesto.doodle.
((.....You compare my girl to peanut butter?! Attention of a newborn! XDXD)) Styles caught her eyes before she turned. She tried to ignore that light-headed feeling but found it difficult. It was just cause of the wine smell, right? Lunetta shook her head, glancing once again at Skyler over her shoulder.
Styles perked an eyebrow at her and made a light grin, he jogged up to her and smiled, despite all of the wine he drank he still maintained a white smile. "So, Lune. D'ya like peanut butter?"
She repressed a smile as Skyler started walking with her, asking her a very silly question. "Lune?" Her eyebrows were raised, the corner of her lips tugging up. "And living in the woods, it's hard to get your hands on peanut butter. I think the last time I had it was when I was eleven." Why was she telling him this? She should have just said no and kept walking...But then why is she still talking to him?
"First of all B*iiiiiiiiiitch I didn't mean it like that you automatically took it the wrong way,you obvs still have some guilt over how people have treated you the past few years your sexuality is just as bad as mine;You think I like being attractive to literally everybody I come into contact with do you think I enjoy having people constantly throw themselves at me,and fauwing over me? Of course not that's why I came here these gods are able to resist me and I love,But apparently you couldn't. AND I used my powers unconsciously I didn't even know they were awakened until last night plus their so weak that in order for them to take affect she had to already have an attraction and a want to have sex with me" Rae let's out a huge breath after his rant "Does that answer your question Eros'"

Eros' nodded "Hmm very good now Layla,if you could be so kind as to tell me your side you will all be free to go" He smiled the warm smile that he always had 

ArtisticKwittyKat234 said:
Kitty takes his hand. Oh apollo. What kind of powers.do.you have?" She ask him and continuesto.doodle.
None as of yet I'm human apparently when class starts my powers will be unlocked,but as you can see my brother' came early" He chuckled to himself "He's such an idiot"
Nico nodded and followed Adri out of the classroom. "I'm sorry for my out burst." he said softly ashamed he got caught by Athena.

Damian sighed and walked out the dorm and to the cafe.

(Sorry for the short posts. I really don't have a clue what to do.)
Skyler felt his eyes nearly bulge out of his head. "We're getting you some peanut butter." He grabbed her wrist and jogged off to the cafe'. "GET ME SOME PEANUT BUTTER FOR THE LADY!" He called out, raising his free hand and flailing it around, notifying just about everyone in the room that he was getting Lune some peanut butter.
'Lune' laughed as Styles dragged her to the café and proceeded to yell about peanut butter. "You don't have to tell the whole world!" She said between laughing. It was then she noticed he still had her wrist. A light blush settled on her face, "And you can let go of me now, Styles." She smiled though.
She laughs along withand all of suddenbher stomach growlsl " hey im gonn head to the cafe! Nice talking with you. Or would.you like come?" She asks him and picks up her book and begains to walk out of thr classroom.
poseidon dumbstruck decided to go to olympus."my word, that was a great f*cking day, my students cause a ruckus, athena joined in, had three students taken away, I need to stop being a push over. next time, if their is one, I'm going to be athorotative."
Adriana shrugged,"It's fine. Thanks for wanting to stick up for me, though." She had inspected the school map a while back, so she had a brief knowledge of what was where. She led him to the cafe. She chuckled,"I'm pretty sure under different circumstances, you woulda kicked butt."

[[ shit's about to go down... Again. ]]
"Oh. Right." He awkwardly slid his hand from her wrist and into his jean pocket. He walked over and grabbed some peanut butter. He paid for it and came back, digging a plastic spoon into the peanut butter and swerving it around. "Chooochoooo here comes the train." He poked her lips with the spoon continuously, "Open da tunnel?'
Her shoulders shook with her laughing, moving her face to avoid the spoon. "I can feed myself ya know!" Lune took a step back that way she didn't end up with peanut butter on her face. Her face flushed as she tried to stop her giggling, squaring her shoulders. Though her chuckles stopped, her smile would not listen to her brain and remained on her face.
"james man,you hungry? I know I could eat something." "Yeah no breakfast, so wanna head down to the cafe?"

"Yeah, come on I know the way." jake and james start going to the cafe.

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